[blocks in formation]

among them, that they are countenanced by so large a portion of the American people.

Maxims. 1. He, that hearkens to counsel, 18 wise. 2. Courage-ought to have eyes, and ears, as well as arms. 3. Credit, lost, is like a broken looking-glass. 4. It is sweet to do good unseen and in secret. 5. Nature-unites the beautiful with the useful: hence, handsome is, that handsome does. 6. The mob hath many heads, but no brains. 7. A superior mind cares but little about dress, provided it be decent. 8. The world-is a large and interesting book, and is opened to us day and night. 9. Vanity-renders beauty contemptible. 10. Vows, made in storms, are forgotten in calms; because they are the offspring of fear.

Anecdote. Play upon words. A poor drunken loafer-was picked up in the street, by the watchman, when the following decision was made: There is no sense in his head, no cents in his pocket, and a powerful scent in his breath: he was of course sent to the watchhouse.

The Feet. There are seven bones in the ankle, five in the metatarsus, and fourteen phalanges in the foot, which are strongly fastened together by means of a gristle, which yields-so as to enable us to tread, with equal ease, on level or unequal surfaces. We often hear of the small feet of the Chinese ladies; and we also see some ladies in a christian land who try to make themselves heathens, by wearing a very small shoe, under the false notion, that it is genteel to have small feet. Genteel to have corns, impeded circulation, and all their train of horrors! Oh, when shall we come to our senses, leave off tight shoes, and cease to worship the god of fash



PORT, express an extraor

dinary elevation of the spirits, an exeessive tension of mind: they signify to be out of one's self, out of or.e's mind, carried away beyond one's self. ECSTABY-benumbs the faculties,

Maxims. 1. His rot wise, who is not wise for himself. 2. If you wish a thing done, gu; if not, send. 3. The silence of the tongue is often the eloquence of the heart. 4. The perfection of art is, to conceal art. 5. Every day is a little life; and a whole life but a day repeated. 6. We find it hard to forgive those, whom we have injured. 7. Fashionable women are articles manufactured ty mil iners;

They want but little-here below,
And want that little-for a show.

8. Do nothing you would wish to conceal. 9. Ap pearances are often deceiving. 10. Riches cannot purchase mental endowments.

Anecdote. Look at Home. The advice of a girl, to Thales, a Milesian astronomer, takes away the power of speech, and sometimes was strong and practical. Seeing him gazof thought; it is generally occasioned by sudden ing at the heavens, as he walked along, and and unexpected events: but RAPTURE often invig-perhaps piqued, because he did not cast an orates the powers and calls them into action. The former, is common to all persons of ardent feelings; especially, children, &c., the illiterate : the latter is common to persons of superior minds, and circumstances of peculiar importance,

What followed, was all ecstasy, and trances:
Immortal pleasures round my swimming eyes did dance.
By swift degrees, the love of nature works,
And warms the bosom, till at last, sublim'd
To rapture and enthusiastic heat,

We feel the present Deity.

Scorns the base earth and crowd below,

And, with a peering wing, still mounts on high. He play'd so sweetly, and so sweetly sung, That on each note the enraptur'd audience hung. 165. GARRICK. It is believed, that this tragedian greatly surpassed his predecessors, in his genius for acting, in the sweetness and variety of his tones, the irresistible magic of his eye, the fire and vivacity of his action, the elegance of his attitudes, and the whole pathos of expression. The cause of which success was, his intimate and practical knowledge of human nature. Example. A certain gentleman, on returning from the theatre, asked his postillion, (who sat in his private box,) what he thought of the great Mr. Garrick. Not much, my lord," was his reply, for he talked and acted just like John and I in the stable." When this was repeated to the tragedian, he declared it the greatest compliment ever paid him: for, said he, if nature's own children can't distinguish me from themselves, it is a pretty eure indication that I am about right.

