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The Old Couple.

It stands in a sunny meadow,

The house so mossy and brown,
With its cumbrous, old stone chimneys,
And the gray roof sloping down.

The trees fold their green arms around it,
The trees, a century old;

And the winds go chanting through them,
And the sunbeams drop their gold.
The cowslips spring in the marshes,

And the roses bloom on the hill;
And beside the brooks in the pastures,
The herds go feeding at will.

The children have gone and left them,
They sit in the sun alone!

And the old wife's ears are failing,

As she harks to the well known tone That won her heart in her girlhood, That has soothed her in many a care. And praises her now for the brightness Her old face used to wear.

She thinks again of her bridal

How, dressed in her robe of white,
She stood by her gay young lover
In the morning's rosy light.

Oh, the morning is rosy as ever,
But the rose from the cheek is fled:
And the sunshine still is golden,
But it falls on a silvered head.
And the girlhood dreams, once vanished,
Come back in her Winter time,
Till her feeble pulses tremble

With the thrill of spring time's prime.
And looking forth from the window,
She thinks how the trees have grown,
Since, clad in her bridal whiteness
She crossed the old door-stone.
Though dimmed her eye's bright azure,
And dimmed her hair's young gold;
The love in her girlhood plighted,

Has never grown dim nor old.
They sat in peace in the sunshine,
Till the day was almost done;
And then, at its close, an angel
Stole over the threshold stone.
He folded their hands together-
He touched their eyelids with balm:
And their last breath floated upward,
Like the close of a solemn psalm.
Like a bridal pair they traversed,
The unseen, mystical road,
That leads to the beautiful city,

"Whose builder and maker is God."

Perhaps in that miracle country
They will give her lost youth back;
And the flowers of a vanished spring-time,
Will bloom in the spirit's track.

One draught from the living waters,
Shall call back his manhood's prime ;
And eternal years shall measure,

The love that outlived time.

But the shapes that they left behind them. The wrinkles and silver hair,

Made holy to us by the kisses

The angel had printed there,

We will hide away 'neath the willows,
When the day is low in the west;
Where the sunbeams cannot find them,
Nor the winds disturb their rest.

And we'll suffer no tell-tale tombstone,
With its age and date to rise;
O'er the two who are old no longer
In the Father's House in the skies.

Positive and Negative Characters.

There is a negativeness of character which is often mistaken for amiability, or impartiality, or some other kindred virtue. The person possessed of it never takes sides on a question of importance enlisting the interest and action of men, and is equally well pleased whichever party wins in the contest. The future of the church, of the government, of society, of man, are of but little account to him so that he is left undisturbed in his quiet, plodding, aimless journey through life. He avoids the opposition, strife and bitterness encountered by the positive man, but then he is practically and for all useful purposes, nobody, accomplishes nothing in life and dies to be forgotten as soon as he is buried.

it cost you a life-long series of labors, perils, enmities. Be modest, deferential, generous, self-sacrificing, but by all means have an aim

and make your mark!

CHARITY."I always remember that I have boys away from home." Such was the remark we overheard the other night from the lips of an aged mother, who addressed a female friend of hers. It had reference to comments that had been freely made upon the conduct of a young man who was "away from home." We did not see a face of the speaker; but we will wager our existence that a great woman's heart beats under her bodice. She always rememThere is a word of tenderness and forbearance bered that she had boys away from home.in this matronly language. It would be well in this age of virulent gossip, if all mothers would acknowledge the potency of the simple social law which this mother had written upon her heart. Her boys were "away from home," and subject to the temptations of those upon On the other hand there is a positiveness of whom her netghbor had passed a merciless character not unfrequently mistaken for hard-judgment. She would not so far violate her

own instincts as a mother, as to pass condemnatory sentence on the children of any other.

Forty years once seemed a long and weary pilgrimage to tread. It now seems but a step. And yet along the way are broken shrines where a thousand hopes have wasted into ashes; foot-prints sacred under their

fresh with the watering of tears; shadows even, which we would not forget. We will garner the sunshines of those years, and with chastened step and heavenward hopes, push on toward the evening whose signal lights will soon be seen swinging where the waters are still and the storms never beat.-T. W. Brown.


ness, selfishness, arrogance, querulousness.The positive man has a purpose in life, and in all questions of great interest firmly plants himself on one side or the other and will make himself unmistakably felt, whether the decision be for him or against his cherished views. All matters of public interst engage his best pow-drifting dust; green mounds whose grass is ers and find in him either an earnest advocate or an active, persistent opponent. Men will call him hard names, and some will heartily hate him. But then he is a force in the world, and all there is of science, art, educatlon, government, is attributable to him. While he lives he is the only useful element in society, and after his death even his enemies will rejoice at his virtues and vie with his friends in their efforts to perpetuate his memory among men. Reader, if you have hitherto been trying to slide through the world without opposition, compromising your convictions for the sake of pleasant relations, and sacrificing your manhood or womanhood to a mean and cowardly love of ease or of peace, it is high time that you began the cultivation of a positiveness of character. Be neither self-conceited, arrogant nor dogmatic, but if you can find anything that is worthy to be done, anything that the good of society demands shall be done, do it, though

Frost-Bites and Sudden Chills.

