
said Q: for so is hir Ma" intention therin fully to satisfie the said Q: And if shee shall seeme desirouse to treat thereof as beinge not satisfied, the said Killigree shall take this for his instructions to speake therin.

As to the first matters of twoe bookes or writynges made prejudiciall to that Q. any waies: certaine it is that the Q. Matie by no maner of meanes hath ether harde therof before this tyme of Melville cominge, nor can learne of any that haue hard therof, for if shee had the Q. of Scotes maye be well assured that should not haue had other cause to complaine thereof then shee had when a certaine booke was secreatly written three yeares paste in the tyme of a parliment by one of the parlament house who without sollicitation of that Q: was punished: and therby hath so dearly paide by longe imprisonmente not without evident daunger of his life for his audacitie used therin as it is harde to thinke that any other dare presume the like: And therfore seeinge the Q: there hereth of theise writinges and that the Q Matie requireth the Q: hir good sister to give hir some light howe to come to the knowledge therof, and not to spare in the disclosinge therof any meanes that shee shall thinke meete for the comynge to the truth thereof, wherein shall appeare howe good a minde hir Matie hath not only to satisfie the Q. of Scottes, but to do any thinge that maye tende to the preservation of hir title honor or dignitye from any detriment: And howe earnestly Randolphe denieth the knowledge of any suche thinge Melvill understandeth: in so muche as Randolphe maketh earnest sute that the Q. of Scotes maye be intreated to cause triall to be mad thereof to the uttermost, submitinge himself to most extremitie if therin he be any wise founde cupable.

The other matter of openinge hir letters is answeared allreadie by the Marshall of Barwicke, who deniethe the same to be done by him: but that the french man the carier of the letters would needs of him selfe open the same, at Anweke beinge with Sr John Foster who also denieth any thinge to be done by him worthy of blame: And to the intente the truth therin maye be knowne the said Killigree shall do well to take information of Sr John Foster, by his hande writinge, in what sorte the same was done, and so make reporte for the excuse of the matter. And as to the takinge of a Perrot by the Marshall of Barwicke which is also denied to be taken, but to be bought of the carier offeringe the same to be solde, let the same Marshall make trew declaration of his doings therin by his writinge and so make reporte to the Baid Q: The like let him doe of the occasion of his last staye of Melvill and the manner therof, wherin as it seemeth no manner of intention was to offends that Q: but only a disposition in the Marshall to keepe order in that towne beinge a frontier towne for warre in the absence of the govnor: And if upon the reportes hereof made to that Queene shee shall not be satisfied upon knowledge thereof, whatsoever the Qu" Matie maye reasonably doe for hir further satisfaction shall not be omitted.

There hath been also a motion made by Melvill to the Qs Matie for a meetinge to be this Somer betwixt hir Matie & that Q: whereunto hir Matie hath alreadie made answear howe it cannot be nowe this Somer conveniently, beinge so lately moved, thoughe they both would desire it: And therfore except the same be renewed Killigree shall saie nothinge therto: But if it be, he maye saie that he had nothinge comandemente to saie therunto but that he harde some speeche therof in the Courte here where the Offecers of the houshold did alleage it to a thinge impossible to have suche provisions as weare meete for the honours of both the Queenes upon so shorte a warninge; and that wher hir Matie hir selfe desired to have you as farr in progresse as to Notingham beinge but in

the middle waie towardes the northe, it was founde so difficulte a matter to conducte hir Matie upon so shorte warninge so fare with suche a traine as usually followe hir in the progresse, as shee hirself was nowe of lat induced to cutte off a good part of that jorneye, and to muche also the rather because otherwise she could not conveniently returne to London before the tyme of the Parliment which is appointed at Michaelmas: And upon thise and such like causes he shall saie that he hard reported, the jorney mentionede for the interviewe this yeare was staiede, wherof he hard also said that the Queenes Matie was verie sorie, for there appeared in hir a verie great good will to have had it taken place. Theise are the matters wherof the said Killigree beinge thus instructed shall deale in with that Q: Amongst all which he shalbe most carfull howe to understands certaynly what is done by that Q: in the matters of Shane Onele and Rokeby: And shall doe what he can to cause the Queene not only to disclose the same but to desist from intermedlinge therin at all: And besides his dealinge with the Queene, he shall take some care howe to understand truly what Shane Onele hath done with the Erle of Arguile or with M'Clane or any other of the Irishe Scotes for his supporte and what offers and requests he hath made and howe fare he hath therin proceaded: And after knowledge gotten herof he shall deale with the Erle of Murray as he shall see cause to devise howe the aides intended for Shane Onele maye be staide, for which purpose he shall use suche perswasions as he shall see meete, amongst which none ought more to move the said Erle or any other beinge indeed relligiouse, then that the said Shane Onele is an open Rebbell having no pretence but only to maintaine him selfe like a barbare and tyrant, and aideth himself principally by suche as uphold the Popes Authoritie in that realme, ffor which purpose he letteth not to keepe friers and pardoners which by stelth have recourse to Rome: and therby fortifieth himself to truble the comon quiet of the Realme: Besides this the Erle of Murray is to thinke howe unkindlie the Qs Matie myghte take it to see suche a barboruse rebell, fearinge nether God nor man, to have his aide to continew his rebellion by the meanes of suche faithfull persones in Scotlande as haue by hir Maties meanes and no smale costs had preserved to them in tyme of daunger the libertie not only of their Country but also of their conscience: And so the said Killigree shall therin do his endevor to interrupte all aides from thence: And yet shall not make Shane's power to appeare suche as if hir Matie shall please to deale with him shee hath cause to entreate any person in Scotlande to forbeare the aidinge of him: And as sone as he can finish his message to the Q: and procure answeare he shall returne with speed.


