
363. INFLECTIONS. Although there are! Proverbs. 1. It is much easier to defend the given rules, for making these inflections, or innocent, than the guilty. 2. Let the press and slides of the voice, either up or down, yet | speech, be free; no good government has anything it should be borne in mind, that every sen- | to fear from paper shot, or airy words 3. Three tence, which has been read with the upward things are necessary to make an able man,-na

slide, can, under other circumstances, be read correctly with the downward slide: the sense governs everything here, as in emphasis. Ex. 1. Are you going to town? 2. Are you going to town? 3. Why did you speak to her? 4. Why did you speak to her? 5. Do you war me? 6. Do you hear me? In the first example, we have a simple, direct question; in the second, the same form of words, but so spoken, as if one said, I wish to know, positively, whether you go to town; so of the rest. Thus you see, the sense, the object, the intention determines the manner.

364. 1. Some poets may be compared to others; but Milton and Shakespeare are incomparable. 2. He, who considers himself wise, while his wisdom does not teach him to acknowledge the Lord, is in the profoundest ignorance. 3. We see the effects of many things, the causes of but few; experience, therefore, is a surer guide than imagination, and inquiry than conjecture. 4. It is the indispensable duty, and the inalienable right, of every rational being, to prove all things, and hold fast that which is good.

Get but the truth once uttered, and 'tis like A star, new-born, that drops into its place, And which, once circling its placid round, Not all the tumult of the earth-can shake. 365. The nearer your delivery agrees with the freedom and ease of common discourse, (if you keep up the dignity and life of your subject, and preserve propriety of expression,) the more just, natural and agreeable it will be. Study nature; avoid affectation, and never use art, if you have not the art to conceal it: for, whatever does not appear natural, is neither agreeable nor persuasive.

Anecdote. A brutal teacher, whipped a a little boy, for pressing the hand of a little girl, who sat next to him at school. After which, he asked the child, "Why he squeezed the girl's hand?" "Because," said the little fellow, " it looked so pretty, I could not help it." What punishment did the teacher de



Here rests his head--upon the lap of earth,
A youth to fortune, and to fame-unknown:
Fair Science-frown'd not on his humble birth,
And Melancholy-mark'd him for her own
Large was his bounty, and his soul sincere;
Heaven-did a recompense-as largely send
He gave to mis'ry all he had-a tear;
He gain'd froin heav'n ('twas all he wish'd)-a


No farther seek his merits to disclose,
Or draw his frailties from their dread abode,
There, they, alike, in trembling hope repose)
The bosom of his Father, and his God.

ture, study, and practice. 4. Cultivate a spirit er love toward all. 5. Always distinguish between

apparent truths, and real truths; between effects when his word and works are best understood and

and causes. 6. God is best known and honored.

appreciated. T. Industry-is essential to usefulness, and happiness. 8. Every one ought to do something. 9. Nothing is stationary; and the human family-the least of all. 10. Mankind aro tending to a better condition, or to actual extinction 11. Trade-knows neither friends nor kindred 12. Physicians-rarely take medicine.

If the

Wisdom of our Ancestors. "wisdom of our ancestors"-had not taught them to recognize newly discovered truths, and to discard those errors, to which ignorance had given birth, we should not have been indebted to them for the improvements, which, however well they may have served their purpose for a time, are destined to be superseded by still more important discoveries. In the year 1615, a Florentine had the presumption and audacity to assert, contrary to the prevailing opinions of the learned, "the great, the good, and the wise among men," and contrary to the conclusions of all preceding ages, "that the earth revolved round the sun;" and, although he was threatened with death for his heresy, Galileo was right.

