
Gueisenau-No military education; he rose from the ranks.

Hoche-No military education: a volunteer in the rank and file.

Kleirer-Architect; slender military education; he began in the regular infantry.

Kleist-No special military education. Macdonald-No special military education. Marmont-Educated for the military. Massena-No military education; a volunteer in the rank and file.

Maison-No military education; a volunteer in the rank and file.

Montebello (Lannes)-Dyer; a volunteer in the rank and file.

Mortier-No military education; a volunteer in the rank and file.

Soult-No special Military education; a volunteer in the rank and file.

Junot-Public school education; a volunteer in the rank and file.

Moreau-Lawyer; a volunteer in the rank

and file.

Any one pursuing this list will be able to make for himself the natural deductions, and will gain confidence in volunteers, from whom have come the greatest number of renowned commanders in the French armies.-New York Tribune.

WHAT GOVERNMENT PAYS FOR RAILROAD TRANSPORTATION.-The Government pays for railroad transportation according to the following rates:

Per passenger per mile, 2 cents for distance moved. Equipments, munitions, and supplies accompanying regiments, 30 miles or less, 10 cents per 100 pounds; 50 miles, 15 cents per 100 pounds; 100 miles, 25 cents per 100 pounds; 150 miles, 40 cents per 100 pounds; 200 miles, 50 cents per 100 pounds; 300 miles, 75 cents per 100 pounds; 350 to 400 miles, not exceed ing 90 cents per 100 pounds; special express trains, $1 per mile.

HORSES-One animal counts as 3,000 pounds; 2 animals count as 4,000 pounds; 3 animals count as 5,000 pounds; 4 animals count as 6,500 pounds; 5 animals count as 8,000 pounds; 6 animals count as 9,000 pounds; 7 animals count as 10,000 pounds; 8 animals count as 11,000 pounds; 9 animals count as 12,000 pounds; 14 animals, 18,000 pounds, counts as a full car-load. Provisions and heavy freights, 2 to 3 cents per tun of 2,000 pounds per mile. Dry goods, clothing, and light goods, 3 to 5 cents per tun of 2,000 pounds per mile, One

large car-load is reckoned at 9 tuns.

The mortality of the present war thus far, ought not to be very great, certainly; and yet Life Insurance Co. statisticians claim that it compares unfavorably with that of many others known in history.



Meeting of Ex. Committee of W. S. A. S.-MADISON, December 10th, 1861.Pursuant to notice, and as provided in the By-Laws governing their action, the Executive Committee of the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society met at the Agricultural Rooms, Dec. 10, for the examination and adjustment of the accounts of the Secretary and Treasurer, and for such other business as might come before them.

Called to order by the President.

The Secretary, being unable to be present, on account of illness, invited the Committee to

meet at his residence; which invitation, on motion, was accepted, and the Committee adjourned to so meet at 9 o'clock of the following day.

December 11-9 o'clock, A. M.-Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present, B. R. HINKLEY, President; 0. T. MAXSON, J. W. HOYT and H. P. HALL.

On motion of Mr. Hoyт, H. P. HALL was appointed Secretary pro tem.

The Secretary presented a report of the finances of the Society, embracing all the receipts for the current year and a full detail of all the orders issued by him as Treasurer for the same period; also a detail of his own individual account with the Society.

On motion the report was approved and ordered to be put upon file for comparison with the account of DAVID ATWOOD, Treasurer, whose absence from the State prevented his attendance upon the meeting.

The Secretary made a further report showing the character of the Sixth Vol. of Transactions, now in press, and the progress making in the Agricultural Survey of the County of Dane, authorized by the Board Agriculture at its last regular meeting.

There being no further business before the Committee, on motion, the Committee adjourned sine die. H. P. HALL, Sec'y pro tem.

Annual Meeting of Wis. State Ag-operations of the Society for the coming year, ricultural Society.-STATE AGRICULTURAL and the best means for promoting its general ROOMS, Madison, Dec. 11, 1861.-In accordance interests and advancing the Agriculture of the with the provisions of Art. V. of the Constitu- State, the Society adjourned sine die. tion, the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society held its Annual Meeting for 1861 in these Rooms, Dec. 11th, at 3 o'clock, p. m. B. R. HINKLEY, President, in the chair.

On motion, H. P. HALL was appointed Secretary pro tem.

The President, as Chairman of the Auditing Committee, presented the Report of the Secretary on the finances of the Society, and made

a further statement of the embarrassments of

the Society, owing to the non-holding of the accustomed Fair, and the necessity under which the Society was placed of waiting, at least another year, for the returns which should result to the Treasury from the sales of lumber

and other material.