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Bat, in her temple's last recess inclos'd,
On dullness' lap, th' annointed head repos'd.
Him ciose she curtains round-with vapors blue,
And soft besprinkles-with Ciminerian dew;
Then raptures high-the seat of sense o'erflow,
Which only heads-refin'd from reason, know;
Hence, from the straw, where Bedlam's prophet
He hears loud oracles, and talks with gods: [nods,
Hence, the fool's paradise, the statesman's scheme,
The air-built castle, and the golden dream,
The maid's romantic wish, the chemist's flame,
And poet's vision of eternal fame.

How dost thou wear, and weary out thy days,
Restless ambition; never at an end.

eye on her attractions, she put a stool in his path, over which he tumbled and broke his shins. Her excuse was, that she wanted to teach him, before he indulged himself in star-gazing, to "look at home."


A proper judge-will read each work of wit,
With the same spirit, that its author writ.
It comes o'er the ear, like the sweet so a wina
Which breathes upon a bank of violets.
Stealing-and giving odor.

Th't mind and body-often sympathize
Is plain; such-is this union, nature ties:
But then, as often too, they disagree,
Which proves-the soul's superior progens
Yet this is Rome,

That sat on her seven hills, and from her thror;

Of beauty-ruled the world.

Beware of desperate steps; the darkest day,
(Live till to-morrow,) will have passed away.

With pleasure-let us own our errors past, And make each day-a critic-on the last. Thinking-leads man to knowledge. He may see and hear, and read and learn whatever he pleases, and as much as he pleases: he will never know any thing of it, except that which he has thought over; that which, by thinking, he has made the property of his mind. Is it then saying too much, that man, by thinking only, becomes truly man. Take away thought from man e life, and what remains?

'Twas the bow of Omnipotence: bent in His hand,
Whose grasp at creation the universe spann'd;
"T was the presence of God, in a symbol sublime;
His vow from the flood to the exit of Time!
Not dreadful, as when in the whirlwind he pleads,
When storms are his chariot, and lightnings his steeds,
The black clouds his banner of vengeance unfurl'd,
And thunder his voice to a guilt-stricken world;-
Not such was the rainbow, that beautiful one!
Whose arch was refraction, its key-stone the sun;
A pavilion it seem'd, which the Deity graced,
And justice and mercy met there, and embraced.
Awhile, and it sweetly bent over the gloom,
Like love o'er a death-couch, or hope o'er the tomb
Then left the dark scene; whence it slowly retired;
As love had just vanish'd, or hope hal expired.
Virtue, not rolling suns-the mini maturea

LOVE, &c.

Maxims. 1. We must strike while the Iron is hot; but we must sometimes make the iron hot by striking. 2. Books are to the young, what capital is to the man of business. 3. It is not good husbandry, to make a child's fortune-great, and his mind-poor. 4. Some-excuse their ignorance, by pretending, that their taste lies in another direction. 5. Reading, makes a full man, and thinking, a correct man. 6. Not the pain, but the cause-makes the martyr. 7. Learn some useful art or trade, that you may be independent of the caprice of fortune. 8. Nothing is harder for konest people, than to be denied the privilege of speaking their minds. 9. Some-are penny-wise, and pound-foolish. 10. A true friend sometimes ventures to be offensive.

Anecdote. Tuo Lawyers. A wealthy farmer, being engaged in a law-suit against one of his opulent neighbors, applied to a lawyer, who happened to be engaged on the opposite side; but, who told him he would give him a recommendation to a professional friend; which he did in the following lines:


intermingled fingers, to the breast; eyes languishing and partly shut, as if doating on the object; countenance assumes the eager and wistful took of desire, but mixed with an air of satisfaction and repose; accents soft and winning, voice persuasive, flattering, pathetic, various, musical and rapturous, as in Joy: when declaring, the right hand, open, is pressed forcibly on the breast; it makes approaches with the greatest delicacy, and is attended with trembling hesi-"Here are two fat wethers, fallen out together, tancy and confusion; if successful, the counte- If you'll fleece one, I'll fleece the other, nance is lighted up with smiles; unsuccessful And make them agree like brother and brother." love adds an air of anxiety and melancholy. 467. To the above may be added, Shakspeare's description of this affection, as given by the Good Shepherd, who was requested to tell a certain youth, what 'tis to love:

