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" ... more knowledge may be gained of a man's real character by a short conversation with one of his servants, than from a formal and studied narrative, begun with his pedigree and ended with his funeral. "
Boswell's Life of Johnson - 6. oldal
szerző: James Boswell - 1901
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Select British Classics, 6. kötet

1803 - 290 oldal
...heroes, that more knowledge may be gained of a man's real character, by a short conversation \\itii one of his servants, than from a formal and studied...begun with his pedigree, and ended with his funeral. If now and then they condescend to inform the world of particular facts, they are not always so happy...

The Rambler, by S. Johnson, 2. kötet

1806 - 346 oldal
...behaviour of their ierous, that more knowledge may be gained of a ipan's real character, by a short conversation with one of his servants, than from a formal and studied flatrative, begun with his pedigree, and ended with liis funeral. If now and then they condescend to...

The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: With An Essay on His Life and ..., 4. kötet

Samuel Johnson - 1810 - 466 oldal
...behaviour of their heroes, that more knowledge may be gained of a man's real character, by a short conversation with one of his servants, than from a...begun with his pedigree, and ended with his funeral. If now and then they condescend to inform tjhe world of particular facts, they are not always so happy...

The Rambler [by S. Johnson and others]. [Another], 1. kötet

1810 - 464 oldal
...behaviour of their heroes, that more knowledge may be gained of a man's real character, by a short conversation with one of his servants, than from a...begun with his pedigree, and ended with his funeral. If now and then they condescend to inform the world of particular facts, they are not always so happy...

The Works of Samuel Johnson, L. L. D.: In Twelve Volumes, 4. kötet

Samuel Johnson - 1811 - 388 oldal
...or behavior of their heroes, that more knowledge may be gained of a man's real character, by a short conversation with one of his servants, than from a...begun with his pedigree, and ended with his funeral. If now and then they condescend to inform the world of particular facts, they are not always so happy...

The British Essayists; with Prefaces, Historical and Biographical,: The Rambler

1811 - 342 oldal
...heroes, that more knowledge may be gained of a nu'n's real character, by a short conversation with o '= of his servants, than from a formal and studied narrative,...begun with his pedigree, and ended with his funeral. If now and then they condescend to inform the world of p^iticular facts, they are not always so h ippy...

Works, 4. kötet

Samuel Johnson - 1811 - 394 oldal
...knowledge may be gained of a man's real character, by a short conversation with one of his servants, thtin from a formal and studied narrative, begun with his pedigree, and ended with his funeral. If now and then they condescend to inform the world of particular facts, they are not always so happy...

The Rambler, by S. Johnson, 2. kötet

Alexander Chalmers - 1812 - 352 oldal
...behaviour of their heroes, tint more knowledge may be gained of a man,s real character, by a short conversation with one of his servants, than from a...begun with his pedigree, and ended with his funeral. If now and then they condescend to inform tinworld of particular facts, they are not always so ha;^:}...

Pantologia. A new (cabinet) cyclopædia, by J.M. Good, O. Gregory ..., 2. kötet

John Mason Good - 1813 - 764 oldal
...gained of a man's real character by a short cou\ elation with one of his servants, than from a lormal and studied narrative, begun with his pedigree and ended with his funeral. It will be seen that we are decidedly partial to that species of historical composition which consists...

The Works of Samuel Johnson, 4. kötet

Samuel Johnson - 1816 - 462 oldal
...behaviour of their heroes, that more knowledge may be gained of a man's real character, by a short conversation with one of his servants, than from a...begun with his pedigree, and ended with his funeral. If now and then they condescend to inform the world of particular facts, they are not always so happy...

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