
Bodies corporate, iv. 671.

Books, iii. 392; iv. 158; vi.


Bribe, iii. 796; iv. 609.
Brotherhood, iii. 208.

Brown ("Capability "), iii.

Brown study, iv. 296.

Cæsar's laurels, vi. 939.
Caffraia, iii. 585.
Cain, v. 208.
Calenture, i. 447.

Candid and liberal, iii. 93.
Captive, ii. 127; v. 400.
Cards, i. 472; iv. 207. 229.
Carnivorous through sin, vi.

Carvers, rural, i. 281.
Champions of England, v. 511.
Chance, ii. 168; v. 865.
Change of scene, i. 507.

Chatham, ii. 237.

Chess, vi. 265.

Church fares ill, vi. 888.
Cities, i. 128. 689; iii. 729.
Civilized life, i. 596. 679; iv.

Clerical coxcomb, ii. 445.
Clouds, v. 2.

College discipline, ii. 699.
Colonnade of trees, i. 252. 355;

vi. 70.

Commerce, iii. 739,
Common, i. 526.

Composure, iv. 260.

Compunction, v. 616.

Connoisseur, vi. 284.
Conscience, iii. 185; v. 600.

Constraint, v. 448.

Contemplation, vi. 263. 924.
Contrivers of creation, iii. 156;
vi. 198.
Conventicle, ii. 437.

Country, ("God made,") i.
749; iii. 708.

Country, few lovers of it, iii.
293. 725.

Country deserted, iii. 711.750;
iv. 589.

Country, who love it, iii 320.
Course of human things, iv.

Cowley, iv. 723.
Cowper, account of himself,
iii. 108; early love of the
country, iv. 695; wish for
tranquil end, vi. 999; his
brother's character, ii. 780.
Crazy Kate, i. 534.

Cruelty to animals, vi. 381.


Cucumber, iii. 462. 566.
Custom, force of, v. 299.
Cyrene, v. 136.

Death unrepealable, v. 610.
Decorum, vi. 981.

Deist, v. 670.
Demagogue, iv. 61.

Despot, v. 311.

Dice, iv. 221.

Discipline, ii. 702.

Discord, iv. 482.

Discourse, iv. 174.

Disgust concealed, iii. 38.

Domestic happiness, iii. 41.

Drama, iv. 199.

Dreams of mankind, iii. 127.

Dress, ii. 600.

Drunkenness, iv. 470. 505.

Early rising, i. 500.
Earthquake, ii. 89.
Ease, i. 409.

East wind, iv. 363.
Eden, vi. 352.

Employments of the idle, iii.


Empress of Russia, v. 129.
Encomium, vi. 715.

England, ii. 206; iii. 742; v.

Enmity, ii. 18.
Epictetus, ii. 540.

Eternity for bubbles, iii. 175.
Evander, vi. 490.
Evening, address to, iv. 243.
Excise, iv. 471.

Excursive poem, iv. 232.
Exercise, i. 367.
Exile, v. 832.

Fables false as hell, v. 862.
Fair, eloquent, iv. 53.

Familiarity with nature, vi.


Famine, ii. 185.

Fancy, iv. 242. 286.
Fashion, ii. 598; vi. 852.
Father, vi. 30.

Fatigue of idleness, i. 395.

Fatigue of thought, vi. 106.
Feats of nature, v. 118.

Fiddle, iv. 478.

Fire-side enjoyments, iv. 140.
Flora, i. 455.

Flowers, iii. 648.

Foddering of cattle, v. 30.
Folly, ii. 283; iii. 34.
Fontainbleau, ii. 262.
Forebodings, v. 606.
Fortune, ii. 658.

France, ii. 213. 264; v. 468.

Freedom, ii. 33. 130; v. 375.
Freeman truth makes free, v.

Frost, fantastic doings, v. 113.
Frosty morning, v. 7.

Gaiety, i. 504.

Gaming, i. 503; iii. 761.
Gardening, iii. 397. 658.
Garrick, iii. 598; vi. 654.
Geologist, iii. 150.
Ghostly counsel, ii. 556.
Gipsies, i. 559.

Glide my life away! vi. 1000.
God in every thing, ii. 161;
v. 808; vi. 221.

