
Proverbs. 1. Humility-ga as more than pride. 2. Never be weary in well-doing. 3. Ex pect nothing of those who promise a great deal. 4. Grieving for misfortunes, is adding gall to mormwood. 5. He, who would catch fish, must not mind getting wet. 6 Ile that by the plon

162. Many consider elocution merely as an accomplishment and that a desultory, instead of a systematic attention, is all that is necessary. A regular, scientific and progressive course, in this as well as every thing else, is the only correct, effectual, and rapid mode of proceeding. If improvement be the object, whether we devote little, or much attention, to a pursuit, be it mental or manual, system and method are absolutely essential: order gave it. 9. Occupation-cures one half of ife's is heaven's first, and last law.

would thrive, must either hold, himself, or drive. 7. Idleness-is the greatest prodigality in the world. 8. If the counsel be good, no matter wh

troubles, and mitigates the other. 10. We bear no afflictions so patiently as those of (thers. 11.

163. One of the three sounds of Ch; Let Naturs have her perfect work. 12. Soft

which may be represented by tch: CHANGE; the cheat choked a child for choos-ing to chop a chump of chives for the arch-deacon of

Green-wich: a chap chased a [CH in CHIP.] chick-en into the church, and the churl-ish chap-lain check'd it for char-i-ty; the Sachem of Wool-wich, chuck-led over the ur

chin's chit-chat, and snatched his rich peaches, and pinch'd them to chow-der; the chief of Nor-wich, charm'd by the chaunt-ing of the chirp-ing chough, chafed his chil-ly chin by touch-ing it on the chal-ky chim-ney: three chub-by chil-dren, in Richfield, were each choked with choice chunks of cheese, much of which Sancho Panza purchased of Charles Chickering on Chimborazo.

164. In all cases of producing sounds, observe the different positions of the organs, and remember, that the running through with the forty-four sounds of our language, is like running up the keys of an instrument, to see if all is right: be satisfied with nothing, short of a complete mastery over the whole subject. Be very particular in converting all the breath that escapes into sound, when reading or singing; and remember, that the purer the sound, the easier it may be made; the less will be the injury to the vocal organs, the farther it will be heard, and with the more pleasure will it be listened to. Do not forget the end, the cause, and the effect.

Notes. 1. To produce this most unpleasant triphthongal

sound in our language, close the teeth, and, as you suddenly separ

ate them, whisper chu, (u short,) and you will accomplish the object. 2. In drachm, the ch, are siient. 3. Always try to improve the sounds as well as your voice. 4. Quinctzian says, in recom. mending a close attention to the study of the simple elements, *whoever will enter into the inmost recesses of this sacred edifice, will find many things, not only proper to sharpen the ingenuity of children, but able to exercise the most profound erudition, and the deepest science:" indeed, they are the fountains in the science of

sound and vocal modulation.

Anecdote. Principal - Interest. A debtor, when asked to pay his creditor, observed to him: that "it was not his interest to pay the principal, nor his principle to pay the interest." What do you think of such

a man ?

Unhappy he, who lets a tender heart,
Bound to him-by the ties of earliest love,
Fali from him, by his own neglect, and die,
Because it met no kindness.

hands, and soft brains, generally go together.

To speak of Howard, the philanthropist, without calling to mind the eloquent eulogium, in which Burke has embalmed his memory, would be as impossible as it would be to read that eulogium without owning that human virtue never received a more illustrious manifestation. "Howard," said the

orator," was a man, who traversed foreign countries, not to survey the sumptuousness of palaces, or the stateliness of temples; not to make accurate measurements of the re.

mains of ancient grandeur, nor to form a scale of the curiosity of modern art; not to collect medals, or manuscripts; but, to dive into the depths of dungeons; to plunge in the infection of hospitals; to survey the mansions of sorrow and pain; to take the

guage and dimensions of misery, depression,
and contempt; to remember the forsaken;
and to compare and collate the distresses of
all men, under all climes." In the prose-
cution of this god-like work, Howard made
"a voyage of discovery, a circumnavigation
of charity," and at last-fell a victim to his
humanity; for, in administering medicine to
some poor wretches in the hospital at Cher-
son, in the Crimea, he caught a malignant
fever, and died in the glorious work of bene
volence. Thus fell the man who-

"Girding creation-in one warm embrace,
Outstretch'd his savior-arm-from pole to pole,
And felt akin to all the human race."

