
value, they are entirely at your service.

I can by no means coincide in the statements as to the present condition of the Dissenting Ministry, contained in an article in the Eclectic Review for last month. The tone throughout that article appears to me greatly too complaining and gloomy. Education, eloquence, efficiency, are not at the low ebb among us, which that writer represents; and the state of our academies, though they certainly admit of and require improvement, by no means warrants his strictures.

As to the number of Ministers educated in our theological seminaries, I think the remarks of your correspondents, Messrs. Ward and P., have shown, that it is not excessive; but, if it were, the remedy seems to me exceedingly simple, and to afford a cure not for that evil only, but for many others. Let all our colleges, with the exception perhaps of Homerton, immediately add a year to the term of studies pursued within their walls, without increasing their numbers, and of course diminishing their admissions proportionally. But this is an improvement that ought forthwith to be made, whether the number of students be at present excessive or not. If the number of students be so inadequate as not to allow of their course of study being lengthened by an additional year, let an increase be immediately sought. In that rising and most important institution, Highbury College, five years at least of assiduous study ought not merely to be allowed, but imperatively required. No student should be considered as proceeding into the ministry, the legitimate" alumnus" of that institution, who had not passed his full term of five years within its walls. This period of study, after spending a previous year under the private care of a wise and

N. S. No. 31.

learned Minister, a preparation for entering our colleges which, in my opinion, ought in very rare instances indeed to be dispensed with, would afford a sufficient opportunity for diligent and conscientious young men, not indeed to become profoundly learned, but to acquire a considerable furniture of useful knowledge, and to attain that point in the acquisition of learning, at which their future progress would become easy and well directed-that is on the supposition of their possessing competent abilities. And most assuredly, kindness to the candidates for the sacred office themselves, as well as every wise care for the cause of religion and the welfare of our churches, requires the conductors of our seminaries to make the possession of respectable talent an indispensable qualification for admission to our colleges. Yet, let me express an earnest hope and prayer, that those in whom this most important trust is lodged, will never cease to make the piety of the youths, soliciting their patronage, the subject of their first and most strict inquiry-nor ever be seduced, by the most splendid talents, to admit their possessor, while destitute of serious piety, into an office where he must be a mischief and curse, just in proportion to the power and fascination of his genius. No; let talents, when unconnected with piety, seek some other field of exercise and distinction, than the Christian ministry, or remain buried in the deepest obscurity, rather than involve their owner in all the guilt, and the church in all the mischief, arising from the exercise of them in an irreligious ministry.

But, when I speak of five years in our colleges, with a previous year of private preparation under the superintendence of a Minister of wisdom and learning, as a sufficient course of education for the generality of our Ministers, I by

3 A

no means wish to be understood as implying, that such a term would, in all cases, afford all the advantages that could be wished. I am of a widely different opinion; and, indeed, should not mention such a course as generally adequate, were it not for the extraordinary facilities for the acquisition of theological learning, which the various publications of the last half century, on biblical criticism and kindred subjects, have provided for our studious youthfacilities these that should never be overlooked, when estimating the term of study necessary, in ordinary cases, to qualify a young man for the efficient and respectable exercise of the Christian ministry; but which the writer in the Eclectic, alluded to above, seems not to have duly considered, when speaking not without some mixture of contempt of the inadequacy of the term of study now generally allowed-a term not indeed so extended as it ought to be, nor, on the other hand, so extremely insufficient as he would represent. Yet it seems to me, on the supposition that a course of study, of six years duration, would fit young men of respectable talents for the exercise of the Christian ministry under ordinary circumstances, still we can never suppose, unless a proper proportion of our Ministers obtain superior advantages, that we can number in our ranks so many truly learned men as the honour of our denomination, the cause of our common Christianity, and the providing tutors and presidents for our seminaries, render absolutely necessary. It is for this reason that I would submit, whether some such plan as the following ought not to be adopted. Let five at least of our most considerable colleges always select, from every race of students, the individual whose power, application, previous advantages, and personal wishes, point him out as

best qualified to become a man of sound and extensive learning; and let the students so selected be sent to Glasgow, and be maintained there for four sessions at leastthus, there would be arising in a constant succession, on an average of something more than one in every year, those men to whose learning, talents, and piety our denomination could look as the ornaments and defence of our cause. We cannot do in these times without men of sound learning-and such men cannot be obtained unless their talents be sought out and cultivated. I wish to see our Ministers of learning adorned with the real honour of a Master of Arts degree, earned by actual study and residence in an university, rather than by a diploma of Doctor of Divinity, conferred with dubious propriety on those who never entered one of those venerable seats of learning. I am not insensible, that to accomplish the plan there proposed, difficulties must be surmounted; but feel fully persuaded no difficulty or expense could arise of importance comparable to those attending the advantages to be derived from it.

