

Grant County Ag. Society.-We find the following in regard to the Grant County Agricultural Society in the Grant Co. Herald:


President-S. F. Clise, of Ellenboro.
Vice Presidents-H. Utt, of Lima, Abram
Carns, of Hazel Green.

Treasurer-T. M. Barber of Lancaster.
Secretary J. W. Blanding, of Lancaster.

The following named persons in connection

Markets. We find the following as the ruling prices in the grain markets:

CHICAGO, June 2.-The demand for flour is still very light, and the tendency continues downward. The sales were light at $3,75a$3,85 for good spring extras, and $4

for very choice do.

The wheat market suffered a decline of 1c per bushel, and closed quiet with sales only about 80,000 bushels. MILWAUKEE, June 3.-The flour market remains at a stand. The demand is limited and holders evince no disposition to sell at the prices offered.

No change in coarse grains. Good sound oats bring 26c

with the above named officers, constitute the delivered, and corn 27c. Rye in store at Smith's eleva

Executive Committee, viz. :

Philip Shillian, of Hazel Green.

W. W. Wright, of Potosi.

W. W. Field, of Fennimore.

Wm. Humphrey, Patch Grove.

Orris McCartney, Cassville.

tors sells readily at 43c, but there is no demand for it at present in other houses, or to be delivered, at more than 42 cents.

Government Vouchers. It will be interesting to the creditors of the State, to know

Committee on Constitution—Henry Utt, Abram that the vouchers in the Secretary of State's Carns, F. A. Bevans.

Supt. of Fair Grounds-Wm. N. Reed.

office, have been copied, and placed in the hands of the Governor, who has sent them to It will probably be a month or six weeks yet, before any money will be realized from them.

POLICE OFFICERS.-J. B. Moore, Chief, T. R. Washington, for settlement. Chesebro, F. B. Phelps and Thos. Gow.

LIFE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY.-J. B. Callis, A. Burr, M. M. Zeigler, J. C. Holloway, Henry Utt, J. Allen Barber, Wm. H. Foster, G. W. Ryland, Matt Van Vleck, T. M. Barber, Wood R. Beach, J. G. Clark, J. P. Lewis, J. A. Jones, D. Ward, J. C. Cover, D. H. Budd, S. O. Paine, Abram Carns, E. D. Lowry, J. J. McKenzie, W. McGonigal.

The Constitution, Regulations and List of Premiums of the Society appears in our paper this week, and the paper containing the same should be kept for reference, as there will not be printed a sufficient number of pamphlets containing the same matter to supply all interested. The pamphlets will be printed soon, giving the same matter with other useful information. We ask that any defects discovered in the parts printed this week may be reported immediately, so that the pamphlet edition can be made perfect, especially in the classifications and premiums. All premiums marked with a star, or other reference point, will be paid in volumes of agricultural papers, the Wisconsin Farmer or Working Journal.

Military. The recent call for another Regiment from this State, has stirred up the war feeling again, and we find the places as recruiting officers for the 20th Regiment are all filled, This is probably the last regiment which will be called for from this State.

An effort will be made by the Legislature now here to perfect a bill for the organization of the militia of the State, so that in case there should be another sudden call, Wisconsin will be ready to muster her armed men at a moment's warning, as did old Massachusetts, when she received the President's last call.

The War. The telegraph brings news that Beauregard's army has become disorganized by the cutting off of its line of retreat, and the capture of 10,000 prisoners and 15,000 stand of arms by Gen. Pope. This is good news, and we hope that we shall have more of the same sort. We have heard enough of

The Fair will be held on the 18th and 19th Quaker Guns both at Manassas and Corinth, of September.-Grant Co. Herald.

and hope for a little real fighting.


All communications, of whatever kind, intended 4-for the EDITOR should be addressed to him exclusively; all remittances of money and all business letters, to the Publishers. The offices are separate and distinct, and attention to this request will save the Editor a great deal of time and trouble, while at the same time, it will di4minish the liability to mistakes.