God's works and word, iii. 222;

v. 561. 779.

Golden age, iv. 514.

Goliath, iv. 270.

Gout, i. 105.

Grace, v. 688.

Gratitude and love, iv. 182.

Great offices, iv. 788.

Green-house, iii. 566.

Groans of Nature, vi. 728.

Grove, i. 307. 354. 753; iii.


Guilty splendour, iii. 70.

Hale, (Sir Matt.), iii. 258.
Hampden, v. 486.
Handel, vi. 637.
Happily-temper'd minds, ii.


Happy man, vi. 247. 906.

Hare, tame, iii. 334.

Hay-field, i. 295.

Headland, i. 518.

Health, i. 750.

Heavenward all things tend,

vi. 818.

History writers, iii. 139.

Homeborn happiness, iv. 140.
Homer, iii. 454.

Honest pride, iv. 405.
Honest rags, iii. 806.
Horace, iv. 190.
Humanity, iii. 196.
Hume, v. 729.
Hunting, iii. 326.
Hypocrisy, iii. 100.

Ice-palace, v. 127.

"Idle man's" employment,
iii. 352.

Idleness fatiguing, i. 755.
Idol of the mob, v.260; vi.710.
Imprisonment, v. 397.
Improvement "idol of the

age," iii. 764.
India, iv. 28.

Infidel, vi. 872.

Invocation of the Saviour, vi.


Jockeyship, ii. 276.
Jocular preacher, ii. 463.
Jotham, v. 322.

Isaac, vi. 948.
Italy, ii. 214.

Katterfelto, iv. 86.
Kings, v. 241. 279.

Knowledge and wisdom, vi.

Labour, i. 363.

Lamp of truth, v. 845.
Langford, vi. 287.

Lark, i. 493.

Leviathan, ii. 322.
Liberty, v. 367. 446.

Liberty "unsung," v. 538.778.
Life of turbulence, iii. $79.
Life of pleasure, i. 463.
Light, dancing, i. 345.
Lion, vi. 408.

London, ii. 697.749; iii. 816;
iv. 748.

[blocks in formation]


Peculator, i. 735.

Peep at the world, iv. 89.
Penury, iv. 397.
Pestilence, ii. 140.
Petit-maître parson, ii. 378.
Philips (John), iii. 455.
Philosopher, ii. 189; v. 670.
Philosophy, ii. 174. 505; vi.


Philosophy "baptized," iii.
Plato, ii. 540.

Playthings of princes, v. 177.
Pleasure," reeling Goddess,"
iii. 51.

Pleasure and gain, vi. 892.
Plunderer, iv. 432.

Poetic pains, ii. 285.
Politics, v. 493.

Poor family piece, iv. 374.
Popular applause, ii. 481.
Portents, ii. 57.

Portion of revolted man, v.


Postman, iv. 5.

Poverty, iv. 429.

Poultry, v. 62.

Praise, ii. 488; vi. 632. 711.

Preachers, ii. 337. 440.
Pretender, vi. 659.

Primrose, vi. 112.

Prodigies, ii. 53.

Profusion, ii. 697.820.
Property, sweets of, v. 224.
Prophecy, vi. 747.
Public houses, iv. 470.

Public virtue, v. 502.

Pulpit, ii. 326.
Purity, iii. 84.

Rabble, servile, vi. 694.
Ramble (schoolboy's), i. 115.
Reading, iii. 392; iv. 158.
Reasonings of the sensual, v.

Recruit, iv. 631.

Refinement, vi. 977.

Relapse, v. 623.

Remorse, v. 618.

Restoration of all things, vi.

Retailers of ancient philoso-
phy, ii. 536.

Retired man vindicated,vi. 906.
Retired man's employments,
iii. 352. 423.

Retirement, iii. 117; iv. 142.
Retreat, iii. 676.

Retrospect, vi. 19.

Revelation, ii. 527.

Reynolds, i. 700.

Riches' wings, iii. 263. 760.

Robin, vi. 77.

Rooks and kites, i. 203.

Roscius, iii. 597.
Rout, ii. 629.

Rural life, hail! iv. 783.

Rural lass, iv. 534.

Rural sounds, i. 181.

Sabbath rites, i. 746.

Samson, v. 737.

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