Description of Norway The following account of the appearance of Norway, as distinguished from Sweden, is given by Bedenmar-Norway, he says, consists principally of a mountain-basin, surrounded by the remains of an elevated platfors, the exterior border of which, jagged by deep cuts, and ascending to a great height, lies around the whole of the ridge of the principal range of mountains. The sea has penetrated to this border, through the abysses which have been opened; and the western storms, and an illjudged industry, have circumscribed within the valines the scanty woods which run through the basin itself. On the outside descend only mountain torrents, short in their course the large streams belong to the centre of the land. *** They form many beautiful and high waterfalis, and many large lakes in their course. On the costs only are a few towns to be found the rest of the country is covered with insulated dwellings; brown log-houses, surrounded by a few corn-fields and extensive meadows, small and independent pos sessions, suited to the independent and sturdy character of the people. In the vi cinity of rivers, which are at times nearly invisible from the quantity of timber floats ing down them, numerous saw-mills are tó be seen; and a few iron and copper works are to be met with in the spaces cleared from wood. Along the sea shore, habita tions, solitary or in groupes, surrounded with implements for fishing, and caring fish, appear like so many nests in the green hollows among the rocks. Over all this, an atmosphere generally clear, delightful, and invigorating, is spread as far as the 69 -70 of latitude, after which we meet with deep and impenetrable fogs, a sea like lead, and the melancholy silence of an uninter rupted wilderness. WORKS PREPARING FOR PUBLICATION. LONDON. knight, then King at Arms; to be illustrated with engravings, in one volume royal Svo. Rosamond, in two volumes; a sequel to Early Lessons; by Miss Edgeworth. Views of the Remains of Ancient Buildings in Rome and its Vicinity; by M. Du Bourg. An Encyclopædia of Antiquities; being the first ever edited in England; by the Rev. T. D. Fosbrooke, M. A. author of British Monachism, &c. to appear in 20 400 numbers, at 5s. each. Dr J. Gordon Smith, Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence in London, is preparing for the press a work on that subject, which is intended to serve the double purpose of a Text Book to his Lectures, and a Guide in, the management of professional evidence in the public courts. It is expected to be ready early next season. In a few days will be published, by Capt. James Gifford, R. N. price Is the Unitarian's Defence; being a Reply, in part, to the late Rev. D. Anderson's Sermon, which was preached before the Deanery of Gower, and was published at their request. 2 The Rev. T. Jebb has in the press a vo-. lume entitled Sacred Literature; compris-, ing a Review of the Principles of Composition laid down in the Prelections and Isaiah, of the late Robert Lowth, D. D. Lord Bishop of London; and an application of the principles so reviewed to the illustration of the New Testament, in a series of critical observations on the style and structure of that Sacred Volume. A new edition of Mr H. Neele's Odes and other Poems, with considerable additions, is in the press, and will speedily be published. 9vIt is proposed to republish, by subscrip. tion, The Forms of the Church of Scotland, Sucs Stcs cc. published at Edinburgh in the year 1567, by Bishop Carsewell of Argyll, with an English Preface, Notes, and some account of the Bishop, &c.; by the Rev. James M'Gibbon, Inverary. This ancient and curious book, printed in the Gaelic lan guage, at a period when there were but few books printed even in English, must be inter esting to all the lovers of Celtic literature. To them the single circumstance of there being now only one copy of the work known to be extant, will, independent of many other reasons which might be stated, but which are reserved for the Editor's Preface, be a sufficient apology for proposing to reprint this very rare and earliest specimen of printed Gaelic, as the only means, both of preserving it from being utterly lost, and of preventing the Gothic scepticism of future times as to its having ever existed. The prefatory letters addressed by Bishop Carsewell to the Earl of Argyll, and to the Reader, &c. it is proposed to accompany with an English Translation, as they contain matter which may be deemed interesting to とく I. Upon the one page the Bishop's Gaelic text will be printed verbatim et literatim, and upon the opposite, for the accommoda tion of modern readers, it will be given according to the present orthography of the language, &c. II. The work will be published in 8vo, on good paper, and will contain at least from 400 to 500 pages of letter-press. III. It will be put to press when a com petent number of Subscribers is procureda period which cannot be distant, from the many inquiries and assurances of support which the Editor has received from various quarters. IV. Price to Subscribers on delivery, 12s. 6d. ; by Joseph Taylor. 5s. The Life of Granville Sharp, compiled from authentic documents; by Prince Hoare, Esq. total powerzam CHEMISTRYURT Extracts on Education, from the most popular writers, 18mo, 2 vols. 76 Davenport sur la pronunciation Anglaise, 12mo. 4s. A Key to the above, and to the Italian and French; by the same. 4s. A Key to Bland's Algebraical Problems; by J. Darby. 