[From a treatise on "Frost-Bites, Chills, Exposure, Drowning," in The Journal of Rational Medicine, by Prof. C. H. CLEAVELAND, M. D., Editor.]

In the treatment of frost-bites it is common to apply snow, and to rub the frozen parts briskly with the snow, apparently with the contradictory notions that the snow will prevent the part frozen from absorbing heat too rapidly, and that the friction of the rubbing will impart warmth. A moment's reflection will suffice to

demonstrate that both those notions are with-
out foundation in fact; at least, the indiscrim-
inate application of snow, without regard to
beneficial effects.
its condition, cannot be productive of uniformly
The temperature of snow
may vary from that just below the freezing

point to that of the temperature of the atmosphere to which it has been exposed; while the temperature of a part while being thawed, cannot be but little below that of congelation. Thus it may happen that snow is from thirty to fifty degrees colder than the part to which it is applied, and it must tend to keep the parts frozen, and perhaps make the frost-bite deeper and more extensive instead of thawing that already frozen. Snow just in the process of thawing, and that which is light and feathery, may be applied for a few minutes to a frostbite when the patient is introduced into a room where the temperature of the atmosphere is considerably higher than the freezing point, but even then only for a short time, as the part frozen must become warmer than snow before vital action can be restored in it.

anything else, which is so often recommended and so uniformly practiced, is invariably injurious and sometimes very destructive. The fluids in the flesh which give pliancy to the soft parts, and which circulate through the vessels in the natural condition, when frozen assume the form and condition of solid minute crystals with angles and points. The solids and semi-solids become rigid, firm, and unyielding, and the effects of bending, compressing, or rubbing a part that is frozen, must be to produce many fractures, bruises, and punctures of the tissues in contact with the frostcrystals; and when the part is thawed these injuries are manifested in swelling, tenderness, soreness, and perhaps gangrene and sloughing, which is due to the mechanical injuries thus produced and not by the congelation.

Many persons while riding having discoverThe rubbing is usually advised under the ed that their nose or ear, or cheek, or fingers mistaken notion that the act will generate heat had been frozen, have applied snow to the fro-to thaw the part, and also set the blood in mozen part in the expectation that thus it would tion through it. Rubbing with snow or ice The application of be thawed. Whenever the temperature of the cannot thaw a part frozen. a hand or some substance warmer than ice or snow is and remains below the freezing point, But friction of the surface it must tend to keep a frozen organ from thaw-snow would do so. ing, and if much below the freezing point it must have a tendency to increase the extent and depth of the frost-bite. When the weather is cold enough to freeze the toes or fingers when covered up, the snow that is exposed to the atmosphere must be too cold to be placed on a part touched with frost.

If snow not cold enough to increase the freezing is applied to a place that is frozen, so as to keep it from thawing from the surface inwardly, until the natural heat of the body causes the thawing to take place outwardly,

then such an application, continued the proper length of time, must prove beneficial; but even when comparatively warm snow is made use of, it should not be applied very long, and never with friction. Any other substance that will protect the frozen part from external cold until it can be gradually thawed by the internal heat of the system from within outwardly, is quite as good, and in many instances better and safer than snow.

When the nose, cheeks, or forehead, or ears

are frozen, a shawl, coat collar, or the cap drawn over the part, will usually protect it until it gradually thaws, and the vital functions will be resumed without any dangerous modification. The foot, or hand, when frozen, should remain covered with some woollen fabric, and under no circumstances should more heat be applied to them than the rest of the system requires. They should be kept nearly to the freezing point, and protected cautiously and carefully from the warm air until circulation and innervation are gradually established through them by means of the vital heat of the body. Then they may be allowed gradually to become as warm as the other parts of the system.

The rubbing frozen parts with snow or with

even with the warm hand cannot cause blood to flow through vessels that are congealed and closed with frozen crystals farther inward.— Even when the external fluids are thawed, they cannot be made to circulate through a frozen layer, and to thaw them, and thus to allow chemical changes to commence, uncontrolled by vitality, which is suspended by the frozen parts underneath, is, as has been shown, dangerous and never beneficial.

frozen part protected from all undue mechanical pressure, friction, or manipulation; and protected also from any considerable or rapid elevation of temperature until the process of thawing that has commenced inwardly has This protection may be reached the surface. made by the use of any protecting covering that is kept at about, not above, the freezing point, or at 320 of the thermometer of Fahrenheit. Soft and warm snow will do very well, particularly if it is enveloped in a piece of flannel, silk, or linen, as a pocket handkerchief. Moisture applied to a frozen surface never does Cold water, to any good and may do harm. wet the cloth that is applied to the face when frozen, or into which to immerse a frozen toe, foot, or finger, may be far better than to let the injured part remain in contact with the warm atmosphere, but because it acts to shield the part from warmth and not because it is wet.

