
8.0 per cent, it is obvious that it would take from four to five tons of fresh fish to produce one ton of the manure in the condition of dryness as stated. If, therefore, we take the most favorable estimate which the statements at present made seem to justify, namely, that one ton of fish, or its offal, could be delivered on shore for 30s., it would then appear that from 61. to 71. must be paid for the raw material only at the place of landing of one ton of manure: to which must be added the cost of sulphuric acid, of the drying, of labour of boys, transports, &c.

For these reasons, I think it will be very difficult to produce a manure of the kind in question which can be sold to the farmer at much less than the present price of Peruvian guano. It would seem indeed, from calculation, that unless offal fish and fish-offal could be obtained at an almost nominal price, it would at present be almost impossible to establish a manufacture which could so compete with the manures now in the market as to hold out a prospect of success both to the producer and the consumer. And how far also a decline in the present supplies of natural guano, as well as a much reduced estimate of the cost of the fresh fish and offal might affect the result, is of course a further question.


Mr. HORACE GREEN said that though the paper of Mr. Lawes was very valuable, it must not be forgotten that that gentleman was himself a large manufacturer of guano. He did not like the introduction of phosphate of lime, as he himself dealt largely in that article. The guano now brought before them, however, did not contain so much of phosphate as of ammoniacal properties, which were best for the staff of man's life-wheat; while the guano of Mr. Lawes was best for turnips and green crops-the food of


Mr. MECHI came from rather a fish country-Essexwhere it had long been the practice to manure the land with fish, and it was the conviction of the farmers in that district that within a certain distance of the coast-say eight or ten miles,-the sale of fish would successfully compete with guano. The smell of the fish applied to the land in the hundreds of Essex was very great, and no doubt it lost a great portion of its power by the escape of the ammonia, which would be probably set in it if prepared with sulphuric acid. The farmers ploughed it into the ground as quickly as possible, as it might otherwise be smelt for a mile or two, and large quantities were carried off by the gulls. There could be no doubt that fish manure was good for root crops. The star-fish, or five-fingers, fetched 6d. a bushel, and sprats 8d., excepting in very cold weather, when the latter article rose in price in consequence of the quantities sent up to the London market. That might, however, be considered the average price, which would give them 1s. 6d. per cwt. or 30s. a ton. Large vessels were employed at Holbury and other places to catch fish for agricultural purposes. Mussels were also extensively used in their shells, their cost being about 20s. per ton. The guano at 30s. per ton would no doubt be valuable, but how far its being dried and cured, so as to obtain the oil, would enable it to be sold at that price, of course he could not give an opinion. If they could fix the ammonia by the use of sulphuric acid, it would of course add to the value of the manure.

Professor JOHN WILSON, during the reading of the first paper, noticed two or three inaccuracies, which he would have corrected but for the paper of Mr. Lawes just read, with which he fully agreed in every particular. If the matter were tested further, he had great reason to believe the cost of Mr. Pettitt's guano would be found to be underrated.

In reply to a question from Mr. Mechi,—

Mr. GREEN said it was impossible to give an opinion on the cost of dessicating the fish, as it must depend on a variety of circumstances such as the quantity to be operated on, the position of the machinery, &c.

Mr. J. C. NESBIT wished to notice one or two errors

which appeared in the first paper read. In the first place, referring to the supply of guano, he might observe there had been an increasing sale each year, though the papers of the House of Commons did not enable them to decide on the exact quantities imported. He believed the reason why there was nearly a deficiency last year arose from the desertion of the sailors from the vessels in Australia which were under engagements to call for the guano on their voyage home. He had always looked upon fish manure of great importance, and some years ago he tried some experiments by which he found he could obtain a large quantity of oil and valuable manure from fish. He recommended it to Mr. Fisher Hobbs and other wellknown agriculturalists, and told them the supply of guano would not last more than a few years, whilst there was plenty of fish round their own shores. Mr. Lawes' objection to the use of the fish guano appeared to be that it would not digest chemically, and that when dried, it would not act so well on the ground. Now there had been large importations of late of a peculiar manure from South America; it was the dried flesh of animals killed at Buenos Ayres principally for their hides. The best parts of the flesh were selected for food, and the rest boiled down for the fat; after which it was dried and sent to this country for manure. This flesh manure, though highly dried, was found to act well for wheat, and he had no doubt that dried fish would also act and give forth the ammoniacal and other properties required for the food of plants. The amount of artificial manure used in this believed, until that amount got up to 50,000,000 or kingdom was 5,000,000 or 6,000,000 tons a-year; and he 60,000,000, there would be no limit to the demand. He thought that if the fish guano could be obtained at a reasonable price, it would be productive of great results. Of the dried flesh, only about 9 per cent. was ammonia; but it had been proved to be very good for wheat. The manure was sold at about 67. per ton. Thousands of tons of it had been used, but the supply had been interrupted owing to the disturbances in Buenos Ayres.

