
in October, 1776; in Massachusetts, December, scientific geology, composed of specimens of 1776; in Rhode Island, July, 1776; in New rock, ores, fossils, and whatever illustrates the Jersey, August, 1776; in Pennsylvania, January, 1777; in Delaware, February, 1777; in economic geology of the mines, and the nature Maryland, April, 1777; in Virginia, May, 1777. and character of our mineral veins. These "In correcting a historical inaccuracy with regard to the source which declared the conti- specimens shall be carefully collected from the nental money a legal tender, the reader will, different localities throughout the mining reof course, understand that it is no part of our gion; and so arranged as to represent, not only purpose to augur or suggest that Treasury notes issued by our government at the present the locality from which they have been taken, day, under circumstances so different from but the peculiar formation to which they bethose surrounding the continental Congress, long. They will also serve to illustrate the would be subject to any similar depreciation." detailed reports which will be made, and published in this journal, of the important mines in the localities above referred to, and the facts which otherwise may be obtained and recorded here.



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It may be well, perhaps, before entering upon the work which properly belongs to this department, to inform those interested in mining, and in the development of the metallic resources of the State, what this department contemplates doing. It is a well known fact, that up to the present time, but little, comparatively, has been done to ascertain the richness and extent of our mineral deposites. The pioneers of mining-many of whom became rich were too busy in their pursuit after wealth, to stop to enquire after facts, or even to record those which every day unfolded themselves before their view. And we, their successors, have up to the present time, followed their example. It is time however to pause, and examine the facts accumulating on our hands; systematically arrange them, and place them on record to be examined by


We purpose in the first place to collect all the practical information we can obtain from the mining region, and publish it in such a way that it will be accessible alike to the miner, the land-owner, and the capitalist; and that too with a view of ascertaining the extent and richness of our mineral veins, and the importance of mining as a branch of industry. For this purpose this department is opened, and to the best of our ability will be devoted to mining intelligence and mining interests.

In connection with this department, we purpose also to form a museum of practical and

For this purpose the use of the State Agricultural Rooms are offered, a place beautifully adapted for the purpose. Those interested in the development of our metallic and scientific resources, cannot too highly appreciate this offer, and the offer of this department, without money or price for mining and scientific purposes. And we hope they will put forth every effort to make this department, and the museum, worthy of it, and of the important branch of industry which they represent. It is not necessary for me to argue the importance of this work here, a moment's reflection will make it appear. I know there is a disposition on the part of the mining community to reject all speculative theories on our mineral veins ; and it is right it should be so. But on the other hand we should search diligently for

that light which science and intelligence will afford us on this great question. We may as well try to believe that there are no such agents as heat, chemical affinity, and electricity in physical nature, as that there are no

laws under which mineral veins have been formed and filled. But the testimony of all scientific men is, and all experience goes to show, that they belong to that class of agents, (or laws) whose mode of operation, and the rule which they follow, lies deeply hid from the theorist, or the superficial observer, and can be detected only by a careful record of their phenomena, and a careful arrangement of those facts which such phenomena afford. If

the work we contemplate doing now, had been begun twenty years ago, and continued down to the present time, the cabinet formed, and the records preserved, would be worth to the mining region to-day a thousand times more than the information we have obtained, or shall obtain, from the geological survey, valuable and important as that may be. As the collecting of the above named information and specimens for the cabinet, is to be on the part of those engaged, a "labor of love," I would ask that some one be appointed in every mining locality throughout the State for this purpose, and forward the same to me at this place, (Mazomanie, Dane Co.,) or hold it subject to my order when I visit that place. J. MURRISH.

MR. EDITOR-I was very much pleased when I noticed in the March FARMER, a Department called the "Miner,"opened for mining intelligence; and regarded it as a new and important era in the history of our mines. Nothing has done more to retard the progress of mining, than a want of something of this kind; nothing will do more to infuse new life into it, to wipe away the disgrace with which certain parties seek to cover it; to bring it out in its own light, and obtain for it the respect of the world, than the department referred to in your journal. Nor is there a journal published in the State, in which a department for mining intelligence would be so well adapted to the wants of the mining region as the FARMER.

You, very truthfully remarked, in your notice of this subject, that the mining interests of the State were second only to the agricultural. Let me here remind you of another fact, however closely related these two branches of industry may be in point of importance, there are other relations affording stronger reasons why they should be united as twin sisters in your journal, and regarded not as though they had rival claims to be supported, but as branches of industry whose sympathies and interests are reciprocal. In this light they should be viewed, and in this journal they should be united, supported, and admired, as the pillars and ornaments of our political economy.

[blocks in formation]

Before the conquest of their country, the ancient Britons extracted this metal from its ores by methods which they had themselves discovered, and which were probably improved on by their conquerors. The smelting process would seem to have been very simply conducted. The broken ore was placed in a hole in the ground, the sides of which were lined with pieces of wood; these, on being ignited, reduced the metal, which was separated from the slags by being run off through a narrow channel into an outer receptacle. Many of these rude furnaces have been found in various parts of Cornwall and elsewhere, in which only charcoal and slags have been discovered, but also portions of the reduced metal.

