
culties as in severe climates. Till the whole subject is better understood, such must in their very nature form the best popular safeguards. Alas that such should be so few and widely scattered! The trial of faith and patience and endurance has been in a great majority of cases too severe, and so the great evils remain as yet in a very great measure uncorrected.We have always argued, (as we know must be right,) that it is idle to attempt to grow orchards where nurseries cannot be successfully reared.

And now having striven to point out the wrong path, let us briefly sketch the right one. 1st, For any orchard or nursery planting, for any change of locality with trees or plants especially to more trying climates, let all stress be laid on getting only of the very hardiest varieties and the most perfect specimens-sound, fresh, well-rooted, low-headed, free from noxious vermin-to be planted out in the spring.

2d, Other things being equal, get your trees and plants as near home as possible.

BLOOMINGTON, Ill., Feb. 62.


Best Time for Pruning.

[At the Annual Meeting of the Fruit Grower's Society of Western New York, the following discussion was held in relation to the important work of pruning.}

V-What is the best form of an Apple tree, and which is the time for pruning?

Mr. Huntington said that in his early days he grafted a great many thousand trees, and had to take off many large limbs. In many orchards large limbs had been taken off by the axe previously, and he always noticed that limbs removed in the winter or early in the. spring healed badly, often causing rot; while those taken off when the leaves were out healed rapidly, forming a lip of bark around the wound, and apparently without injury to the


Mr. Elwanger had found the latter part of winter the best time to prune. The wound then becomes calloused, and there is no bleeding; but later in the season, when the buds begin to swell, if limbs are removed, bleeding often results and the wood becomes injured and often rots. If trees are pruned when in leaf, growth is arrested for the season.

Mr. Fish agreed with the previous speaker, and recommended pruning in the winter.

Last year a part was trimmed early and a part late, and that pruned late made but little growth during the summer.

H. N. Langworthy had found that pruning pear trees when growing, always checks and often stops growth altogether. If large limbs are taken off old trees about the first of April, bleeding ensues and the wood decays; but if done in April, the wood seasons before the sap moves, and remains sound.

Mr. Hooker agreed with Mr. Langworthy and Mr. Ellwanger, and thought the best time for removing trees was the present, or about the middle of winter.

What! "Sixty Bushels of Blackberries?"

So says a correspondent (A. G. Hanford) was raised in "Michigan" the past season and brought "in Chicago five dollars per bushel. Three Hundred Dollars per acre!" A-stonishing(?) And argues that "with a little care, all might add this delicious fruit to their gardens." Why? Because Col. Crocker succeeds admirably with them in Milwaukee. Now, Mr. Editor, we are somewhat skeptical in some branches of fruit-growing, and it often grieves us to see such a communication as the one referred to from our mutual friend, published on page 57, Feb. No. It has a wrong impression -does more harm than good. The import of it is that Mr. Merritt in Michigan grew a fine crop; Col. C. in Milwaukee, only across the lake, did also; and any one by laying down the canes north of Egypt can be like successful. Would to the credit of the State, climate and scil, they might,-but such is not the case-in humble opinion. my No sir, it is no more designed as a fruit for the million (compared to currants, gooseberries and strawberries upon the western prairies) than Mr. Chamberlain's "moss baskets" of fruit are for every novice of an amateur. Our soil and climate are not the thing. We have watched its progress from its first introduction at the west; voted it up and voted it down again, and down it seems to us it is destined to be to the majority of the State. In isolated localities where it may or does succeed, mark it as the exception and not the rule. A strip of land along the lake usually but a few miles wide, is found quite desirable for fruits of every class. In

Mr. Sharp, the year before last, trimmed a pear orchard early, and got a good growth.- the village of Waukegan last summer we saw

the Lawton, as Mr. H. terms it, "immensely full," equaling anything seen in Western N. Y. about the same time. We also saw plants in Milwaukee which promised all that was desirable. A few miles inland at Waukegan, not more than eight or ten, the Lawton is voted a "humbug," and plants dug up as cumberers of the ground. A friable clay soil, well drained, seems to suit their nature.

An immense amount of money has been expended for the Lawton in Wisconsin, and we would now dislike to see such inducements held out as to lead people to think that by simply covering the plants, such a "fortune" can so soon be realized. We have advised hundreds to this effect during the past two years. The day has come that Nurserymen and Fruit-Growers are looked to as a kind of

"Fruit God," and it behooves them to mark well their doings, as well as to have an eye to the justice of the hereafter, and not always cater to "the popular taste" in supplying high headed trees, when "we believe, fruit trees of all kinds are greatly to be preferred with them quite low."