SAMUEL EVANS, RECTOR OF BROWN CANDOVER, HANTS.-A white marble memorial stone has lately been discovered in the box of an old-fashioned mangle in the neighbouring parish of Preston Candover, where it had been buried for at least thirty years. The stone is worn, and its lefthand side has been roughly chiselled off, so that the following transcript is to some extent conjectural. From the parish registers it appears that S. Evans, rector, was buried September 12; the day of the month has been broken off from the stone. He was a scholar of Winchester College, born at Barton, Bucks, admitted 1617, then aged eleven, afterwards scholar of New College, Oxford,

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LINCOLN NOSEGAY.'-The true history of Dibdin's dealings with the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Cathedral has never yet been written, and probably never will be-certainly not until something more than has hitherto been divulged is brought to light. In the mean time it may be well to correct some erroneous statements which have

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already in Earl Spencer's library by the end of
September, or first week in October, at the very
latest, 1811; and of the remaining four (I cannot
find that there ever were more than seven), one, viz.,
the 'Cato,' was no longer in Dibdin's possession in
March, 1815; and as this book was one of the
four offered for sale in the 'Nosegay,' it is clear
that the 'Nosegay' must have been published before
the date just mentioned. Mr. Maddison is mis-
taken in stating that The Game of Chess,' 'Rey-
nard the Fox,'Cato,' &c., went to Althorp. The
former two certainly did, also the History of
Jason,' and these three only, the only copy of
'Cato' ever possessed by Earl Spencer having
been bought by him in 1789. What has become
of the Lincoln copy I know not; it was sold, as
already stated, in March, 1815, and was no more
heard of till 1840, when Payne & Foss had it for
sale in their catalogue for the year (price 521. 10s.).
I have never been able to trace it from that date.

P.S.-Mr. Maddison says that Dean Jeremie gave the Chapter Library a copy of Caxton's 'Lives of the Saints," "which, although insignificant in comparison with what we have lost, and wanting in the title-page, is still worth a good deal of money." Can this be the 'Golden Legend,' which Mr. Blades says, in addition to other defects, wants no fewer than sixty-five leaves at the beginning? No other book printed by Caxton can with any propriety be called 'Lives of the Saints,' except, perhaps, the Festial.' Whatever it may be, if it has lost its title-page, it cannot be a Caxton.

DUOLOGUE.-I have seen this word three times lately in the Daily News, the last time in the number for April 17, p. 3, col. 1. The passage runs as follows:

been made respecting it. In an article on the Lincoln Cathedral Library which appeared in a recent number of the Library (vol. iv. pp. 306-12), the writer (Rev. A. R. Maddison) says that "The Babble Shop' at the Trafalgar Square Theatre Dibdin, who afterwards exposed the ignorance will this evening give place to a duologue entitled Dinof the Chapter, as well as his own impudence, inner for Two,' written by Mr. R. C. Carton, author of what he was pleased to call the 'Lincoln Nosegay,' and Mr. Yorke Stephens." 'Liberty Hall.' It will be played by Mr. Cyril Maude persuaded the Chapter, through Sub-Dean Bayley, A duologue is, therefore, a piece in which there who happened to be in residence when he visited the library in 1816, to let him purchase the Cax-are only two actors. Such pieces seem to have tons for a very inadequate price," and that he Paris many years ago. But I do not find duologue originated in France; at any rate, I saw one in was accordingly "allowed to carry off The Game in any French or English dictionary in my possesof Chess,' 'Reynard the Fox, Cato,' &c., which sion, and when I first saw the word a month or two now repose in the Althorp Library.' Now the 'Lincoln Nosegay' is without a date; but while ago, it struck me as an altogether new acquaintance. F. CHANCE. the fact of its containing a reference to the second Sydenham Hill. volume of Dibdin's Ames,' which was not printed before 1811, suffices to prove the impossibility of the conjectural date of 1808 given in the British Museum Catalogue, it is, on the other hand, equally certain that Mr. Botfield was wrong in saying that "some of the Caxtons appear to have been inspected by Dr. Dibdin so late as 1816" (Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England,' 1849), since three of them are known to have been