On motion, the explanation of the necessary absence of the Treasurer was received, and the Executive Committee authorized and required, through its auditing officers, to receive, at such time as may be notified by the President, his report of the receipts and expenditures for the year, to examine the same-comparing all accounts with their vouchers and with the accounts and vouchers of the Secretary-and to report thereon to the Governor, as required by law.

Mr. HOYT gave notice, through the Executive Committee, and with their approval, of the following amendment to the Constitution:

Strike out the second paragraph in Article V., as published in the 5th Vol. of Transactions of the Society-said paragraph commencing with the sixth line and ending with the twentieth of said Art. V.-and substitute therefor the following, to-wit:

The election of all officers of this Society shall be held each year during and at the State Fair, and the exact time and place of election shall be notified by the Secretary in the public newspapers, at least twenty days before such election, and the Life Members of the Society and the Presidents of the several County Agricultural Societies legally organized and in active operation in the State, shall be the legal voters thereat; and the officers 80 elected shall continue in their respective offices during the period of one year, from the first day of January subsequent to their election, or until their successors shall have been constitutionally elected and qualified.

After some informal discussion as to the

H. P. HALL, Sec'y pro tem.


The Grain Markets have slightly improved since the date of our last report. The New York reports indicate firmness and a slow advance. In view of the condition of this

country and of foreign nations, it seems impossible that prices should not yet, and within a very few months, come up to very remunerative figures.


To-day (Dec. 28), wheat, No. 2, sold for 65c, and No. 1 Spring for 69c. Sales in store-No. 2 at 65c; No. 1 at 69c; extra at 70@71c. Oats were 22c; Corn, 27c@28c; Barley, 35c @45c; Rye, 32c@33c-all delivered.


Wheat-Extra Club, 68c; No. 1 club, 67c; No. 2 club, 64c. Rye, 35c; Barley, 20c@45c; Oats, 25c; Corn, 25c@30c.

Pork and Beef rate low; the former selling at $2 00@$2 60 per cwt., the latter at $200 @$3 00 per cwt.

Political.-The Legislature to be organized on the second Wednesday of January, will be composed of the following gentlemen:

1. L. L. Cary,


..Rep 17. Ezra A. Foote,.....Rep 2 Edward Hick,....Dem 18 Joe Rich..........Dem 3 Hugh Cunning,....Dem 19. Jenkins, ....Rep 4. F. O. Thorpe.......D m 20, G. W. Mitchell,.. Dem 5. Charles Quiten,... Dem 21. 8. M. Hay,........Rep 6. Edward Keoh,.....Dm 22. T. R. Hudd,. .......Dem 7. Wm. L. Utley,.....Rep 23. E. Montgomery,....Rep 8. H. 8 Thorpe,......Rep 24. E. A. West,. ......Rep 9. J. T. Kingston, .... ..Rep 25 G. V. Hazleton, ...Rep 10. Geo. C. Pratt.......Dem 26 B F. Hopkin,.....Rep 11. camuel C. Bean, ...Rep 27. E. L Browne,......Rep 12. Wyman Spooner,... Rep 28 H L. Humphrey,.. Rep 13. amuel Cole.......Dem 9. Charles. Kelsey,..Rep 14. 8. S Wilkinson,....Rep 30, No man S. Cate,.... Rep 15 L W. J iner,......Rep 31. Edwin Flint........Rep 16. M. K. Young,... .Rep 32. M. D. Bartlett, . Rep 33. Satterlee Clark,.




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S. Roundsville, ....Un Dem James Cahill, ....... Dem

Elisha K. Rand,.....Dem

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Milo Coles,.......
J.W. Beardsley,.. Un Dem

A. S. McDill,.....Un Rep

Thos. Butler,........................ .Dem

Military preparations have gone forward with a most commendable zeal and energy. According to present appearances it will be but a short time until Wisconsin will have twenty thousand men in the service of the Government-all of good material and better equipped and provided than almost any troops now in the field.

The Weather has been, and promises to
continue, remarkably favorable to health and
Jas Catton,. ....Dem the out-door operations of the farmer.
Calvin H. Upham....Rep
L. D. Gage,

.Dem ...Rep

N. B. Howard..
Ephraim Palmer,....Rep
Samuel Miller,.......Rep
Joho Bannister...Un Rep

Allen C, Bates, ......kep

Orrin Guernsey,......