COPPER MINING IN 1861.-The mines of Lake Superior have closed the most vigorous and the aggregate, over ten thousand tons of copprosperous of campaigns, and have raised, in per mineral, which will average, on metallurgical treatment, about 85 per cent. for refined metal. The district of Portage Lake, the youngest of the three sections has led all in production, having raised and shipped, from the seven mines in operation during the season, over 4,500 tons of high per centage ore. This, with the exception of that produced by the Quincy Company, has been treated at the Portage Lake Smelting Works-the amount produced there being 5,129,000 pounds of ingot copper. If we estimate the value of the Quincy's mineral to have been 75 per cent. (certainly low enough,) we will have 3,600 tons as the product of the Portage Lake mines in refined metal.-Cor. Detroit Tribune.


The Child, Liberty.


When our fathers, outcast from the Old, Sought the New World's untrodden wild, With God alone, since time untold,

They found a fair and simple child.

In his great name she bade them, hail!
And welcomed home our hero sires;
And there they furled their venturing sail,
And lighted, there, their altar fires.

For Liberty was what they sought;
Safe from the perils of the deep,
They swore to count all else but naught,
And sacred, still the child to keep.

On Plymouth rock now beats the surge
That roars above their burial urn,
Where still our watchful eagle soars
With stripes that float, and stars that burn.

But "Where, oh where is Liberty!"
Cries out, to-day, that honored dust;
My country, it demands of thee

"How hast thou kept that holiest trust?"

Where now Columbia lies spread

From Plymouth to Pacific strand, The memory of whose glorious dead

Yet holds in trust the world's right hand,

Where Liberty is still a name

Where victor songs are proudly sung, And highest in our nation's fane

Her bannered trophies still are hung,

Lo, on the hills with bleeding feet,

That blessed child, no longer fair, While traitor hordes, with hell's deceit, Flaunt her pure robes in heaven's blue air.

No longer fair? Never so fair

As now' from east to western main, Lighting her camp-fires everywhere Her ancient glories to regain.

God pity us! Hold up our hands;

Make our dear land the great and strong; Loved with a love that breaks all bands, And dashes out all human wrong;

Until no wail from quivering hearts
Shall smite the seas from off our shore,

And not till hope from time departs
Go down the flag our fathers bore.

Machines for Women's Work.

Housekeeper" says "sewing machines are so dear that they are beyond the reach of those who need them." There are few farmers who are so well off as to have much out-door as well as in-door work to do, but can afford $40 or $50 for a sewing machine. Could they but realize what women's "never ending work" is, and study into the economy of its performance they would readily see what would be made by the purchase.

But they say "our mothers didn't need sewing machines?" No, and our fathers didn't need mowers and reapers and thrashing machines, but you have found out that you do, and many other conveniences for expediting your labor.

Men with their sinewy strength and iron nerves are apt to think sewing is n't much, that its a kind of second nature for women to keep their fingers busy when they've nothing else to do. It surely can't be hard work to wield so delicate an instrument as a needle, strung on a slender thread, even if the day has been passed in housework and child cares and mother is tired all over, before she sits down to her sewing. But its not so very easy to ply the shining shaft through and through the thick fabric of those heavy pants; so many such stitches in a year are to be thus taken one by one! that the sewing occupies every moment spared from housework. Ah, most of you can "afford" it! Let me persuade you to make the effort. There may be some sacrifice the first year, but the next will pay it back. Your wives will accomplish a vast deal more, be less hurried and worried and flurried, have time to attend to a good many things hitherto neglected and practice many little economies for which now they have no time. Where the time for making is no longer a consideration-many an outgrown or no longer wearable garment will be remodelled and do good service, when if it were to be made by hand it would not pay. With patience and a little practice, one thing after another will be found possible on the sewing machine, till little is left for hand stitching, beside button holes and darning.

for hand sewing. Of machinery there is so little and that so simple and substantial, as to carry durability on the face of it.

I purchased a Wheeler & Wilson's sewing machine four years ago. In less than two years it chanced the price was reduced one third. Was I sorry I had not waited? No With regard to knitting machines, when indeed! Money could not buy the relief and living in Wisconsin I looked about for one but comfort it had been to me. In four years was not satisfied. They did not seem yet adaptthorough testing on every thing needed by a ed in price or capability to family use. Perfamily of seven, its excellence suffers no dimi-sons convenient to cities or large towns, can nution, but rather increases. I never find my-purchase the hose and make up stockings as self with a huge pile of sewing ready prepared, needed, or they may be purchased complete at but a sweet sense of satisfaction steals over comparatively reasonable rates. The knitting my spirit, and I bless my sewing machine!— machine is not so continually needed as the Bless it for the ease from that burden of sew-sewing machine, and might be owned by a ing which was forever increasing beyond my company or neighborhood. ability to despatch it, and was a constant incubus upon the spirits.