Come hither boy; if ever thou shalt love
Ir. the sweet pangs of it remember me:
For such as I am-all-true lovers are :
Unstaid and skittish in all motions else ; [belov'd.
Save in the constant image of the creature, that is


O fellow, come, the song we had last night:
Mark it Cesario; it is old and plain;
The spinsters, and the knitters in the sun, [bones,
And the free maids, that weave their threads with
Do use to chant it; it is silly, sooth,
And dallies with the innocence of love,
Like to old age.

Tail, wedded love, mysterious law, true source
Of human offspring, sole propriety
In paradise, of all things common else!
By thee adult'rous lust-was driv'n from men
Among the bestial herds to range; by thee
Founded in reason, loyal, just, and pure,
Relations dear, and all the charities

of father, son, and brother, first were known.
Here, love his golden shafts employs, here lights
Ilis constant lamp, and waves his purple wings,
Reigns here and revels: not in the bought smile
firiots, loveless, joyless, unendear'd,
Casual fruition; not in court amours,
Mix'd dance, or wanton mask, or midnight ball.

The letter being unsealed, the farmer had the curiosity to open and read it; he did so, and instead of carrying it to the other lawyer, he took it to the person, with whom he was at variance. Its perusal cured both parties, and ended the dispute. Inference-Lawyers live by the violation of the laws of goodness and truth.

Conversation. When five or six men are together, it is curious-to observe the anxiety every one has to speak. No one wishes to hear; all he desires, is-an auditor. Rather than defer telling their respective stories, they frequently all speak at the same time.

conspicuous stage; and the WORLD-marks
Varieties. The United States-is on a
her demeanor. 2. If a parent-withhold from
his children-the light, and influence of Di-
vine Truth, is he not, in part, responsible
for their crimes? 3. Eloquence-is the lan-
guage of Nature,-of the soul; it cannot be
acquired in the schools, though it may be cul-
tivated there. 4. What is the object of court-
ship? to get acquainted; to show off; to
take in; or, to marry? 5. What a dreadfu!
thing it is to be "cut out,"-and to "get
the mitten!"

They-know not my heart, who belive there can be
One stain of this earth-in its feelings for thee;
Who think, while I see thee in beauty's young hour,
As pure as the morning's first dew on the flower,
I could harm what I love-as the sun's wanton ray
But smiles on the dew-drop-to waste it away!
No-beaming with light-as those young features tr
There's a light round thy heart, which is lolier Lie
It is not that cheek-'tis the soul-dawning clear
Through its innocent blush, makes thy beauty co dear.
As the sky we look up to, though glorious and fair,
Is look'd up to the more because heaven is there!



468. PITY, Denevolence to the afflicted; a mixture of love for an object which suffers, whether human er animas, and a grief that we are unable to remove those sufferings. It is seen aria compassionate tenderness of voice, a feeling of pain in the countenance; features drawn ogether. e y e

brows drawn down, mouth open, and a gentle raising and falling of the hands and eyes; as if mourning over the unhappy object.

Maxims. 1. He that feels as he ought, will be polite without knowing it. 2. Comon sense is the growth of all countries and all ages, but it is very rare. 3. Modesty is one of the chief ornaments of youth. 4. In every condition be humble; the loftier the condition, the greater the danger. 5. Feelings and thoughts are the parents of language. 6. To gain a good reputation, be, what you desire to ap pear. 7. In prosperity, we need consideration; 17 adversity-patience. 8. Kindness is more binding than a loan. 9. Right should be preferred to kind red. 10. A wise man adapts himself to circum stances, as water does to the vessel that contains it. Anecdote. When Woodward first acted Sir John Brute, Garrick was induced, either by curiosity or jealousy, to be present. A few days afterward, they happened to meet, when Woodward asked Garrick, how he liked him in the part; adding, I think I struck out some beauties in it. Garrick replied, "I think you struck out all the beauties in it."