Varieties. 1. What is the image of God, and what the likeness of God, into which man was created? 2. What grace is more valuable, than humility? 3. Is hereditary depravity an actual sin, or a calamity? 4. Was not the genius of Ar-chim-1-des the parent of the mechanical arts? 5. Did not the first single pair of mankind-possess the type of all the distinct races of men, their innate tendency and genius, which has, or will, reappear in their offspring? 6. What is the meaning of the command to Moses, "See that thou make all things after the pattern, which I have shown thee in the Mount?" 7. If we are hardened under affliction, does it not indicate a very bad state of mind? 8. Are miracles--violations of the laws of Nature? 9. Does not the state and character of parents -affect their offspring? 10. What is the conclusion of the whole matter? Fear God, and keep his commandments.

When Summer's heats-the verdure sear,
Through yonder shady grove I tread,
Or throw me listless-down to hear

The winds-make music over head;
A thousand flowers are blooming round.
The "wilding bee" goes droning by,
And springs gush out-with lulling sound,
And painted warblers-linger nigh;
Yet one thing-wants the dreamer there-
A kindred soul-the scene to share.

365. WAVES, OR CIRCUMFLEXES OF THE VOICE: of these, there are two; which are called the rising circumflex [v] and the falling circumflex [^]: they are formed by the and the', and are generally connected with the accented vowels of the emphatic words. Doubt, pity, contrast, grief, supposition, comparison, irony, implication, sneering, railery, scorn, reproach, and contempt, are expressed by them. Eesure and get the right feeling and thought, and you will find no difficulty in expressing them properly, if you have mastered the voice.

366. Exs. of the rising v. 1. I may go to town to-morrow, though I cannot go todày. 2. The sun sets in the west, not in the east. 3. He lives in London, not in New York. 4. The desire of praise-produces excellent effects, in men of sense. 5. He is more a knave, than a fool. 6. I see thou hast learn'd to rail, if thou hast learned nothing else. 7. Better to do well late, than něver. 8. A pretty fellow you are, to be sure! 9. In some countries-poverty is considered a misfortune; in ôthers a crime. 10. The young are slaves to novelty; the

ôld to custom.

367. PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 1. A just appreciation of our duties is worth any sacrifice, that its attainments may cost. 2. Dearly do we sometimes pay for our wisdom, but never too dearly. 3. Is not the life of animals dissipated at death? 4. The ancients had the art of singing, before that of writing; and their laws and histories were sung, before they were written. 5. This heavenly Benefactor claims-not the homage of our lips, but of our hearts; and who can doubt that he is entitled to the homage of our hearts? 6. If we have no regard to our own character, we ought to have some regard to the character of others. 7. Tell your invaders this; and tell them, too, we seek no change; and least of all-such change as they would bring us.

368. We must avoid a mechanical variety, and adopt a natural one: this may be seen in hildren, when relating anything that comes from themselves; then, their intonations, melody, and variety, are perfectly natural, and true to the object in view: let us go and sit at their feet and learn, and not be offended. Let us turn our eye and ear, to TRUTH and NATURE; for they will guide their votaries right. Give us the soul of elocution and music, and that will aid in forming the body.


O momentary grace of mortal men,
Which we more hunt for than the grace of God!
Who builds his hope-in air of your fair looks,
Lives like a drunken sailor-on a mast;
Ready, with every nod, to tumble down-
Into the fate bowels of the deep.

Maxims. 1. The love of sensual pleasure, temporary madness. 2. Sacrifice-can be made on bad principles; obedience-only on good ones. 3. Great cry and little wool; applies to those who promise much, but practice little. 4. Do what you think is right, whatever others may think. 5 Learn to disregard alike, the praise and the consure of bad men. 6. Covet that popularity that follows; not that which must be run after. 7. What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the human mind. 8. He, who is unwilling to amend, has the devil on his side. 9. Extensive, various reading, without reflection, tends to the injury of the mind. 10. Proverbs bear age, and are full of various instruction.

Anecdote. John Randolph's Mother. The late John Randolph, some years before his death, wrote to a friend as follows: "I used to be called a Frenchman, because I took the French side in politics; and though that was unjust, yet the truth is, I should have been a French atheist, if it had not been for one recollection, and that was the memory of the time, when my departed mother -used to take my little hands in hers, and cause me, on my knees, to say, 'Our Father who art in heaven."