The Editor's Journey to Europe, and the Opening of the Great International Exhibition.—MID-OCEAN, Saturday, April 26, 1862.— Our last "notes by the way" were written off Nova Scotia. If we remember, they were at least partially open to the charge of enthusiasm so far as the account pertained to the ocean voyage up to that date. But the days subsequent, indeed almost the entire week just closed, have most forcibly illustrated the change that is liable to come in every one's fortune; for on Monday, the 21st, the sun, whose radiant beams had hitherto cheered our way, veiled his face in dark, portentous clouds and the ship's crew prepared for a storm. This preparation was not in vain, nor were the hopes of those of us who were anxious to see old ocean in his fiercest mood doomed to disappoint

ment. We had had visions of storm-tossed vessels

Editor's Trip to Europe-Brief Notes by the way. STEAMSHIP "NIAGARA," off Nova Scotia, April 17th, 1862.—After considerable delay at Milwaukee, misfortunes in the way of delays and a small robbery at Chicago, a pleasant ride over those excellent and well-wrecked and sent down to the bottomless depths, but conducted roads, the Michigan Central and Great Western, another delay of a whole day at Buffalo, whence we reached New York by the way of the New York & Erie R. R., a delay of two and a half days for a steamer which finally could not sail, and a subsequent trip to Boston,after all this, and a great deal more of a vexatious char-escaped in the night-we were nevertheless petitioners acter that we do not care to mention, we find ourselves, at last, fairly at sea, some two hundred miles from port, and steadily nearing the Nova Scotian shore.

Thus far a delightful voyage, with everything in our favor-except that we sail under the flag of old England instead of the dear old Stars and Stripes, and have little or no American company. But all this is of small account-unless, indeed, the Cross of St. George may be deemed a safer ensign, just now, than even the Flag of

the Union. We feel secure, at least, against the piratical flags which the "Southern Confederacy" so boastfully flaunts here and there on the seas.

those sad calamities were remembered to have usually occurred on the coast; and being now out in the open sea, although in the vicinity of icebergs-some of which in all their crystal glory and grand magnificence had been seen by us in the morning of the 21st, and but barely

to Neptune for a special display of his power in stirring up the briny deep. It need hardly be added, our prayers were answered with a most commendable promptness, and to a degree even beyond satisfaction. Old Boreas, whose winds had been pent up many days in the icy region of the Arctic zone, appeared to have been particularly

charged to do his best, and most faithfully did he perform his part in the grand drama of which we were at first the delighted spectators, but finally and chiefly, the most terribly tortured victims.

The trouble was that in asking for a storm, we omitted to stipulate that it should ever cease-presuming, simply enough, that the sea would at least be courteous to strangers on an important mission of peace and industry and so become calm again when politely requested. But, as just said, we neglected to wind up our petition, like indefinite advertisements, with a "tf." (till forbidden) and accordingly, having once commenced, the storm lasted just ten times as long as we had intended-continuing five days, almost without abatement, and only mercifully calming off as we approached the coast of Ireland and were about entering the more dangerous waters of St. George's Channel.

The first half day was rainy, but the one just closed has been among the brightest and most beautiful ever vouchsafed to voyagers on this or any other sea. For the first time in our life we have seen the sun rise and set in the same blue waters without a visible shore beyond. To say that we kept the deck from morning till starry even, nor ceased to fill our souls more and more with the sublimity of the scene were needless, and yet this is all we can say. It is not in the power of words to convey any just idea of the first emotions begotten of old ocean in the soul of a truly devout worshipper of God in nature. The mighty deep beneath and around as far as the eye can reach the blue etherial dome above, the glorious orb of day more golden and more majestic than ever before, and the lesser orb of night, more mild and beautifully radiant in the midst of the host of her attendant spark-roll and pitch of the gallant Niagara as she alternately ling spheres, there is nothing like it on the land, and this one experience is well worth the trouble and peril of going to sea.

To-night we are to touch at Halifax, from which point this brief and hasty letter will be posted for the pleasure of those of our readers who have a personal interest in the welfare of the author. Our next words will come to you from the other side."

For more than a day we kept our place on the upper deck, making observations upon the altitude of waves, the grand swells of the vast waste of waters and enjoying the

descended, as if going into the very depths of the sea, and rose again to the summit of the mountain wave that threatened to overwhelm us; but about noon of the second day slight symptoms of gastric derangement(!) together with the fierce dash of waters upon the deck and clear over the ship, admonished us that the water tight state-room of the cabin below would be a fitter place.-Still we held our position, and not until a ton or more of

brine leaped the bulwarks, and in one grand fierce dash came near sweeping us overboard did we relinquish it and give ourselves up to the old demon of the ocean, sea-sickness. Of this we can only think with pain and shrinking at the being probably again subjected to it on our return. To describe it is impossible. The unutterable loathing of everything on shipboard, particularly in the Steward's department, and the settled determination to somehow discover an overland route back to America have not gone from us.

are informed, perfect order, regularity and propriety of officers and sailors are characteristic of the Cunard Line generally. During the twelve days we were aboard, we heard not a single loud, rough, vulgar, or profane word from either commanders or crew. The company have at present a very large patronage, and are constantly building new ships after the most approved models, some of them screw and some paddle ships. The China has made the trip from New York to Liverpool in less than nine days. Others of the Line are also fast boats. The price of passage is higher-$130, first cabin, from New York; $110 from Boston-than by any other line, but the excellent character of the ships and of the management, to

But the storm and the demon of the stomach are now behind us; the sun shines once more, and the clink of dishes in the dining cabin does not arouse the same bitterness of disposition to utterly abolish the whole digest-gether with the fact that this company has never lost a ive apparatus.

