

Translate the following passages into English :


1. Beginning, St. Male morigerus mi est danista, qui de me argentum haud petit.... Ending, Pedibus esse provocatum. Abeo intro: nimis longum loquor.

PLAUTUS, Epid. v. 1.

2. Beginning, Nos tacemus et eo magis,.. Ending, Tusculanum proscripsi: suburbano non facile careo. CICERO, Ep. ad. Att., iv. 1, 2.

3. Beginning, Continuo auditæ voces vagitus et ingens. Ending, Alligat, et noviens Styx interfusa coercet.

VIRGIL, vi. 426.

4. Beginning, Principio cœlum acterras camposque liquentis..... Ending, Rursus et incipiant in corpora velle reverti.

VIRGIL, Vi. 730.

5. Beginning, Etsi me assiduo confectum cura dolore...... Ending, Hinc manat tristi conscius ore rubor.



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Translate the following passages into English:

1. Beginning, O funde noster, seu Sabine, seu Tiburs,. Ending, Qui tunc vocat me, eum malum legit librum.

CATULLUS, Carmen xliv.

2. Beginning, At nunc divitibus cœnandi nulla voluptas,.... Ending, Tempore et exigua furtis imbutus ofellæ.

JUVENAL, Sat. xi. 120-144.

3. Beginning, Secundum eos citati nimis callidi exsolvendi... Ending, mercenariumque increpantes vocarent, qui accepisset. LIVY, lib. xxiv. c. 19.

4. Beginning, Plagis confectum dico a lictoribus tuis civem..... Ending, abutebatur ad nocturna vota cupiditatum suarum.

CICERO, in C. Verrem, Act. 11. lib. v. c. 54.

Translate the following passage into Latin Prose :

Beginning, Upon this, however, the question will arise,..
Ending, nor properly to be repudiated by a philosopher.

H. TAYLOR, Notes from Life Of Wisdom.


Translate the following passage into Latin Verse:—

Beginning, Why should we fear, youth's draught of joy,....
Ending, But we shall still have Thee.


KEBLE'S Christian Year.


The Candidates are required to discuss the following questions in the form of short Essays:

I. On the political consequences of the social system established by Lycurgus.

2. On the superintendence of the national religion exercised by the State at different periods in the history of Rome.

3. On the operation of the federal principle among states in ancient times.


On the effect produced upon political ideas, in passing from ancient to modern times, by the change,

1. Of Race;

2. Of Religion.

3. On the effects political, social, &c., of the division of the Hellenic race into its Tribal distinctions.

Discuss the following subjects, in the form of short Essays:

1. The peculiar character of the age of Alexander as an epoch in Greek literature. Trace this character in the several departments of literature.

2. What the literatures of Greece and Rome have done severally for the intellectual progress of Europe. Point out the chief elements contributed by each.

3. The reasons why the study of the Greek and Latin languages is especially suited for educational purposes.

4. The effects produced on the Greek language by the Macedonic conquests.

5. The mixture of dialects in the Homeric poetry. To suggest an historical explanation of this fact.

6. The absence, generally, of political allusions in Attic Tragedyconsidered in connexion with the important character of the contemporary events, and the constant allusions to them in the Comic Drama.

7. The forms which philosophical exposition successively assumed in Greece.

8. A comparison of the difficulties of scientific inquiry into the structure of the Greek and the Latin languages.

9. A comparison of the effects of the peculiar literary training of the Flavian period in Rome on Poetical and on Historical Composition.



I. The root from which the title of the Book of Proverbs is derived has two different significations, or rather there are two different roots with the same radicals?

II. That from which the word translated 'Proverb' is derived has cognate words in Hebrew with which Greek and Latin words seem to be related?

III. What is the form of the word in Chaldee and Syriac ?

IV. From the root in the other signification a remarkable Greek word is derived?

V. Give the divisions of the Book of Proverbs according to the titles that occur in different parts of it.

1. From one of these titles it has been inferred that the collection of Proverbs attributed to Solomon was not all made by him, or in his time? 2. Two appendices to the book contain Proverbs which are apparently attributed to other authors?

3. Commentators have endeavoured to show that these also are really Solomon's. Give an account of the different opinions.

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1. The word in (6) is accented in the Masoretic Bibles. This accentuation shows the opinion of the Masoretic doctors of the parsing of the word, and its root?

2. The English Version follows the accents; but the LXX. give a different version, and seem to derive the word from a different root?

3. The Chaldee paraphrase of this passage is as follows:

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Translate this; and show what opinion it favours as to the significa

.ילע tion of

4. The Authorized English Version gives different renderings of the in (c) and (d). Show that the translators are correct in both

word places.


VII. Give the passages of the Book of Proverbs which have been quoted in the New Testament.

VIII. At the end of the Book of Proverbs there is the following Masoretic note:


סכום פסוקים של ספר משלי תשע מאות וחמשה עשר : ותשר דבורה סימן : וחציו לפני שבר גאון: וסדריו שמונה אז תלך לבטח דרכך סימן :

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IX. Translate and point the following passage:—

יהוה בחכמה יסד ארן

כוכן שמים בתבונה : בדעתו תהומות נבקעו ושחקים ירעפו טל :

a. Point out the alternate parallelism in these verses.

b. What are the Greek and Latin terms used by the LXX. and Vulgate,

דעת and תבונה חכמה,respectively, to represent the words

X. Translate the following note (from the Midras Tehillim) on the words

in Psal. 1. I :–

אל אלהים יהוה דבר

למה הזכיר שמו של הבה שלשה פעמים : ללמדן שבשלשה שמות הללו ברא הבה העולמו בנגד שלש מדות שבהן נברא העולם : ואלו הן החכמה הדעת התבונה : הכמה מניין של י' בחכמה יסד דעת : מניין שב בדעתו תהומות נבקעו : תבונה של כונן שמים בתבונה וכן היא אומר כי אנכי אלהיך אל קנא: הרי שלש מדות שבהן נברא העולם : וכן בני גד ובוי ראובן אומרים

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אל אלהים הוא יודע : ומה ראו לאמר שני פעמים אל אלהים

יברא העולם : אל אלהים י' שבהן ניתנה התורה :


a. Give the meaning of the contractions

. י' . שב .הבה

b. What is the signification of the double, in Rabbinical orthography, in this passage? Signification of the double

as in the word

in the Chaldee Paraphrase?

" and

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1. In these passages there is a root which occurs nowhere else in the Bible. What meaning is assigned to it by our Authorized English Version, Buxtorf, and the older Lexicographers? What meaning is assigned to it by Gesenius and the modern Lexicographers?

2. There is another Hebrew root cognate with this? There are also similar words in Sanscrit, Greek, and Latin, which confirm the meaning assigned to this word by modern philologists?

3. The English textual version of (a) is inconsistent with the Masoretic accents; the marginal version is in accordance with the accents, but gives a different sense?

4. The LXX. translate (a) thus :

Προφάσεις ζητεῖ ἀνὴρ βουλόμενος χωρίζεσθαι ἀπο φιλων, ἐν παντι καιρῳ ἐπονείδιστος ἐσται.

From this it appears that the LXX. must have had different readings

? What readings .יתגלע and ,תושיה לתאוה in the words

XII. Translate the following Chaldee Paraphrase on Prov. ix. 7-9 :—

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.(3 .ver) אֵיכוּס ver. 7), and) דִירְדֵי a. Parse and give the roots of

b. The word

(ver. 7) has a different signification elsewhere? But in the Targum on the Book of Proverbs, as here, represents what Hebrew word?


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