J. S. Tripp,......Un Dem
A. W. Starks,....Un Dem

Wm. Brandon,
Allen Taylor,........Rep
J. T. Mills,. .......Rep' SHEBOYGAN-
W. W. Field,..... Un Rep
Samuel Newick,..... Rep

G. W. D. Leonard,....Rep
H. T. Moore,.....Un Dem

[blocks in formation]

JE. Thomas,....... Dem
Godfrey Stamm,.....Dem
S. D. Hubbard....Un Rep
Benj. Dockstader,....Rep


Orlando Brown,......Rep


The War of the Rebellion has made but little progress within the last month. Gen. POPE has had an engagement with a large body of the Rebels in Western Missouri, killing some hundreds, capturing valuable stores and taking twelve hundred prisoners (now in St. Louis). Gen. HALLECK has hung some 13 or more of the bridge burners, and succeeded in driving PRICE from the State, and in clearing out nearly, if not all, considerable bodies of

H. W. Boyce,....1nd. Rep armed traitors.
H Lath m...
E. P. Arnold,.. ...Rep
Sylvester Hanson,....Rep

Michael aloy,......Dera

Rob. Salter,.........Dem
Thos. Barry,........ Dem

Geo W. Brown.......Dem

W. A. Vanderpool,... Dem
Peter D. Giff rd,... Dem
Samuel Thompson,.... Rep

C. D. Combs,
.......Dem WAUSHARA-


Wm. C. Webb,.... Un Rep

T. B. Stoddard, ..Un Rep WINNEBAGO

[blocks in formation]

In Kentucky, the Union troops are in large force and are slowly crowding the rebels southward, though no important engagement has yet occurred.

In Western Virginia the Federal troops have held their positions pretty well, and FLOYD has been ordered by JEFF. DAVIS to East Tenn


On the Potomac nothing has happened!

Charleston, South Carolina, has been about half burned up; the village of Beaufort is in possession of the Government forces, and constant encroachments are being made upon the enemy's territory in all directions from that point. They are now said to be within twenty 2 or thirty miles of both Savannah and Charles







Many of the new members are men whom ton.

At Fort Pickens an engagement of some in-present session, but has virtually been killed. terest occurred on the -, resulting in serious It will be remembered that it provided for the damage to the Navy Yard, the silencing of Fort McRae, and the conviction on the part of the rebels, that Pickens cannot be so easily taken as they have been wont to imagine.

On the Mississippi, the only event worthy of note is the taking of Ship Island, a point of some importance 65 miles below New Orleans and about 70 from Mobile.

It will appear, therefore, that this immense army of the Union, which now numbers between six and seven hundred thousand men is quietly passing the winter without thus far having done anything towards the suppression of the rebellion. This may be the wisest course to pursue, but, now that we have the men and means, we can hardly help wishing for a JACKSON who should tread the Hydra, Treason, under his feet.

MASON and SLIDELL have been delivered over to Lord LYONS with the understanding, we believe, that the right of "search and seizure" which the English Government has always claimed and the United States denied, shall not henceforth be exercised by either nation. Their imprisonment lasted long enough to give all the Johnny Bulls in Great Britain and Canada an opportunity to show their ill feeling and their desire to make an end of our Republic.

Congressional -Congress opened its session at the appointed hour, and up to the holidays was occupied in discussing various questions of interest, but had accomplished little or nothing of great importance. Various plans for crippling the rebellion, as by the confiscation of all property of traitors, including slaves, have been introduced and are now pending. Among the most decided and resolute of those who favor such measures, we have great pleasure in being able to rank Hon. GARRETT DAVIS of Kentucky, successor to the base traitor, BRECKENRIDGE.

The MORRILL Land Bill which once passed both houses of Congress, and was vetoed by Mr. BUCHANAN, was re-introduced early in the

endowment of Agricultural Schools. Although a noble and beneficent measure, it will probably be a long time ere it becomes a law.

The President's Message was moderate in terms and somewhat reserved as to the future policy of the Government in suppressing the rebellion. The Reports of the Executive Departments, especially those of the Secretaries of War and of the Treasury, are able documents and have doubtless been read ere this by most of our readers. The limit of our space, of course, precludes their publication in the FARMER.

The Treasurer's plan for the issue of Treasury Notes for circulation and general use instead of much of the worthless wild cat trash that curses the country, seems to have met the approval of most of the able financial men of the nation.

The Secretary of War's Report recommends vigorous measures for the prosecution of the war, and is not so exceedingly tender in its treatment of the great root of the rebellion as his Senatorial career had warranted the country in expecting. Mr. CAMERON has struck the right chord in the national heart, and there is but little doubt that, sooner or later, his policy will necessarily become the practice of the American armies. It appears by his Report that there are now nearly seven hundred thousand men enrolled for the fight!

[blocks in formation]

Government (not of the people) for some pretext for a war with America, at this time, while her peril continues, from enemies at home-and to the sudden death of Prince Albert on the 15th ult.