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RECOVERED MS.-The current number of the Jewish Quarterly Review contains a masterly analysis of a newly-discovered manuscript, a work on Jewish theology, written by one Jacob fil Judah, who acted as Chazan or Precentor of the London synagogue, A.D. 1287. The synagogue referred to was situated close to the Guildhall, the space being now occupied by the present

Sheriffs' Court. It was the sole place of worship allowed to the Jews of London by the famous Archbishop Peckham.

The volume now brought to light contains, among other matters, a draft form of a bill of divorce current among the London Jews. A document of this character must, as a rule, specify the town or city in which the deed is executed, and if it be situated on a river or stream, such river or stream must be distinctly rendered. In the present in stance the form gives "the City of London, situated on the rivers Thames and Walbrook." It will be borne in mind that the Walbrook, A.D. 1287, then a running stream, passed directly through the Jewish quarter, Catte Street, now Gresham Street; consequently it was peculiarly applicable to a Jewish divorce executed in London. The Thames is given phonetically "Tamise." M. D. DAVIS.


We must request correspondents desiring information on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that the answers may be addressed to them direct.

"EREWHILE."-Is it correct to use erewhile in the sense of " ere long," or "presently," as it seems to be used by Mr. William Watson, in his 'Prince's Quest'? A reviewer in the Literary World of April 28 considers "Mr. Watson's description is particularly happy" in a passage of which these are the opening lines:

And through the corn-land wending many a mile,
And through the meadow-land, he came erewhile
To where the highways parted.

Perhaps this is a correct use of erewhile; but it seems strange and new, and it is certainly different from Hermia's application of what is apparently the same word in Midsummer Night's Dream, II. iii. 273. When, in her surprise and sorrow, she passionately exclaims,

I am as fair now as I was erewhile, she manifestly refers to the past, and the word erewhile is simply equal to "formerly." Is there any authority for Mr. Watson's employment of the word? Perhaps there is a mystery somewhere, for the reviewer calls Mr. Watson "a poetical bee sipping at the honey of Mr. William Morris." THOMAS BAYNE.

Helensburgh, N.B.

SUGAR-PLUMS.-As nothing is too great or too small for the net of dear old 'N. & Q.,' may I hope that I shall be not only pardoned, but commended, for introducing this sweet subject? How far do sugar-plums date back in our history, or in the history of any other nation? By sugar-plums I mean sugared almonds, bull's-eyes, acidulated drops, barley sugar, peppermint lozenges, toffee,

and, in short, the whole lollipop tribe-a glorious company! Shenstone, in his delightful poem 'The Schoolmistress'-the exact date of which I do not know, but Shenstone died in 1763--does not mention sugar-plums amongst the good things on sale at "the huxter's savoury cottage": he speaks of "pastry kings and queens," various ripe fruits, and Shrewsbury cakes, but not of bull'seyes, hard bake, &c. The "sugared cates" with which the old lady rewarded her "fairy throng" were probably some kind of sweet biscuits, especially as gingerbread y-rare " is mentioned in the next line. What were the "sweetmeats" alluded to by Mercutio in his "Queen Mab" speech ?—not, I fancy, what we mean by sugar-plums or bonbons.

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If any one, too wise in his own eyes, should feel inclined to point the finger of scorn at a note on sugar-plums, I can only reply that I am very far from pointing the finger of scorn at sugar-plums myself I mean real and palpable sugar-plums, as I am not at all ashamed to confess, in the words of Robert Brough's pretty poem slightly altered:

Still I'm fond of cakes and hardbake.


WROTH.-Writing under date December 4, 1640, Sir John Leeke says (Hist. MSS. Commission, vii. 435):

"I received lately a most courteous and kind letter from my mistress the Lady Mary Wroth......She wrote me word that......the King hath given her son a brave living in Ireland."

Can any one tell me whom the Lady Mary married as her second husband? Her first one died in 1614, and his only son in 1616.

