
Part. I. Servant; I remember how many reproaches and Contradic-tions, Blafphemies and Perfecutions Thou didst indure for a wicked and perverfe Generation, and all this to fave us fintul. Men. I remember, Ogracious Lord, how Thou didst indure a moft bitter Agony, and didft fweat as it were great drops of bloud, falling to the ground; how Thou, who art God above all, blefled for ever, waft treacherously Betray'd and apprehended, and bound as a Malefactor, fet at nought by Herod and his men of War, denied by Peter, forfaken by all thy Difciples, and all this to fave us finful Men. I remember how Thou, O God of Truth, waft accufed by falfe Witneffes; how Thou, whom all th' Angels adore, waft blindfolded, and buffeted, mockt and ipit upon, ftript naked and fcourged, and all this that we might be healed by thy ftripes, and to fave us finful Men. I remember, Lord, how Thou that art the great ludge of Heaven and Earth, waft thy felf dragged to the Judgment feat, and condemn'd; how Thou, O King of Heaven, waft Crown'd with thorns, and oppreffed with the weight of thy own Crofs; and all this to fave us finful Men. How illuftrious and amiable were thy Graces amidst all thy fufferings, O Thou afflicted Fefu! I admire and love thy profound Humility, unwearied Patience, Lamblike Meeknefs, immaculate Innoncence, invincible Courage, abfolute Refignation, compaffionate Love of Souls, and perfect Charity to thy Enemies. Give me grace to tread in thy steps, and conform me to thy Divine Image, that the more I grow like Thee, the more I may love Thee, and the more I may be loved by Thee. Amen, Lord Jefus, Amen.

If I faft on a Fryday, this Prayer.

§. 62. O Thou my bleffed Savior, Glory be to Thee for causing thy Sufferings to be registred in the Gospel, there I have Read and Remember how Thou, who art the Lord of Glory, and the fole Author of Life, waft put to a moft ignominious Death; how thy hands and thy feet were nail'd to a Crofs; how Thou waft Crucified between two Thieves. and numbred with the Transgreffors; how. Thou hadst a Potion given Thee to imbitter thy very laft Gafp; and all this to fave us finful Men..I remember, O gracious Lord, how, when Thou wert hanging on the very Cross, Thou waft fcoffed at and reviled? how infinitely then Thou waft afflicted and bruifed for our Transgreffions, when th' iniquities of us all were laid on thy houlders; how, Thou didst then exprefs an Anguish greater


than all the Torments of thy Crucifixion, when Thou didst cry out, My God, My God, why baft Thou forsaken Me? and how Thou didst at last give up the Ghoft, and Dy thy felf, that we might Live. Was there ever any forrow like that which my Lord and my God indured for me? Was there ever any Love like to that Love my Lord and my God has showed to me? O my Savior, with all my heart I love and adore thy infinite Love and Benignity to finners; with all my heart I lament and deteft the Hatred and outrage of finners to Thee. Inftill, O my God, penitential Love into my foul, that I may grieve for my fins which grieved Thee; that I may love Thee for fuffering for us finners, who occafioned all thy Griefs. O.. may I always love Thee! O may I never grieve Thee more! By the Love of thy Cross O Jefu, I live; in that will I only glory, that above all things will I ftudy, that above all things will I value; by the love of thy Crofs will I take up my Crofs daily, and follow Thee; I will perfecute, and torment, and crucify my finful Affections and Lufts, which perfecuted, tormented, and crucified Thee, and, if thy Love calls me to it, I will fuffer on the Crofs for Thee, as Thou hast done for me. Give me Grace to tread in thy fteps, and conform me to thy Divine Image, that the more I grow like Thee, the more I may love Thee, and the more I may be loved by Thee, Amen, Lord Jesus, Amen.

Ifon a Saturday, this Prayer.

§. 63. GLORY be to Thee, O crucified Love, who at thy laft fupper didft ordain the holy Eucharift, the Sacrament and Feaft of Love. It was for the continual Remembrance of the Sacrifice of thy Death, Obleffed Jefu, aud of the Benefits which we receive thereby, that Thou waft pleafed to ordain this Sacred and awful Rite; all Love, all Glory be to Thee. Ah deare eft Lord, how little fenfible is he of thy Love in dying for us, who can ever forg t Thee! Woe is me that evera finner should forget his Savior! and yet, alas! how prone we are to do it? Glory be to Thee, O graciousfefu! who, to help our Mem ories, and imprefs thy Love deep in our fouls, haft inftiruted this bleffed Sacrament, and haft commanded us to do this in Remembrance of Thee. Let the Propitiatory Sacrifice of thy Death, which Thou didst offer upon the Crofs for the fins of the whole world, and particularly for my fins, be ever fresh in my Remembrance. O bleffed Savior, let that mighty Salvation thy Love has wronght for us, never flip out of my

Part. I Mind, but especially let my Remembrance of Thee in this ho ly Sacrament be always moft lively and affecting. O Jesu! if I love Thee truly, I fhall be fure to Frequent thy Altar, that I may Often Remember all the wonderful Loves of my crucified Redeemer. I know, Omy Lord and my God, that a bare Remembrance of Thee is not enough, O do Thou therefore fix in me fuch a Remembrance of Thee as is futable to th' infinice Love I am to Remember; work in me ali thofe holy and heavenly Affections which become the Remembrance of a crucified Savior; and do Thou fo difpofe my heart to be thy Gueft at thy holy Table,that I may feel all the fweet Influences of Love crucified, strengthening and refreshing my foui,as my Body is by Bread and Wine. O merciful Jefu! let that immortal Food which in the holy Eucharift Thu vouchsafeft me, instill into my weak and languishing foul new fupplies of grace, new Life, new Love, new Vigor, and new Refolution; that I may never more faint, or droop, or tire in my Duty. Amen Lord Jefus, Amen.

