
less than Twenty-five Pounds; and any such Promissory Note parties to Promade or endorsed, and such Bill of Exchange drawn, accepted missory or endorsed by the President or Vice-President of the Company, Notes, &c. and countersigned by the Secretary and Treasurer, and under the authority of a majority of a quorum of the Directors, shall be binding on the Company; and every such Promissory Note or Bill of Exchange, made, drawn, accepted or endorsed by the President or Vice-President of the said Company, and countersigned by the Secretary and Treasurer as such, shall be presumed to have been properly made, drawn, accepted or endorsed, as the case may be, for the Company, until the contrary be shewn : and in no case shall it be necessary to have the seal of the Company affixed to any such Bill of Exchange or Promissory Note, nor shall the President, Vice-President, or Secretary and Treasurer of the Company so making, drawing, accepting or endorsing any such Promissory Note or Bill of Exchange, be thereby subjected individually to any liability whatever: Pro- Proviso. vided always, that nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the said Company to issue any note payable to bearer, or any Promissory Note intended to be circulated as money, or as the notes of a Bank.

XIV. The guage of the said Railway shall not be broader Guage. or narrower than five feet six inches.

XV. The Amherstburgh and St. Thomas Railway Com- Power to pany may and are hereby empowered to amalgamate with any unite with Railway Company east of St. Thomas, either to the Niagara Companies. River or to any Port on Lake Ontario, or to both of them.

certain other

XVI. In the construction of the said Amherstburgh and St Company not Thomas Railway, the Directors thereof and their Agents, shall to impede nanot by the erection of any bridge or otherwise, impede the navi- vigation. gation of any River over which it may be necessary to construct the said Railway.

XVII. The said undertaking shall be commenced within Commencetwo years and completed within five years after the passing ment and comof this Act.

XVIII. This Act shall be a Public Act.

pletion of the works.

Public Act.


Know all men by these presents that I

(insert the name of the
wife also if she is to release her Dower or for any other reason to
join in the conveyance) do hereby in consideration of
paid to me (or as the case may be) by the Amherstburgh and St.
Thomas Railway Company, the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged, grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the
said Amherstburgh and St. Thomas Railway Company, their


successors and assigns for ever, all that certain parcel or tract
of land situate (describe the land) the same having been selected
and laid out by the said Company, for the purpose of their
Railway, to have and to hold the said land and premises toge-
ther with every thing appertaining thereto, to the said Amherst-
burgh and St. Thomas Railway Company, their successors and
assigns for ever, (if there be dower to be released, add) and I,
(name of wife) hereby release my dower on the premises.

Witness my (or our) hand (or hands) and seal (or seals) this
day of
one thousand eight hundred


[blocks in formation]


Certain persons incorporated.

[blocks in formation]

An Act to incorporate The Sorel, Drummondville and
Richmond Railway Company.

[Assented to 19th May, 1855.]

THEREAS the persons hereinafter named have petitioned the Legislature for the incorporation as a Company to construct the Railway hereinafter described, and it is expedient to grant their request: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and intituled, An Act to re-unite the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, and for the Government of Canada, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, as follows:

I. R. Nugent Watts, J. G. Crebassa, Antoine N. Gouin, G. L. Marler, J. B. E. Dorion, R. H. Kitson, J. F. Sincennes, D. McCarthy, J. Lamère, C. C. Sheppard, J. R. Sincennes, James Kelly, Pierre Boisvert, R. Harrower, F. Gervais, Jonathan Wurtele, Moise Fortier, H. S. Griffin, F. X. Rivard, P. C. Ste. Marie, E. C. Wurtele, G. T. Pelletier, P. E. Mignault, J. B. Commault, Lewmon Walker, Benjamin Thérien, John Ralph, Samuel Torrance, with all such other persons and Corporations as shall become Shareholders in the Company hereby constituted, shall be, and they are hereby ordained, constituted and declared to be a Body Corporate and Politic, by and under the name and style of The Sorel, Drummondville and Richmond Railway Company, and the name of their undertaking shall be The Sorel, Drummondville and Richmond Railway.