W. C. W.

THE TOTEMS IN THE BRITISH ARMY.-The goat of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers (23rd Regiment) is well known, and also the goat of the Royal Carnarvonshire Militia. I have read (in some French paper) that there is a British regiment which is preceded by a stag. Is it true; or is not rather this would-be stag a mistake for the Welsh goat?

In a more general way, Are there in the British army animals acting an honorary part as a kind of living ensigns or totems (as anthropologists would say nowadays) in the same way as a white goat leads on to drill or to war the sons of the Gadarn and of Cadwallader? H. GAIDOZ. 22, Rue Servandoni, Paris,

GERMAN 'NOTES AND QUERIES.'-Is there a German publication of the same character as 'N. & Q'; if so, could you kindly give me the name and address of publisher? If there is none such, do you know of any German magazine or other publication which admits queries to its columns?


ROBERT MONTGOMERY MARTIN.-Perhaps some correspondent of N. & Q.' may be able to promote the object of Mr. J. H. Reddan, H.B.M.'s Viceconsul at Ciudad Bolivar, who has addressed to me a courteous letter, of which the following is an extract. I hope the 'Dict. of Nat. Biog.' may yet embrace Martin. Webb's 'Irish Biography' knows him not.

"I shall feel extremely obliged if you can afford me any information concerning the late Robert Montgomery Martin, author of History of the British Colonies,' Ireland before and after the Union,' and many other works on Ireland. All that I have been able to glean so far concerning that gentleman reduces itself to the following items. He is said to have been born in co. Tyrone in 1803, and to have died in 1870 (but I can find no notice of his death). It is believed that he lived in Dublin during the latter years of his life, and that he was educated for the medical school, probably in Trinity College. But this last does not appear to have been the case, for after a most careful search I can find nothing whatever about him in the registers, nor do the Rev. Dr. Abbott (Librarian Trin. Coll. Dub.) nor Mr. Miller (Registrar T.C.D.) know anything about him. The publishers of his works appear to have been J. B. Nichols & Sons, 25, Parliament Street, London."


W. J. F.

POSTIL. To "postell upon a kyrie." Is this Skelton's? Todd's 'Johnson,' 1818, refers me vaguely to "Skelton's Poems" for it; but I have not succeeded in verifying this reference. W. F. WALLer.

HÔTEL DE GENES.-Can any one inform me what is the legend of the Hôtel de Gênes at Genoa? It is supposed to be haunted-but by whom, and why? ERROLL.

ST. OBERT.-Who was St. Obert, or Bert, in whose honour a play was celebrated by the Baxstars, or Bakers, of Perth on December 10?


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"Parishes expend much money in harmoniouslysounding bells......They do not ring the bells for the dead, but when a person lies in agony, the bells of the Parish he belongs to are touched with the clappers, until he either dies, or recovers again. As soon as this sign is given, every body in the street, as well as in the houses, falls on his knees, offering prayer for the sick person." This is, of course, in accordance with canon lxvii. (1604),

"And when any is passing out of this life, a bell shall be tolled, and the minister shall not then slack to do his last duty. And after the party's death, if it so fall out, there shall be rung no more than one short peal, and one other before, and one other after the burial.' Has the use of the passing bell quite ceased; and when? From the words of the canon, I suppose that the "one short peal" differed in the manner of its being rung from the passing bell, so as to give notice of the death. Now the "C one short peal is lengthened into one, in some places, an hour long, any time after death. Another query suggests itself. Is the passing bell in use in other countries? E. LEATON-BLENKINSOPP.

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"SALLER MONY.' In the church accounts of Hartland, Devon, this appears as a source of income from the earliest date, 1597 to 1609. On one occasion it is written "Sallery." The amount in each year was about 40s., and sometimes 5s. or 68. was paid for collecting it. I suppose cellar money is meant, but I should be glad to know the nature of the tax, and how it came to form part of the church revenues. R. PEARSE CHOPE.

MAGAZINE WANTED. -I wish to know the name and date of the magazine in which an article on the kingdom of Sheba appeared, by a Berlin savant, a translation of an old document, within the last two years. MISS KEEFS.

ROBERT, DUKE OF NORMANDY. - On what authority is a still existing Welsh threnody, or elegy, attributed to the unhappy Robert, Duke of Normandy? It is said that the lament in question was composed, with other poems, in the language Is there any reason for believing that the verses of his gaolers, during his imprisonment at Cardiff. date from so early a period? B. L. R. C.

