
Please keep these points in mind as you examine this book: 1. It is quite out of the beaten path of old-fashioned gram


2. It is distinguished quite as much for what it omits as for what it includes.

3. It covers the parts of speech simply, in the first five lessons, reviewing them and adding some of the most important modifications in lessons 12-17; again, on page 53, they are taken up, with all modifications, and again in Part Two, page 99, with extended exercises for the, pupil to cor


4. Brief but comprehensive treatment of sentences is given in Lessons 6-10 and Lesson 18.

5. Special treatment of misused words is given under each of the parts of speech and on pages 118-146.

6. Under the title "Clearness and Force," some helpful instruction is given regarding the commonest causes of error in composition. See page 147.

7. A good course in Punctuation is given, beginning on page 163.

8. Every teacher of English will appreciate the complete list of words with correct prepositions, given on pages 179187.

9. The appendix is a valuable reference feature of this popular book.

10. The exercise book, "Plain English in Practical Exercises," must be used with this text-book in order to obtain from the text-book its greatest value.

Prices: Introduction, 50 cts.; Wholesale, 60 cts.; Retail, 90 cts. hio.


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