Another point of considerable importance in the inquiry into the most proper and efficient method of conducting the education of our young Ministers, is the question, whether or not they should be employed in preaching during their term of preparatory study. This practice, the writer of the article in the Eclectic already alluded to, condemns in strong and decided terms. Yet I am not convinced, by his remarks, that all the reasons to be assigned for pursuing this plan, to a certain extent, are, as he terms them, "specious." I think there are solid reasons for allowing theological students to preach occasionally, and more particularly towards the close of their academic term; while I can nevertheless concur with him in the


opinion, that it has been pushed to a very injudicious and hurtful exAll acquainted with the subject will, I think, agree in saying, that students ought never to have been taught to depend upon preaching as a source of emolument to the extent they have been-while yet it is more easy to deplore than to remedy the evil. During the vacations throughout the course of their academic career, I think students may be beneficially employed in preach ing; but I cannot but give my decided opinion, that this employment should be limited to the vacations, until the last two years of the five they should spend in the college. But within these, or other sober limits, it seems to me highly desirable they should preach, both to keep up in their minds the spirit of anxious solicitude to be actively engaged in labouring for the good of souls, and to afford them some insight into the practical service of public speaking, and to give them some preparation for it, that they may not, on entering upon the pastoral office, find themselves entirely destitute of confidence and composure in the pulpit, which, as it seems to me, must be the almost necessary consequence of five or six years spent in the seclusion of a college life, and private studies, without any opportunity of engaging in that service for which it ought to be the end and tendencies of all their previous pursuits to prepare them. This is one of those cases continually occurring in practical affairs, where it is excess only that is injurious -the thing is wise and good within proper limits. Surely the acquisition of knowledge by study, and the use of it in preaching, should both be attended to, should be interwoven with a wise care, in the training of a young man for the public ministry of the Gospel in these times, when that ministry

requires so much both of public labour, and real resource, to discharge its duties with honour and


One word on the subject of Ministers recommending young men to the committees of our colleges, and I will conclude. From whatever causes it may have arisen, certainly there have been many most injudicious recommendations given; these cannot always so easily be corrected by the revision of committees. Even if the unsuitable candidate be rejected, the effect of the recommendation is injurious to him-he has been unsettled and disappointed, and may think rimself either injured or disgraced by the decision of the committee. Let Ministers associate the church with them, in judging of a young man's fitness for the ministry-and let the Minister and the church jointly obtain the fullest satisfaction, not merely of the candidate's piety and talents, but that the whole character of the youth is adapted for the sacred office-that his powers and his piety, his temper and his habits, are suited to the sacred engagement. Adaptation is every thing here. And it is the question of adaptation that is at once most necessary and most difficult to be solved. A pious youth may possess good mental powers, and yet not be suited for the ministry. In a word, in this preliminary step of recommending a youth to an academy, the utmost exercise of wise and conscientious care is necessary. And it is one material advantage arising from sending young men for a year or more to the private care of a competent Minister, that it subjects the case to additional examination and scrutiny, and that one more check is provided to secure our seminaries against the reception of unsuitable persons.




No. III.

(To the Editors.) GENTLEMEN-Having in my last paper stated some of the evil effects resulting from the influence of the literature of the day, I now proceed, as proposed, to mention some of the means by which these evils may be restrained and lessened in future. A complete cure cannot be expected, till human hearts are generally, if not universally, renewed.