Frost-bites should be treated by keeping the

After a part has thawed it should be allowed, quite gradually, to resume its normal temperature, still keeping it as free from all disturbance as possible, and certainly free from all forms of friction. Usually if any part of the flesh has been frozen quite solid, when vitality is established the epidermis becomes separated from the dermis, and blebs or blisters are formed by the exudation of the serum of the

blood through the injured vessels. It is usually better to prick such blisters as they form to let out the water, and then dress the parts as burns and scalds are dressed.

Whenever the frost-bite has been very severe and deep. unless the utmost care is taken to have it thaw properly and slowly, the parts are quite apt to slough. Such slough must be managed according to the general principles of surgery. If a bone or a part of a bone has been frozen it is quite likely to die although the frozen portion may never be detached from

that which remains alive, but it may become soft and diaphenous, and require amputation or removal.

Whenever a person becomes Chilled from somewhat sudden exposure to cold and wet, he not only looses a large share of vital warmth, but a large share of animal galvanism also.Falling through the ice of frozen lakes and rivers is a common source of this accident.

Such accidents are best remedied by squeezing as much water from the garments as possible, or an immediate change of them for dry ones, and plenty of active muscular exercise.


-No condition is unfavorable to virtue, where virtue is.

-The good man is just in little things, the wicked man is little in great ones.

-If one wishes to unlearn selfishness, let him go apart, and stand alone by himself.

He that cannot forgive others, breaks the bridge over which he himself will one day want to pass.

- Never allow yourself to be seen with a worse face than you wore for the painter.Southey.

-He who swallows up the substance of the poor, will in the end find that it contains a bone which will choke him.

-A small lie, if it actually is a lie, condemns a man as much as a big and black falsehood. If a man will deliberately cheat to the amount of a single cent, give him opportunity and he would cheat to any amount.


-A sick Wisconsin soldier in Baltimore it was thought gave up the ghost last week. was laid out, put into a handsome, snug coffin, and made no objections whatever until they began to screw down the lid, when he rose in his cerements and remonstrated against being buried alive. He was uncoffined and put on trial for preventing a funeral which had been ordered by a superior officer.

"What shall F help you to?" inquired a lady of a modest youth at the dinner table "A wife," was the meek reply. The young lady blushed, perhaps indignantly, and it is said that the kind offices of a neighboring clergyman were requisite to reconcile the parties.

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No. 34.-"Take 2 quarts of corn meal, with about a pint of (thin) bread "sponge," and water enough to wet it. Mix in 1⁄2 pint of wheat flour and a table-spoonful of salt. Let it rise, and then knead well the second time. Bake 11⁄2 hours."

This loaf was of beautiful form, cut light, and was of fair quality when three or four days old. Except in color and difference in taste, it resembles a wheat flour loaf.

No. 24.-" Mix 2 quarts of new corn meal with 3 pints of warm water. Add 1 tablespoonful of salt, 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar, ane one large tablespoonful of hop yeast. Let it stand in a warm place 5 hours, to rise. Then add 34 pint (or 11⁄2 teacupfuls) of wheat flour and pint of warm water. Let it rise again 11⁄2 hours; then pour it into a pan well greased with sweet lard, and let it rise a few minutes. Then bake in a moderately hot oven, 13 hours. It is best when hot."

This was a beautiful, almost crustless loaf, of a pleasant sweetish taste, and good quality. The bottom part was a little heavy, as if not baked quite enough. or not raised sufficiently, but a commendable bread, and rather more palatable than No. 34.

No. 198.-"Take 2 quarts of white corn meal, 1 tablespoonful of lard, 1 pint of hot water. Mix the lard in water; stir it well, that it may get heated thoroughly, and add 1⁄2 pint of cold water. When the mixture is cool enough, add 2 well-beaten eggs, and 2 tablespoonfuls of home-made yeast. Bake 1 hour, in a moderately heated oven. If for breakfast, make over night.”

This, owing to the whiteness of the meal, and the lightness of the texture, as well as the general appearance of the loaf, greatly resembled the ordinary loaf of wheaten bread on our tables, and is worthy of general adoption where eggs are sufficiently plentiful.

For taste and quality the above three would But takstand in order of merit, 198, 24, 34. ing into account not only taste and quality, but cheapness and little trouble in making, or "adaptation to general every day family use," we unanimously award as follows:

First Premium of $10 to Number 34.
Second Premium of $5 to Number 24.
Third Premium of $6 to Number 198.


