
guarded against at this time more particularly is to the poplars and maples. About the last of June they return to the deep wood to breed, from which they make daily forays to the orchards and gardens, doing more or less damage. After the breeding season is over, the old birds, with their broods, return to the fields, orchards and gardens of the farmers and others and go quietly to work to destroy thousands of valuable fruit, shade and ornamental trees. Returning with the new recruits, they attack the apple, the pear and the mountain ash with a vigor that, unless they are killed at the outset, an immense number of valuable trees will be killed or seriously injured. While in the deep forest he lives on the ironwood and lynn, mainly, as these trees furnish sap and an abundance of cambrium or cambium and liber. Yet they prefer the smooth, thrifty trunks of fruit tree, as is proved by their daily visits to the orchards." Dr. H. then repeated his recommendation to destroy them on every occa


The above remarkable statements seem to be uttered in good faith, but they could not certainly result from the personal observation of the doctor regarding the habits of this bird, but must rather be a lingering remnant of that superstition which farmers have nearly and naturalists antirely done away with. I am persuaded that if the doctor had but given his attention for one hour to this bird as it works actively in the orchards and woods, he would never have made the above assertions; but it is to these careless and inconsiderate opinions which men of education promulgate without regard to facts that the farmer owes his ignorance of nature, and which render so many of

disproved by the fact that it works as actively on dead limbs of trees, wood piles, fence posts, &e., in which there could not possibly be a drop of sap, and by the invariable absence of either in the crop. The perforations in the bark which this bird makes are done while it is searching for insects and their larvæ; while thus engaged it labors with much energy and activity, frequently spending several minutes at one spot, rather than suffer the vermin, which are concealed beneath the bark, to continue their work of destruction unmolested. On such occasions it becomes so intent on its occupation as to allow one to approach quite near the scene of its operations, and it may often be seen drawing out the larvæ from the holes it has made and swallowing them.

The insects both in the larva and perfect state which it destroys are all greatly injurious to fruit and forest trees; among the former may be mentioned the apple tree borers of which two species attack the smaller limbs and branches, and one or more the trunk; the peach and pear tree borers, and multitudes of small insects which mine the bark and otherwise injure the tree. Forest trees are perforated in various directions by coleopterous larvæ which utterly ruin the wood for anything but fuel. Such is the immense reproductive power of these insects that unless their numbers were diminished greatly by this family of birds, the immense forests of this country would be completely destroyed, at least for timber purposes. I do not intend in this short, hastily written paper to enter into details regarding the different insects which are destroyed by the wood

his operations unsuccessful. The Hairy Woodpeckers, nor the methods and amounts of

pecker, Picus villosus, is called the Sapsucker, from the belief that it sucks the sap of trees; but that is a mistake, as an hour's observation of the habits of this bird will decide; and if this is not satisfactory, let the observer kill one of them and open its crop, and he will find there

nothing but insects, their larvæ and eggs: that it feeds on the liber and sap of trees is

injuries which they do. I wish merely to call the attention of the farmer to the fact that these birds are his friends instead of his enemies, (which he can prove with very little trouble) and that he should protect them and encourage them in the work which nature has designed them for, and which they are willing to perform. E. A. SAMUELS.

BOSTON, Mass., Feb. 5th, 1862.


Writing in our Common Schools.

The value to the world of the art of writing, cannot be estimated. That the rapid progress now made in civilized nations depends, to an unlimited extent, upon written language, will be generally admitted.

It is not neccessary, in this age, to speak or write of the importance of this branch of common school study, for all must know and feel, to a great extent, its necessity. But the question is, how shall we, how shall our children be instructed in this important branch. It is expected that the masses in our State will receive

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Country School-Houses.-No. 1. This is not the season for building, to be sure; but it is pre-eminently the season for considering important questions and laying plans for future operations. Especially is it a time for getting correct impressions of the uncomfortableness of the old school-house, which ought really, either never to have been built, or at least to have given place to a better one years ago.

