
a bayonet wound from behind of the gluteal artery at its root, or that a traumatic aneurism had formed there demanding operation, how would you proceed to secure the vessel ?



1. Describe that form of paronychia termed "gangrenosa."

2. Mention the functional and physical signs of fractures of the cartilages of the larynx.

3. Describe mercurial erethismus.

4. In what cases would you employ mercurial fumigation? What preparation of mercury would you use? Mention Mr. Colles's mode of fumigation.

5. Describe Mr. Hey's mode of treating procidentia ani.

6. What treatment would you adopt in a case of strangulated hernia with gangrene of the intestine?

7. How would you treat a scorbutic ulcer?

8. Mention Sir Benjamin Brodie's plan of treating varicose veins. 9. Describe the varicose ulcer.

10. What are the characters of the ulceration of the eyelid described by Dr. Jacob?



1. Describe the ligaments of the bladder, and give the parts related to each.

2. Describe the steps of the operation for ligaturing the posterior tibial artery, and enumerate the structures which are divided in succession. 3. Enumerate in order the coverings of the testis, and mention the particulars in connexion with the descent of the testis in the foetus.

4. Describe the appearances seen on laying the pharynx open from behind. Mention the circumstances connected with the act of deglutition, and the nerves which are concerned in that process.

5. The composition of the bile, and its influence on digestion?


I. Explain the general disuse of the antiphlogistic treatment in fevers and in local diseases.

2. What is the nature of the pulsating empyema? Is the disease always an empyema of necessity?

3. Write a form for the endermic use of digitalis.

4. What is now generally held to be the immediate cause of convulsions in fever?

5. What lesion of secretion is apparently connected with puerperal convulsions?


Hilary Term.


Isaiah, vii., viii., ix., xi., xxv., xxvi., xxxii., xxxv.

A.-1. What prophetical writers were contemporary with Isaiah in the kingdoms of Judah and Israel? Which of these affords most assistance in interpreting his prophecies ?

2. Isaiah refers to the significance of his own name, as well as of those of his two sons? A singular mistake was made by some of the early Fathers with regard to the father of the prophet?

3. What passage of Isaiah is adduced to prove that he was not himself the compiler of the book of his prophecies? Show that the objection is untenable.

4. Isaiah, in various passages, bears testimony to the authenticity of the historical narrative of the Pentateuch?

5. Give a brief sketch of the principal arguments for the integrity of the whole book of Isaiah.

B.-1. vii. 15, 16.

חמאה ודבש יאכל לדעתו מאוס ברע ובחור בטוב :

כי בטרם ידע הנער מאוס ברע ובחור בטוב תעזב האדמה אשר אתה קץ מפני שני מלכיה :

(a). Translate these verses accurately, and explain their connexion with the remainder of the prophecy. How is


rendered by the

(b). “Cream and honey, abundance of the best food shall he eat, when,

ten or twenty years hence, he comes to the age of discretion." State your

חמאה ודבש יאכל opinion of the correctness of this paraphrase of the words

How were these words understood by the ancient Fathers?

(c). Explain the grammatical construction of the words yp na

. The verb y occurs in another verse of this chapter, with what signification?

2. viii. 8.

וחלף ביהודה שטף ועבר עד צואר יגיע והיה מטות כנפיו מלא רחב ארצך עמנו אל :

כנפיו Explain the metaphor in ? שטף and חלף

(a). Affix the points, and translate. What is the subject of the verbs

(6). The last two words of the verse are written separately in most MSS.; how may the Authorized Version be defended, which unites them into a proper name?

(c). This verse has proved a great stumbling-block both to Jewish and Rationalist commentators? How have they respectively dealt with it?

[blocks in formation]

(b). Two modes of evading the Messianic interpretation of this prophecy have been put forward? Each of them is opposed to the context of the whole passage, as well as to its grammatical construction?

(c). How does Gesenius render the words ? This is contradicted by the sense which the same words confessedly bear in a passage in the next chapter of Isaiah?

4. xi. 1.

ויצא חטר מגזע ישי ונצר משרשיו יפרה :

(a). Translate this verse, and point out its connexion with the closing verses of the preceding chapter. The introduction of Jesse's name agrees with the whole purport of the prophecy?

(b). Give the exact meanings of 10 and 19. The first word is found only in one other passage?

(c). Besides these titles, the similar metaphorical appellations, s, , and p, are applied in prophecy to the Messiah; cite the passages in which they respectively occur.

5. xxvi. 3.

יצר סמוך הצר שלום שלום כי בך בטוח :

(a). Translate, and give the renderings of the LXX. and Vulgate. (b). Give some other examples of the same use of the word. What

? חצר is the root of

6. xxvi. 19.