Varieties. 1. To promote an unworthy person-disgraces humanity. 2. Read not books alone, but men; and, especially, thyself. 3. The human mind is a mirror-ot the incomprehensible Divinity. 4. No one need despair of being happy. 5. The reason, that many persons want their desires, is because their desires want reason. 6. Passions act as wind, to propel our vessel; and our reason is the pilot that steers her: without the wind, we could not move, and without the pilot, we should be lost. 7. The more genuine the truths are, which we receive, the purer will be the good, that is found in the life; if the truths are applied to their real and proper uses.

What, then, remains, but well our power to use,
And keep good humor still, whate'er we love?
And trust me, dear, good humor can prevail,
When airs, and flights, and screams, and scolding-fail
Beauties in vain, their pretty eyes may roll;
Charms strike the sight but merd-wins the soul

165. Vowel sounds are all formed in the Proverbs. 1. Youth-it Julges in hope old LARYNX; and, on their emission, the articu-age-in remembrance. 2. One half of the world

lating organs modify them into words. These words constitute language, which is used, by common consent, as signs of ideas; or as mediums for the manifestation of thought and feeling: it may be written, or spoken, and the natural results are books, papers and conversation by means of which, the conceptions and affections of human minds are made known and perpetuated.

166. Th have two sounds; first a lisping sound; THIN: a thief thirsteth for the path of death, and win-keth at his thank-less thefts,

as the a-the-ist doth of the-o-ret

-cal truth; forth-with the thrift- [TH in THIN.) less throng, threw thongs over the mouth of Frith of Fourth, and thwar-ted the wrath of the thril-ling thun-der; faith, quoth the youth, to the Pro-thon-o-ta-ry, the bath is my berth, the hearth is my cloth, and the heath is my throne.

delights in uttering slander, and the other-in hearing it. 3. Virtue-is the only true nobility.

4. To bless, is to be bless'd. 5. Peasures-are rendered bitter, by being abused. 6. Quarrelswould not last long, if the faults all lay on one side. 7. True merit-is dependent, neither on season, nor on fashion. 8. Hypocrisy - is the homage, which vice-renders to virtue. 9. The law-imposes on no one impossibilities. 10. Contempt of injuries, is proof of a great mind. 11. What! hope for honey from a nest of wasps? 12. Shall we creep like snails, or fly like eagles?

Anecdote. A stranger-went into a church-yard, where two children were set. ting out flowers on some graves. "Whose graves are these?" said he. "Father, mother, and little Johnny lie here." "Why do you set the flowers here?" said the stranger. They looked at him with tears, and said

"We do love them so."

Human ambition and human policy-labor after happiness in vain;-goodness is the only foundation to build on. The wisdom of past ages-declares this truth; our own observation confirms it; and all the world acknowledge it;-yet how few, how very few-are willing to act upon it! If the in

167. Ventriloquism. In analyzing the sounds of our letters, and practicing them upon different pitches, and with different qualities of voice, the author ascertained that this amusing art can be acquired and prac-ordinate love of wealth and parade-be not 169. Enunciation-is the utterance and Proverbs. 1. A promise performed, is pre

ticed, by almost any one of common organization. It has been generally supposed that ventriloquists possessed a different set of organs from most people; or, at least, that they were differently constituted; but this is altogether a misapprehension: as well might we say that the singer is differently constituted from one who does not sing. They have the same organs, but one has better command of them than the other. It is not asserted that all can become equally eminent in these arts; for there will be at least, three grand divisions; viz, good, BETTER and BEST.

168. The Thistle Sifter. Theophilus Thistle, the successful thistle sifter, in sifting a sieve full of unsifted thistles, thrust three thousand thistles thro' the thick of his thumb: if then Theophilus Thistle, the successful thistle sifter, in sifting a sieve full of unsifted thistles, thrust three thousand thistles thro' the thick of his thumb; see that thou, in sifting a sieve full of unsifted this tles, dost not thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of thy thumb: success to the successful thistle sifter, who doth not get the thistles in his tongue.