Mr. DUGALD CAMPBELL had only had his attention turned to the matter a day or two since, when he obtained a copy of the specification of Mr. Pettitt's patent to ascertain its objects. On turning it over he found that one part of it provided for the decomposition of animals as well as fish-a matter highly important in a commercial and chemical point of view. Some years ago Mr. Turnbull, of Glasgow, the proprietor of Turnbull's blue, produced in his manufactory a large quantity of muriatic acid, which he did not know what to do with. Being of an ingenious mind, and mixing a great deal with farmers, he took to buying up dead horses, and boiling them in the acid to a pulp, which was then converted into dry flesh manure, for which it was sold. He had seen specimens of it, and found it contained a large proportion of muriate and sulphate of ammonia. If the agricultural magazines of Scotland were attentively searched for a few years back, he had no doubt an account of the manufacture would be found. He did not know whether Mr. Turnbull had applied his process to fish as well as animals, but the idea of preparing manure from the flesh of animals by sulphuric and muriatic acids was certainly not new.

Mr. MECHI might observe that Mr. Hudson, of Castleacre, having a few years since lost a large quantity of sheep, which he had imported, by small pox, he had them decomposed into manure for turnips, and met with great success. In reply to a question from Mr. Longmead, Mr. Mechi said that all the animal refuse of his farm, as well as dead animals, were thrown into his tank for decomposition; and he, therefore, had no doubt that his liquid manure contained a large quantity of carbon in solution.

Mr. JAMES CAIRD did not wish to enter into the merits of the fish manure, but would address himself to the practical part of the question, viz. Could a sufficient quantity of fish be obtained at a price to make the manufacture of the guano profitable? Mr. Lawes said that fish contained 80 per cent. of water, and only about 5 per cent. of

guano and 15 per cent. of other products. Mr. Green, on the contrary, said it only contained 40 per cent. of water. If Mr. Lawes was right the expenses would be at once doubled.

Mr. GREEN could not say that Mr. Lawes had not produced 80 per cent. of water out of fish; but their experiments left them 40 per cent. of available products.

Mr. PETTITT might observe, in answer to Mr. Lawes' statement, that the fish only gave 20 per cent. of solid product; that he held a specimen in his hand in which there was 16.80 per cent. of bone or phosphate of lime. He believed that on an average he should get 30 tons of oil and manure to the 100, and five tons of phosphate of lime. Supposing, however, that a ton of guano could be produced from four tons of fish, that would give them 97. per ton, at a cost of 41. for the raw material, as all kinds of fish, including turbot, cod, &c. could be obtained on the Yorkshire coast at 17. a ton.

Mr. MECHI said 100 tons at 30s. would amount to 1501., and if it produced 30 tons of guano, that would give 2701; and the question was, would that remunerate the manufacturer?

Mr. CAIRD thought that the raw material could not be obtained at 17. a ton; and if there was a larger demand than at present it would enhance the price.

Mr. BIRD agreed with Mr. Caird with regard to the supply. He did not think it would pay, as a commercial operation, to erect large machinery and trust to a doubtful supply from the neighbourhood to keep it at work.