Of hardy bulbs the Hyacinth stands deservedly in the front rank. While the tulip is more showy, the Hyacinth adds to great beauty the quality of delicious fragrance, in which the Tulip is wanting. There are three methods quite commonly adopted in the cultivation of the Hyacinth; in glasses, pots, or the open border. For the open border, the manner of cultivation is the same for Tulips. In a thoroughly prepared bed, open and airy, but sheltered from cold winds, a fine assortment of

Hyacinths will give much satisfaction. The following arrangement of colors we find in the American Agriculturist for October, credited

to a British source.

of a few inches, it must be tied to a stick, and care must be taken to tie every two or three inches of growth to this stick, or a high wind will break the plant or bend it to the earth and destroy its beauty. An awning of thin muslin be found of much benefit in prolonging the pestretched over the bed in bright sunshine, will riod of bloom.

The culture of Hyacinths in pots in the green-house or parlor is easy and satisfactory, as with proper treatment the bloom will be finer than in out-door cultivation from the ease with which the flowers can be protected from storms and other causes tending to injure them. The present is the proper time for planting in pots for winter bloom. The size of the pots used should be about five inches in diameter for single bulbs, and six or seven inches for two or three bulbs. The soil may consist of equal parts of good loam, leaf-mould and sharp sand. The pots should have an abundance of drainage, and the bulbs planted so that the tops may be about half an inch below the rim. After planting they should be thoroughly watered and set away in a cool, dark place until leaf growth has commenced. The object of this is to facilitate the formation of roots before the commencement of growth place at first, the leaves would immediately above ground. If kept in a light and warm commence their growth, deriving their support from the bulb instead of the ground, thus weakening it very much, and from which it would not recover so as to flower another year. When the leaves have made a growth of an inch or two they may be brought into the green-house or room, kept near the light, and if early flowering is not desired, in a cool place with abundance of ventillation. If they are desired to bloom early, they must be kept closer and warmer. Bulbs that have been planted in pots once should not be used again for that purpose, but may be planted in the border the next season, where they will do well, though not as well as fresh bulbs, as they are somewhat weakened by forcing.

In cultivating Hyacinths in glasses, dark colored glasses should be selected, as the roots of all plants dislike and avoid the light. Fill the glasses with soft water to within a quarter of an inch of the bulb, but not touching it.— They must now be set in some dark, cool place until the roots have travelled half the distance to the bottom of the glass, when they should be removed to a light and airy place. The water should be changed every fortnight, using for this purpose water which had stood in the apartment at least twelve hours, to ensure that it shall be of the same temperature as that thrown out of the glasses. The roots sometimes become foul; when this is the case the bulb with its roots must be drawn out of the glass, and washed with great care in a basin of clear water. When the roots are clean When the flower-stock has attained a height they must be replaced with a great deal of

Light Dark Light
Red. Blue. Red.
Light Dark
Red. Red.
Light Dark
Dark Light
Blue. Red.
Red. Blue.
Light Dark Light Yellow.
Blue. Red. Blue.
Light Dark
Red. Blue.
Light Dark
Red. Blue.


Dark Light
Blue. Blue.

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Though not of the highest flavor it is a very good dessert berry, excellent for cooking and best of all for drying. From its juice a very agreeable wine is made.

Like the Wilson's Albany among strawberries and the Concord among grapes, this is eminently the farmer's berry, bearing neglect and thriving with the simplest culture.

As a market berry we know of none which affords so sure returns for the required outlay, the fruit is easily gathered, bears carriage well, and is of ready sale in our cities and villages.

For field culture, manured, if the soil is not already rich, and ploughed deep, depth and

richness being the sine quanon, now in raspberry culture. Set the plants 3 feet apart in rows 7 feet apart. Young plants produced from the tips are best, two or three in a hill. The roots should be carefully spread out and covered half an inch deep, being careful not to injure the young sprouts..

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So long as the cold winter weather lasts, bees should be disturbed as little as possible. They must not be allowed to starve, however, while waiting for the honey-gathering season to come. It may be well, therefore, to heft the hive, as the Hoosiers would say, in order to determine whether it be empty of honey; in which event, a sufficient quantity of sugar candy should be put in their way. It will also be well when the first warm spell comes-warm enough to tempt the bees out into the sunshine -to clean off the bottom board and put the bees will be thankful for it and will thrive hive generally in a cleanly condition. The correspondingly well.

For the reason that breeding usually commences early in the spring, it is well to supply the bees with a quantity of dry, rye flour, to serve them instead of pollen. It may be put in shallow troughs about the hive. When a

pleasant day comes they will be very likely to find where it is and carry load after load into their workshops.