Notes. 1. To make this lisping diphthongal sound, press the tongue against the upper front teeth, and let the breath pass between them: or pronounce the word path, and dwell on the th sound; see engraving. 2. To avoid lisping, draw the tongue back ao as not to touch the teeth, and take words beginning with s, or st; see the first sound of C for examples. 3. Why should this sound be called sharp, rather than dull? 4. Exactness in articulating every zocal letter, is more important thar correct spelling in composiNon; for the former is addressed to hundreds at the same instant, while the latter cubmitted to one or a few at a time.

checked among us, it will be the ruin of our country as it has been, and will be, the ruin of thousands of others. But there are always two sides to a question. If it is pernicious-to make money and style-the standard of respectability, it is injuriousand wrong to foster prejudice against the wealthy and fashionable. Poverty - and wealth-have different temptations; but they are equally strong. The rich-are tempted to pride-and insolence; the poor to jealousy and envy. The envious and discontented poor, invariably become haughtyand over-bearing, when they become rich for selfishning equally at the bottonich om-of these opposite evils.

Varieties. 1. The battle of New Or leans, was fought Jan. 8th, 1815. 2. A flatterer, is the shadow of a fool. 3. You cannot truly love, and ought not to be loved, if you ask any thing, that virtue condemns. 5. Do men exert a greater influence on society than women? 5. Self-exaltation, is the worst posture of the spirit. 6. A principle of unity, without a subject of unity, cannot exist. 7. Where is the wisdom, in saying to a child, be a man? Attempt not what God cannot countenance; but wait, and all things will be brought forth in their due season.

Deceit! thy reign is short: Hypocrisy,
However gaily dress'd-in specious garh,
In witching eloquence, or winning smiles,
Allures but for a time: Truth-lifts the veli
She lights her torch, and places it on high,
To spread intelligence to all around.
How shrinks the fawning slave-hypocris
Then, when the specious veil-is rent in froan,
Which screen'd the hideous monster-from our s

combination of the elements of language, and the consequent formation of syllabies, words, &c, as contradistinguished from the tones, and tuning of the voice, and all that belongs to the melody of speech. A perfect enunciation-consists in the accurate formation of the sounds of the letters, by right motions and positions of the organs, accompanied by a proper degree of energy, to impress those elements fully and distinctly on the ear; and the act of combining and linking those together, so as to form them into words, capable of being again combined into clauses and sentences, for the full conveyance of our ideas and determinations.

170. The second sound of th, is the vocal lisping: THAT; thou saidst the truths are thine, and the youths say they are theirs who walk therein; fath-er and moth-er bathe dai-ly, and their

clothes and hearths are wor-thy [TH in THAT.] of them; broth-er says, where-with-al shall I smoothe the scythe, to cut the laths to stop the mouths of the moths with-out be-ing bothered! they gath-er wreaths be-neath the baths, and sheathe their swords with swath-ing bands, rather than make a blith-some pother 171. Jaw-breakers. Thou wreath'd'st and muzzl'd'st the far-fetch'd ox, and imprison'd'st him in the volcanic Mexican mountain of Pop-o-cat-a-petl in Co-ti-pax-i. 'Thou prob'd'st my rack'd ribs. Thou trifi'd'st with his acts, that thou black'n'st and contaminated'st with his filch'd character. Thou lov'd'st the elves when thou heard'st and quick'n'd'st my heart's tuneful harps, Thou wagg'd'st thy prop'd up head, because thou thrust'd'st three hundred and thirty three thistles thro' the thick of that thumb,

that thou cur'd'st of the barb'd shafts.

Notes. 1. To make this diphthongal vocal sound, place the organs as in the preceding th, and then add the voice sound, which can be made only in the larynx. 2. The terms sharp and flat, as applied to sound, are not sufficiently definite; we might as well speak of square, round and dull sounds; at the same time it is often convenient to use such terms, in order to convey our ideas. 8. If you have imperfections of articulation, set apart an hour eve

ry day for practice, in direct reference to your specific defects; and
so of every other fault; particularly, of rapid utterance: this can
be done either alone, or in company of those who can assist you.

Skv, mountains, rivers, winds, lakes, lightnings!-Ye
With night, and clouds, and thunder, and a soul

To make these felt and feeling; the far roll

Of your departing voices-is the knell

Of what in me is sleepless-if I rest.