Mr. PETTITT stated, in reply to a question from Mr Mechri, that he would shortly be ready to supply the artificial fish guano, certainly by next spring. In reference to what had been stated by Mr. Campbell, that Turnbull, of Glasgow, was the originator of this guano, he having, years ago, boiled up dead horses in muriatic acid, and sold the produce as manure, he might observe that the real nature of Turnbull's manufacture was the production of the cyanides from the nitrogen contained in the animal matter, for the manufacture of his celebrated blue, the residuum only being sold for manure. This residuum would be totally devoid of ammonia, and would, in fact, only be a mixture of the phosphate of lime (from the bones of the animal) and inert organic matter, or animal carbon. This being the fact, no claim could be maintained to the discovery of fish, or even animal guano, of any kind, by Mr. Turnbull, indeed, there was no analogy between the two manufactures. As regarded the question of supply, if the present fisheries were carried on at a profit, solely for the taking of select eatable fish (and it might be safely assumed that there was a profit, or they would be discontinued), how much more successful must this scheme be, combining the profits of the present system with the large profits of the proposed guano manufacture, from animal matter of all kinds, drawn without extra labour from the teeming waters. To suppose a deficiency of supply, was almost to doubt the existence of all kinds of fish, from the monstrous whale to the humble sprat: and to doubt the taking of these fish, was to set the vast machinery and activity of our fishery population, aided by the practical bounty of at least 27. a ton, now paid as freight, in the balance against a flock of Peruvian geese. Mr. NESBIT understood that four-fifths of the fish caught was returned to the sea as useless, and the question was whether this could not be bought up. A company had been projected to obtain, by means of steam and screw vessels, good fish for the London market, and probably Mr. Pettitt might be enabled to arrange with them for the refuse fish. It was to the refuse fish now thrown away that the great supply must be looked for.

Mr. CAIRD considered the whole of Mr. Pettitt's culation to be based on the cost of refuse fish.

them to the coast of Newfoundland, and the report of the Committee of the House of Commons showed that plenty of seals and fish might be had on the north coast of Ireland. Mr. Green then proceeded to read extracts from a number of letters, to prove that an ample supply of fish might be obtained at moderate prices.

The CHAIRMAN said that by the rules of their Society, and very properly, no decision was ever come to on the value of the papers laid before them. There could be no doubt that the subject of utilising refuse materials of all kinds, and the more especially of fish, as it would not only produce them good manure, but add to the food of the people, was one of the greatest importance. Large quantities of fish were now thrown away which might be converted into manure, and the practical question was whether it would commercially pay. At all events, they must feel obliged to Mr. Green for his valuable paper, and he was sure the Society would have great pleasure in giving him a most cordial vote of thanks. They would not be doingj ustice to Mr. Lawes, who, he regretted, was not present, if they did not also include that gentleman

in the vote.

The votes of thanks having been passed,

The Secretary announced that, on Wednesday Exhibition of recent specimens of Chromoevening next, there would be a Soiree, when the Lithography and Colour Printing, including those from Vienna, would be opened.



(Concluded from page 59.)

Having now given my own views respecting the impossibility of producing a compensation by any arrangeinent of the compound lamine, the experience of some others may be added. In 1843, the present Astronomer Royal, Mr. Airy, first directing my attention to the smallness of the motion available, informed me that some years before he had tried a great number of arrangements, by calculation, amounting to probably fifty different forms, without being able to find any that would succeed. Mr. Charles Frodsham has also informed me that the late Mr. Arnold left a great variety of shapes that had been tried with no better success; whilst the time that has been altogether expended by men of lesser note has been enormous, for there is scarcely a person practically connected with chronometers whose attention has not been occupied by the subject. And it must be remembered that, unlike experiments in most other arts, months are often required for the completion of a single trial. The majority of these have expended their time on plans similar to Mr. Eiffe's, and but few appear to have been acquainted with the shortness of the motion they had to employ, whilst some persons, not content with mechanical action at one point, have introduced several levers with a view of magnifying the motion; as though the freedom necessary in the pivots, and the friction of their action, were of no more consequence than they would be in ordinary machinery. The last method that remains to be noticed, is the one introduced and patented by myself, which is represented at Fig. 5 (see next page), where it will be observed that mercury is employed to effect the supplemental compensation. In this figure, A is the bar of the balance, B B is the ordinary compound rim, C C are time-ing screws, and D D are weights for adjusting the primary compensation; E E are the secondary comcal-pensation tubes containing mercury; F F and G G are fittings for attaching the tubes to the balance, and I I are screws connecting the parts F and G. These also admit of the tubes being turned in or out, to alter their inclination to the radii of the balance in adjusting the secondary compensation. The primary compensation being effected in the usual manner, it only remains to

Mr. GREEN denied that it was so; it was based on the calculation of fishing or contracting for fish of all kinds, and they might perhaps send the best to market them selves. When a deputation recently waited on the Earl of Clarendon with reference to the fisheries, he referred

