
been so often deceived by man, that it will not be astonishing if he should no longer wish for anything but from God.”

(From l'Esperance, May 16.)

It appears, that the friends of the Jesuits do not consider themselves as beaten by the energetic manifestations of which they were the object at the time of the last course of MM. Quinet and Michelet. It is said, that they intend to be more numerous, and better organized at the next lesson of M. Quinet, which will take place on Wednesday next, at one o'clock. We are assured that the police have offered to the honourable professors the aid of a public force; but they have nobly replied, that they wish for no other arm in this war, which has been raised by the enemies of free discussion, than the discussion itself. It is their audience, they say, that shall pronounce for or against this conquest of the human mind. On the other hand, a large party of the youth of the schools has been roused up; and the article in the Journal des Debats of this day will not serve the Jesuits in the public mind.


Letter of M. MICHELET to the Editor of the "Journal des Debats.”

SIR,-In an obliging article, in which you establish the justice of our cause, you say that we do not use the right of defence. Some persons might conclude that, in defending our reputation, which has been attacked, we depart from the subject which we have been teaching, from the usual course which has long before been marked out for our lessons.

No-we do not defend ourselves. The mutilated, disfigured passages defend themselves, when read in the original. As to the commentaries which they have added, who will dare to read them in public? They are drawn from the monastic imaginings of Aretin. (See Le Monopole Universitaire, p. 441.)

From my first lesson of this year I have fixed my subject; it is the most important question of the philosophy of history to distinguish living organization from mechanism, from formalism, from the scholastic estimate.

1. In the first part of my course, I have shewn that the true middle age was not, as is believed, governed by this barren spirit ; I have studied the mystery of its fruitful vitality.

2. In the second part of my course, I shew that which causes us to think it is the false middle age. I exhibit it exteriorly by its inability, powerlessness, and the barrenness of its results; I penetrate it to the very bottom, in the disloyalty of its principle,

which is, to impose upon men by surprise, to involve that in perplexity which it cannot defend, to swathe the will, as they say themselves, in the "Apology of the Jesuits."

Such has been-such is, sir-the plan of my course. Polemics are only used to prop up theories; the order of the Jesuits is but an example, as the order of the Temple, that I have also had occasion to advert to.

I am not a man of noise. The greater part of my life passes away in silence. I have never disputed-never replied. For twelve years, I have been engaged in a work which will occupy my lifetime. I have been writing the "History of France," and shall continue it as long as God shall permit. I only ask him to preserve me, as I have hitherto been, in equilibrium, master of my own heart; so that this mountain of lies and calumnies, which has long been amassed to crush me at a blow, may in nothing bend that impartial balance which he has placed in my hand.

Receive, sir, my cordial salutations, and my thanks for the testimony which you have, without fear, borne to the truth. Monday, May 15, 1843. J. MICHELET.

(From le Siècle, May 16.)

THE last lesson of M. Michelet presented a grand spectacle. Around him, and just in front of the band of agitators, were a crowd of learned men known by their writings, among others M. Rouke, of Berlin.

The professor, pursuing the subject of his course, treated on the first condition of EDUCATION, that which is in fact its sanctity; that which may give it interest with the child who receives it, that which favours his ulterior development, that which destroys not any of the faculties which he has received of God, but strengthens all; that which renders man worthy of liberty and gradually free, in a state of good intention, and able to act of himself, to take here below the place of him who has trained



The education of the Jesuits is very different; they seek to appropriate to themselves those whom they educate. principle, as they themselves avow, is to seize the will, to wrap it up, to swathe it; that is the expression of the Jesuit Cerutti, their apologist, (Apologie, pages 333, 800, 1763 :) “In the same manner in which they swathe the members of the infant in the cradle in order to give them a just proportion, so, from his earliest youth, they swathe, thus to speak, the wILL, in order to keep it all the rest of his life in a happy and salutary suppleness.

If they can think that a power long swathed can ever become active, the soft expression can be brought nearer to the open one which they have not feared to use in their rules, and which inVOL. V.-August, 1843.


dicates well enough the kind of obedience which they demand, which is this, that the man shall be in their hands a dry stick.-Constit., pars. 6, cap. 1, edit. 1583, pp. 123, 124.

In expectation of this end, they use particular art. It consists chiefly in isolating the members of the Institute, (in all that which does not relate to the action they require,) leaving the inferior members in perfect ignorance of that which they reveal to those of superior grade, (Reg. Comm., 27;) putting them in a state of distrust with each other by the fear of mutual accusations, (Reg. Comm., 20;) in fine, completing this artificial system by specious books, which shew them the world in a light entirely false, so that, having no other method of control, they find themselves ever confined to a system of delusion. We have a work of this kind, their abridged History of France, (edition of 1843,) a book dispersed by millions of copies during the last twenty years in France, Belgium, Savoy, Piedmont, and Switzerland; a work which they have rendered as suitable to their purpose as possible, by modifying it year after year, purging it of the ridiculous which had rendered the name of its author (Father Loriquet) celebrated; they have left the calumnies and blasphemies against France, and especially the English courage and the glory of Wellington. But the English themselves have refuted with contempt the calumnies which the Jesuits have reproduced against our army. The work is entitled "History of France for the Use of Youth."