School Teachers. It is important, that teachers of youth, should not only be respected, but respectable persons. They, who are in. trusted with the responsible office of develop. ing the mind, and directing the affections of the young, ought to be worthy of sharing in all the social enjoyments of the most refined society; and they ought never to be excluded from such participation. Yet it is scandalously true, in some parts of our country, that teachers, however worthy, are excluded from the houses of the very parents, who send their children to their schools. This is not only contrary to all republican principles, but is in direct opposition to the dictates of common sense. Wherever such a state of things exists, the people are but half civilized, whatever pretensions wealth, and other circumstances afford them.

Varieties. 1. Enver on the performance of your duties, with willing hearts, and never seek to avoid them. 2. The heart-is woman's world; it is there-her ambition strives for the mastery. 3. The object of reo reation is to soften and refine, not to render ferocious; as is the case with amusements that brutalize. 4. Is capital punishment right? 5. Who has done the more injuryMahomet, or Constantine? 6. Is tobacconecessary? 7. Why is the figure of a viper -used to express ingratitude? 8. Is it right to go to war-on any occasion? 9. What is the usual quantity of blood-in a common sized body? About twenty-five or thirty pounds. 10. Is it not singular that Popers translations should be very profuse, and his original compositions very concise?

369. Exs. of the falling.. 1. Who Maxims. 1. A woun led re; utation is seldom

tares for you? 2. He is your friend, is he? 3. You tell me so, do you? 4. If I were to do so, what would you say? 5. It is not prûdence, when I trust my secrets to a man who cannot keep his own. 6. You are a very wise man, strong, brave, peaceable. 7. If you had told me so, perhaps, I should have believed you. 8. Sir, you are a fööl.

and I feâr you will remain so.

370. MANNER. What we mean, does not so much depend on what we say, as how we say it; not so much on our words, as on

our manner of speaking them: accordingly, in elocution, great attention must necessarily be given to this, as expressive of what our words do not always indicate thus, na

ture-fixes the outward expression of every

intention and sentiment. Art only adds ease and gracefulness to the promptings of nature: as nature has ordained, that man

shall walk on his feet, and not on his hands, art-teaches him to walk gracefully. 371. COMBINATION OF THE WAVES. 1. But you forsooth, are very wise men, deeply learned in the trûth; wě, weak, contemptible, mean persons; but you, strong, gallant. 2. Mere hirelings, and time-servers are always opposed to (5) improvements, and (6) originality: so are tyrants to liberty, and publicanism. 3. WISDOM alone is truly fair; vice, only appears so. 4. How like a fawning publican he looks! 5. How grêên you are, and fresh in this old world! 6. Whất! can so young a thorn begin to prick? 7. Môney is your suit? What should I say to you! Should I not say, Hath a dog môney? Is it possible-a cur can lend thrêê thousand ducats? 7. They tell us to be moderate; but they, THEYare to revel in profûsion!

Miscellaneous. 1. Can one phenomenon of mind be presented, without being connected with another? if so, how? 2. Reputation-often effects that, which did not belong to one's character. Make a childbelieve that he is considered aimable, by his friends, and he will generally become so. 3. Affection is the continuous principle of love, -which is spiritual heat; and hence the very vital principle of man. 4. Must not the first possible idea--of any individual, have been the product of the relation--between two states of the mind, in reference to external objects ?

Anecdote. Danger of Bad Campany. St. Austin compares the danger of bad comvany-to a nail driven into a post; which, after the first, and second stroke, may be drawn out with little difficulty; but being mce driven up to the head, the pincers can take no hold to draw it out; which can be tone only by the destruction of the wood.

cured. 2. Conciliatory manners always command esteem. 3. Never deride any one's infirmi. ties. 4. Detraction-is a sin against justice. 5. Modesty has more charms than beauty. 6. No fear should deter us from doing good. 7. Pin not your faith to another one's sleeve. 8. Reckless

youth makes rueful age. 9. The example of the

good is visible philosophy. 10. Truth-never fears rigid examination. 11. Sickness is felt, but not health.