[blocks in formation]

line a represents the diameter of the balance, and b its circumference, c the curve of the tube, tending from the bulb g to the centre of the balance d; e e are circles concentric with the centre d, and divide the line representing the tube into equal parts, corresponding to the position of the mercury in equal increments of temperature, as 10, 20, 30, &c.; ff are lines radiating from the centre, showing the different inclinations of each division of the tube to the radii of the balance. The progressional increase of motion in the column towards the centre, and consequently its effect on the momentum of inertia of the balance, is shown on the radius nearest the bulb, where it is crossed by the segments e e. There are also various modifications to suit the different requirements of box and pocket chronometers. The principle and action of this balance having been described, it will now be tested by the conditions already applied to the other methods. The first condition is fulfilled, as shown in Fig. 6, by substituting a fluid agent for a solid one, which admits of

the motion produced by its expansion being increased to any amount, by adopting the method employed in thermometers, of making the tube along which the mercury ranges smaller than the reservoir, and sufficient motion being thus obtained, the fluidity of the agent admits of its being directed to or from the centre of the balance at any rate that may be required. The curve and position of the tube necessary to give the proper progression were determined by experiment, and no alteration has been made in this respect in any of my chronometers that have been tried at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, during the last six years. With reference to the second condition, the supplemental tubes are made in the following manner. The tube as first drawn is sorted according to the size of the bore, by causing a thread of mercury, measured on a scale, to pass along it, and afterwards noting the weight in a balance (weighing) sensible to the thousandth of a grain; the bulb is then blown to fit a gauge, and the capacity measured by filling it with mercury, and weighing the contents; the tube is next bent to the proper curve, and after being again filled with mercury, the range is measured by an instrument contrived for the purpose, capable of showing the expansion with great accuracy, after which, the tube is sealed up, with a small portion of air included; a small reservoir having been formed at each end of the tube, the one to contain the superfluous mercury, should it get accidentally over heated, the other to prevent the mercury receding into the bulb however excessive the cold. The tubes are subsequently weighed with the mercury included, the range measured a second time, and all the items entered on lables attached. The weight and size of the balance being given, the proper tubes can therefore be selected at once; and by this method it is found in practice that the secondary compensation can always be adjusted to within five-tenths of a second a day throughout the whole range from 10° to 110° Fahrenheit. The adjustment by actual trial is consequently confined to the primary compensation which fulfils the second condition. The third condition, which requires that the auxiliary, when once adjusted, should remain permanent and not liable to derangement, is answered by the mercury being contained in glass tubes hermetically sealed, as no change of expansion can take place any more than in ordinary thermometers; whilst the portion of air left in the tube, together with the capillary fineness of the bore, effectually prevent any motion of the mercury from accidental causes. And as the secondary compensation does not depend on any mechanical action between it and the primary, the fourth condition is complied with.

Before quitting the subject it may be observed that this is not the first instance in which it has been attempted to employ mercury in the balance, as will be seen from an examination of Le Roy's plans, invented in France during the last century. Le Roy's object was not, however, to provide for the supplemental error, but to employ mercury in the balance as the primary compensation, by simple expansion direct to the centre, after the manner Graham had so successfully employed it in the pendulum, but as the correction required in the balance was many times greater than that required for the pendulum, its application as a primary compensation consequently failed. In his later plans, Le Roy appears to have assisted the mercury by the greater expansion of alcohol, but without success; and had the expansion been sufficient to effect the primary compensation, the secondary would have remained uncorrected to a somewhat greater amount in this arrangement than in the ordinary balance, which has been shown to require a further addition of 1-45th of the entire compensation in the progression marked on the diagram, Fig. 1, page 57.

N.B.-Errata in last part of paper. Page 58, col. 1, line 16, for the effect, read no effect. Page 58, col. 2, lines 14 and 15, for banking instead, read banking. Instead. Page 59, col. 1, line 3, for A and B, read B and C. Col. 2, line 1, for binding, read bending; line 11, for eight seconds, read eight-tenths of a second.

COTTON FROM THE RIVER PLATE. Mr. G. W. Drabble, writing from Buenos Ayres, under date October 1st, to Mr. J. A. Turner, President of the

Home Correspondence.