II. The first, second, third and fourth clauses of the Rail- Certain clauway Clauses Consolidation Act, and also the seventh and follow- ses of 14 & 15 ing clauses thereof, having reference to "Interpretation," V. c. 51, incorporated "Incorporation," "Powers," "6 "Plans and Surveys,' "Lands with this Act.

and their Valuation," " Highways and Bridges," "Fences,"
"Tolls," "General Meetings," "Directors, their election and
duties," "Shares and their transfer," "Municipalities," "Share-
," "Actions for indemnity and Fines and Penalties
and their Prosecution," "Working of the Railway," and
"General Provisions," as amended or modified by the Act
passed in the now last Session of the Provincial Parliament,
intituled, An Act in addition to the General Railway Clauses
Consolidation Act, shall be incorporated with this Act, save in
so far as they are expressly varied by any clause or provision
hereinafter contained.

III. The said Company are hereby authorized and empower- Line of Railed to lay out, construct, make and finish a double or single way defined. Iron Railway from any place within the Borough of Sorel or William Henry, in the County of Richelieu, through the Parishes of St. Michel d'Yamaska and St. David, and the Townships of Upton and Grantham, to Drummondville in the County of Drummond, and thence through the Townships of Wickham and Durham, to the village of Richmond or its environs, situate within the District of St. Francis on the southwest side of the river St. Francis; And also to lay out, con- Branches may struct, make and finish any Branch or Branches of the said Railway, not exceeding ten miles in length in any case, from any Terminus or Station thereof, under the conditions hereby established for the main Line thereof.

be made.


c. 51, and 16 V. c. 169.

IV. The said Company are hereby authorized and empower- Company may ed to erect and construct such Bridges, for the purposes of their build bridges, Railway or of any Branch thereof, over any part of any River as they may deem necessary; and also, should they see fit, to Subject to adapt such Bridges to the passage of horses, vehicles and pas- 14 & 15 V. sengers, the whole subject to the clauses, conditions and stipulations of the Railway Clauses Consolidation Act, and of the Act above mentioned, intituled, An Act in addition to the General Railway Clauses Consolidation Act, and also to take, receive and exact such rates of Toll upon all horses, animals, vehicles and passengers passing over any Bridge so adapted to the passage thereof, as by the Governor in Council shail from time to time be fixed and allowed; Provided always, that the said Proviso. Company shall not commence the construction of any Bridge over any stream of a width, at flood water, exceeding fifty yards French measure, until after the plans thereof, and of all works thereunto relating, shall have been submitted to and approved by the Governor in Council.

V. The said Company are hereby authorized and empowered Company may to take and appropriate for the use of the said Railway, but take waste

land of Crown, not to alienate, so much of the wild lands of the Crown, not beaches, &c. heretofore granted or sold, lying on the route of the said Rail

Proviso: not to interrupt



Form of Deeds


way, as may be necessary for the said Railway, as also so much of the land covered with the waters of any River, Stream, Lake or Canal, or of their respective beds, as may be found necessary for the making and completing or more conveniently using the same, and thereon to erect such wharves and quays, inclined planes, bridges, cranes and other works as to the said Company shall seem meet; Provided always, that the said Company shall not cause any obstruction in, or impede the free navigation of any river, stream or canal; and they shall leave such opening between the piers of any bridge or viaduct which they may erect over any navigable stream or canal, and shall construct such draw-bridge or swing-bridge over the channel of such River or Canal, as the Governor in Council shall direct; and they shall be subject to such regulations with regard to the opening and closing of such draw-bridge or swing-bridge, and otherwise, as the Governor in Council shall make from time to time; and they shall not commence the construction of any wharf, bridge, pier or other work upon the public beach or bed of any navigable river or stream, or upon the lands covered with the waters thereof, until the plans of such work shall have been submitted to and approved by the Governor in Council.