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It is important to have good comfortable dwellings for our families, and substantial, secure and capacious barns for our crops and stock, but certainly not more important than that the place where our children are to spend so much of their time during the most impressible and formative period of life. No, the school-house has a strong claim upon the attention, time and money of the farmers of the father who will not to the best of his abilevery rural district wherever it may be; and ity and cheerfully meet this demand is-simply a barbarian.

their instruction in the common school, under the free school law, which provides, without qualification, for the instruction of every child in the State, over four and under twenty years of age, in all the common English branches.— It is expressly stated that writing shall be taught in every district school in the State; and this is a grand provision of the law, and should be thoroughly executed. But from some cause, writing is shamefully neglected in many of our schools; this is not as it should be, for the masses are dependent upon the common school for all the instruction they will receive in writing. Some may say that it would be better to attend a school established expressly for the purpose of giving instruction in this particular branch. This, perhaps, would be the better plan for those who may think themselves able to sustain the extra school; but it is no argument in favor of omitting it in the common school, for under such circumstances, very many, who would otherwise become good writers, would know but very little of this use-scenery, in the midst of which it is to be ful art. District Boards and parents should give sufficient attention to this matter-see that an opportunity to write in their school is offered to every child who may be old enough to learn to write, notwithstanding the opinions of some who think that it may create too much disturbance in the school room.

Every well-regulated school, with a live and systematic teacher, may have as much system,

In the construction of a school-house, four questions require to be carefully considered: 1. What construction will give the greatest security to the health of the occupants?

2. What style will be best adapted to the

placed, most pleasing to the eye and mind and most conducive to a refined and correct taste?

3. What kind of structure will be the most substantial?

4. How and of what material can it be built most economically?

But there is one other question to be considered first, to-wit: What shall be the location of the school house? Of this, a few words.

With many this question will have but two points worthy of consideration-centrality and cheapness of land. It cannot be denied that both of these points are worthy of consideration. The matter of centrality in the district is particularly so; nor is the cost of ground unworthy of attention in a new country and in hard times. But neither one nor both of these considerations should decide the question of location.

Of course, it would not be proper that the school should be located at a point far removed from the center of both district and population-unless there be something in the district's topography, such as a lake, swamp or other circumstance of that character which must necessarily preclude the possibility of such centrality—but it will not unfrequently happen that considerations of heathfulness and pleasantness of locality should be allowed to outweigh the mere matter of distance. Children can better afford to walk a little further than to spend the hours and days of school in some barren, sun-scorched hill, or on the border of a repulsive disease-producing swamp.


Snow Sculpture.


On hills and forests bare and brown,
I see the silent snow come down,
So soft and white,

Like showers of blossoms winds have blown
From flowers of light.

Faster and faster fall the flakes,
On the dim woods and silver lakes,
From stormy skies,

Like soft words on a heart that breaks
When pity sighs.

Ye wailing winds, that sadly sigh
Above the graves where heroes lie,
In sorrow blow,

And build white columns, broad and high,
Of stainless snow.

Let pyramids of spotless hue
Point to the bending arch of blue
Without a stain,

And mark the place where sleep the true,
In battle slain.

Ye unseen sculptors in the air,
Go carve designs in beauty there,
And grave the name
Of BAKER deep in letters fair
As wreaths of fame.

Go where the bending willow weeps
Over the tomb where ELLSWORTH sleeps,
And softly write
The epitaph that history keeps,
In letters white.

Quarry from clouds a shaft to tower
Above the spot where sleeps the flower
Of armies true,

Till blossoms rise in sun and shower,
Red, white and blue.

Parental Influence.

If the health of your children be worth anything to them and you; if their happiness during the period of youth, when the days may be joyous and golden or sad and wearisome, according to their surroundings, be How strong is the instinct of parental love. worthy of a little sacrifice; if you would make Parents suffer no such agony in their own perfor them sunny memories and better lives in sons as they can suffer through the person of a the maturer years of manhood and womanhood, the convulsed muscle, the throbbing pulse in child. Parents can bear the palpitating heart, then we entreat you, be not unmindful of where themselves; but when the tender organs of a you plant them to-day. If there be one spot loved child are torn with these agonies, it becomes intolerable. In the aggregate, parents in your district, which is naturally more beau-suffer more through the profligacies and crimitiful or more easily susceptible of such improve-nalities of children than through their own.ment as would make it a charming and attractive spot, and that spot be not so far away from the centre of present or prospective population, that to occupy it would prove too great an incon-breast. As a general rule-I do not deny that venience to the children most remote, by all means, buy it-even though at an extravagant price-and there build the school-house.