I have been led to these reflections by Professor

as a medium of exchange will lessen in proportion as the world becomes civilised. Education-not the tools of education-mere reading and writing, but education in the sense of mental and moral cultivation, will teach the present barbarians that paper promises are on the whole as trustworthy as cumbersome coin, and will make the immoral intellectual man more and more sensible that forgery and swindling will not pay. Secondly, the probability is that the yield of gold will be constantly on the increase. The hundred weight that has been found may be but the forerunner of many hundreds weight in similar modes.

Manchester Commercial Association says: "I would ob- GOLD AND QUARTZ, THEIR SOURCES AND serve that much more attention is being attached to the country of Paraguay, as a rich field of enterprise, and as a SIR,-Some one has said, with laconic brevity, "dirt is pioneer to what we hope may be continued efforts. A something out of its proper place." The remark is pregsteamer started from this port yesterday to that destina-nant with wisdom. In many of our manufacturing opera tion, conveying a Company recently arrived from the tions large heaps of dirt accumulate. Gas-tar was long United States, said to be well supported, consisting of in the condition of dirt, till more advanced chemistry several directors, and conveying with them machines for found a place for it. Scoriæ of the iron furnaces is only the cultivation and cleaning of cotton, tobacco, sugar, and just found out to be a very useful glass, and slack at the rice; saw mills, for the making available for export of the mouth of coal pits is found to be a convertible fuel. So valuable wood that there abounds; and other machines, in the neighbourhood of gold and silver mines, rock-dirt suitable for the development of its resources. If they is piled in heaps, waiting till utility be made, as the are once enabled to establish a footing there, and especially Easterns say to "eat dirt," and thus fatten wealth. if the project of steam navigation up our interior rivers is accomplished, great results may attend these primary Ansted's report of the results of Mr. Berdan's gold proefforts. Some of the interior provinces of this confedera- ducing process. It seems clear that, so long as gold is tion have been long said to be most suitable for the cul- considered wealth, the multiplication of it may go on intivation of cotton; and a sample, pronounced to be of very creasing till it reaches that point when a greater value. fine quality, from one of them (Tucuman), was last year of wheat than of gold may be produced by a given quanexhibited in Manchester. I have forwarded, per steamer, tity of labour. Apart from this, the time will come another sample from the neighbouring province of Cata- when, by the operation of two reasons, gold will be conmarca, whose lands are reported as being capable of pro-sidered a much less desirable commodity. First, its value ducing a much superior article to any other of those states. I consider, however, that a great difficulty will exist in the development of this cultivation in any of these interior provinces, from the long land carriage required to bring it to an exterior market. The cost of the best qualities there as plucked, say with seed, is 7 to 8 reals per arroba, if cleaned up there, as must be to give the least hope of successful competition, it is calculated that the yield would give about 25 per cent of gross, thus placing the cost of an arroba or 251b. at an average of 30 reals; expenses of cleaning would be 2 reals; carriage to Buenos Ayres, per arroba, 6 reals: total, 38 reais; which, taken at to-day's rate of exchange, would net per lb., 8 1-5d. Gold is always metallic, that is to say, is never found In Catamarca the cotton tree has been cultivated regular-chemically combined with any other substance. If comly, but attention never having been paid to it as an article bined with other metals mechanically, the combustion of of export, the production has never increased. It is a the other metals will leave the gold pure. Supposing perennial plant, sown in spring and yielding the same therefore the globe to be in a state of internal fusion, the year. It grows about 4ft. to 5ft. high. In the winter it metallic gold would gravitate to the bottom of the furnace, is cut down, but the following spring it shoots up for an- just as iron in fusion sinks through the slag or glass which other year's yield. No great care is paid to it till the floats on the top, but which nevertheless contains small time of gathering the pod, when it is regularly plucked. The particles of iron. Quartz rock may be regarded as the Paraguay and Corrientes plants are of the same class.the qua- slag of the gold furnace. The quartz would seem to lity of the Corrientes cotton has so far been much inferior. It have floated on the surface of the gold in a liquid state, is, however, in the same latitude, and the soil is reprel with more or less of gold in it. The sudden opening of sented as being equally fertile, and from its geologicat the crevices in the crust of the earth above it, and then position, that province would seem o be most preferable. as sudden closing, seems to have forced up the molten The great drawback to the extension of this cultivation slag, and formed veins of it. While rising under the will be the want of labour: the population of Catamarca pressure, particles of gold have become entangled in it, is not more than 40,000; that of Tucuman may be esti-varying from the size of blocks and nuggets to an impalmated at 50,000. But even so, there are so many other pable powder. The larger pieces of the gold would be, as articles of production of great value, and requiring little they are found, in matrices of the quartz; the smaller labour, as tobacco, sugar, &c., that it will be difficult to would be disseminated in the solid masses of slag, when obtain sufficient hands for the plucking and cleaning unless cooled. Gold is so commonly found in quartz, that proexpressly imported. The requirements of the native popu-bably all contains some small portion, which would be lation are few, and their ambition soon satisfied. It is, therefore, almost impossible to get them to labour for more than their actual wants. That these countries, however, present many facilities and advantages for the extension of this cultivation, cannot be doubted; and equally so that capital, properly laid out, would, with care and energy, give every prospect of ample profit." Several gentlemen, who have seen some samples sent from the River Plate, are of opinion that Mr. Drabble has under-estimated the proportion of clean cotton to be obtained from a given weight of that in the seed. They state that the proportion would be about 33 per cent., instead of about 25; and if this be so, a proportionate reduction must be made in Mr. Drabble's estimate for the cost.