In this class there was a great variety of specimens. Many of them were very good, and several must be first-rate when eaten hot or warm. As cheapness as well as quality were to be taken into account, we finally decided to award the

Corn Meal Cake Premium of $4 to Number 166, made as follows: "Take 3 teacupfuls of corn meal, one teacupful of wheat flour, 2 tablespoonfuls of brown sugar, 2 teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar, and 1 teaspoonful of salt. Mix well together while dry. Add 1 teaspoonful of soda (or saleratus) dissolved in warm water. Mix the whole to a thin batter, and bake in a quick oven, 3% hour. The same batter will bake quicker in patty pans, or on a griddle, like buckwheat cakes."

A Special Premium was placed at our dispo

sal to be awarded to the best Corn Meal Cake

of any kind, without regard to cost. This was a difficult task, as there were many specimens all worthy to be called "best;" but after extended examination and consultation, we unanimously agreed to award

Premium of $2 for best Cake of any kind to No. 125, made as follows: "Take eight eggs, and their weight in powdered sugar; the weight of six eggs Indian meal;

b. butter, and one nutmeg. Beat the whites, and the yolks of the eggs separately; adding the whites last; bake one hour."

The Committee would also call attention to No. 140, a most excellent cake or pudding suitable for breakfast, or for any other meal, as we found it delicious when eaten cold, and five days old. The directions are as follows: No. 140.-"Take 2 cups corn meal, 1 cup wheat flour, 1 teaspoonful salt, 2 teaspoonfuls creani of tartar, 1 tea


One fourth of the children go into the midst to represent the pigeons. The rest of the children, with the teacher, join hands, and then lifting them up high, let the pigeons fly out, which they do, by running and moving their hands like wings, when the circle comes to the word free:

We open the pigeon house again,
And set the happy flutterers free,
We fly over fields and grassy plains
Rejoicing in glorious liberty.

And when we return from this joyous flight,
(Here they fly back again.)

We shut up the house and bid them good night. After doing this two or three times, they can sit down, and the teacher can ask them one by one, what they saw in their flight, which is a pretty exercise for their imaginations and in story-telling. The assistant can help the fancy of the dull ones by making them repeat after her some sentences, such as, "I flew over the sea and saw the ships sail," "I flew over the fields and saw the men making hay," A little help of this kind will

spoonful of soda, 3 eggs, 3 tablespoonfuls sugar, 11.etc., etc., etc.
pints milk, and 1 tablespoonful butter Rub meal, four, set their fancies to work wonderfully,
salt, soda and cream tartar through a seive, which will
mix them thoroughly. Then beat the eggs and sugar
together, adding to them the butter melted. Next add
the milk, and last of all stir in the previously mixed
meal, flour, salt, soda and cream tartar. Bake immedi-

ately and rapidly, (to secure the escaping gas.) Twenty

minutes will finish it in a brisk oven."


Plays for Little Children.


A quarter part of the children sit on their heels, so that they can quickly spring up, the rest, together with the teacher, join hands and form a circle, dancing around them and singing:

Hare in the hollow hear us sing!
Poor hare are you ill,

That you cannot jump and spring-
jump and spring, jump and spring?

At the word jump they all spring up and run to catch the others, who become the hares, while the first set join the circle and sing: Hare now be careful,

Sit quite still,

For the hunter is near,

His dogs are running down the hill,
Sit quite still, sit quite still.

Hare now be merry,
Danger is past!

Now hares you can spring,

Jump now here, jump and spring, Jump and spring, jump and spring.

Going with the Girls.

The entrance into society may be said to take place immediately after boyhood has passed away, yet a multitude take the initiative before their beards are presentable. It is a great trial, either at a tender or riper age.For an overgrown boy to go to a door, knowing well that there are a dozen girls inside, and knock or ring with an absolute certainty that in two minutes all eyes will be upon him, is a severe test of courage. To go before these girls and make a tour of the room without stepping on their toes, and sit down and dispose of his hands without putting them in his pockets, is an achievement which few boys can boast. But having done all this, let him not flatter himself that all the trials of the evening are over.

There comes, at last, the breaking up. The dear girls don their hoods, and put on their shawls, and look so saucy and mischievous, so unimpressible and independent, as if they didn't wish anybody to go home with them.Then comes the pinch, and the boy who has the most pluck goes to the prettiest girl in the room, with his tongue clinging to the roof of his mouth, and, crooking out his elbow, stammers out the words, "Shall I see you home?" She touches her finger to his arm, and they walk home, feeling as awkward as two goslings. As soon as she is within her own door, he struts home, and really thinks he has been and gone and done it! Sleep comes on him at last, with dreams of Harriet and calico, and he wakes

Again the children run to catch the rest at the in the morning and finds the door of life open

word spring.

to him and the pigs squealing for breakfast.

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