Could I imbody and unbosom now

That which is most within me could I wreak

My thoughts upon expression, and thus throw
soul, heart, mind, passions, feelings strong or weak,
All that I would save sought, and all I seek,
Bear, knovo, feel, and yet breathe, into one word,
And that one word were lightning, I would speak!--
But as it is-I live, and die, unheard,

Vih a most voiceless thought, sheathing it as a sword

ferable to one ma jk. 2. It will not always be
summer. 3. Make hay, while the sun shines.
4. Cut your coat according to the cloth. 5. Pride
-costs us more than hunger, thirst, or cold. 6.
Never spend your money before you have it. 7.
Never trouble another, for what you can do your-
self. 8. Slanderers are the Devil's bellows, to
blow up contention. 9. The loquacity of foole-
is a lecture to the wise. 10. Vows made in
storms, are forgotten in calms. 11. We must form
our characters for both worlds. 12. Progress
is the great law of our being.

A Puzzle. Here's a health to all those that we love; and a health to all those that love us; and a health to all them, that love those, that love them, that love them that love those that love us.

Anecdote. Half Mourning. A little girl, hearing her mother observe to another lady, that she was going into half mourning inquired, whether any of her relations were half dead?

What is Ours. It is not those, who have riches in their possession, that are really rich; but they, who possess, and use them aright, and thereby enjoy them. Is he a true christian, who has a Bible in his possession, but does not live by the Bible? Is he a genuine christian, who reads, but does not understand the word, and, from understanding, practice it? As well may one say, that they are rich, who have borrowed money from others, or have the property of others in their possession. What do we think of those, who go dressed in fine clothes, or ride in splendid carriages, while none of these things are their own property? Knowledges, or truths-stored up in the memory, are not ours, really and truly, unless we reduce them to practice: they are like hear. says of great travelers, of which nothing standing-does not make the man, but understanding and doing, or living accordingly. There must be an appropriation of knowledge and truth-by the affections, in deeds, or they are of no avail: "Faith, without works, is dead:" the same principle applies to a society, and to a church.

more than the sound reaches us. Under

Varieties. 1. Burgoyne-surrendered, Oct. 17, 1777, and Cornwallis, Oct. 19, '81. 2. Happy is that people whose rulers-rule in the fear of God. 3. Remember the past, consider the present, and provide for the future. 4. He, who marries for wealth, sells his happiness for half price. 5. The covetous person is always poor. 6. If you would avoid wants, attend to every thing below you, around you, within you, and above you. 7. All the works of natural creation, are exhibited to us, that we may know the nature of the spiritual, and eternal; all things speak, and are a language.

He was not born--to shame;
Upon his brow-shame-is ashamed to sit;

For 'tis a throne, where honor-may be crowned

Sole monarch of the universal earth.

172. The chief source of indistinctness is Proverbs. 1. Self-exaltation-is the fool's precipitancy; which arises from the bad paradise. 2. That, which is bitter to endure, inay method of teaching to read: the child not be- be sweet to remember. 3. The focl-is busy in

ing taught the true beauty and propriety of reading, thinks all excellence consists in quickness and rapidity: to him the prize seems destined to the swift; for he sets out at a gallop, and continues his speed to the end, regardless of how many letters, or syllables, he omits by the way, or how many words he runs together. ") reform it alto


173. Wh have one sound; WHALE; wherefore are whet-stones made of whirl-winds, and whip-lashes of whirl-pools? Why does that whimsical whis-tler whee-dle the whip-por-wills with wheat! Whi-lom the wheels whipped [WH in WHIP.) the whif-fle-tree, and whir-tle-ber-ries were white-washed for wheat; the whim-per-ing whi-ning whelp, which the whigs whi-tened on the wharf was whelmed into a whirt i-gig as a whim-wham for a wheel-barrow of whis-ky.