found on careful examination.

The gold and quartz thus thrown up in mountain fisures by volcanic action, would by the subsequent rain and frost, be broken down in fragments, and washed by alluvial process into the beds of streams and over large districts, possibly while under water. The heaviest lumps would find the lowest level, and probably deep in the beds of the largest streams and rivers, amongst fragments of rock, will ultimately be found the largest masses of gold. In the quartz rock it is mostly disseminated in minute particles. (a)

(a) In various publications I have expressed my opinion founded on South American experience, that gold probably exists in as large quantities as what are called the common metals, but that it is deeper down. In a pamphlet published previous to the Californian discoveries, I had ventured to predict that

The process of gold assaying amongst the native miners of South America is very simple. A fragment of quartz is pounded, and rubbed to powder between two pieces of granite. A bullock's horn, of a black colour, is the only assay instrument. It is cut longitudinally into two equal pieces, partly on the curve, so that one half forms a kind of long spoon, the inside being polished. The powder being placed in the spoon, water is poured in it, and shaken, and then poured off. A second and a third water being applied, nothing is left but the coarser particles at the bottom, and at one edge of them, conspicuous on the black horn, is seen a fringe of gold powder, if gold be present. With a keg of water at his back, and his spoon in his wallet, and a little parched meal, the mine hunter wanders amongst the barren rocks in search of a treasure, which he sells when discovered, and seeks another; the claims of labour being practically regulated by natural aptitudes, just as the North American squatter sells his "betterments," and moves into another locality, not too "crowdy," with a neighbour only five miles off.

The man who buys the mine, digs the ore, breaks it up into the size of walnuts, loads it into hide sacks, borne on mules, and sells it to the beneficiador, or benefitter, in the valley below, who passes it through his mill. Considering the ways and means at his disposal, his mill is more of a marvel than Mr. Berdan's machine.

Having settled upon a small stream, with a fall of from four to five feet, he builds up two walls to enclose it on each side, and a back wall to form a small reservoir, with a spout and plug to let out the water at his pleasure. Over the side walls, with considerable labour, he contrives to lay a flat circular granite stone, some five feet in diameter, with a hole of fifteen inches through the middle. The middle of the stone is hooped round with staves, which stand up eighteen inches in the form of a tube. The outside is surrounded with similar staves, so that a water-tight circular trench is formed, with a granite bottom. Through the central hole is passed the straight stem of a tree, shod with an iron pivot, standing in an iron shoe, fast to a block below. The upper part of the tree is steadied in a beam above, supported by two upright posts. Through the middle of the vertical shaft is a horizontal hole, with a horizontal shaft projecting on each side. In this horizontal shaft, at nearly the level of the foot below, are affixed in a circle, like the spokes of a wheel, a number of wooden spoons, about three feet in length. To the horizontal arms above are tied, by raw hide cordage, a sort of large flag paving stones, with their faces bearing on the flat granite below. The water being turned on the spoons, the paving stones are drawn round by the motion of the shaft, and grind the quartz.

