
The extended quotations from so many eminent thinkers and educators may, in the opinion of some, smack a little of pedantry. But since one great object of such a work is to stimulate to further research, as well as to instruct the uninitiated, these references to and quotations from the works of philosophic thinkers must be regarded not only pertinent, but invaluable. Moreover, the assumption of originality may be cheap with those of slender information, but the real student becomes quite content at times to sit at the feet of those giants who have wrestled with the hard problems of education, and endeavor to reduce their thoughts to practical and efficient uses. He usually does most for his pupils and readers who opens up to them the literature of his subject, and directs them to the sources of his own inspiration and quickening. The teacher in Training Schools especially must ever consider that he is dealing with minds of greater or less maturity, who are, with himself, desirous to go to the fountain-heads of knowledge and truth, and there drink for themselves. While this course of procedure may prove terribly iconoclastic to those who may be worshipping the false idol of originality, it will always be most helpful to the real lover of truth, and become most beneficent to our fellow-workers.

It is highly probable that some positions of the author will not pass unchallenged. Some readers may be inclined to believe that his boldness sometimes verges on rashness, and that in some points he has not fully established what he


claims but in all the work there breathes the spirit of honest conviction; and honest thinking cannot long remain wrong thinking after the wrong has been pointed out. If by frank and generous criticism it shall be shown that the author has inadvertently been led to make any misstatements of fact or principle, these corrections will probably be thankfully received, and can be easily incorporated into the text of some future edition.

The subject here presented by Dr. Hoose is specially worthy of investigation and attention on the part of the directors of Training Schools; indeed, none are of greater value. Hence we must believe that this work will be cordially welcomed by the teachers of Normal Schools, by the graduating classes of these schools, and by all thorough teachers, as supplying a long-felt need.


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