
BARNARD AND FARLEY, Skinner-Street, London.


THE public curiosity has been considerably excited, respecting a Journal of the Visit of her Majesty the Queen to Tunis, Greece, and Palestine, written by Mademoiselle Demont, in consequence of references made to its contents in a letter, addressed by her to her sister, which was produced, and read at the bar of the House of Lords, during the late proceedings against her Majesty, and of her examination as to its contents, consequent upon the production of the letter. It might therefore reasonably have been expected, that

*I believe that, though in the examination of Demont, the Journal was only spoken of as a Journal generally, without specification, it was a general impression that it related particularly to the "long voyage," as it was termed, par distinction."

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such a public feeling would have been grati fied, by the production of the Journal, either by the lady herself, or some one of her friends, unless there existed powerful motives for its abstraction from public notice.

Into the existence or nature of these motives, I do not pretend to enter, but, as it appears certain, that by her or them the Journal will not be brought forward, I have myself determined upon giving to the public a copy of it, which circumstances placed in my pos-session some time back.

After having acted as interpreter on the behalf of her Majesty, at the bar of the House of Lords, during the production of the evidence, or allegations against her, I had the honour of being called upon to assist, on the continent, in the preparation for the defence; and for purposes connected with it, about the middle of September last, visited the neighbourhood of the Lake of Geneva, in com

pany with Mr. Tyson, law agent to her Majesty.

During our stay there, we directed some inquiries and researches to the existence of a Journal, as above stated, the result of which was, the ascertaining that the manuscript had been generally circulated throughout the Canton de Vaud, and that in some instances copies of it had been taken by those to whom it was lent. At Colombier, Demont's native village, we were further informed, that the original manuscript had been carried to England, either by Demont herself, or by an Englishman, who, since her departure, had been over at Colombier to take out some papers respecting her; but, that a copy of it was in the possession of Madame Gaulise, a lady, whose mansion is on an eminence close by the village. This information, combined with the circumstance that this lady is named in Demont's letter, (already alluded to, and a copy of which is annexed to these sheets) as

they have their judgment diversely according to their own works, and not according to faith only, or want of faith only. For all infidels (as Turks, obstinate Jews, and Heretics) shall never come to that examination, being otherwise condemned.


Extract from a Circular Letter from Cardinal FONTANA, the Prefect of the Propaganda, to the Irish Prelates, on the Subject of the Bible Schools:

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"My Lord,The prediction of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Parable of the Sower, that sowed good seed in his field; but, while people slept, his Enemy came, and sowed Tares upon the Wheat,' Matt. xvi. 24, is, to the very great injury indeed of the Catholic Faith, seen verified in these our own days, particularly in Ireland.

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"For, information has reached the ears of the Sacred Congregation, that Bible Schools,' supported by the funds of the Catholics, have been established in almost every part of Ireland, in which, under the pretence of Charity, the inexperienced of both sexes, but particularly Peasants and Paupers, are allured by the blandishments and even gifts of the Masters, and infected with the fatal poison of depraved Doctrines.

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It is further stated, that the Directors of these Schools, are, generally speaking, Methodists, who introduce Bibles, translated into English by The Bible Society,' and abounding in errors, with the sole view of seducing the youth, and entirely eradicating from their minds the Truths of the Orthodox Faith.

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