
the rotation of crops, are being carried forward with spirit by our farmers in various localities, and there is a growing spirit of enquiry as to the advantage of these processes and the best methods.

the whole amount accruing from the sales of material-thus leaving the Society in a most excellent financial condition. The grounds were desired, however, by the Governor, for the use of our volunteer troops, and the ExecuIt is also worthy of mention in evidence tive Committee, feeling that in this time of naof the progress of our agriculture, that agri- tional peril, the interests of the Government cultural implements and machinery of various were paramount to those of the Society, cheerkinds, of the most approved patterns and in a fully tendered them to the Executive for milirapidly increasing ratio as to numbers, are be- tary occupation, and subsequently relinquishing introduced in every part of our State. It ed the holding of the proposed Annual Fair, is to be regretted, however, that so few of these rather than subject the State to an expense of implements are manufactured by our own me- several thousand dollars necessary to the fitchanics. Hundreds of thousands of dollars ting up of another camp. And the conseare annually sent out of the State for the pur-quence has been that the society has lost the chase of reapers, threshing machines, horse- net receipts of the fair, the cost of printing the powers, grain-drills, plows, harrows, cultiva-premium list therefor, the Madison subscriptors, and every other kind of implement and machine in use by our farmers, who, as a necessary consequence, pay, in addition to cost of manufacture, the dealer's profit and the cost of transportation. This is certainly bad economy, and the Society wauld reiterate what has heretofore been said on this subject, in hearty approval of the recommendation of the Executive of the State, that measures be adopted for the better encouragement of manufactures, in general, so that foreign capital, so much needed, may be induced to invest in this important branch of our industry as a State.

Upon Agricultural Societies the past has been a very trying year, for the reason that the public mind has been in a constant fever of excitement upon subjects connected with the welfare of the country, and has consequently found much less interest than usual in the industrial enterprises which engage the efforts of associations of that class. Most of the county societies held fairs, however-some of them, with even more than usual success.

tion and the advantage of selling the timber and other material while it was yet new and comparatively uninjured-advantages whose value, in the aggregate, could hardly have fallen short of five thousand dollars.

These facts will account for the embarrassed condition of the finances, as seen by the accompanying report of the treasurer, and should hardly fail to place the State Government and the patriotic people of Wisconsin in a friendly, if not generous, attitude towards the Society.

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Moreover, it should not be forgotten that the holding of exhibitions-one very important means of promoting the industrial interests of the State-is not the only office of the Society. The law under which the Society has a corporate existence [see Chap. 80, Sec. 4, Revised Statues,] provides, that the amount annually appropriated in aid of the declared objects of the organization, shall be expended by said Society in such manner as it may deem best calculated to promote and improve the condition of agriculture, horticulture, and the manufacturing, mechanical and houshold arts in this State, either for the payment of premiums at the annual cattle shows and fairs of the Society; or in the purchase and distribution of choice seeds, cuttings, plants or tubers, which have been tested and found adapted to the soil and climate of this State; or in the prosecution of scientific investigations and experiments, and the collection and diffusion of information tending to develope the natural and agricultural resources of Wisconsin."Under authority of this act, and with the con

The State Agricultural Society has suffered from special causes worthy of mention by the Committe and of consideration by the Executive and Legislative Departments of State and by the people. Reference is made to the occupation of the Society's Fair Grounds by the troops of the State, to the exclusion of the Society therefrom. This has been not only an embarrassment but a serious damage. From motives of economy, the Society located the Annual Exhibition at Madison for two years.But this made it necessary that the buildings, fences and other improvements should be of a more substantial character than had been usu-viction that a thorough knowledge of the inal, though, at the same time, it warranted a neatness of construction which very materially added to the attraction of the grounds and the comfort of the people in attendance upon the exhibitions. Still the society would have made a considerable gain by the said location for two years, could it have held the second exhibition as arranged, since, in addition to putting a large proportion of the receipts of the Fair and the Madison city subscription into the treasury, it would have added thereto

dustrial capacity of our State would tend to the more rapid development of its resources, and at the same time immediately aid in securing to Wisconsin an honorable rank among the enterprising and progressive States of the Union, the Society has undertaken the important work of making agricultural surveys of the several counties of the State. The work will be under the immediate supervision of the Secretary, and will be carried forward as fast as the funds of the Society will warrant.


survey of the county of Dane has already progressed to a considerable extent, and will be reported in full in the 7th volume of Transactions of the Society.