Hadst thou but seen, as I did, how at last,
Thy beauties, Belvidera, like a wretch
That's doomed to banishment,came weeping forth:
Whilst two young virgins, on whom she once
Kindly look'd on, and at her grief grew sad! [lean'd,
Ev'n the loud rabble th't were gather'd round
To see the sight, stood mute when they beheld
Her: govern'd their mutt'ring threats, and grum-generous minds. Discretion-points out the

bl'd PITY.

How many bleed,

By shameless variances, between man and man!

On the bare earth exposed, he lies,
With not a friend to close his eyes.
Show mercy, and thou shalt find it.
Life, fill'd with grief's distressful train,
Forever asks the tear humane.

The quality of mercy is not strain'd;
It droppeth, as the gentle rain from Heaven
Upon the place beneath: it is twice bless'd:
It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes:
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
The throned monarch-better than his crown;
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe-and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings.
But mercy-is above this sceptr'd sway,
It is enthroned-in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute-10 God himself:
And earthly power-doth then show likest God.
When mercy-seasons justice.

But from the mountain's grassy side,
A guiltless feast I bring:

A scrip, with fruits and herbs supplied,
And water from the spring.

Thou great, thou best prerogative of power!

Discretion. At the same time, that 1 think discretion-the most useful talent a man can be master of, I look upon cunning to be the accomplishment of little, mean, un

noblest ends to us, and pursues the most proper and laudable methods of attaining them, cunning-has only private, selfish aims, and sticks at nothing which may make them succeed. Discretion-has large and extensive views, and, like a well-formed eye, commands a whole horizon; cunning-is a kind of short-sightedness, that discovers the minutest objects, which are near at hand, but is not able to discern things at a distance.

Varieties. 1. Said an Indian chief to the President, "May the Great Spirit bear up the weight of thy gray hairs, and blunt the arrow, that brings them rest. 2. The great truth has finally gone forth to the ends of the esrth, that man shall no more render account to man, for his belief, over which he himself has no control. 3. Let every one feel, think, act and say whatever he pleases; provided, he does not infringe upon like privileges of others. 4. Virtue-promotes worldly prosperity; vice destroys it. 5. Who can fully realize the strength of parental affection, without experiencing it? and even then, who can uescribe it. 6. Grief, smothered, preys upon the vitals; give it vent into the bosom of a friend. 7. Nothing is of any service,

Justice may guard the throne, but. join'd with thee, that does not help to re-unite the soul to God.

On rocks of adamant it stands secure,

And braves the storm beneath.

Merey-is the becoming smile of justice;
This makes her lovely, as her rigor-dreadful;
Either. alone, defective:-but, when join'd,
Like elay and water in the potter's hands,
They mingle influence, and together rise,
fa forms, which neither, separate, could bestow.
The sweetest cordial-we receive at last.
Is-conscience of our vir uous act ons past.

But, whate'er you are,

That in this desert inaccessible,

Under the shade of melancholy boughs,
Lose and neglect the creeping hours of time,
If ever you have looked on better days,

If ever been where bells have knoll'd to church!
If ever sat at any good man's feast!
If ever, from your eye-lids, wip'd a tear,
And know what 'tis to pity, and be pitied,
Let gentleness my strong enforcement be


469. HOPE rs a mixture of joy and desire, agitating the mind, and anticipating its enjoyment; it ever gives pleasure; which is not always the case with wish and desire; as they may produce or be accompanied with pain and anxiety. Hope erects and brightens the countenance, opens the mouth

to half a smile, arches the eye-brows, gives the eyes an eager and wistful look; spreads the arms

with the hands open, ready to receive the object of its wishes, towards which it leans a little; the voice is somewhat plaintive, and manner inclining to eagerness, but colored by doubt and anxiety; the breath drawn inward more forcibly than usual, in order to express our desires more strongly, and our earenest expectation of receiving the object of them.

