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"Take heed you dally not before your king."
"As well the fear of harm, as harm apparent,
In my opinion, ought to be prevented."

"If I had been remember'd,
I could have given my uncle's grace a flout."
"Tell him his fears are shallow, without instance.”
"The precedent was full as long a doing."

"Seduc'd the pitch and height of his degree
To base declension and loath'd bigamy."
"Ah, Buckingham, now do I play the touch."
"Because that, like a Jack, thou keep'st the stroke
Betwixt thy begging and my meditation."
"Decline all this, and see what now thou art.”
"Fill me a bowl of wine,—give me a watch.”

"And other ventures he hath, squandered abroad."
"This aspect of mine

Hath fear'd the valiant."

"Tell me, where is fancy bred ?"

"The continent and summary of my fortune."
"You stand within his danger, do you not?"
"The quality of mercy is not strain'd."

"An I had been a man of any occupation."

"Oh, name him not, let us not break with him."
"They mean to warn us at Philippi here."

[blocks in formation]

5. In what peculiar sense does Shakspeare sometimes use the following words: aiery (or eyry), competitor, engross, envy, heap, nephew, niece, obsequiously, prefer, remorseful?

6. How does Milton pronounce the words "empyreal" and "empy

rean" ?

Subjects for English Composition.

1. Knowledge is power.


2. Credunt homines rationem suam verbis imperare. Sed fit etiam ut verba vim suam super intellectum retorqueant et reflectant.

3. The last expedition of Garibaldi.


1. The effects, immediate and ultimate, of the Protestant Reformation on English literature.

2. A comparison of the English and French dramatic systems.

3. The general character of the nineteenth century, as a literary pe


Candidates will select one subject from each of the groups given above.




1. Enumerate the symptoms of organic stricture of the rectum.

2. Describe the disease termed "fissure of the anus." What was Boyer's opinion as to its nature? What application was recommended by Dupuytren? Is there any caution necessary, when the sphincter is divided for the cure of the disease?

3. Treatment of pruritus of the anus?

4. Describe fully "Jacob's ulcer," and trace it to a fatal termination. 5. Characters of the "warty ulcer;" its nature and treatment?

6. Describe the progress and termination of chronic orchitis. Give the local and constitutional treatment. What is the nature of the deposit in the body of the testis?

7. Operation for tying the second stage of the subclavian artery, and its dangers?

8. Under what circumstances has it been proposed to perform laryngotomy in cases of suicidal wounds of the throat?

9. Mention the characters and nature of " epulis."


1. What are the characters of the three forms of hypertrophy of bone enumerated by Lobstein?

2. Who first made mention of phlebolites? Describe their mode of origin, and their chemical composition.

3. Mention the anatomical characters of the bones in the different stages of rickets.

4. What is meant by "rachitic consumption"?



1. A test has been proposed for distinguishing between fibrin and coagulated albumen; what is it?

2. How would you examine blood for urea?

3. What are the characters of diabetic urine?-what the composition of the sugar contained in it, and the best chemical process for ascertaining its amount?

4. In a mixed urinary sediment, consisting of lithic acid, lithate of ammonia, lithate of soda, and lithate of lime, how would you determine the amount of each?

5. An astringent lotion is sometimes made with a mixture of alum and sulphate of zinc; how would you prepare such solution so that, upon passing into it sulphide of hydrogen, the zinc would be precipitated?

6. In normal urine, oxalic acid gives a mixed precipitate, consisting of two distinct materials; what are these, and how is the amount of each determined?

7. Explain the reactions which occur when silver and when bismuth are dissolved in nitric acid.

8. There is a caustic used by surgeons which, upon contact with water, is decomposed; what is its name, how is it made, and how does water act upon it?

9. How would you ascertain whether chloroform includes spirit?

10. How is absolute alcohol prepared ?—and how is it ascertained that it is entirely free from water?


Hilary Term, 1863.





1. Τὰς δ' ἀρετὰς λαμβάνομεν ἐνεργήσαντες πρότερον, ὥσπερ καὶ ἐπὶ τῶν ἄλλων τεχνῶν.

The words i Twv äλλwv texvõv seem opposed to Aristotle's views. Show this; and state how they are to be interpreted.

2. Aristotle seems to assert great doubtfulness in matters connected with morals. Notice the passages which prove this. Yet he appears in other passages to have a belief in some fixed standard of morality?

3. Περὶ ἡδονὰς γὰρ καὶ λύπας ἐστὶν ἡ ἠθικὴ ἀρετή.

Give Aristotle's arguments in support of this statement.

4. Απορήσειε δ ̓ ἄν τις πῶς λέγομεν ὅτι δεῖ τὰ μὲν δίκαια πράττοντας δικαίους γίνεσθαι, τὰ δὲ σώφρονα σώφρονας· εἰ γὰρ πράττουσι τὰ δίκαια καὶ τὰ σώφρονα, ἤδη εἰσὶ δίκαιοι καὶ σώφρονες.

Discuss this paradox; and state distinctly Aristotle's views on the subject.

5. Aristotle omits some virtues from his induction which would appear inconsistent with his definition of ἀρετή ?

6. Show by examples that either extreme, whether in excess or defect, may be the least opposed to the mean.

It has been remarked, however, that both cases seem determined in accordance with the same principle?

7. What view does Butler take of pain and suffering as existing in this world? And state your own arguments in respect to that view.

8. Whence does it arise that one class of actions, regarded as of good desert, is less recognised than the other?-and how does Butler explain the circumstance that causes it?

9. Butler, in passing, removes a charge frequently brought against religion in a way that seems very conclusive?

1. Write upon



the Desires" as parts of an Ethical system.

2. State Stewart's arguments, as distinct from Butler's, for the existence of a moral faculty; and add such suggestions as may occur to yourself.

3. Give the arguments à priori and à posteriori for the existence of God, and criticize them.

4. Sketch an outline of Plato's ethical system, with especial reference to the place occupied in it by the governing faculty.

5. Enumerate the various senses in which the word "justice" was used by the ancient philosophers.

6. How were the Stoics led to form the character of their ideal wise man?-and state what that character was.

7. Write an account of those systems which make virtue consist in prudence.


1. Butler says that vice consists chiefly in the absence of the virtuous principle. Explain this fully; and reconcile it with his definition of vice, that it is the "violation of the relations in which God has placed us."

2. In what different senses might the precept be taken, to love our neighbour as ourselves? How does Butler discuss the objections made to it as implying an equality of affection?

3. "Happiness does not consist in self-love." State, in full, Butler's remarks on this.

4. "Morals, considered as a science, require a very peculiar attention." Explain this accurately.

5. In what two ways may the subject of morals be treated? What are the advantages of each? Show how Butler principally proceeds in the second way.

Experimental Physics.



1. What were Werner's principal divisions of rocks? Show that the geologist is not justified in assuming any existing rocks to be those which originally constituted the solid part of the earth.

2. Show that the climate of Europe has, at a former period, been very much colder than at present; and that this may be accounted for without supposing any different external conditions of our planet.

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