Nor are the operations of the Society, outside of the management of the annual fairs, limited to this important field of scientific investigation, as will appear by the following sections of the By-Laws, defining the duties of the Secretary, who is the only salaried officer:

"2. To open and carry on such correspondence as may be advantageous to the Society or to the common cause of agricultural improvement, not only with individual agriculturists and eminent, practical and scientific men of other industrial pursuits, but also with other societies or associations whose objects are kindred to ours, whether in this country or foreign lands, and to preserve a journal of such correspondence in the archives of the Society. 3. To collect and arrange for convenient examination, standard agricultural works and periodical publications, together with such models, machines and implements as may be donated to, or otherwise acquired by the Society, 4. To investigate as far as practicable, the nature of fertilizers, indigenous and cultivated plants, insects injurious to vegetation, &c., and to collect and preserve such specimens therof as will illustrate the natural history and agricultural resources, condition, and progress of the State.

5. To institute, and collect reports therefrom, needed experiments relative to the preparation of the various soils of the State for economical culture; the cultivation of different grains, fruits, and garden vegetables; the breeding and raising of stock, &c., &c.

6. To visit, by the advice of the Executive Committee, or as his own judgment may direct, the various portions of the State, and to give lectures on the science and practice of agriculture, wherever and whenever they may be deemed most necessary or desirable. 7. To co-operate with the Supeintendent of Public Instruction and the Agent of the Normal School Board for the introduction and use, in the schools of Wisconsin, of standard works on agriculture and other industrial arts and sciences, and for the general promotion of the cause of industrial education.



months of January in each year, to be by him laid before the Legislature.

Now, it cannot but be apparent that the preparation of such a report necessarily involves a vast amount of labor, which neither the Society nor the State can afford to spend in vain. And the inference is plain and legitimate that it is the intention of the law said report should constitute a volume of considerable dimensions, and that it should be published by the State, and in creditable style for preservation and use, and for distribution to other States in exchange for similar publications. In many of the States, large editions of ten to thirty thousand copies, well printed, with costly engravings and handsome binding, are annually distributed, with the most satisfactory results. But, for some reason, of which this Society is ignorant, a like liberal course has not been pursued at least not uniformly-by the Legislature of this State. It is seldom that provision is made for the publication of this Society's Report until long after it should actually be in the hands of the people, and even then, in some instances-as was the case with the last volume distributed-the Legislature has forced the Society to pay for the work out of its own moderate and mueh needed appropriation. A course of this kind must necessarily hamper the action and diminish the usefulness of the Society, while, at the same time it reflects prejudically upon the credit of our young but richly endowed agricultural State. The Executive Committee are, therefore, unanimous in an expression of the earnest hope that the present Legislature will so far appreciate the important work in which the Society is engaged as to inaugurate a more

8. To attend as many as possible of the industrial exhibitions of the country, particularly the County Fairs of 9. To carefully prepare and superintend the publica-just and liberal policy in this respect. If the tion of the Annual Report of the Society to the Governor of the State; embodying therein the proceedings of the State Agricultural Society, an abstract of the reports of the incorporated County Agricultural Societies of the State, and such reports, essays and addresses or other matter of information as may be calculated to enhance the value of said Report.

Finally, it shall be his duty, not only by the means above named, but also through such other instrumentalities as he may devise, and the Committee approve, to devote himself faithfully and unreservedly to the promotion

of the industrial interests of the State."