The additional cost of such a location will be but a trifle for the long years through which the benefits of its occupation will extend; and you could devise no plan, for the execution of which, your children will so bless your memory in after life.

They may repent of their own and allay the suffering, but when a child's wickedness runs on to ruin and death, then, while life lasts, its torturing fires continue to burn in the parental

there are not exceptions, but as a general rulechildren turn out as they might be expected to turn out from the treatment received from parents. What untold agonies, not only in the open day and in the thronged market-place, but in solitude and at midnight, do parents suffer; what soreness of heart, even such that the tenderest sympathy tortures it like fire, does the mother feel for a profligate son, while he, as if urged along by some demon, rushes on to dark

er shame and a deadlier perdition. Yet the time was when that child's heart was as soft as wax, when his feelings, like an aspen leaf, could have been moved by a breath. Then the mother could have supplied the very moral nutriment that should have been embodied in the

growth of its soul, just as the milk from her own breast became a part of its body. Then she sat upon a throne, and weal and woe were ministers ready to do her bidding. Then she was, like a goddess, decreeing the future, originating predestination, telling fate himself what he should do. But, for some vanity or frivolity of the hour, she forfeited her queenly prerogatives; she was an idiot in casualty, and a lost child and a broken heart are her reward.-Horace Mann.

MORAL BEAUTY.-What is the beauty of nature but a beauty clothed with moral associations? What is the highest beauty of literature, poetry or fiction and the fine arts, but a moral beauty genius has bodied forth for the admiration of the world? And what are those qualities of the character which are treasured

up in the memory and heart of nations-the objects of universal reverence and exultation, the themes of celebration, of idols of admiration, and of love? Are they not patriotism, heroism, philanthropy, disinterestedness, magnanimity, martyrdom?


How to Avoid Colds.

Keep the feet dry and warm, the head cool, the body just sufficiently protected as to be comfortable.

Let the transitions from cold to warm, and from warm to cold be gradual. And to this end, when you pass from the cold atmosphere to the warm air of a room, after the first few moments, lay off all superfluous garmentshat, over-coat, muffler, over-shoes-and thus prevent that excessive relaxation of the tissues, which is virtually an opening of innumerable doors, and inviting the enemy of health to come in. But this is only half the precaution necessary. When you again go out into the cold, even though for a short time, put on as much clothing as may be necessary to prevent a sudden penetration of cold, and contraction of the tissues of the body.

The wearing of woolen garments next the skin is, for the reasons suggested, considered by the best authorities a wholesome precaution.

Wool is a non-conductor, and will thus have the effect to render changes of temperature less sudden.

If exposure to intense cold for a considerable time be necessary, there is nothing of greater importance than a thorough protection of the vital parts-a warm covering for the chest and the back between the shoulders.

In the spring, colds often arise from a sudden check of perspiration. The weather seems so mild that less danger is apprehended from laying off the coat, made uncomfortable by exercise, or sitting down to rest without additional covering. Farmers are especially liable to colds from this cause.

The human body is a wonderfully delicate organization. If carefully treated it is nevertheless capable of performing its various functions perfectly, for a great many years; while, on the other hand, a single abuse as simple as the simplest above-named, may entail up n the violater of physiological law, serious disease and premature death.

Remedy for Cold Feet.