§. 64. IF Iufe but one of these three Prayers now, I may add th' other two to other two Days Devotions; or if I fay them all this day,(having time enough,) I may leave out the zor 4 laft lines of the Wednesday's- and 2 or 3 first lines of the Fryday's-Prayer, which are printed, in the Italick letter.

§. 65. ALMIGHTY God, who haft promised to hear the Petitions of them that ask in thy Son's Name, I beseech Thee mercifully to incline thine ears to me that have made now my Prayers and Supplications unto Thee, and grant that thofe things which I have faithfully asked according to thy Will, may effectually be obtain'd, to the Relief of my Necesfity, and to the fetting forth of thy Glory, thro' Jefus Chrift

our Lord. Amen.

§. 66. THE LORD blefs me and keep me; The LORD lift up the light of his countenance upon me, and give me peace; now and for evermore. Amen. Num. 6. 24 & 26.



DEVOTIONS for Sacrament-days.


Before I go to Church in the Morning. Jill be fanctified in them that come nigh Me. Lev. 10. 3. The Soliloquy, as Introduction §. 8. before I rife,

Section 1. An Ejaculation before, or in Rifing, Leaving out (a)ifit be no Sabbath; (b) ij no Sacrament-day; (c) too if neither, nor a Holy day; using () instead of (c) on Working days.


HE Lord's Name be praised for prefervinving me this Night; giving me quiet Reft and fleep; and Raifing me to the Light of another Day; (a) and not only another day, but another Sabbath-day, (b) and not only another Sabbathday, but another Sacrament day; bleffed be his Name. Lord keep me this day that I may not Sin against Thee; keep me from all Dangers; direct me in all my Ways; blefs (c) all thine Ordinances unto me; (d) all my lawful Indeavors}; Pardon my fins, Sanctify my Nature; Juftify my perfon; give methy Preventing, and Affifting Grace, and Guide me by thy Counsel until Thou haft brought me to thy Glory, for Chrift his fake. Amen.

§. 2. I Muft keep this, and every Lord's Day as in th’Introduction, and Part 3, ch. 3, §.4. He who has given me all my Time, requires fome part of it to be paid back again to Him as a Rent or Tribute of the Whole; and to fhadow out to me that Reft from Sin which I'm bound to all the days of my Life; and to take me off from Worldly bufinefs, to give me time t'attend the Service of God, and the need of my Soul; but in no wife to give me a pretence for Idlenefs, but only to change my Imployment from Worldly to Heavenly. And furely, if I rightly confider it, 't is a very great Benefit to me, that there is fuch a fet time thus Weekly returning for that purpose; for every Sunday, (and Holy day 100, ) if I will confcientiously imploy it, may be a Festival-day to my Soul; may bring it in fuch Spiritual food as may nourish it to Eternal Life.

Here Iufe the Prayer for the Lord's day, in Introd: §. 10.

§. 3. TO Communicate is a great Duty and a great Bene.

fit, and none of thofe Pleas and Impediments which are ordinarily urged, and whereby men are apt to excufe it to their own Minds, can in any just fort Excufe Men's Neglect of the bleffed Sacrament, nor really justify and bear them out in Abfenting themselves from the Lord's Table, when they are invited to it; as has been fhown, and will more fully ap pear in the 3d Part. No Ill man can be excused; and no Good man need be hindred by them: fo that, as I tender my Bleffed Lord's Command, and my own Soul's everlafting Intereft, I must be careful to Prepare my felf, and reverently and devoutly to Partake in this Holy Feaft when I have Opportunities; and to Comport my self futably. Afterwards.

§. 4. The Commemoration of Chrift in the Eucharift, is. NOT that I fhould call Him to mind, (for Fam never to forget Him,) but rather,, THAT I fhould keep Him in nd, and indeavor to perpetuate his Name in the World,and propagate the Memory of Him and his Benefits to the latest Pofterity, by making a folemn Rehearsal of his Famous Acts, and declaring unto Men, publifhing and annunciating unto all, th' inestimable greatnefs of his Royal Love in Dying for, and becoming the Savior of the World, purchafing Bleflings thereby beyoud eftimate and account of humane thoughts: with a very warm fenfe in the Soul, begetting and stirring. up fuch Motions in the Heart as the conceived Object is apt to raife; by Remembring that he was imbodied and became paffible for me and all that believe on Him; and in Memory of what He did and Suffer'd; of th' infinite Price of his Bloud which He fhed for me; ofthe Victory that He has obtain'd by it over th' enemies and Tyrants of my Soul; and of th' lmmortal glory that He has purchased for me; calling to mind my fins, which were the Caufe of that Death, with Deteftas tion, abhorrency, and Refolutions against 'em; Producing aHeart full of Love and Thankfulness,and a well grounded Af fection; Deporting my felf in the World after his Example; A Mouth full of praifes; and Hands full of Alms; offering up my Self and all Mine to be his; and answerable Fruits afterwards; adorning the Doctrine of the Crofs of Chrift Jesus. And by every fuch Remembrance my Love to God is kindled, my Confcience is purged from dead works Chrift is invited to dwell in me; and I make nearer Approaches to eternal Happincis. 11, IT is fhowing forth the Lord's Death unto


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