8s. An Italian and English Grammar, from Vergani's Italian and French Grammar A Catechism of Chemistry; by an in Ama- by M. Gincheny, 12mo. 5s. 6d.11 teur, 12mo. historical tragedy; by Knowles, Esq. 366891 J. S bordandang Rural Employments; or, a Peep into Village Concerns; by Mary Elliot. 2s. FINE ARTS. A Catalogue of the Pictures at Grosvenor A Practical Introduction to the Science of Short Hand, upon the principles of the late ingenious Dr Byrom; by William Gawtress, 12mo. 5s. J A complete Treatise on Rouge et Noir. 2s. 6d.. The London Journal of Arts and Sciences, No. III. 2s. 6d. A Plea for Pawn-brokers; being an attempt to rescue them from the influence of Prejudice and Misrepresentation, 18mo. 1s. 6d. The Eton Salt-bearer, a periodical work, to be published in Monthly Parts: by an Etonian. Part I. 1s. Memorabilia; or, Recollections, Historical, Biographical, and Antiquarian; by J. Savage. Nos. I. to VI. 1s. each. Thoughts on the Love of Excelling and the Love of Excellence, 8vo. 68. The Quarterly Review, No. XLV. 6s. Part II. 6s. The Fancy; a Selection from the Poeti cal Remains of the late Peter Corcoran, of Gray's Inn, Student at Law; with a brief Memoir of his Life. The Peerage Chart; or, Alphabetical List of the House of Lords for 1820. This Chart contains the following particulars of each Member: -Title; Title of the Eldeste Son; Surname; Dates of the first and last Creation; Precedence in the House; Age; if Married, Bachelor, or Widower; Number of Children; Knights of the Garter, Thistle, &c.; Lord Lieutenants; Privy Councellors; Roman Catholics; Peers whose income exceeds £50,000 per annum; Patrons of the Arts and Sciences; Peers whose Ancestry can be traced to the Conquest; and Peers' eldest Sons, who are Members of the present Parliament. There are also nine divisions, shewing by what means the Peerage was obtained, that is to say, whether by Naval, Military, Legal, or other Services; together with a list of the Spiritual Lords. Forming, upon the whole, a complete Peerage in Miniature. Price 5s. On canvass, in a neat case for the pocket, 8s. On canvass and rollers, 10s. Miscellanies, in Prose and Verse; by Thomas Jones. 6s. 6d. Webb. The View, and other Poems; by C. Leigh. Tales of the Hall; by the Rev. G. Crabbe, 3 vols small 8vo. 18s. Poems; by B. Barton, 8vo. 10s. 6d. Advice to Julia; a Letter in Rhyme, fc. 8vo. Ismael, an Oriental Tale, with other Poems; by E. G. L. Balmæ, 12mo. 7s. The Poetical Decameron; or Ten Conversations on English Poets and Poetry, particularly of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I.; by J. P. Collier, of the Middle Temple, 2 vols, cr. 8vo. 21s. Don Juan; Cantos I. and II., small 8vo. 7s. POLITICAL ECONOMY. Principles of Political Economy considered, with a view to their practical application; by the Rev. T. R. Malthus, A. M., F.R.S., 8vo. 18s. On the Principles of Political Economy; by David Ricardo, 2d edition, 8vo. 14s. Lectures on some important branches of Religion; by Thomas Raffles. 7s. Sermons; by the Rev. D. W. G. Garrow. 10s. 6d. Sermons, Illustrative and Practical; by the Rev. W. Gilpin, M.D., Rector of Pul. verhatch Salop, 8vo. 12s. Captain James Gifford, R. N.; 2d edition, with considerable additions, 8vo, 58 Chillingworth's works; containing the Religion of Protestants, a safe way to Salvation, Sermons, &c., 8vo, 3 vols. £1, 16s. Remarks upon the Principles adopted by Writers, who have at various periods recommended a New Translation of the Bible as expedient and necessary, 8vo. 5s. Sermons; by the Hon. W. Herbert. 4s. The Remonstrance of a Unitarian, addressed to the Bishop of St David's; by Sermons; by the Rev. W. Gilpin, 8vo. 12s. 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Journal of a Tour through part of the Snowy Range of the Himala Mountains, and to the sources of the Rivers Jumna and Ganges; by J. B. Fraser, Esq., with a Map, royal 4to. £3, 3s. Twenty Views in the Himala Mountains, Illustrative of the foregoing Travels, Engraved from the original drawings made on the spot; by J. B. Frazer, Esq. To subscribers, £21, Non-Subscribers, £26, 5s. EDINBURGH. THE Edinburgh Christian Instructor, No CXIX. for June, 8vo. 1s. 6d. This Number is principally occupied with a full and accurate Report of the Proceedings and Debates of the late General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. The Literary and Statistical Magazine for Scotland, No XIV., 8vo. 2s. 6d. The Edinburgh Monthly, 8vo, No XIX. for July. 2s. 6d. A Catechism for Young Persons; by the Rev. Andrew Thomson, M.A., Minister of St George's, Edinburgh. 3d edition, 18mo. 4d. Narrative of the loss of the Winterton East Indiaman, wrecked on the Coast of Madagascar in 1792, and of the sufferings connected with that event; by a passenger in the Ship, 8vo. 7s. 6d. The Importance of Civil Government to Society, and the duty of Christians in regard to it; a Sermon, preached in St John's Church, on Sabbath, the 30th April; by Thomas Chalmers, D. D. Minister of St John's Church, Glasgow. 1s. 6d. The Conversion of the World consequent upon the Improvement of the Church, a Sermon preached before the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge, 3d June 1819; by George Wright, D.D. one of the Ministers of Stirling, 8vo. The Sentiments and Conduct suited to Seceders, in consequence of their Union, a Sermon; by Hugh Jamieson, D.D. East Linton, 8vo. Is. A Speech intended to have been delivered at the Meeting of the Pitt Club of Scotland, 27th May 1820. Is. 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