All your readers are aware, that the Christians of Britain, when united in the cause of benevolence, form a very large and influential body. This has been seen and felt in the remotest countries, in the noble enterprizes of Bible, Missionary, and Tract Societies. It has been seen at home, when the different sections of that large community have, even separately, engaged in works of christian philanthropy. The ignorance of their own countrymen, and the miseries and dangers of the heathen, have drawn forth their sympathy and zeal. It is plain, I hope, from what I have said, that I view what has been done, as most important for the interests of mankind. But at the same time, I may be allowed to state my conviction, that the half of our moral and benevolent strength has not been exerted. Christians have not, indeed, viewed too strongly the huge masses of guilt presented in heathen lauds; but many have kept their eyes so intent upon these, that they have not sufficiently marked the accumulating heaps in their own country. They have not adverted, as they should have done, to the moral condition of all the classes of society in their own land; or if this has not been unseen, yet the vigour of christian

enterprize has not been sufficient-
ly exerted in lessening it. The
moral and spiritual state of Britain
has not been viewed so much as it
ought to have been, in connexion
with the exertions of Christians
for the benefit of all classes in
foreign lands. The vast ma-
chinery which is now at work,
may seem to militate against this
view of the subject; but upon ex-
amination, I apprehend it will be
found correct. While destitute
villages at home have been sup-
plied with occasional or stated
preaching, and our various reli-
gious institutions have extended
their branches to every part of the
land; while Sunday Schools have
provided wholesome instruction
for multitudes of the young, and
Bibles and Tracts have been cir-
culated in millions; it must be well
known, that all this does not
reach or affect the middle classes
of society, not to speak of the
higher grades of the community.
The very class of persons most
under the influence of the injurious
portion of our modern literature,
is very little, if at all, benefited by
the operation of all this moral
machinery. That it is highly de-
sirable to attempt to do good to
such individuals, no Christian can
refuse to believe. How to do so
is the question. The circulation
of tracts cannot do it. A few
cases may be on record, and many
more of which we may never hear,
in which these publications have
been blessed to their salvation: but
the mass is not penetrated; their at-
tention cannot be arrested by such
treatises. The preaching of evan-
gelical ministers, both within and
without the endowed church, and
the addition of home missionaries
to the field of labour, though in-
creased ten-fold, cannot reach the
evil to which we have again and
again referred. I will not say
that religion is not on the increase
in our country; I hope it is; but
it is chiefly to be found among

those who have neither had time nor inclination to read the more trifling literature of the day. The conversion of such individuals has

in general been accomplished instrumentally, by the regular ministration of divine ordinances. That this will ever be found to be the chief mode by which Jehovah communicates spiritual blessings to men, I firmly believe. But are there no auxiliary modes to be employed? Are no means to be used to place right views of divine truth before those who will not go to hear it in the house of God? Surely it appears desirable to think of some method by which they can be shown that human beings should have higher pursuits than mere amusement, and obtain more correct views of spiritual and eternal things, than they now possess. Should not the whole christian community feel interested in this matter, especially that part of it which possesses influence and talent? Every one who marks the operations of our day, as they respect religious institutions, must be aware that multitudes have never yet been brought within the circle of christian activity. Shall I say many are shut out, in cousequence of the want of co-operation on the part of Christians, and because their peculiar circumstances are not sufficiently considered, and the means of doing them good which Christians possess are not exerted.

We all readily admit, that the press must be an engine of immense, of incalculable evil, if it is to be left under the controul of worldly wisdom or human passions. To preserve any country from ruin where the press is free, there must be the counteracting influence of the press, under the direction of enlightened principles and the fear of God. This must especially be the case in a nation of readers, which this country is now becoming. It depends, then,

under God, upon the concentrated influence of Christians, exercised in a multitude of ways through the medium of the press, that we must look for a preventive to the evils which would otherwise continue to result from the worst parts of our modern literature. The lower orders have much done for them, and more will still require to be done. Numerous and excellent as are many of the publications intended for the young, and others more advanced, the number must increase, or among the readers will be found, very soon, works of a very questionable tendency. Christian benevolence gives the power to read— it must do more. The work must not be considered as done-it is only commencing; and month after month wholesome food must be prepared for the hundreds of thousands, nay millions, that will be desiring food of some kind. The market should be stocked, rather than otherwise, with these useful publications; for if there is an opening, a hope of gain by issuing publications of an opposite tendency, there would soon be a serious and a dangerous competition. The spirit of infidelity, which led one of our daily journals to say, that the religious tracts written for the poor were now far beneath their notice, because the lower orders had increased in knowledge, will lead many to circulate among the young and the poor, not the elements of science, but the elements of evil.


It may be said with truth, that the plan now acted upon, if continued and extended according to circumstances, will act as a strong preservative against the spread of infidel and irreligious publications among the young, and adults of a certain class. But why is it that the influence of Christians has not been as much exerted in attending to the necessities of a higher class,

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