This work of the Society is always going on, and during the past year has been prosecuted without interuption and with more than usual vigor, because of the omission of the Fair.

The "Annual Report" referred to in section 9 of the By-Laws, is likewise provided for in section 6 of chapter 80 of the Revised Statutes,

which reads as follows:

SEO. 6. 1t shall be the duty of the said Executive Committee of the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society to collect, arrange and collate all the information in their power in relation to the nature, origin, and preparation of soils; the cultivation and growth of crops; the breeding and management of stock; the application and char

acter of manures and fertilizers; the introduction of new cereal and other grains; and other agricultural subjects, and report the same, together with a statement of their own proceedings, to the Governor of the State, in the

Society is really doing a good work for the industry of the State-and the Executive Committee respectfully challenge an investigation of its plans and proceedings, and a comparison thereof with the acts of other State Societiesthen it ought to enjoy the confidence and fostering care of the State, and suffer less of the unreasonable suspicion, detraction, and abuse which have been its annual portion in times past.

Wisconsin possesses vast resources of wealth. Indeed, for industrial capacity, it is surpassed by no State of equal area in the Union; and, accordingly, it should be the policy of the State Government to foster and strengthen all institutions and agencies faithfully and efficiently devoted to the promotion of its industrial interests. Especially is it important that this should be done in time like these, when the tendency is is to forget that industry is the only real source of wealth-the only sure foundation of our strength and prosperity as a State and nation.

On behalf of the Executive Committee.

J. W. HOYT, See'y.

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Sugar Cane.---Successful Experience. FRIEND HOYT:-Most cheerfully do we contribute to your agricultural pages some items of experience of the past year in this interesting department.

Not at all discouraged by the general failure of planters of 1860, we saved some well ripened seed, of an early variety, planted that year, called Nee-e-za-na, and May 25th to 27th planted nearly two acres, upon high prairie ridge, sloping south-west, one half cane stubble of last year, and balance millet stubble; recently plowed and put in ordinary condition as corn ground; the seed was sprouted, rolled in flour, planted by hand, rows one way, three and four feet apart, one to two feet in row. Seed came well in four to six days; fifteen days from planting commenced hoeing; hoed and wed twice during summer; run the horse hoe once and cultivator twice; more than twice the work to cultivate well the millet stubble land than the cane land; (the old cane stubble was plowed under or removed before planting,) but as it was, the labor was about the same as with an ordinary corn crop, with some extra hand labor in weeding and thinning. It grew rapidly after it once got under way; August 3d it was about four feet high, and showed some seed panicles; August 22d mostly headed and in bloom; Sept. 11th gathered some ripe seed for exhibition; Oct. 1st seed ripe, cane about ten feet high, even, canes small, hard, and very sweet.

Early in October we commenced harvesting the and saving the seed; this brings us crop, to the manufacture, of which we design to speak fully in another article, and will now give some directions how to grow it successfully. Plant upon warm alluvial or sandy land, situated high and dry if possible, if rich, all the better, southern aspect is preferable; give it a thorough preparation, as if for corn; fresh plow and plant about the time of corn planting, or the 10th to 20th of May, when the soil is warm and dry; mark one way, drop five or six seeds at intervals of two feet, covering lightly one half inch with fine soil.

Prepare the seed (about two lbs. to the acre) by soaking a few hours in water, then put into a bag, envelope with cloths snugly, keep in a warm place until it sprouts, which will require from one to three days. When the sprouts begin to show well, roll the seed in plaster or flour, for two reasons: to preserve the moisture in the seed, and to enable the planter to distribute and cover it evenly. It is well to ash or plaster the hill immediately after planting. Prompt and early cultivation with the stimulus of the plaster or ashes, will secure an early growth. Experience proves that nine-tenths of the chances of success and failure lie in the

first few weeks of the young plant, and one acre extra well started and cared for, will yield more profit than several with ordinary care.