OFF CORK, Sunday, April 27th. The mountain cliffs of old Erin, but dimly descried in the morning, and which brought up from the depths of our heart the glad shout of land! land! are now in plain view before us, and nearly all day long we have had a beautiful panoramic view of the coast, verdant with vegetation, or brown with the cultivated soil. Here and there is a little village, and all along are the old Martello Towers, the terror of smugglers in times past and now.

Just now the spacious and beautiful Harbor of Cork,

shut in by the hills and with Queenstown nestling under

the bluff on the right comes into view, and we must get out our Sketch Book and go up on deck. The twilight

comes, and as the Australasia has just passed us carrying

the only mails which will leave England before Saturday

next, we shall give our readers other notes by the way ere our final despatch by the Scotia.

LIVERPOOL, Monday, April 28th.

ship at sea, have secured the confidence and patronage of the better portion of the traveling public. We have not been pleased that Exhibitors at the International Exhibition and even Commissioners are charged the full price for passage and transportation, but felt bound to say what we have said for the information and advantage of the traveling public who may be desirous of disinterested advice on this subject.

LONDON, April 29th.

could not conveniently get off for London until the fol

Getting ashore at Liverpool at so late an hour that we

journey in the morning, via Northwestern & Trent Valley lowing morning, we remained over night and resumed our R. W. Of the city of Liverpool we, of course, saw but little, though we employed our time most industriously while there. It is undoubtedly the greatest commercial metropolis in the world, and in appearance and in the manners and customs of its people, the most American city in the British Kingdom; indeed, but for the narrowness and crookedness of its streets, we would scarcely have known that we were not in New York.

The railroad, however, and everything connected, quickly dispelled all doubts on that point and entirely satisfied

us that we were not in Yankee Land. The miserable

It is now just coming night. The morning was foggy and we were unable to make rapid progress across the channel. But the afternoon has been glorious, and the view of North Wales most charming-Mount Snowden, the highest elevation in the British Islands, the principal object of interest until now, the green slopes and lordly mansions of Brikenhead greet our eyes. This is a beautiful town on the south side of the Mersey, just opposite Liverpool, which also is coming into view, with its massive stone docks-five miles in extent along the shore and the most capacious and costly in the world-and forest of ships. Already we are steaming up the river and the custom officers will soon be aboard to see if we have any-vided into three apartments. In each apartment there thing contraband in our luggage.

The Niagara, although generally understood to be one of the slowest ships of the Cunard Line, in view of all the circumstances has done nobly, getting us into port on the 12th day from Boston. She is a paddle ship, and has been fifteen years buffeting the waves of old ocean. In this voyage she has been officered by gentlemen, who, though many years in the service, have been very recently transferred to this ship. Captain Cook is a quiet reserved little man with firmness and clock-like regularity in all his orders and appointments. The orderly conduct of the crew has been remarked by every one. Indeed, as we

coaches, as they are properly called-being similarly shaped and but little longer and higher-with doors at the side were provocative of both laughter and indignation-laughter at their queer absurd appearance, indignation that John Bull in his vain conceit should so long have refused to pattern after Brother Jonathan in the construction of proper railroad cars. Each coach is di

are two seats facing each other like the front and back seat of a stage-coach, and long enough to accommodate four persons each. There are no moveable windows, except in the doors on either side, in which there is a pane of glass let up or down by a strap, stage-coach fashion. Of course ventilation is more difficult and the getting up and moving about to rest one's self, or to look up a friend on the train, is out of the question. In some of the coaches-perhaps in all-the middle apartment is used for baggage; in which particular the arrangement is quite convenient, as one's luggage can be more easily looked after. True to the English idea of caste, the coaches

are labeled "First Class," "Second Class," and "Third
Class." First class coaches are comfortably cushioned,
second class coaches favored with a kind of half cushion
of leather extending about half the width of the seat
from the front with leather at the back, and third class
coaches are furnished with bare benches. The fare in
the 1st class is one-third to one-half higher than the reg-
ular fare in the United States, in the 2d class about equal
to regular U. S. fare, the 3d class a little less. The en-
gines are plain, bungling looking things, in strong con-
trast with the fire locomotives of America. But when we
come to speak of the road itself, we have none but words
of commendation. Substantial in construction and ex-lowing countries are represented:
cellent in all its appointments. More of this anon.