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-[name cut out] has brought from Paris a model of this cathedral in silver; it is most elaborately exean inch to two feet, French measure, is nearly two feet cuted and accurately made upon a scale of one-twelfth of in height, and is allowed by Mr. Soane and Mr. Porden, the architects, who have been at Strasburg, to be the most perfect piece of workmanship they ever beheld, and is worthy of a place in any publick museum or private collection of superior works of art. N.B.-The spire is the highest in Europe, and is 171 feet higher than St. Paul's.'

On the cover is "To Sir Gregory Page Osborne Turner, Bart., who is in the possession of the silver model alluded to." This has been signed, but the

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"DIMANCHE DE QUASIMODO."-The first Sunday after Easter is usually termed "Dominica in Albis," a name which needs no explanation; but in a French missal I find it styled "Dimanche de Quasimodo." What is the origin and meaning of this term? E. WALFORD, M.A. Ventnor.

WRECK OF WOLVERINE, 1855.-Where can I find an account of the wreck of H.M.S. Wolverine on Courtown Bank, August 11, 1855, of the sufferings and rescue of her crew, and of the court martial on the survivors ?


SERENE HIGHNESS.-What is the exact meaning of this; and how is it differentiated from "Royal Highness"? In the newspaper and magazine accounts of English Court festivities of the last century Serene Highnesses are often mentioned.

When Oliver Cromwell assumed the post of Lord Protector he was spoken of in official documents as his Serene Highness.



"EXCEPTIO PROBAT REGULAM."—Is this a legal maxim, meaning that a special exception implies the existence of a general rule; or is it a logical formula, equivalent to what is known as method of difference" in inductive reasoning, a law of causation being confirmed by the absence of the effect when the presumed cause is removed? The common acceptation of the saying-viz., that every rule must have some exception-is, of course, as erroneous in interpretation as it is false in fact. R. BRUCE BOSWELL.

Chingford, Essex.

[Is not the question dealt with in Whately?] CAPT. HERCULES DURHAM.-Douglas, in his Baronage,' gives Capt. Hercules Durham as the last male of the Durhams of Grange. Can any of your correspondents tell me if this gentleman ever became Sir Hercules Durham ? R. S.

AUST.In the village of Colerne, Wilts, a number of the inhabitants are named Aust, which appears to be a very uncommon name in England. Some, and probably all of them, are descended from one Ferdinando Aust, whose grandson, bearing the same Christian name, died about fifty years ago, leaving sons and daughters. I presume Aust is a foreign name; if so, of what nationality would Ferdinando Aust be? I shall be obliged if any one can give information respecting the first person of the name who settled in the village. G. N.


"YETMINSTER" AND "OCKFORD." (8th S. iii. 327, 371).

I beg leave to assure DR. TAYLOR that I meant the heart of the arugment. His writings are too no disrespect, and only wished to arrive at well known and, in many instances, too valuable to be overlooked; and, though I differ from him on a hundred points, I am thankful for what he has taught me in many ways.

His production of authority is a matter that demands from scholars the most serious attention. My own view of the matter is that I never for a moment anticipated that he would attach any decisive value to the spellings in Domesday. It cannot be too clearly understood that Domesday abounds with the most ludicrous mistakes, and is only of value when properly collated with and controlled by other authorities. It could not be otherwise. The Anglo-French scribes had to spell how they could words which had no meaning for them, and which they frequently could not pronounce. We may illustrate this by considering what value we should attach to the spellings of an Englishman ignorant of Arabic when he tries to write down Arabic words.

For this reason even modern English pronunciation is often of superior value to the Domesday spellings. It is, at any rate, English, and not a the case of Ockford it is an excellent witness. mere travesty of it. And it is easily seen that in

When we are told that the Domesday names The word "corruption" is continually misused. Everslage, &c., have become Yearsley, &c., we naturally ask how? There is, properly speaking, no such thing as due to the old and vicious habit of ignoring all "corruption." It is a term phonetic laws. These laws act with surprising regularity; and when exceptions occur they are not due to corruption, but to downright and intentional substitution of an apparently intelligible syllable or word for one of which the meaning has been lost. Till this is better understood no progress is possible.

The Domesday spelling Adford is, on the face of it, absurd. If Ad- was written for at, it is at once conceded that the scribe was writing down what he could not pronounce and did not understand. If, in another instance, he (or another scribe) wrote Acford, he was clearly trying to reproduce the A.-S. acford, originally ac-ford, i. e., oak-ford. Cf. Ash-ford. The A.-S. acford is correct, because spelt by an Englishman; for the reference, see Kemble. The A.-S. ac-ford can appear in modern English in the forms Acford, Ockford, or Oakford, all regular developments, petrified at varying dates; and when we collate Ockford with the A.-S. form, we see at once that the Anglo

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