But thou, O HOPE! with eyes so fair,
What was thy delighted measure?
Still it whisper'd-promis'd pleasure,

And bade the lovely scenes at distance hail;
Still would her touch the strain prolong,
And from the rocks, the woods, the vale,
She called an echo still thro' all her song;
And where her sweetest theme she chose,

Maxims. 1. It is one thing to know how t give, and another to know how to keep. 2. Every thing perfected by art, has its source in nature 3. He who tells you the faults of others, intends to tell others your faults. 4. Opinion is free, and conduct alone amenable to the law. 5. Extravagant praise is more mortifying than the keenest satire. 6. Love all beauty, and you will love all goodness. 7. A foolish friend does more harm then a wise enemy. 8. When our hatred is violent, it sinks us below those we hate. 9. There should be no delay in a benefit, but in the modesty of the receiver. 10. A cup of cold water, in time of need, may save a man's life.

Acquaintance with Human Nature. He, who has acquired a competent know! edge of the views, that occupy the generality of men; who has studied a great variety of characters, and attentivly observed the force and violence of human passions; together with the infirmities and contradictions they produce in the conduct of life, will find in this knowledge, a key to the secret reasons and motives which gave rise to many of the most important events of ancient times.

Varieties. 1. Some people will do almost anything, rather than own a fault; tho' everything depends on it: thus, Seneca's wife, to conceal her blindness, declared that the whole world was in darkness, and none I could see. 2. What is the difference between pleasure and happiness? 3. There is, in all

A soft responsive voice was heard, at every close, things, a threefold principle, by which they

And HOPE, enchanted, smail'd, and wav'd her
golden hair.
Thou captive's freedom, and thou sick man's
Thou lover's victory, thou beggar's wealth!
Thou manna, which from heaven we eat,
To every taste a several meat;
Hope! thou first fruit of happiness!
Thou gentle dawning of a bright success!
Who, out of fortune's reach doth stand,
And art a blessing still at hand!
Brother of faith! 'twixt whom and thee,
The joys of heaven and earth divided be;
The future's thine,-the present's his.
Thou pleasant, honest flatterer; for none
Flatter unhappy men, but thou alone!
O Hope, sweet flatterer, whose delusive touch
Sheds on afflicted minds, the balm of comfort,
Relieves the load of poverty; sustains

The captive, bending under the weight of bonds,
And smooths the pillow of disease, and pain;
Send back the exploring messenger with joy,
And let me hail thee-from that friendly grove.

Anecdote. A traveler in a stage-coach, not famous for its swiftness, inquired the name of the coach. A fel'ow passenger replied, "I think it is the Regulator, for I observe that all the other coaches go by it."

Hast thou power?-the weak defend;
Light?-give light: thy knowledge lend;
Rich?-remember Him, who gave;
Free?-be brother to the slave.

A disputable point-is no man's ground.

exist; an inmost, middle, and outermost; and body; will, understanding, and act; af and in human beings, there is a soul, mind, fection, thought and speech; intellectual, rational, and scientific; end, cause, and effect, all essentially distinct. 4. Our Lord does not say-if a man see a miracle, he shall know that my doctrine is from God; but, "if any man will do my will."

The flower-soon dies, but hope's soft ray
Unchang'd-undying shines
Around that form-where pale decay,
A peaceful heart enshrines:
Like ivy-round the blighted tree,
It twines around the heart,
Amid poor-frail humanity,
The only verdant part.

True hope is swift, and flies with reallow's wings
Kings it makes Gods, and meaner creatures Kings.
Hope, though 'tis pale sorrow's only cordial,
Has yet a dull and opiate quality,
Enfeebling-what it lulls.

A beacon shining o'er a stormy sea;
A cooling fountain-in a weary land;
A green spot-on a waste and burning sand,
A rose-that o'er a ruin sheds its bloom;
A sunbeam-smiling o'er the cold dark tub.
Westward-the course of empire takes its way
The four first acts already past,

A fifth-shall close the drama with the day;
Time's noblest offspring-is the cast.

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