THE following form of address has been adopted by the Committee of the Protestant Association, and has also received many signatures from among the Vice-Presidents. The importance of the document will at once be recognised by all who desire to maintain the integrity of our church principles, based as they are on the solid foundation of Protestant truth. We earnestly hope to find that the laity, throughout the land, are awake to the importance of this trying juncture; and ready to combine, whenever called upon, in a strenuous effort to stay the plague that is widely and rapidly spreading among us.

"To the Most Reverend the Archbishops, and the Right Reverend the Bishops of the United Church of England and Ireland. "We, the undersigned Vice-Presidents and Members of the Committee of the Protestant Association, beg leave most respectfully to represent to your lordships, that this association was established some years ago for the defence of our Protestant Institutions in Church and State, and that we have always regarded the Church of England as the great bulwark of Pro

testantism in this country, and have cordially rejoiced in that continued protest against Popery, which is contained in her articles, homilies, and formularies.

"We have therefore witnessed with great anxiety and alarm, the growth and spread amongst our clergy of certain heretical doctrines of a Popish character and tendency, subversive of the fundamental principles of our Holy Religion, which have already produced effects most injurious both to the Church and to the State, and which threaten still more awful and destructive consequences.

"We entertain a deep conviction of the imperative necessity of the exertion of all due authority, in all prudence, but with all energy, for the suppression of this fearful and rapidly extending evil, and we feel ourselves called upon, by the principles upon which the Protestant Association is founded, humbly to submit to your lordships this expression of our earnest desire to afford whatever support may be in our power to such measures, in addition to those already adopted, as your lordships, the fathers of our church, shall devise as most congenial to the spirit of the gospel and the duties which it imposes, for the suppression of this deadly mischief.

"We feel that the circumstances of the times require that special exertions should be made to "banish and drive away all erroneous and strange doctrines contrary to God's word," and to awaken the clergy and the laity to a sense of the true nature and full extent of these anti-scriptural innovations, and to the necessity of co-operating with the heads of our church in a work of such pressing urgency, in which the means hitherto employed have failed to accomplish the object in view.

"And we devoutly pray that the Spirit of the Lord may rest upon your lordships, and direct your pious endeavours for the protection of the church at this critical juncture."


God grant

THE following admirable letter needs no comment. to all our bishops the heart to follow so bright an example as their newly-appointed brother has set! The name of Robert Daly may be lost in a more sounding title; but his zeal and fidelity change not. The Deputy-Lieutenant of the county of Waterford will not, we trust, again present so sad an example to his Protestant neighbours; so mischievous an encouragement to the poor ignorant Romanists.


"Sir,-To justify myself for addressing you on the present occasion, I would request your attention to the following portion of the word of God, which has

been written for our admonition :-Ezek., iii. 17, 18, Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me. When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.'

"This marks out the responsibility lying on me to warn any person committed to my charge of any guilt he may have incurred, and to do this to save his life.'

"I should be false to my God and unfaithful to you, and those joined with you in the act, if I did not warn you of the guilt you have contracted, by inviting your neighbours to profane the last Sabbath, and by joining with them in that profanation.

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We all acknowledge the commandment of our God—' Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'

“I have now lived many years, and visited many different places, and I never witnessed such a scene of Sabbath desecration as in this city yesterday, a day on which the family devotions of serious people were so disturbed-on which so few of the population could have attended their places of worship-on which so many had their minds filled from morning to evening with thoughts foreign to the object of the Sabbath—' things below, and not things above.'

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"I say nothing of the especial object for which you called on the people to desert the worship of God and assemble in this city; with the political question I have nothing to do. What I remonstrate with you for is, the wanton desecration of the Sabbath-the presumptuous violation of a commandment of our God. If the object intended was the best possible, our God has said, Six days shalt thou labour and do all thy work; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. In it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor the stranger that is within thy gates.'

"This commandment you have broken; and you have joined with others in inviting the population to break it: they have hearkened unto you; they have hearkened unto men more than unto God.

"They and you, wantonly, presumptuously, and with a high hand, have sinned against the Lord, and broken his law.

"Sin lies at your door.

"It is madness in a man to pursue a temporal object, and in the pursuit forget and provoke God; no good can ever come upon a people through sin; which is a transgression of the law. On account of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.'


"Do not flatter yourself that sin is a trifle. When sin entered into the world then came death by sin, and death passed upon all men, because all have sinned.' 'The wages of sin is death.'

"Do not make light of one act of sin. If you had not in many other things offended, this one transgression would bring you in guilty, as the Apostle says, (James, ii. 10,) 'Whosoever shall keep the whole law, and offend in one point, he is guilty of all.'

"In God's name I warn you and your companions of your guilt. I say, as Peter said to one whose act of sin proved him to be in the gall of bitterness and the bond of iniquity'—' Repent of this thy wickedness, and pray God if peradventure the thought of thine heart may be forgiven.'-Acts, viii. 22.

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"Were there no pardon for sin once committed I should hold my peace; but as I know that there is forgiveness with God-as I know that the blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanseth from all sin'-I call on you and all your guilty companions to repent and seek pardon through the blood of Jesus. But unless you repent, you, and all breakers of God's law, shall surely perish.

"I have done my duty, according to the directions of the Apostle Paul,

1 Tim., v. 20, ‘Them that sin rebuke before all, that others may fear.'

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