Reason. As the field of true science enlarges, as thought becomes more free, an inquiry upon all subjects becomes more bold and searching; a voice louder and still loud

er comes up from the honest and thinking men in Christendom, calling for rationality in religion, as well as in every thing else; calling for such principles of biblical inter

pretation, as shall show the scriptures to
be indeed, and in truth, the WORD OF GOD.
Every ray of truth, which has been sent

from heaven to enlighten and bless man-
kind, has gained admittance into the world
by patient struggling and persevering con-

Varieties. 1. The words of Seneca, the

virtuous Pagan, put to the blush-many a

pagan christian. 2. When Socrates was in

formed, that the judges had sentenced him

to death, he replied, -" And hath not Nature

passed the same sentence on them:" 4.

There is more eloquence, in the tone of voice,
in the looks, and in the gestures of a speak-
er, than in the choice of his words.

Dear Patience-too, is born of woe,
Patience, that opens the gate
Wherethrough the soul of man must go

Up to each nobler state.

High natures-must be thunder-scar:ed,
With many a searing wrong.

Law, that shocks equity, is reason's murder.
I would not waste my spring of youth,
In idle dalliance; I would plant rich seeds,
To blossom in my manhood, and bear fruit,
When I am old.

Full many a gem of purest ray serene,

The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear,
Full many a flow'r is born to blush unseen,
And waste its sweetness on the desert air.
Beautiful cloud! with folds so soft and fair
Swimming-in the pure-quiet air!
Thy fleeces, bathed in sunlight, while below,

Thy shadow-o'er the vale moves slow:
Where, 'midst their labor, pause the reaper train
As cool it comes along the grain.

Beautiful cloud! I would I were with thee

In thy calm way-o'er land and sea:
To rest-on thy unrolling skirts, and look
On Earth-as on an open book;

On streams, that tie her realms, with silver banda
And the long ways, that seam her lands,
And hear her humming cities, and the sound
Of the great ocean-breaking round

372. Remember, that Nature abhors mo- Maxims. 1. A faithful friend--is a strong notony, or sameness of sound, as much as defence. 2. Avoid that which you blams in others. she does a vacuun. Hence, give variety in 3. By doing nothing, we learn to do ill 4. Conemphasis, inflections, and waves, if they often fession of a fault, makes half amends for it. 5


1. (3) Happy, (5) happy, (6) häppy páir! none but the (2) brave! (6) nóne but the (5) brave; none (8) BUT the brave deserve the fair! 2. (6) What a piece of work is man! how noble in (5) reasom! how infinite in (6) FACULTIES! in (4) form, and (5) moving, how express and (6) admirable! in action, how like an angel! in apprehension, (4) how like a God! 3. My JUDGMENT approves this measure, and my whole HEART-is in it: all that I have; (4) all that I am; and all that I HOPE, in this life, I am now ready here to stake upon it; and I leave off as I began; th't (4) sink or swim; (5) live or die; survive or (6) PERISH, I am for the DECLAIt is my living sentiment, and (2) by the blessing of God, it shall be my dying sentiment: (5) Independence - (6) nów and Independence (9) FOREVER!


373. EFFECT. What is the use of reading, speaking, and singing, if the proper effect is not produced? If the singing in our church choirs, and the reading and speaking in the desk and pulpit, were what they ought to be, and what they may be, the house of God would be more thronged than theatres ever

have been. Oh! when will the best of truths be delivered in the best of manners? May the stars of elocution and music, be more

numerous than the stars of heaven!

Because I cannot flatter, and speak fair,
Smile in man's face, smooth, deceive and coy,
Deck with French words, and apish courtesy,
I must be held-a răncorous ênemy.
Cannot a plain man live, and think no harm,
But thus his simple truth-must be abused,
By silken, sly, insinuating Jacks !

Tho' plunged in ills, and exercised in care,
Yet, never let the noble mind despair:
When prest by dangers, and beset by foes,

Dependence and obedience, necessarily belong to youth. 6. Every art is best taught by example.

