
In this relation concerning these three doubtful books of Mr. Hooker, my purpose was to inquire, then set down what I observed and know, which I have done, not as an engaged person, but indifferently; and now leave my reader to give sentence, for their legitimation, as to himself, but so as to leave others the same liberty of believing. or disbelieving them to be Mr. Hooker's. And it is observable, that as Mr. Hooker advised with Dr. Spencer, in the design and manage of these books, so also, and chiefly with his dear pupil George Cranmer (whose sister was the wife of Dr. Spencer), of which this following Letter may be a testimony; and doth also give authority to some things mentioned both in the Appendix, and in the Life of Mr. Hooker; and is therefore added.








HAT posterity is likely to judge of these matters concerning church discipline, we may the better conjecture, if we call to mind what our own age, within a few years, upon better experience, hath already judged concerning the same. It may be remembered that at first, the greatest part of the learned in the land were either eagerly affected, or favourably inclined that way.

This letter is reprinted from the original edition in 1642.

Anthony Wood tells us that he was informed by Mr. Isaac Walton, that Mr. George Cranmer had written many other things bendes this letter, but that they were kept private, to the great prejudice of the public. (4th. Ox. Vol. I. col, 206 )

Namely the discipline established by Calvin in the church of Geneva


The books then written for the most part savoured of the disciplinary style; it sounded every where in pulpits, and in the common phrase of men's speech. The contrary part began to fear they had taken a wrong course, many which impugned the discipline, yet so impugned it, not as being the better form of government, but as not so conve nient for our state, in regard of dangerous innovations thereby likely to grow. One man alone there was to speak (whom let no suspicion of flattery deprive of his deserved commendation, who, in the diffidence of the one part, and courage of the other, stood in the gap, and gave others respite to prepare themselves to their defence; which by the sudden eagerness and violence of their adversaries had otherwise been prevented — Wherein God hath made good unto him his own empress, “ Vincit qui patitur:" for what contumelious indignities he hath at their hands sustained, the world is witness; and what reward of honour above his adversaries God hath bestowed upon him, themselves (though nothing glad thereof) mu-t needs confess. Now of late years the heat of men towards the discipline is greatly decayed; ther judgments begin to sway on the other side; the learned have weighed it, and have found it light: wise men conceive some fear, lest it prove not only not the best kind of government, but the very bane and destruction of all government. The

Archbishop Whitg it.

cause of this change in men's opinions may be drawn from the general nature of error, disguised and clothed with the name of truth; which is mightily and violently to possess men at first; but afterward, the weakness thereof being by time discovered, to lose that reputation which before it had gained. As by the outside of a house the passers by are oftentimes deceived, till they see the conveniency of the rooms within; so, by the very name of discipline and reformation, men were drawn at first to cast a fancy towards it, but now they have not contented themselves only to pass by and behold afar off the fore-front of this reformed house; they have entered in, even at the special request of the master workmen and chief builders thereof: they have perused the rooms, the lights, the conveniences; they find them not answerable to that report which was made of them, nor to that opinion which upon report they had corecived. So as now the discipline, which at first triumphed over all, being unmasked, beginneth to droop and hang down her head.

This cause of change in opinion concerning the discipline is proper to the learned, or to such as by them have been instructed. Another cause there is more open and more apparent to the view of all, namely, the course of practice which the reformers

The Presbyterian party, who seeped at that time to take their only in as are of truth Leia oppos taa to and it ne tro a the church of Rome, thand ing nothing g od therein, or, at t.......... wis yet still to be rejsted on account of what tereny

have had with us from the beginning. The first degree was only some small difference about cap and surplice, but not such as either bred division in the church, or tended to the ruin of the govertiment then established. This was peaceable; the next degree more stirring. Admonitions were directed to the Parliament in peremptory sort against our whole form of regiment. In defence of them volumes were published in English, in Latin: Yet this was no more than writing. Devices were set on foot to erect the practice of the discipline without authority; yet herein some regard of modesty, some moderation was used. Behold at length it brake forth into open outrage, first in writing by Martin in whose kind of dealing these things may be observed: 1. That whereas T. C. and

■ Mr. Hooker, when he is speaking a of the scurrilous ami “more than satirical immodesty of Martinism,” tells has rendier that the first published schedules thereof being brought to "the hands of a very grave and very honourable Knight, with "signification given, that the book would refresh his spirits, he "took it, saw what the title w is, read over an tmsavburie æn“tence or two, and delivered back the libel with this answer, "1 “ an sorie you are of the mind to bee solaced with these sparta, " and sorrier you have herein thought mine affection to be like “your own.”

(Hooker's Epist. Dedic. to Archbishop Whey i?)

• Thomas CartwRIGHT, the author and publisher of "The “Admonition to the Parliament," printed in 1572, with the approbation and assistance of the whole party, and fully answered and confuted paragraph by paragraph by Dr. Whitgift in the same year.

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