An improvement on this is to use two vertical rolling stones, eighteen inches thick and five feet in diameter, with a circular hole in the centre, through which the horizontal shaft or arm passes, and forces them round. one result of the American possession of California would be a large influx of gold-in their phraseology, "that Jonathan would dig a tarnation big hole to the Antipodes, to get at the molten gold, heaviest of metallic bodies."

The latest discoveries in Australia tell of great riches found in very deep pits; these are underground beds of torrents over watercourses now filled up, and which contain the fragments. It will be probably found that these watercourses run parallel to each other at right angles with the ranges of mountains, and that the way of working will be to intercept them by working across them, and on striking them, to work up and down along the course; and when they get richest the history will probably be like most Spanish gold mines-"the water came in." And then the steam engine must go to work to drain. But gold digging in gullies is but haphazard work for the labourer, and not a speculation for the capitalist. The quartz veins are a legitimate operation, which may be conducted without robbery. How to remove the alluvial covering and lay bare the runs of the original mountain torrents, to get at the gold by a company, is a difficult problem. Deep beneath the river beds of the Spanish Peninsula will probably be found gold enough, when they shall be laid bare by effective irrigation of the land.

As the stones vary in their speed on the inner and outer edges, there is a grinding as well as a crushing process. When the machine is at work, a quantity of quicksilver is thrown into the trench, and the quartz with it. A small stream of water runs in, and at one portion of the rim there is a hole for it to run over, which it does, carrying the floating mud with it. As it runs over, it falls into a goat-skin, with quicksilver at the bottom. Out of this goat-skin it falls into a second, with more quicksilver, and so on from one to another, according to the amount of fall.

When the quicksilver is supposed to be saturated, the mill is stopped, the quicksilver is taken out of all the receptacles, and poured into a linen bag of fine texture, and three or four thicknesses. The quicksilver is squeezed through this bag, and the thickening amalgam is finally rammed down with a sort of rolling-pin.

In a pool of water is a large tile, standing an inch or two above the surface. On this tile is placed a piece of red-hot wrought or cast iron, an inch thick and six inches square. The amalgam is quickly dropped on the iron, and covered with a clay retort, enclosing the tile and standing in the water. A bent neck to the retort descends into a vessel of water, and the sublimed quicksilver leaving the gold pure, is finally collected from the water vessel in the metallic state. Occasionally the amalgamator is not too anxious to throw off the whole of the quicksilver. It might serve to a customer not too scrupulous.

I once asked one of these "benefitters," who happened to be a mine-owner as well, if his mine ever produced visible gold. He replied "God forbid; if it did, the gold would all go into the miner's pockets who dug it. If invisible it comes to mine."

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Sometimes these mills have warm water put into them for particular uses. The whole process is precisely what Mr. Berdan accomplishes with more perfect tools.

It appears that with one of Mr. Berdan's machines sixteen tons of quartz per day have been crushed, at 13s. 9d. per ton. But after the gold is taken out there is left a mass of dirt that needs putting into its proper place. As this dirt is quartz, or silex in an impalpable powder, it is precisely the most valuable material used in the manufacture of china ware, viz. ground flint. It would therefore pay to grind up quartz that would yield 13s. 9d. worth of gold to pay the expenses, leaving the ground silex for profit, at the value of 21. 4s. per ton, if free from metallic colouring.

An important national industry might thus be promoted, and the "dirt" prove more valuable in reality than the precious metal. It might pay to bring quartzrock home as ballast, from abundant new veins yet to be found in the nearest ports of Mexico; and if the ground silica, by reason of containing metallic oxide, be unfitted in some cases for china ware, probably it would be found useful to the farmer as a manure for clayey wheat lands, or for the process of forming artificial stone. But this is all based on the supposition that gold maintains its value as a precious metal. If the quantity increases so as materially to lower the price, the circumstances will change. I am, Sir, yours, faithfully, W. BRIDGES ADAMS.

MEASURMENT OF TONNAGE. SIR,-In common with all interested in shipping, I read with great pleasure the letters which appeared in the Journal some time ago on the subject of tonnage; and regret the discussion should have been dropped before some definite result was arrived at. My object will, however, be attained, if I can induce those gentlemen belonging to the Society who may be conversant with the question to communicate their views, and thus lead to some decision upon the best course to be adopted to secure the desired alteration in the law. I will assume that the authorities upon whose report the present mode of mea

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