Upward ventilation should be shut off as soon as the severe weather of winter is fairly


Axioms for Bee-Keepers.

The first season a row of corn or other hoed crop may y be grown between the rows, after which the whole ground will be needed by the canes. Keep the ground loose and free of weeds by the use of cultivator and hoe. Early which may well be treasured up by every

Langstroth, in his work one "The Hive and Honey-Bee," lays down the following axioms,


1st. Bees gorged with honey never volunteer

an attack.

in summer mulch heavily about the hills, suffi-keeper of bees:
cient to keep down the weeds, with corn stalks
or strong manure. When the canes have at-
tained the higt of 34 feet, nip the ends, which
will cause the growth of strong side roots. In 3d.
early spring, shorten these to three or four
eyes each. After the bearing season is over

Bees may always be made peaceable by inducing them to accept of liquid sweets. Bees, when frightened by smoke, or by drumming, fill themselves with honey and lose all disposition to sting, unless they are hurt.

4th. Bees dislike any quick movements about their hives, especially any motion which jars their combs. 5th. Bees dislike the offensive order of sweaty animals, and will not endure impure air from human lungs.

6th. The beekeeper will ordinarily derive all his profits from stocks strong and healthy in early spring.

7th. In districts where forage is abundant only for a short period, the largest yield of honey will be secured by a very moderate increase of stocks. 8th. A moderate increase of colonies in any one season, will, in the long run, prove to be the easiest, safest, and cheapest mode of managing bees.

9th. Queenless colonies, unless supplied with a queen, will inevitably dwindle away, or be destroyed by the bee-moth or robber-bees. 10th. The formation of new colonies should

ordinarily be confined to the season when bees are accumulating honey; and if this, or any other operation must be performed when forage is scarce, the greatest precaution should be used to prevent robbing.

The essence of all profitable bee-keeping is contained in Oettel's Golden Rule: KEEP YOUR STOCKS STRONG. If you cannot succeed in doing this, the more money you invest in bees, the heavier will be your losses; while if your stocks are strong, you will show that you are a bee-master, as well as a bee-keeper, and may safely calculate on receiving generous returns from your industrious subjects."

5. Complete set of pendulum experiments. 6. Sets of magnetic experiments at Port Foulke, Cape Isabella, in Whale Sound at Upernavik and Godhavn.

7. Topographic and hydrographic survey, including tidal observations.

8. Large collections of specimens of natural history and geological and mineralogical collections.

9. A continuous set of meteorological observations.

10. An extensive collection of Photographic views.

11. The accomplishment of a more northern latitude than ever before attained upon land. 12. Fresh confirmation of theories respecting the open Polar Sea.

The Pacific Telegraph.


On Thanksgiving day, the 28th ult., says Rochester Union, a large party of the workmen engaged in constructing the Pacific telegraph from the western borders to Salt Lake City, under the direction of Mr. Creighton, arrived The line had been at Omaha on their return. constructed previous to July, 1861, as far west as Julesburgh, which is on the Platt River, 300 miles east of Denver. From that point to Fort Bridger, about 700 miles, the line' was constructed by the party of which Mr. 80 men employed, and they were divided in Starr was one. Mr. Creighton had from 75 to three trains. The men of one train dug the holes, those of another cut down the poles and set them, and the third put up the wire. In the three trains there were about 75 wagons and 700 cattle, including a few milch cows, to

MECHANICAL & COMMERCIAL. furnish milk for the men. The wagons con

Dr. Hayes' Late Voyage.

Since Dr. Hayes arrived at home he has been invited by the American Geographical and Statistical Society, New York, by the Academy of Natural Sciences, the American Philosophical Society and the Board of Trade, of Philadelphia, to give before them a summary of the results of his expedition. These results have been stated as follows:

1. A detailed survey of the west coast of north Baffin's Bay, Smith's Straits and Kennedy Channel, and the extension of the survey to the north of any previous exploration. This survey embraces about 1,300 miles, of shore


tained from 35 to 45 hundred pounds each, consisting of wire, insulators, tools, camp equipage and provisions. The trains were said to be the best that ever started over the plains the cattle being excellent, the wagons good, and all that pertained to the comfort of the men was in keeping with the rest. tents were provided, also cooking stoves, and all the necessary utensils for providing meals, and-what was quite in keeping with thesethe best food that could be conveyed over the plains and mountains.


The first pole was set on the 4th of July, at Julesburg, and the last on this section at Fort Bridger, about one hundred miles this side of Salt Lake City, on the 15th of October. The diggers' train went ahead and got along at the rate of about twelve miles per day,

2. The discovery of a new channel or sound, opening westward from Smith's Strait, paral-digging about twenty-four holes for each mile. lel with Jones and Lancaster Sounds.