174. Causes of Hoarseness. Hoarseness, in speaking, is produced by the emission of more breath than is converted into sound; which may be perceived by whispering a few minutes. The reason, why the breath is not converted into sound, in thus speaking, is, that the thorax, (or lungs,) is principally used; and when this is the case, there is always an expansion of the chest, and consequently, a lack of power to produce sounds in a natural manner: therefore, some of the breath, on its emission through the glottis, over the epiglottis, and through the back part of the mouth, chafes up their surfaces, producing a swelling of the muscles in those parts, and terminating in what is called


Notes. 1. This diphthongal aspirate may be easily made,

by whispering the imaginary word whu, (u short,) prolonging it a little 2. Since a diphthong is a double sound and a triphthong a triple sound, there is as much propriety in applying the term to consonants, as to vowels. 3. Let the pupil, in revising, point out all the Monothongs, Diphthongs, Triphthongs, and Polythongs. 4. Make and keep a list of all your deficiencies in speech and song, and practice daily for suppressing them: especially, in articulation, and false intonations; and never rest satisfied unless you can perceive a progress towards perfection at every exercise, for all principles are immortal, and should be continually developing


How sleep the brave, who sink to rest
With all their country's wishes blest!
When Spring, with dewy fingers cold,
Returns to deck their hallow'd mould,
She there shall dress a sweeter sod
Than Fancy's feet have ever trod :
By Fairy hands their knell is rung,
By forms unseen-their dirge is sung;
There-Honor comes, a pilgrim gray,
To bess the turf, that wraps their clay;
And Freedom-shall a while repair
Tc ¿well, a weeping hermit, there.

every one's business but his own. 4. We may give advice, but we cannot give conduct. 5. Where reason-rules, appetite - obeys. 6. You will never repent of being patient and sober. 7. Zeal, without knowledge, is like fire without light. 8. Law-makers, should not be law-breakers. 9. the man, the greater the crime. 11. No ohe lives Might-does not make right. 10. The greater for himself. 12. No one can tell how much he

can accomplish, till he tries.

Anecdote. Wine. Said a Rev. guest to a gentleman, with whom he was dining, and who was a temperance, man: "I always think a certain quantity of wine does no harm, after a good dinner." "O no sir," replied mine host; "it is the uncertain quantity that does the mischief.

Winter Evenings. This seems provided, as if expressly for the purpose of furnishing those who labor, with ample opportunity for the improvement of their minds. The severity of the weather, and the shortness of the day, necessarily limit the proindustry; and there is little to tempt us portion of time, which is devoted to out-door abroad-in search of amusement. Every thing seems to invite us to employ an hour or two of this calm and quiet season, in the acquisition of useful knowledge, and the cultivation of the mind. The noise of life is hushed; the pavement ceases to resound with the din of laden wheels, and the tread of busy men; the glowing sun has left to gone down, and the moon and the stars are watch in bers of the peaceful creation. The mind of the heavens, over the slumman should keep its vigils with them; and while his body is reposing from the labors of the day, and his feelings are at rest from its excitements, he should seek, in some amusing and instructive page, substantial food-for the generous appetite for know ledge.

Varieties. 1. The poor may be content; and the contented are rich. 2. Hypocrisy desires to seem good, rather than to be good. 3. It is better to be beaten with few stripes, than with many stripes. 4. He who swears, in order to be believed, does not know how to counterfeit a man of truth. 5. Who was the greater monster, Nero, or Cataline? 6. Let nothing foul, or indecent, either to the eye, or ear, enter within the doors where children dwell. 7. We worship God best, and most acceptably, when we resemble him most in our minds, lives. and actions.

Home! how that blessed word-thrills the car'
In it-what recollections blend !
It tells of childhood's scenes sc dear,
And speaks-of many a cherished friend.
O! through the world, where'er we roam,
Though souls be pure-and lips be kind;
The heart, with fondness, turns to home.
Still turns to those-it left behind.

175. The pupil, in Elocution and Music, | Proverbs. 1. Truth-may be blamed, but is strongly urged to attend to the right and never shamed. 2. What soberness -- conceals, the wrong method of producing the sounds drunkenness-reveals. 3. Be you ever so high, of our letters, as well as in enunciating words. By all means, make the effort entirely below the diaphragm, while the chest is comparatively quiescent; and, as you value health and life, and good natural speaking,

avoid the cruel practice of exploding the sounds, by whomsoever taught or recomтmended. The author's long experience, and practice, with his sense of duty, justify this protest against that unnatural manner of coughing out the sounds, as it is called. Nine-tenths of his hundreds of pupils, whom he has cured of the Bronchitis, have induced the disease by this exploding process, which ought itself to be exploded.