יקומון הקיצו ורננו שכני עפר
יחיו מתיך

כי טל אורת טלך והארץ רפאים תפיל :



(a). Affix the points, and translate. The Vulgate renders no by ros lucis; are there any objections to this? Has the word where the meaning given to it here in the Authorized Version?

(6). Give a short account of the various interpretations proposed for this verse. In what other passages of Scripture is the verb plied to the Resurrection?


(c). This is one of the passages which Gesenius asserts to be of a later date than the time of Isaiah? Point out the weakness of this objection.

7. ix. 13, 89.

ויכרת יהוה מישראל ראש וזנב כפה ואגמן יוס אחר : זקן ונשוא פנים הוא הראש ונביא מורה שקר הוא הזנב : ויהיו מאשרי העס הזה מתעים ומאשריו מבלעים :

(a). Affix the points and accents to these verses, and translate.

(b). Give the derivation of the following words: DD,, and . The root of the last word is never used in any active conjugation; what inference does this fact suggest?

First Morning.



1. Our Lord employs the same language to express the permanence of the Old Testament, and of His own revelations ?


How does it appear (according to Dr. Lee) that our Lord did not confine this solemn ratification to any particular portion of the Old Testament?

3. In what passages of his Epistles does S. Paul apply the title ǹ γραφὴ to the Book of Genesis

4. He speaks of the Book of Exodus under a similar title?

5. One particular part of the arrangements of the service of the tabernacle is ascribed in the New Testament to the direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit?

6. What historical facts narrated in the Pentateuch are typically applied by our Lord?

7. The Book of the Law is referred to as a written document in one of the Psalms?

8. David, in one remarkable passage, lays express claim to divine inspiration?

9. The land of Egypt is used as a medium of comparison in three passages of the Pentateuch?

10 The fidelity with which the Jews preserved their canonical writings affords no small proof of their divine inspiration, according to Dr. Lee?

II. In what point does the stress of this argument chiefly lie, according to Mr. Davison?

12. On how many occasions is a pillar said to have been set up in the patriarchal history?

13. What was the first historical event which Moses was commanded to put in writing?

14. Mr. Blunt has pointed out what appears to be an undesigned coincidence in this part of the narrative of Exodus ?

15. Many circumstances tend to prove that the art of writing was diffused to some extent among the Israelites about the time of Moses?

16. What is the earliest mention of a seal ring among the Israelites ? 17. The art of writing appears to have been generally known and diffused in the times immediately following the Mosaic period?

18. Which of the tribes of Israel, in the time of the Judges, seems to have acquired peculiar pre-eminence in this respect?

19. A circumstance recorded in the history of Gideon proves that a knowledge of writing was then general, even among the tribes on the east of Jordan?

20. What command was given in the Pentateuch for the public and solemn reading of the Law?

21. Graves suggests a probable reason for choosing this particular period?

22. How many fulfilments of this command are recorded in the sacred narrative?

23. On two remarkable occasions in Jewish history a public and solemn homage was paid both by kings and people to the sacredness of the Mosaic law?

24. In the first of these events-that in the reign of Hezekiah-Graves notices one particular expression of the sacred historian, as proving that the authority of the Pentateuch was universally acknowledged ?

25. How does it appear that at the public reading of the Law in the time of Ezra, a portion of the Book of Leviticus was gone through?

26. What proof of reverence for the Book of the Law was given by Jehoshaphat?

27. The sacred historian notices the fact, that one of the wicked kings of Judah possessed a knowledge of, and complied with, one of the precepts of the Mosaic Law?

28. What instance is recorded of the authority of the Mosaic Law being recognised in the kingdom of Israel under one of her most idolatrous kings?

29. Among the ancient prophets, the references which Micah makes to the history of the Pentateuch are especially remarkable ?

30. The tribes of Levi and Judah were united at an early period by marriage?

31. This fact proves that the interval between the descent into Egypt and the Exodus cannot be restricted to four generations only?

32. The same conclusion is still more remarkably evident from the account which is given of the genealogy of Joshua ?

33. How many cities were appointed in the land of Israel for the Levites?

34. Was permission ever granted to the Levites to leave the city to which they belonged by birth?

35. The age of Moses at his death was less than that of his father and grandfather?

36. After the time of Joshua, what is the next instance in which the age of an individual at death is recorded?

37. But one person of the name of Gamaliel is mentioned in the Old Testament as well as in the New?

38. How many persons in Scripture history are said to have had names given to them from having been born at a time of calamity ?

39. The sin-offering for sins of ignorance was different for the congregation, for the ruler, and for any of the people ?

40. The scape-goat on the day of atonement was not the only instance of one of two victims being let loose, while the other was slain ?

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