3. A detailed survey of the coasts of Whale Sound and the coasts to the north and south of it. This survey embraces about 600 miles of shore line.

4. Surveys of glaciers, by which their rate of movement is estimated.

The train which put up the poles only made about ten miles per day, and was one hundred and fifty miles behind the diggers when the latter reached the end of the route. On the plains the digging was easy, and the work went rapidly on; in the mountains it was slow, owing to the rocky soil.

The poles were selected, cut, stripped of bark by the men, and were then drawn out by the cattle and distributed along the line. In some localities excellent timber was found in great abundance, hard pine being most plenty, though some cedar was obtained. Dead or dry pines were often found in large quantities, some of which would make three poles of suitable size. In some localities the poles had to be cut in the mountains, and hauled over one hundred miles. Each pole is twenty feet in length, and is buried four feet in the ground. Through the Rocky Mountain Pass, where the line runs, there are points where the snow is known to cover the ground to the depth of eleven feet.

The line is well put up, and is as substantial as such a line can be. It has a single wire, not exposed to damage from the falling of trees, as care was taken to avoid every thing of that kind.

company, and these are all the society the operator has. The work of repairing the same must, for the present, at least, be performed by the operators going out when they find communication with the next station interrupted. The duty of an operator and repairer is any thing but a pastime, and to perform it well requires hardy, courageous men, who are not afraid to be alone, and to contend with snow storms and whatever else they may meet in that vast wild region over which they must sometimes travel. The right men will, in time, be found in the right places; and of the successful working of the telegraph to the Pacific, none are more confident than the men who constructed it, and who, therefore, best know what obstacles are in the way.

The First Steamboat.

We have not far to look for the first germ of steam navigation. That huge model, which appears to be a combination of two funnels and a number of chains working over wheels, is the parent marine engine. As early as the year 1787, Patrick Miller, of Dalswinton, Seotland, engaged himself in making experiments with double and treble boats, which he pro

The route adopted was mainly along the road, across the plains and through the mountains. To shorten distances, where the road ran in a serpentine form, the telegraph takes a direct line, following the general coure of the road. The track pursued by the western trains over the plains is very crooked, often made so by the cattle dying in the path.When an animal falls, its carcass is seldom re-pelled by means of wheels placed between moved from the track, except as the wolves carry it away by piece-meal; and the trains which follow turn out to avoid it, thus making a crooked track, for the bones of thousands of animals lie bleaching along the great paths that lead from the Missouri to the Pacific.

The constructors of this line met with no hostile Indians, though they saw many of the natives along the way, and sometimes suffered by their thieving depredations. The Indian Agent at Deer Creek, sixty-five miles above Fort Laramie, told Mr. Starr that one of the Sioux chiefs conversed with him about the telegraph project before the poles were set, and said that he understood that poles were to be set sixteen feet high, and strung with wires closely from top to bottom. As this would make a wire fence, all the buffaloes and other game would be kept from coming down to the south. He looked upon the project with disfavor; but when he understood that there was to be but one wire, and that sixteen feet above the ground, he was quite relieved of his fears, and appeared to be satisfied. Speaking of the manner in which the natives regard the telegraph, Mr. Starr says the antelopes were timid and distrustful. Herds of them crossing the plains would stop when they came to the telegraph, and cautiously examine the poles before venturing to pass between them.

The stations of the telegraph operators are chiefly at the stations of the mail company, from fifty to one hundred miles apart. There are usually two or three persons at each station, taking care of the mules of the stage


them worked by manual labor; in the following year he induced Symington, an engineer at Wenlock Head, to apply to it a marine steam engine he had invented. This engine propelled the boat along Dalswinton Lake at the rate of five miles an hour. This was undoubtedly the first attempt ever made to use steam as the motive power in a vessel, although it was not the first practical steamboat. The engine, which belongs to the earliest history of that invention, is what is called an atmospheric engine, that is, the piston is raised by the action of steam, and then it is forced down by atmospheric pressure. The history of this curious parent of steam navigation is worthy noting.After the trial in the boat the engine was removed to Mr. Miller's library, where it remained until his death, in 1815; in 1828 it was sent by his son, packed in a deal case, to Messrs. Coutts & Co., in the strand, where it remained until 1837, and finally it found its way to a plumber's in Edinburg, who flung it aside with the purpose of melting it. However, the model was rescued from destruction in 1855, and was restored to its former working condition by Messrs. Penn & Son in 1857.Once a Week.

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