The Prince justly enjoyed the esteem of the people of the British Realm and of the friends of Industry and of Science of the whole civilized world. The following brief account of his early life and of his subsequent career is copied from the N. Y. Independent with the cordial endorsement of this paper:

The Prince was born in the Austrian castle of Rosenau,

August 26, 1819, in the same year with the Queen, being three months her junior. He received his early education from private tutors, and afterwards entered Bonn University for the study of jurisprudence. He was not a brilliant but laborious student, winning a reputation for methodical habits by keeping diligently to his books ten hours a day. A small house, simple in aspect, hidden by trees, and standing in the shadow of the cathedral of Bonn, is still pointed out as the Prince's modest residence during his university career.

A few months before reaching his nineteenth year, he made a visit to England in the company of the King of Belgium, and, before returning, plighted his troth with the young Queen. The alliance, which was publicly celebrated with many festivities in 1840, proved to be not only a marriage of state, but, so far as the world knows, a marriage of love.


The Lateness of this Number is due to the dangerous and protracted illness of the Editor, and has therefore been absolutely unavoidable. For more than a month confined to his bed by congestion of the brain,

the preparation of matter for January has necessarily been limited to a very few days at the close of December. This will also account for any imperfections that may specially characterize the present number.

The Farmer for 1862.-It appears to be universally conceded that the FARMER for the last six months has been a material improvement upon all preceding volumes. This is the verdict of the press of the State, of foreign

exchanges, and of those who have been its friends and patrons since its origin, thirteen years ago. But the bare assurance of this improved character, however gratifying to Editor and Publishers, is not, of itself, sufficient. Material aid is even more necessary than the most hearty congratulations.

There probably never has been a time when periodicals of this nature have had so hard a struggle to maintain an existance; and during the past year, the number of those which have not been compelled to make sacrifices to do so, has certainly not been large.

In Wisconsin, the FARMER is the only agricultural paper published. So long, therefore, as it is made a sound,

all our home industrial interests, it is certainly entitled to the co-operation of every friend of industry in the State. And if equally sound, reliable and interesting, then is it enti.led to precedence before all other papers of its class. This proposition, we take it, cannot be gainsaid; and if the opinion of competent judges is worth anything, the Publishers of the FARMER have a right to expect the cordial and active support of the people.

The Prince's first popularity in England arose from the announcement that he was a stanch Protestant-a character which he stanchly held all his life long. His high-reliable, and interesting journal for the advancement of toned personal character was worthy of his station, or of any station. He was a man of refined taste, with a German genius for music, censiderable skill in drawing, and wrote English verses which he was wise enough not to expose in print. As consort to the Queen, he had in himself no reigning rights, and being thus prohibited from mingling in politics, he devoted himself zealously to the education of his children; to which end, his family fortunately grew large enough to give him a sufficiently wide range of employment. No wealthy Englishman did more than he to foster the growth of science and art in Great Britain. He was, moreover, in the habit of giving not only his money but his personal interest and laborious industry to the furtherance of many salutary schemes of practical philanthropy; often making personal journeys to distant parts of the kingdom on such errands. To him belongs that part of the design of the World's Fair at London, which made it an exhibition of the industry, not merely of Great Britain, but of all nations. He was a scientific agriculturist, and took great pride in raising cattle, poultry, and general farm stock, and in carrying off prizes at agricultural fairs. He was an elegant and courtly chairman of public meetings, and his absence from the annual sessions of the Scientific Congress will be a loss to that body not easily repaired. He leaves a memory unstained.

We are willing to acknowledge that the management of the paper for a portion of the time during which we have had editorial connection with it, has not been without serious fault. Indeed, it is still laboring under the disadvantage of the almost total neglect which characterized its publication department for some time previous to July, 1861, and we are sorry to say that some of our best friends have had apparent (in a few instances perhaps real) reason to complain of the present publishers. When we took the FARMER in hand on the 1st of July

last, its accounts and subscription list were so badly mixed that not until the expiration of the year was it possible to know just how they should be adjusted. We

have the consciousness, however, of having spared no pains to insure justice to all parties, and therefore bespeak the indulgence of any who have been annoyed by circumstances which it has been impossible for us to control. Dec. 31st has made an end of the "old reign of error,"

It is believed by many shrewd calculators of political events that this sudden death of the Prince will prove an occasion to the Queen, whose health was before very precarious, for abdicating in favor of her son, the Prince of Wales. In case this should happen, there is no reason to fear a more unjust and unreasonable policy than that which has been practiced thus far towards the Government of this country during its present struggle with the rebellion.cies and institutions.

and, hereafter, if mistakes occur, they may be charged

either to the account of the present Publishers or to the

imperfections which necessarily attach to all human agen

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