The glass domes are 250 feet and 160 feet in diameter and near 200 high; the nave and transepts (portions through the center and across the east and west ends and which rise to the arched roof without galleries,) 100 feet high and 85 feet wide, corresponding to the ground aisles of some dreamed of but impossible cathedral. The cost of the entire structure is about two millions of dollars.

The route to London presented to our view a succession of the most charming pictures we have ever beheldpictures all the more pleasing and grateful because of the snow and ice we had but so recently left in America. Here the scene was so changed that we appeared to have come out of mid-winter as by a single step into the month of June. Beautiful verdant meadows and pastures 66 spotted with fire and gold in the tint of flowers;" sleek fat Durham cattle and Leicester sheep lying on the banks of beautiful streams and on the velvet knolls or wading in the tall grass; gardeners cultivating their cabbages, beets, onions and beans; farmers hoeing their wheat and planting their later spring crops; with cozy cottages, handsomer gentlemen's residences, and lordly castles, and new and thriving, or gleaning old cities and villages-their moss grown walls and turrets carrying one back a thousand years-all along the way, made the journey of 205 miles seem at once but a league and the stretch of a continent. The five hours and forty minutes occupied in making the run were soon passed, and ere we were aware of it, we were in London, the great metropolis of the world.

The Great Exhibition of 1862.—In the external appearance of the Exhibition Palace we were disappointed; not in vastness of extent, for it is larger than we had imagined, occupying 241⁄2 acres of land, and with its lofty domes of glass flittering in the sun can be seen at a great distance, but rather in the lack of outside finish. But having seen the inside we find no fault with the heavy unpainted brick walls without: they were necessary to give strength and durability to so massive a structure, and the money which outside decorations would have cost has been wisely applied to improving the interior, which, now, with the display of articles on exhibition, is most grandly imposing. The following diagram will give the reader a general idea of the form and construction: But this ground plan although over one-sixth of a mile in extent each way gives but a partial idea of the amount of space for the purposes of the exhibition, as the room in the galleries is also very great. The painting, gilding and fine artistic decorations of the entire enterior, give it a most gorgeous and imposing appearance, brightened by the brilliance of the light which pours in profusion through the glazed roof and domes.

The display of articles on exhibition is indescribably fine, far surpassing anything that the world has ever seen before, not only in quantity and quality, but also in the number and remoteness of the countries from which they have come. In addition to the British Kingdom, the fol


Norway and Sweden.
Costa Rica.


Argentine Republic.
Hanse Towns.

New Brunswick.

Prince Edward's Island.
British Columbia.

Vancouver's Island.
Nova Scotia.


St. Vincent.


British Guiana.

New South Wales.



South Australia.



Western Australia.

New Zealand.

Ionian Island.

Japan, China.

St. Helena, West Africa.
Siam, Liberia.

The reader cannot expect a description of even the most important contributions until after we have given them more thorough study.

THE OPENING OF THE EXHIBITION, which took place to-day, (May 1st,) was an occasion which can never be forgotten by those who were so fortunate as to witness it. It was an event of a life-time to most, and was felt by us to be well worth our long journey of 4,500 miles, storm and sea-sickness not excepted.

The weather (which thus far, since our arrival, has taken the force all out of the talk we hear about London rain and fog,) is as perfect as could have been wished. Early in the morning it rained just enough to lay the dust, but before 9 o'clock the sky cleared up and gave us the softest, balmiest and most golden May days we have ever enjoyed. The procession which comprised a great number of dignitaries attired in the most varied manner -some neatly and chastely, others gorgeously and fantastically-made a splendid pageant. Princes, Dukes, Archbishops, Lord Chancellors, Premiers, Lord Mayors, foreign Ministers and Ambassadors, including those just arrived from Japan, Hayti and Persia, each in the dress peculiar to his office and nationality-" some in velvets, some in lawns," of every variety of color and decoration, from the gaily fluttering ribbon to the jewelled buckle, button, sash and chain all flashing in the sun-moved in the grand procession as it entered the Palace on the south

side and with measured step passed along the crimsoncarpeted aisles to the place of first ceremonial in the front of the throne. The following was the order observed: 1. Trumpeters of the Life Guards in State Uniforms. 2. Contractor's Superintendents.

3. Superintendents of Exhibition Arrangements.

Oscar of Sweden on his left, the other chief dignitaries grouped according to rank.

The Orchestra at the opposite end of the grand nave and under the Eastern dome embracing two thousand singers and four hundred instrumentalists, all selected

4. Her Majesty's Commissioner's Superintendents of by distinguished artists from every portion of the kingBuilding Works.