7. Great designs require great consideration. 8. Misfortune is a touchstone of friendship.


Never sport with pain, or poverty. 10. Put no

faith in tale-bearers.

Anecdote. Point of Law Blackstone, speaking of the right of a wife to dower, an

serts, that if land abide in the husband a single moment, the wife shall be endowed thereof; and he adds, that the doctrine was extended very far, by a jury in Wales, wheze the father and son were hanged at the same time; but the son was supposed to survive

the father, by appearing to struggle the long.

er; whereby he became seized of an estate by survivorship; in consequence of which

seizure, his wife-obtained a verdict for her dower.

Riches and Talent. Nothing is more common than to see station and riches-proferred to talent and goodness; and yet few things are more absurd. The peculiar superiority of talent and goodness-over station and riches, may be seen from hence;-that the influence of the former-will always be the greatest, in that government, which is the purest; while that of the latter-will always be the greatest-in the government that is the most corrupt: so that from the preponderance of the one, we may infer the soundness and vigor of the commonwealth; but from the other, its dotage and degeneracy.

Varieties. 1. Indolence and indecision, tho' not vices in themselves, generally prepare the way for much sin and misery. 2 If the mind be properly cultivated, it will produce a storehouse of precious fruits; but if neglected, it will be overrun with noxious weeds and poisonous plants. 3. A kind benefactor-makes one happy as soon as he

Heaven its timely succour doth interpose, [grief,) can, and as much as he can. 4. The only

And, (when our virtue sinks, o'erwhelmed with
By unforeseen expedients brings relief.
If there's a sin-more deeply black than others,
Distinguished from the list of common crimes,
And legion-in itself, and doubly dear
To the dark prince of hell-it is hypocrisy.

Ye gentle gales, beneath my body blow,
And softly lay me on the waves below.
Wisdom took up her harp, and stood in place
Of frequent concourse-stood in every gate,
By every way, and walked in every street,
And, lifting up her voice, proclaimed: Be wise,
Ye fools! be of an understanding heart.
Forsake the wicked: come not near his house:
Pass by: make haste: depart, and turn away.
Me follow-me, whose ways are pleasantness,
Whose paths are peace, whose end is perfect joy.

sure basis of every government, is in the affection of a people, rendered contented, and happy, by the justness and mildness, with which they are ruled. 5. As moisture is required to the formation of every seed, so natural truth-to the formation of first principles

They whom
Nature's works can charm, with God himself
Hold converse! grow familiar, day by day,
With His conceptions, act upon His plan,
And form to His-the relish of their souls.
Our present acts, tho' slightly we pass them by
Are so much seed-sown for Eternity.

The devil can cite scripture for his purpose-
An evil soul, producing holy wttness,
Is like a villain with a smiling check;
A goodly apple, rotten at the heart;
O, what a goodly outside-falschood hath!

374. As the principles of elocution are | Proverbs. 1. Forbearance-s requisite in

few and simple, and as practice alone makes perfect, there are all kinds of examples provided for those, who are determined to develop their minds through their bodies, and become all that God and nature-intended them to be. As the ear is most intimately connected with the affections the motivepower of the intellect, it is absolutely necessary that the student should exercise aloud, that the voice and ear, as well as the thoughts and feelings, may be cultivated in harmony and correspondence. If, then, he finds the task severe, let him persevere, and never

mind it.

