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I. Classify the various uses of Daghesh forte, giving examples of each. In what cases is it omitted where the analogy of the forms would require it?

2. State the chief peculiarities of the four gutturals, 8, 7, 7, 9, and those which has in common with them.

3. Mention the chief cases in which short vowels are found in open syllables.

4. Write down the forms of the preterite Kal of the regular verb, e. g. of, as they appear in connexion with the suffixes.

5. Write down the third masculine singular, and the third masculine plural future Kal of, with all the pronominal suffixes.

6. Write out in full the future Hiphil of pp, to pine away.

7. Write out in full the future Kal of

to extend.

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שָׁלַח נָטַע נָשָׂא What are the construct infinitives Kal of the verbs .8


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נָתַן אָבַד,Mention the peculiarities in the inflexion of the verbs .9

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10. Write down the plurals of the nouns, mouth;, valley ; pa, street; m, Hebrew woman; 4, vessel; vy, city; ning, sister. 11. How are Segholate nouns classified? Give an example of each

-boolk, in the plural, with all the prono ,סֵפֶר class. Write down the noun

minal suffixes.

12. Exhibit the preposition with all the pronominal suffixes.

13. State accurately the rules as to the pointing of the prefixes

14. Explain, with examples, the different modes of connecting the numerals from 2 to 10 with substantives.

15. How is a compound idea expressed by two substantives, the former in the construct state, made definite? When does an adjective, joined to a substantive, require the article? How does the sense differ according as is, or is not, followed by the article?

1. Daghesh forte compensative usually marks the omission of a letter preceding that in which it is inserted. Give instances in which it compensates for a letter following that in which it is found.

2. Mark the position of the accent on the persons of the preterite Kal of a verb vý, e. g. 110.

3. What forms are identical in verbs and , and in verbs


In what classes of verbs is there no distinction of form between the

future Kal and the future Hiphil?

4. Give instances of Chaldæisms, in the inflexion of nouns and verbs, occurring in Biblical Hebrew.

5. State, with examples, the different modes of construction which are used when two verbs, one completing the sense of the other, are employed to express one idea.

6. What are the modes of expressing the subjunctive and optative in Hebrew ?

Translate into Hebrew the following passage :

Gen. xxxii. 29, 30.



1. What is the difference between otiose and occult letters in Syriac? Mention the principal cases in which letters are otiose.

2. Write down the definite plurals of the nouns 2


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son n;

sister; 1, beast; o, place;, heart; $21,


so, name;

sool, nation; o, lip; L3Ï, lion.


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3. Give an example of each of the three different ways in which the plural may be formed in compound nouns.

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4. Write down the noun

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father, in the singular and plural, with the several suffixes, singular and plural, masculine and feminine, of the second person.


5. Write down the feminine noun , family, in the singular and plural, with the several suffixes, singular and plural, masculine and feminine, of the third person.

6. Explain the various uses of auxiliary verbs and pronouns in Syriac to express different moods and tenses.

7. Write out the Imperative Pehal of with the various pronominal suffixes.

8. Write out in full the preterite of, to console.

9. Write out in full the future Pehal of ô, to ask.

10. Write down the infinitives and participles of all the conjugations of a verb


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11. State the anomalies in the inflexion of the verbs to go;


to come;

to be firm;

to adhere.

12. Distinguish by the points the significations of the words

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13. When must the genitive be denoted by ?, and not by the construct state?

14. In what class of verbs in Syriac has the second participle Pehal commonly an active signification? How is the combination of the participle with the fnite verb in Greek (e.g. &0üv «porcovnsu), usually expressed in Syriac?

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1. How did S. Anselm, Bossuet, and Bishop Butler, respectively, state the argument from abstract reasoning for the existence of God? 2. How does Kant criticize the usual arguments on this subject? What argument does he himself adopt?

3. What are the different forms of Pantheism? Define the relative position of Mysticism.

4. Give an instance of the discrepancy that exists among "Egyptolo gers." How is their so-called science criticized by Sir G. C. Lewis?

5. State briefly how the family of the Herods attained power in Palestine; and distinguish between the different Herods spoken of in the New Testament.

6. Mr. Coleridge (in "The Friend") marks out different stages in "the Education of the World."

7. Give some account of the treatment of the Book of Daniel by the so-called "higher criticism" of modern days. How is this reasoning to

be met?

8. Consider the question, —- In what language did our Lord address his hearers? A speculation of Sir James Stephen, in the Epilogue to his essays on Ecclesiastical Biography, illustrates the importance of this question.

a The greater part of these Examinations is conducted vivâ voce.

9. Point out the fallacy in Dr. Donaldson's argument impeaching the authenticity of the second Epistle of S. Peter, and of the Epistle of S. Jude.

10. The existence and growth of Christian civilization are to be reckoned among the evidences for revealed religion:-give the heads of this argument.

11. The failure of Philosophy to ascertain a beginning homogeneous with the present order of things, may be illustrated by the systems of Comte, Mr. Darwin, and the author of the "Vestiges of Creation."

12. What is the most recent decision of science as to the alleged spontaneous development of life, in the case of the infusoria?

13. Bishop Butler connects the question as to Miracles with the question as to Creation.

14. How would you answer the objection of Mr. F. Newman that the Bible sanctions and even enjoins things that shock the moral sense?

15. The advance of physical science has a tendency to strengthen rather than to weaken our conviction of the supernatural character of miracles?

16. Archbishop Whately reduces to syllogistic form Hume's argument against the value of testimony as a proof of miracles?

17. Contrast Rationalism and Naturalism.

18. Illustrate the mistake of attempting to draw a parallel between a miracle and a natural event.

19. Explain and illustrate (1) The "law" of Prophecy; (2) The "perspective" character of Prophecy; (3) "The double sense" of Prophecy. 20. Show how the evolution of doctrine differs from the theory of development.

21. Write a short note on the word "Person" as used in the doctrine of the Trinity; and explain the technical terms ὑπόστασις, οὐσία, περιχώρησις.

22. State the objections which seem to lie against Pearson's opinion as to the Logos of Philo.

23. Explain the notions of the Memra, the Metatron, and the AdamKadmon.

24. State the theological error, as well as the confusion of thought, which create the difficulty as to Our Lord's Eternal Sonship.

25. Divines distinguish three kinds of generation in which sense only is Sonship properly applied to the Second Person of the Trinity?

26. How did the Adoptionist Heresy differ from that of Nestorius? 27. What erroneous opinion as to our Lord was attributed to "The Master of the Sentences"?

28. Quote the passages of Scripture which expressly make mention of Imputation. State the obvious result.

29. In Lev. xvi. exception has been taken to more than one passage in the English Version, as obscuring the account of the ceremony of the Scape-Goat."


30. What are the different opinions as to the meaning of the word Azazel?

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