It is impossible to have vigorous health if the feet are habitually cold; no amount of external covering can keep them warm. Wearing pepper and other irritants in the stockings, is generally inefficient, is always hurtful in its tendencies, and never accomplishes a permanent radical good. One of the most uniformly efficient means of keeping the feet warm is to wash them in water at least as cold as the atmosphere of the room, night and morning; let it be done within a minute in very cold weather, then wipe and rub them rapidly and thoroughly with a very coarse towel, dress, and the fire, rubbing them well with the hands. when practicable, take a walk, or dry them by

In addition, let half an inch of curled hair be basted to a piece of cloth and slipped in the stocking, the hair touching the soles of the feet to titillate the skin, and thus aid in drawing the blood thither to warm them, The hair conducts the moisture from the feet to the woolen cloth and thus keeps them dry. These hairsoles should be placed before the fire at night, so as to be thoroughly dried by the morning. Cork-soles absorb moisture from the shoe and the feet also, and require several days to be thoroughly dried. India-rubbers confine the dampness about the feet, hence they should be promptly removed as soon as the wearer ceases walking, nor should they be used except in muddy, slushy weather.-Journal of Health.

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- It is said that some mothers are grown so

roform previous to whipping them.

-"What's in a dress?" asks a popular writer. That depends on who the wearer is.


- From using glasses on the nose, you see an object single; from using them under the nose you see it double.

Diptheria, in its early stages, may be re-affectionate, that they give their children chlocognized by any person of ordinary capacity, by two marked symptoms; the sensation of a bone or hard substance in the throat, rendering swallowing difficult and painful, and a marked fœtor, or unpleasant smell of the breath, the result of its putrefactive tendency. On the appearance of these symptoms, if the patient is old enough to do so, give a piece of - Water is not a fashionable beverage for gum camphor, of the size of a marrowfat pea, drinking to your friend's health, but it is a capand let it be retained in the mouth, swallow-ital one for drinking to your own. ing slowly the saliva charged with it until it is all gone. In an hour or so give another,

and at the end of another hour a third; a

- Old Grimwig says that tears at a wedding are only the commencement of the pickle that young folks are getting into.

Although the Rebels deny that they are

fourth will not usually be required, but if the pain and unpleasant breath are not relieved, it may be used two or three times more, at a lit-assisted by the Indians, it is certain that their tle longer interval, say two hours. Potomac boats rely for safety on the Creeks.

"If the child is young, powder the camphor, which can easily be done by adding a drop or two of spirits of alcohol to it, and mix it with an equal quantity of powdered loaf sugar, or, better, powdered rock candy, and blow it through a quill or tube into its throat, depressing the tongue with the haft of a spoon.Two or three applications will relieve. Some recommend powdered aloes or pellitory with the camphor, but observance and experience have satisfied us that the camphor is sufficient alone. It acts probably by its virtue as diffusible stimulant and antiseptic qualities."


- The Norfolk Day Book speaks of Yankees having India-rubber consciences. We do not doubt that many of the Virginians would be | glad of India-rubber or even leather soles.


The way Eggs Spoiled and the way they will keep.

EDITOR WIS. FARMER :-Last August I read in the Wisconsin Farmer-taken from the Genesee Farmer-a method of keeping eggs a year, by laying them in ashes. About two months ago I laid down six dozen as the notice direct

Cold in the head isn't half so common as cold in the heart; but it is a great deal oftener ed, and put them in the cellar; and upon going complained of.

Give to grief a little time, and it softens

to them a short time since, I found every one spoiled; they seemed like boiled eggs, and tastto regret, and grows beautiful at last, and weed of lye. So much for that recipe. cherish it as we do some old dim picture of the dead.

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I believe the best method of keeping eggs is to stand them up, small end down, in bran, saw-dust or anything that will keep them upjust as well without anything if you can make them stand, and they will keep through the Winter, if you commence in the Fall to lay them down. Yours, Respectfully, MRS. R. GIBSON.

LIND, Waupacca Co., Jan. 3d, 1862.

How to Cure Hams and Sides.

I trim the hams and shoulders in the usual way, except I cut the leg off close up to the

Bow to destiny. One of these days he ham and shoulder, to have them pack close, and may be polite and return the bow.

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as being worthless smoked; then sprinkle a little fine salt on the bottom of a sweet cask,

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