375. EXAMPLES. 1. The queen of Denmark, in reproving her son, Hamlet, on account of his conduct towards his step-father, whom she married, shortly after the murder of the king, her husband, says to him, "Hamlet, you have your father much offended." To which he replies, with a circumflex on you, "Madam, (3) you - have my father much offended." He meant his own father: she-his step-father; he would also intimate, that she was accessory to his father's murder; and his peculiar reply, was like daggers in her soul. 2. In the following reply of Death to Satan, there is a frequent occurrence of circumflexes, mingled with contempt: "And reckon'st thou thyself with spirits of heaven, hell-doomed, and breath'st defiance here, and scorn, where I reign king? and, to enrage thee more, thy king, and lord?" The voice is circumflected on heaven, hell. doomed, king and thy, nearly an octave. 3. Come, show me what thoul't dd; woul't weep? woul't fight? woul't fast? woul't tear thyself? I'll do't. Dost thou come here to whine? to outface me, with leaping in her grave? be buried quick with her, and so will 7; and if thou prate of mountains, let them throw MILLIONS of acres on us, till our ground, singeing her pate against the burning zone, make Ossa-like a wart. Nay, an thoul't mouthe, I'll rant as well as thou,

Anecdote. A clergyman, once traveling in a stage-coach, was abruptly asked by one of the passengers, if any of the heathens would go to heaven. "Sir," answered the clergyman, "I am not appointed judge of the world, and, consequently, cannot tell; but, if ever you get to heaven, you shall either find some of hem there, or a good reason why iney are not there."

Too High or too Low. In pulpit eloquence, the grand difficulty is to give the subject all the dignity it so fully deserves, without attaching any importance to our. selves. The christian minister cannot think too highly of his Master, or too humbly of himself. This is the secret art which captivates and improves an audience, and which all who see, will fancy they could imitate; while many who try, wat not succeed, because they are not influenced by proper mo-, tives and do not use the right means.

youth, in middle age, and in old age. 2. Peculiar. ities are easily acquired; but it is very difficult to eradicate them. 3. Good principles are of no use to us, unless we are governed by them. 4. Coquetry is the vice of a small mind. 5. Pure metals--shine brighter, the more they are rubbed. 6. Pride-lives on very costly food,-its keeper's happiness. 7. Extremes - are generally hurtful, for they often expose us to damage, or render us ridiculous. 8. In the days of affluence, always think of poverty. 9. Never let want come upon you, and make you remember the days of plenty. 10. No one can become a good reader or speaker, in a few weeks, or a few months.

Woman. I have always observed, says Ledyard, that women, in all countries, are civil, obliging, tender, and humane; that they are inclined to be gay and cheerful, timorous and modest, and that they do not, like man, hesitate to perform a generous action. Not haughty, arrogant, or supercilious, they are full of courtesy, and fond of society; more liable, in general, to err than man, but in general, also, more virtuous, and performing more good actions than he. To a woman, whether civilized or savage, I never addressed myself in the language of decency and friendship, without receiving a decent and friendly answer. With man it has been often otherwise. In wandering through the barren plains of inhospitable Denmark; thro' hon. est Sweden, and frozen Lapland, rude and churlish Finland, unprincipled Russia, and the wide-spread regions of the wandering Tartar; if hungry, dry, cold, wet, or sick, the women-have ever been friendly to me. and uniformly so; and to add to this virtue, (so worthy to be called benevolence.) their actions have been performed in so free and kind a manner, that if I were dry, I drank the sweetest draught, and if hungry, ate the coarsest morsel, with a double relish.

Varieties. 1. When Baron, the actor, came from hearing one of Massillon's sermons, he said to one of his comrades of the

stage; here is an orator; we are only ac tors. 2. Some people-wash themselves for the sake of being clean; others, for the sake of appearing so. 3. Of all the pursuits, by which property is acquired, none is preferable to agriculture, none more productive, and none more worthy of a gentleman. 4. It is a maxim with unprincipled politicians,

to destroy, where they cannot intimidate,
nor persuade. 5. Good humor, and mental
charms, are as much superior to external
beauty, as mind is superior to matter. 6.
Be wise, be prudent, be discreet, and tem-
perate, in all things.

Patriots have toiled, and in their country's cause
Bled nobly, and their deeds, as they deserve,

Receive proud recompense. We give in charge

Their names-to the sweet lyre. The historic muse

Proud of her treasure, marches with it-down
To latest times; and sculpture in her turn,
Gives bond, in stone-and ever-during brass
To guard them-and immortalize her trust.


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