VI. All Deeds and Conveyances for lands to be conveyed to to Company. the said Company for the purposes of this Act, may, in so far as the title to the said lands, or the circumstances of such parties making such conveyances will admit, be made in the form given in the Schedule of this Act marked A, in presence Enregistration of any two or more witnesses; and for the due enregistration thereof, the said Company shall, at their own expense, furnish the Registrar of each County traversed by the said Railway, with a Book or Books having a sufficient number of copies of the said form therein printed, one on each page, leaving the requisite blanks to suit the various cases of conveyance, such Book or Books being authenticated in the manner in which the ordinary Registers of such Registrar are by law required to be authenticated; and such Book or Books shall by such Registrars be received and kept as, and shall be so many Registers of their respective offices, and they shall therein enregister such Deeds, upon production thereof and proof of their execution, by the oath of one credible witness, which oath they are hereby authorized to administer; and they shall certify such enregis tration and the date thereof on each such Deed; and the Company shall pay for such enregistration of and certificate upon each such Deed, the sum of Two Shillings and Six Pence currency, and no more; and such enregistration shall be to all intents valid in law; and in the absence of the original of any such Deed, copies thereof taken from such Register, and duly certified by the Registrar having charge thereof, shall be held and treated as authentic copies of such Deed; and such



copies autheutic.


Registrar shall be entitled to a fee of Five Shillings currency, and no more, for every such certified copy.

VII. The Capital Stock of the said Company shall be the Capital Stock. sum of Two Hundred Thousand Pounds currency, to be divided into sixteen thousand shares of Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings currency each, and shall be raised by the persons and corporations who may become Shareholders in such stock; Shares. and the money so raised shall be applied, in the first place, to

the payment and discharge of all fees, expenses and disburse- Application of ments for procuring the passing of this Act, and for making Stock. the surveys, plans and estimates connected with the said Railway; and all the remainder of the said money shall be applied to the making, completing, maintaining and working of the said Railway, and to no other purpose whatever; Provided Proviso as to that the Capital Stock may be increased at any time, if the increase of Capital. Company should find it necessary, as provided for by the Railway Clauses Consolidation Act.

VIII. In the borrowing of money by way of loan, the Deben- Form of Detures of the said Company may be in the form given in the bentures: Schedule of this Act marked B, or in any other like form, and their effect and enregistration need not be passed before Notaries; and the enregistration, in thereof. the manner hereinafter set forth, of any such Debenture, in the form of the said Schedule, in the Registry Office for the County of Richelieu only, shall perfect the hypothèque thereby created, and such hypothèque shall rank from the date of the presentment of such Debenture for enregistration, irrespectively of the issuing thereof; and every such Debenture, being enregistered and issued, shall be transferable by delivery, and binding to all intents against the said Company and all parties whatsoever, in favor of the bearer thereof, and shall hypothecate in his favor all the lands, wharves, buildings and real property whatsoever of the said Company, including all rails and iron thereto affixed, and all other the appurtenances thereto belonging.

of Debentures.

IX. The said Company, in case of their requiring the enre- Further as to gistration of any Debentures as aforesaid, shall at their own enregistration expense furnish the said Registrar with a Book or Books having a sufficient number of Copies of the said form of Debenture therein printed one on each page, leaving the requisite blanks, and without any interest Coupons thereto, such Book or Books authenticated in the manner in which the ordinary Registers of such Registrar are by law required to be authenticated; and such Book or Books shall by the said Registrar be received and kept as, and shall be so many Registers of the said Office; and he shall therein enregister the said Debentures, upon production thereof; and he shall certify such enregistration and the date thereof, on each such Debenture; and for such enregistration of and Certificate upon each such Debenture, he shall be entitled to a fee of One Shilling and Three Fee therefor. Pence currency, and no more.

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