176. The 44 sounds of our Language, in their alphabetical order. A 4; Ale, are, all, at: B 1; bribe: C 4; cent, clock, suffice, ocean: D2; did, fac'd: E 2; eel, ell: F2; fife, of: G 3; gem, go, rouge: H1; hope: 12; isle, ill: Jl; judge: K1; kirk: L1; lily: M 1; mum: N 2; nun, bank: 03; old, ooze, on: P1; pipe: Q1; queen: R2; arm, rough: $4; 8o, is, sure, treasury: T2; pit, nation: U 3; mute, up, full: V1; vivd: W 2; wall, bow: X3; flax, exist, beaux. Y 3, youth, rhyme, hymn: Z2; zigzag, azure: Ch 3: church, chaise, chasm: Gh 3; laugh, ghost, lough: Ph2; sphere, nephew: Th 2; thin, that: Wh 1; whale: Oi 1; oil: Ou 1; sound: the duplicates, or those having the same sound, are printed in italics.

177. "Bowels of compassion, and loins of the mind." In the light of the principles here unfolded, these words are full of mean

the law is above you. 4 A mob-has many heads, but no brains. 5. A poor man's debt makes a great noise. 6. Busy-bodies-are always meddling. 7. Crows are never the whiter, for washing themselves. 8. Good words-cost no

thing, and are worth much. 9. He, who pays well, is master of every-body's purse. 10. Our knowledge-is as the rivulet; our ignorance-os the sea. 11. Consider well, before you promise. 12. Dare to do right.

Anecdote. Candor. A clergyman-once preached, during the whole of Lent, in a parish, where he was never invited to dine, and, in his farewell sermon, he said to his hearers, "I have preached against every vice, except good living; which. I believe, is not to be found among you; and, there forc, needed not my reproach."

Society owes All a Living. Every one must and will find a livelihood; nor has society the choice, whether or not to provide for its members: for if an individual is not put in a way to earn a living, he will seck it by unlawful means: if he is not educuted to lead a sober and industrious life, he will lead a life of dissipation; and if society refuse to take care of him, in his minority, he will force it to notice him as an object of self-defence. giving a livelihood to all, whom providence has placed in its bosom; nor help devoting time and expense to them; for they are by birth, or circumstances, dependent on its assistance. While, then, it has the power to make every one available as an honest, industrious and useful citizen, would it not be the best policy, (to say nothing of prin. ciples,) to do so; and attach all to society,

Thus, society cannot avoid

ing. All the strong affections of the human by ties of gratitude, rather than put them in

mind, are manifested thro' the dorsal and abdominal region. Let any one look at a boy, when he bids defiance to another boy, and challenges him to combat: "Come on, I am ready for you:" and at the soldier, with his loins girded for battle: also, observe the effect of strong emotions on yourself, on your body, and where; and you will be able to

see the propriety of these words, and the

world of meaning they contain. If we were

plare minded, we should find the proper study of physiology to be the direct natural :oad to the mind, and to the presezon of the DEITY.

Notes. 1. Make these 44 sounds, which constitute our rocal alphabet, as familiar to the ear, as the shapes of our 26 letters are to the eye; and remember, that success depends on

Pour mastery of them; they are the a, b, c, of spoken language;

End the effort to make them has a most beneficial effect on the

Lealth and voice. 2. Keep up the proper use of the whole body,
and you need not fear sickness. 3. The only solid foundation for
elocution is, a perfect knowledge of the number and nature of these
44 ample elements: error here will carry a taint throughout.

Stands like the sun, and all, which rolls around,
Drinks life, and light, and glory-from her aspect.

a condition to become enemies; a condition in which it will be necessary to punish them -for an alienation, which is the natural consequence of destitution. Schools, founded on true christian principles, would, in the end, be much cheaper, and better than to support cur criminal code, by the prosecu tions, incident to that state, in which many come up, instead of being brought up; and the consequent expenses attending our houses of correction, penitentiaries, &c. (of which many seem to be proud.) on the score of public justice, but of which, on the score of christian love, we have reason to be deeply ashamed.

Varieties. 1. Will not our souls-continue in being forever? 2. He is not so good as he should be, who does not strive to be better than he is. 3. Genius--is a plant, whose growth you cannot stop, without de. stroying it. 4. In doing nothing we learn to do ill. 5. Neither wealth, nor power, can confer happiness. 6. In heaven, (we have reason to believe,) no one considers anything as good, unless others partake of it. 7. Nothing is ours, until we give it away.

Il doers--are ill thinkers.

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