
are produced by the contact of two plain surfaces, it would be an endless undertaking to follow them till they enter the eye. Enough has already been said upon this subject to convince every intelligent reader, that all the phenomena of coloured rings, which have been ascribed to the effect of certain fits of easy reflection and easy transmission of the rays of light, as well as the great variety of other coloured appearances of which I have treated, admit of a most satisfactory solution, by substituting the solid principle of the critical separation of the different colours in the room of these fits.

VIII. On the Parts of Trees primarily impaired by Age. In a Letter from T. A. Knight, Esq. F.R.S. to the Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. P.R.S.


Read March 22, 1810.

In the first communication I had the honour to address to you, (it was in the year 1795,) I stated the result of many experiments on grafted trees, from which I inferred that each variety can be propagated with success, during a limited period only; and that the graft, or other detached part of an old tree, or old variety, can never form that, which can with propriety be called a young tree.

I have subsequently endeavoured to ascertain which, amongst the various organs that compose a tree, first fails to execute its office, and thus tends to bring on the incurable debility of old age; and the result of the experiments appears sufficiently interesting, to induce me to communicate an account of them to you.

Whatever difference exists between the functions of animal and vegetable life, there is a very obvious analogy between some of the organs of plants, and those of animals; and it does not appear very improbable, that the correspondent organ, in each, may first fail to execute its office; and satisfactory evidence of the imperfect action of any particular

organ can much more easily be obtained in the vegetable, than in the animal world. For a tree may be composed, by the art of the grafter, of the detached parts of many others; and the defective, or efficient, operation, of each organ, may thus be observed with the greatest accuracy. But such observations cannot be made upon animals; because the operations necessary cannot be performed; and therefore, though there would be much danger of error in incautiously transferring the phenomena of one class of organised beings to another, I conceive that experiments on plants may be, in some cases, useful to the investigator of the animal economy. They may direct him in his pursuits, and possibly facilitate his enquiries into the immediate causes of the decay of animal strength and life; and on a subject of so much importance to mankind, no source of information should remain unexplored, and no lights, however feeble, be disregarded.

Naturalists, both of ancient and modern times, have considered the structure of plants, as an inversion of that of animals, and have compared the roots to the intestines, and the leaves to the lungs, of animals; and the analogy between the vegetable sap, and animal blood, is very close and obvious. The experiments also, of which I have at different periods communicated accounts to you, supported by the facts previously ascertained by other naturalists, scarcely leave any reasonable grounds of doubt, that the sap of trees circulates, as far as is apparently necessary to, or consistent with, their state of existence and growth.

The roots of trees, particularly those in coppices, which are felled at stated periods, continue so long to produce, and feed, a succession of branches, that no experiments were

wanted to satisfy me, that it is not any defective action of the root which occasions the debility and diseases of old varieties of the apple and pear tree; and indeed experience every where shows, that a young seedling stock does not give the character of youth to the inserted bud or graft. I, however, procured plants from cuttings of some very old varieties of the apple, which readily emit roots; and these plants at the end of two years were grafted, about two inches above the ground, with a new and very luxuriant variety of the same species. These grafts grew very freely, and the roots themselves, at the end of four or five years, probably contained at least ten times as much alburnum, as they would have contained, had the trees remained ungrafted. The roots were also free from every appearance of disease, or defect.

Some crab-stocks were at the same time grafted with the golden pippin, in a soil where the wood of that variety rarely lived more than two years; and I again grafted the annual shoots of the golden pippin, with cuttings of a young and healthy crab tree, so as to include a portion of the wood of the golden pippin, between the roots and branches of the native uncultivated species, or crab tree; and in this situation it grew just as well as the wood of the stock and branches. Some branches also of the golden pippin trees, which I mentioned in my former communication of 1795, being much cankered, were cut off about a foot above the junction of the grafts to the stocks, and were regrafted with a new and healthy variety. Parts of the wood of the golden pippin, in which were many cankered spots, were thus placed between the newly inserted grafts, and the stocks; and these parts have subsequently become perfectly free from disease, and

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