


and on which no difference of opi possibly exist. They have only the task of stating what has been don purpose of rendering this edition w the patronage which it solicits, and wh think that it deserves.

To the works of the authors cont= Sharpe's collection are added those of our ancient poets, and also of several modern; so that the series now exten Chaucer and Spenser to Burns and Co

The greatest care has been taken to the correctness of these volumes. course of time, and in consequence of ing from unrevised copies, innumerable graphical errors, fatal in many instances sense, had crept into the compositions poetical writers. To remove these bler every poem has been minutely examine gentleman who is supposed to be com to restore the purity of the text, and w he 'reverences the lyre,' has naturally

zealous in the performance of his duty. To absolute exemption from error it would perhaps be arrogant, and certainly impolitic, to pretend; but it is confidently hoped, that very few faults of the press, and those of trifling import, will be discovered in this collection.

On Dr. Johnson's Lives, which are adopted as far as they extend, it is needless to make any observation. The biographical sketches by the Editor claim no higher praise than that of being composed from the best authorities that could be procured, and of having been uniformly dictated by a sincere wish to do justice to the moral and poetical character of the illustrious dead.

With the kind intention of lightening his toil, two gentlemen, long devoted to literature, have contributed twelve lives. One of those gentlemen desires to remain anonymous, though there is no work to which his name would not be an ornament. It is useless for the Editor to dwell upon the merit of the lives which his friendly coadjutors have supplied. Those lives speak sufficiently for themselves. They will, perhaps, cause the reader to regret that the number of them is so small; they will certainly prove that the Editor, whatever may be thought of his prudence in admitting compositions which may throw his own into the shade, is at least not contaminated by the baseness of literary jealousy and envy.

March 12, 1822.

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