If there are girls and boys in the family who have leisure, they can be easily taught to operate while mother sits by and prepares the


There are sewing machines cheap enough for any purchaser. My investigation and observation before purchasing, inclined me to the decision that the best was the cheapest,-doing all kinds of work needed in the family-working smoothly, with little expenditure of strength, no getting out of order, repairing or wearing out, with ordinary care and use. The Wheeler & Wilson-Singers' and Grover & Baker's are acknowledged the best three.

Singer's seemed best adapted for heavy manufacturing purposes and is more complicated. The Grover & Baker stitch is an objection, making a cord on the under side and is more profuse of thread, while the manner of holding the work is more inconvenient. The W. & W. makes a stitch on both sides alike-so that in hemming, or other work where it is more convenient, the sewing can be done on the wrong side; thus dispensing with much basting. Then the work running in a straight line before the operator is in its favor. An erect posture can be maintained, with little reaching of the arms or wearying of shoulders and back, while the seam is easily guaged and kept true without basting. After a little practice there is no more, if as much, basting as

There are many things about women's work that needs to be done, day after day and week after week, for which there should, and surely will be efficient, simple, and inexpensive implements invented.

The sewing machine is the only thing which I happen thoroughly and satisfactorily to have tested.

Washing and sweeping machines should, by this time, be perfected, but I have not chanced to find them so. wringer highly commended, which may be attached to any tub, wringing the clothes through the various waters. If this works well, and without tearing the fabric, or wringing off buttons, it will prove an admirable lightener of wash day labor. To perform their many duties, women need all the help they can get in the way of conveniences and implements, and I am always interested in every invention having this end in view.

I have heard of a clothes




POCKET THREAD CASES.-Cut morocco cloth, a quarter of a yard long and four inches wide, round off one end, line with silk or woolen stuff. Sew lappets for needles on the square embroider the blue with thirty-four stars in end, make three pockets-red, white and blue, white silk, and run elastic cord on the wrong side of the top of each, baste on the morocco at proper distances and bind the whole with galloon or worsted binding. When suitably furnished, is a useful gift for a friend going to serve in army or navy.-Farmer and Gardener.

[blocks in formation]

SIMPLE REMEDY TO PURIFY WATER.-Pulverized alum possesses the property of purifying water. A large spoonful stirred into a hogshead of water will so purify it, that in a few hours it will be as fresh and clear as spring water. Four gallons may be purified by a tea-spoonful.

OBSERVATIONS ON MAKING PUDDINGS.-The outside of a broiled pudding often tastes disagreeably, which arises by the cloth not being nicely washed, and kept in a dry place. It should be dipped in boiling water, squeezed it should be tied loose; if batter, tight over. dry, and floured, when to be used. If bread, The water should boil quick when the pudding is put in; and it should be moved about for a minute, lest the ingredients should not mix. Batter pudding should be strained through a coarse sieve, when all is mixed; in others, the eggs separately. The pans and basins must be always buttered. A pan of cold water should be ready, and the pudding dipped in as soon as it comes out of the pot, and then it

will not adhere to the cloth.

TO BROIL BEEF-STEAK.-Cut slices of beef as thick as your hand, put each on the gridiron, and set it over a bed of live coals free from any smoke, and broil ten minutes; when done, take it up on a platter or deep plate, and put pieces of butter over the meat; it should be broiled the last thing before the family sit down, and brought to the table hot; pour a very little hot water over the meat.


-A lady well advanced in maidenhood, at her marriage, requested the choir to sing the hymn commencing"This is the way I long have sought, And mourned because I found it not." -"Jacinto "

says he once courted a down East gal and "popped the question" to her; she immediately pitched her entire mass of lovely clay into his willing arms, and answered: "I

want to know." It's an even bet that "Jacinto" imparted the desired knowledge.

from service in the southern army, one fellow -Among the excuses offered for exemptions wrote opposite his name, one leg too short." Another, thinking to better it, wrote opposite his, "both legs too short." He had been reading some of the exploits of the southern armies, doubtless, and supposed legs to be the first essential.

-A lady in Troy, N. Y., one day last week purchased $40 worth of Honiton lace, which she left in the wrapper on a table. The next morning it was missing. On interrogating a servant she replied that she saw a bit of paper on the table and took it to light the fire with; An expensive article of kindling. and sure enough, "Biddy" had burned the lace.

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-The following is a correspondent's account of an interview with a contraband: costed one whose very immense blackness comMEASURE CAKE.-Take one tea-cup of but-mended him as a genuine, unadulterated scion ter, and stir it to a cream, two tea-cups of of Africa. Where do you hail from? Culsugar, then stir in four eggs that have been peper Court House, sah.' 'What news do you beaten to a froth, a grated nutmeg, and a pint bring?' 'Nothing, massa, 'cept dars a man of flour; stir it till it is ready to bake. It is lost a mighty good nigger dar dis morning, and good baked in cups or pans. I guess he dun lose some more 'fore night.'"

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