5. Contractors and Architect.

6. Council of Royal Horticultural Society.

7. Council of Society of Arts.

8. The Ten Guarantors of the Exhibition.

9. Building Committee.

10. Special Commissioner for Juries.

11. Chainmen of Juries.

dom, pealed forth its music, "God save the Queen," and there was quiet. The Earl Granville then presented his address to the Duke of Cambridge, and after the response, the procession moved down the other aisle of the grand nave to the platform in front of the Orchestra. It was

12. Acting Commissioners for the Colonies and Depend- then that we heard such music as we shall probably never

encies of Great Britain.

13. Foreign Acting Commissioners. 14. Presidents of Foreign Commissioners. 15. Her Majesty's Commissioners for 1851. 16. Her Majesty's Commissioners for 1862. 17. Her Majesty's Ministers, to-wit:

[blocks in formation]

His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, K.G., Secretary of State for the Colonies.

The Right Hon. Earl Russell, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

The Right Hon. Sir G. Grey, Bart., G.C.B., Secretary of State for the Home Department.


His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, K.G.
His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The Right Hon. Lord Westbury, Lord High Chancellor.
The Right Hon. the Earl of Derby, K.G.
The Right Hon. Viscount Sidney, Lord Chamberlain.
The Right Hon. Viscount Palmerston, K.G., G.C.B.
The Right Hon. the Speaker of the House of Commons.

ROYAL PERSONAGES ATTENDING THE OPENING. His Royal Highness Prince Oscar of Sweden. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Prussia. Gentlemen in Attendance on Royal Personages. The Duke of Cambridge who was the Queen's representative to open the Exhibition, and the great political leaders, Lords Palmerston and Derby, were specially greeted with enthusiastic applause as they passed along. The Lord Chancellor and the Speaker of the House of Commons were attended by their Sergeants-at-Arms, bearing their massive golden maces.

The place appointed for the opening ceremony was under the Western dome where a magnificent canopy had

hear again: a grand overture by Meyerbeer, a Triumphal March, Sacred Music, Quick March and National Air and Chorule by Dr. Sterndale Bennett, to the following words by the Poet Laureate, (Alfred Tennyson):

Uplift a thousand voices full and sweet,

In this wide hall with earth's invention stored,
Who lets once more in peace the nations meet,
And praise th' invisible, universal Lord,
Where Science, Art, and Labor have outpour'd
Their myriad horns of plenty at our feet.
O, silent father of our Kings to be,
Mourn'd in this golden hour of jubilee,
For this, for all, we weep our thanks to thee !
The world-compelling plan was thine,
And, lo! the long, laborious miles
Of palace; lo! the giant aisles,
Rich in model and design.
Harvest-tool and husbandry,
Loom and wheel and engin'ry,
Secrets of the sullen mine,

Steel, and gold, and corn, and wine,
Fabric rough, or fairy fine,

Sunny tokens of the Line,

Polar marvels, and a feast

Of wonder, out of West and East,
And shapes and hues of Art divine!
All of beauty, all of use,

That one fair planet can produce,

Brought from under every star,
Blown from over every main,
And mixt, as life is mixt with pain,

The works of peace with works of war,

O ye, the wise who think, the wise who reign,
From growing commerce loose her latest chain,
And let the fair white-winged peacemaker fly
To happy havens under all the sky,
And mix the seasons and the golden hours,
Till each man find his own in all men's good,
And all men work in noble brotherhood,
Breaking their mailed fleets and armed towers,
And ruling by obeying Nature's powers,
And gathering all the fruits of peace and crown'd with all
her flowers.

This was followed by a grand march by Auber, at the conclusion of which a prayer was offered by the Bishop of London. The Hallejugah Chorus and the National Anthem were then sung, when the procession returned to the throne, from which the Duke declared the Exhibition open. Then the cannon pealed out their thunders and the work of inspection begun to continue until Oc


Portage City Seed Store.-W. Caswell has a full list of Imphee, Sorghum, and French Sugar Cane Seeds been erected, draped with Utrecht velvet, with the Chair-genuine and just imported. Grass seeds and clover in of State on a raised dais or throne, marble busts of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert having position on either side. The Duke of Cambridge occupied the centre of the dais, with the Prince of Prussia on his right, and Prince

variety; Vetches or Tares; Tobacco seed; Chiccory; Imported Ruta Baga and Turnip seed; Genuine Bi Sulphite of Lime. Seeds sent by mail, 1c. per oz.


W. CASWELL, Portage City, Wis.

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