As to the question of profit we are fully satisfied :

1st. That it will pay to grow as a fodder crop equally as well as corn, yielding a large amount of leaves, tops, and seed.

2d. The stalks alone are equal in value to corn, acre for acre, as food for swine, if fed during mild weather.

ducts, as well with manure as with milk, was
He added (as
the quality of the food given her.
reported in the N. E. Farmer,) "You can get
nothing out of her which you do not put in.-
An Englishman will buy a bullock, keep him a
time for his manure, and then sell him for what
he gave, or less. Mr. Lawes of England, had
made experiments in feeding cattle on cotton
seed meal, and found that while a given quan-
$27 86, the same quantity produced from car-
tity of voidings from the food was worth
rots and turnips was worth only 86 cents." In
his opinion, the great secret of good farming
was high feeding.-Country Gent.


The utility of top-dressing, especially grass certain, that all who practice it, understand in lands, cannot now be questioned; but it is not what manner and at what time, top-dressing can be applied to ensure the best results.

Saying nothing now of liquid manures, which are of little account unless applied after the frost has left the ground in spring, I doubt if my brother farmers are aware of the importance of selecting the right time when to apply top-dressing of any description.

The fall has hitherto been regarded by the dress grass lands; and, upon close, hard soils, majority as the best season of the year to topupon flat and level surfaces, it has been practiced with excellent success. But taking New England lands, with rare exceptions, is it cer3d. The cost of manufacturing into syrup-tain that the fall is preferable to the spring? equal in value to the southern syrups-need not ordinarily be more than twenty cents per gallon; and with well ripened cane, good sugar is easily made any where.

I think not, and the reasons for this conclusion are obvious. In the autumn, more than in the spring, top-dressing is exposed to hazards of loss. If the succeeding months are wet, and the earth is washed by continuous rains, much of the fertilizing quality of what has been applied is rendered valueless. It is different in the spring.

In regard to varieties it is safe to plant only the early kinds in our State, as a moderate crop of well ripened cane and seeds, will prove frost has begun to leave the ground, are abManures or composts applied just after the more valuable than a great growth of unaccli-sorbed more readily, and the temperature of mated cane with very small percentage of the surface is rendered several degrees warmer sacharine. The reader will perceive from the by the covering it has received. above that our Early African Imphee ripened in 105 days from planting. It gained ten days over the previous year in time, and will gain some undoubtedly in the next year; at the same time, it was the richest cane we ever have seen, though medium in size, yet stood up well, J. C. PLUMB. and was a fine yield.

Vine Hill Nurseries, Madison, Wis.

will be found to come forward earlier than those Grass lands that are top-dressed in the spring thus treated in the autumn, and the crop will prove npon trial, to be larger.

I am aware that most farmers can more conveniently attend to this sort of work in the fall than in the spring, and I fear that this is the principal reason which has led them to adopt the practice now so common. The heaviest crop of grass that came under my observation during the last hay season, was a piece of ground of about three acres which had been TEST OF THE VALUE OF MANURE.-Hon. Jo-top-dressed in the last of May; and a piece of siah Quincy, Jr., at the first Legislative Agri- mowing, upon which was spread, in October, a cultural Meeting in Boston, remarking on cow generous dressing of stable-manure, did not manure, said the test of the value of her pro-yield nearly so well as a piece of ground ad

joining, of the same quality, top-dressed in the same way in the last days of February.

In respect to light, sandy soils, there is not a doubt that top-dressing in April will prove more productive than if done at any other time of the year.

Many farmers may be inclined to doubt my statement in respect to the spring process, as they have usually been taught to believe the reverse; but if they will take the trouble to experiment two or three years in succession, they may yield their opinions to one who has aleady made the trial.***., in Co. Gent.


The speckled sky is dim with snow,
The light flakes falter and fall slow;
Athwart the hill-top, rapt and pale,
Silently drops a silvery veil;

The far-off mountain's misty form
Is entering now a tent of storm;
And all the valley is shut in
By flickering curtains gray and thin.
But cheerily the chickadee
Singeth to me on fence and tree;
The snow sails round him as he sings,
White as the down of angels' wings.
I watch the snow flakes as they fall
On bank and brier and broken wall;
Over the orchard, waste and brown,
All noiselessly they settle down,
Tipping the apple-boughs, and each
Light quivering twig of plum and peach.
On turf and curb and bower-roof
The snow-storm spreads its ivory woof;
It paves with pearl the garden-walk;
And lovingly round tattered stalk
And shivering stem its magic weaves
A mantle fair as lily-leaves.

The hooded beehive, small and low,
Stands like a maiden in the snow;
And the old door-slap is half hid
Under an alabaster lid.

All day it snows: the sheeted post
Gleams in the dimness like a ghost;
All day the blasted oak has stood
A muffled wizard of the wood;
Garland and airy cap adorn
The sumach and the wayside thorn,
And clustering spangles lodge and shine
In the dark tresses of the pine.

The ragged bramble, dwarfed and old,
Shrinks like a beggar in the cold;
In surplice white the cedar stands,
And blesses him with priestly hands.

Still cheerily the chickadee

Singeth to me on fence and tree:
But in my inmost ear is heard

The music of a holier bird;

And heavenly thoughts, as soft and white,
As snow flakes, on my soul alight,
Clothing with love my lonely heart,
Healing with peace each bruised part,
Till all my being seems to be
Transfigured by their purity.

[Atlantic Monthly, for February.

The Mission of Agricultural Papers.

Farming is a science, and is becoming more and more such every day-till eventually it will be the chief science of the world, as it is already the most important, embracing many And this science, like of the other sciences. all others, must be taught, disseminated. This can only be done through the proper channels schools, books, periodicals, lectures (public and private), and example. The latter is perhaps the most effectual way, providing always



that the means of instruction be efficient. But this must of necessity, in our present state of farming, be confined to isolated cases. objection holds, in a measure, with respect to lectures, and also to books and schools. The great lever of the progress of the age, is the press; and in its popularity is its success. not abused, this is the most effectual instructor. We are glad to see the farming community so well represented. But agricultural journalism is still in its infancy: though it keeps pace with the progress of the science, which is constantly stimulating it. This impetus will sustain it, as it is founded in the interest of the farmer. Besides, the journal embraces, more or less, all the other sources of instruction. It covers the whole field; reviews and comments upon books, and gives extracts; reports lectures; becomes teacher, even to the teacher, and the most welcome visitor at the college table; most of all, it reports practical experiments and discoveries. These are the gold sands of the journal, which it regularly and immediately serves out to its customers, fresh with every issue: for there is constant progress and development. And it is all brought to our doors, and for a mere pittance. And this is not its end; it remains with us, a library of constant reference.

But agricultural journalism is not well patronized. The reason is, its value is not immediately evident, tangible. It does not come with its profit wrapped up in so many bank bills. This profit is felt in the granary, in the market, on the farm; seen, perhaps, years hence; but generally little seen, if at all, in connection with the journal. Could this evil be remedied, the agricultural press would be established as a success. And it will come.But the journals themselves must be the principal means to bring it about, by introducing greater precision and integrity into their columns, which they may now lack, and directing themselves more pointedly, more searchingly to the interests of the farmer: in a word, mamind must first be instructed, before it will king the journal more efficient; for the public

HOW MUCH WISER ARE WE?-C. W. Johnson, in an article on phosphate of lime, in the Lon-know, and then it will be readily convinced.— don Farmer's Magazine for June, says, "There are yet men, I am told, in Sheffield, who are old enough to remember the time when the Yorkshire farmers were paid for carting away the refuse bones and ivory turnings of the

Sheffield knife makers."

There are many such now; but they are among the intelligent readers; and they are ly augmenting. And it is the journal that rapid educates them-the great lever of dependence. Deprive them of this, and they would be a rudderless ship. As well deprive them of their

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