
The Church lives above the world, and the clergy at the top of the Church; they are, or should be, the eye, the head, the heart, the lungs of that never-dying body of Christ, "the Church of the Living God."

These are the men that have to do with the Bible. They are especially Bible-men. But their object is not to monopolize, but to diffuse. They are enriched by giving. By scattering they increase. Freely they have received, they freely give. It is the essence of their office to make known the truths of the Bible. But a grand

auxiliary is the reading of the Book of God. Books can be multiplied, though divines who labour in the word and doctrine may be rare. But in this the clergy cannot alone supply the millions who need; they therefore engage the nation to join in this "work of faith and labour

of love." My paper reminds me that I have already written too much, though I have much more to say; but must with earnest prayer for the diffusion of Scripture and Scripture truth, and your success, remain yours in the Lord, SENEX.



DEARLY BELOVED IN THE LORD, AND FOR THE LORD'S SAKE,-Since I left you, I have, be assured, not forgotten you. I may truly say you are never long out of my thoughts; greatly desiring that, as a part of the chosen and redeemed family of God, you may be filled with his Spirit, and satisfied with his love; that you may grow in grace and in the knowledge of a blessed Saviour, even the Lord Jesus Christ who is our hope; yea, that you may grow up into Christ in all things, in the experience of his infinite worth, in submission to his will, and obedience to his commands.

Beloved brethren and sisters in

Christ-much goodness and mercy have followed us since we have been here. All that kindness on the part of Christian friends, and quiet and retirement, and a pleasant country could give, we have had.

But this has been the least of our blessings. We have had some opportunities, in a quiet way,

a way in which there was little demand upon my strength, of speaking the truth to many sinners, and to not a few saints, and not without testimony that the Lord himself has been with us.

And even this is far from being all the claims upon our praise and gratitude. I trust we have enjoyed something of his presence which is better than life, and known somewhat of Phil. iv. 7,-" And the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.' Oh, how needful is it from time to time, when the Lord himself opens the door and gives us power to enter, to withdraw from the outward circle and go within. I am quite assured, beloved friends, that it is no uncommon case for a man to be usefully and honourably employed for God in the Church and in the world, to be looked up to, to be flattered and highly thought of, and in the midst of it all to be dry, barren, unctionless, powerless, and all for

want of retiring into this inner circle.

Casual observers may not perceive it; superficial eyes may not detect it; but he is, in some degree at least, (and a mercy is it when he is,) conscious of it; close walkers with God suspect that it is so with him, but the heart-searching God knows it altogether.

I do not mean by this retiring from the world such a withdrawment as that I am now enjoying, for that to some of you is quite impossible; and that which is out of the power of a saint of God to possess can never be essential to his true spirituality; what I mean is, the having some time, however small the period may be, for positive withdrawment from all things around-the being actually alone with God, and knowing it and feeling it.

I am aware that there are great difficulties in the way of some on this point: but much more may be done than is done; and I believe, where the Lord sees the soul really panting after this real withdrawment from things outward, in order to be alone with himself, he opens unexpected doors, or if he do not that, gives such power of withdrawment in the very midst of engagements, as shall be surprising to ourselves, and afford us cause for ceaseless gratitude. Secret prayer is an immense blessing; we shall never know entirely and fully how great the blessing is, which is connected with it, till we, through grace, reach the land where prayer is no more needed. But great as it is, it is not all that is conveyed to us by this secret withdrawment. In prayer I pour out my heart to God, as I feel and all that I feel; but in order that I feel aright-feel what I should feel--I require to be really with God-to be with him as my God-my God in ChristNOVEMBER-1845.

my God and Father; to dwell upon his love, his unutterable, free, most gracious, most sovereign, most undeserved love; to have real transactions with God in his love; and how can this be if there be no withdrawment from all things and all persons, to be alone with God himself?

It was said of Lord Anson, that he went round the world, but knew nothing of the world; may it never be said of you and of me, that in the course of regular duties, we go round about the Lord, but do not really, yea, intimately, know the Lord himself; and in order to this, we must be much, yea, often, with him.

In looking over my letter, I seem to have dwelt much upon one point. But it is one to which my mind has been much led. I think that I have seen some of the evils of its not being duly considered in the state of others; I am quite sure I have suffered many of them for the same cause in my own.

Beloved in the Lord, we shall soon be in the land of rest-we shall soon be with Him whom we love; whether all go to him, or he comes to us, to be with Him is the blessing of eternity.

Oh! to live for this! I hope that I can say this is after all the language of my heart-the desire of my soul-"This one thing I do." It is my heart's desire for you also.

The Lord-the Spirit-make the ministry, the lip, the life, more full of it.

Nothing else is really worth living for. A dying minister was known to say when he came to die, "Brother, in looking back, I am ready to say, we seem but half awake!"" And is it not really so?

May He quicken us, who, as the second Adam, is the quickening 3 R

spirit of his Church-quicken us by the Spirit, be felt, known, expehis Spirit, and in the Spirit.

I bear you much upon my heart before a throne of grace. Brethren, pray for me; ceaselessly, importunately, hopefully, as the Spirit of grace and supplication shall help you. Some of you prayed for me when I was young and full of vigour; pray the more for me now that I am no more young, but grey-headed in the work and service of the Gospel. Pray that all its glorious doctrines, promises, and precepts, may, by the power of

rienced, lived on, and lived out.

Pray that, as the weakness and infirmities of age come on, there may be deeper spirituality, more mental vigour, more vital strength -less of the world and self-more of Jesus, more of God, more living beneath the cross, more living in the cross, more taking up the cross.

Ever, ever, believe me, dear and precious and beloved in the Lord, Yours most tenderly and affectionately,



Ir may be truly said, that the beauty of religious profession shines the brightest through the faithful and conscientious discharge of the relative and social duties of life. there be any serious defect here, it dims the light that has to shine before men, and in so doing fails to glorify our Father which is in heaven.

And yet how little is this matter practically regarded; and how many, even sincere and serious, Christians, unwittingly perhaps to themselves, are living in some habitual, but grievous neglect of duty.

In no department of duty perhaps is this more conspicuous than in the treatment of servants. There is a growing and general complaint, that servants are not what they once were, and that difficulties regarding them are seriously increasing; but it may be truly said, that as pupils are very much what the teacher is, so servants, to a

great extent, at least, are what the master or the mistress is. The fault in servants is very traceable to some fault in their employers.

I have been led into these remarks by two instances in point, which have lately come before me.

I know a lady who had lately occasion to engage a nurse. Two young women offered themselves, both with good characters: the one plain and neat, and tidy in her dress and general appearance; the other in her silk gown and satin mantilla, with her ringlets intermixing with her artificial flowers beneath her bonnet. Will it be believed that the lady, though considered a truly religious person, and making a profession of serious and scriptural religion, did not hesitate to engage the latter, and to confess afterwards to a friend, that she did not hesitate to do so "because she was such a handsome dresser."* I fear this is no isolated case. I

*If ladies thus act in the choice of servants, how can we wonder they are come to such a pass as the following fact exemplifies: a lady was requested by her cook, who had recently come into her service, to have leave of absence one evening; assigning as a reason, that she had to go to a dance in the town, and was engaged to lead off the Polka!!

fear there are many inconsiderate mistresses who regard it as a feather in their own cap to have their servants dressing well. How can they shut their eyes to the certain consequences? How can they wonder if the habits of pilfering are formed to support such an expense; or at any disgraceful entanglement into which such vanity may lead ?

And let any Christian lady picture to herself the unmerited disappointment of the discarded candidate. I know what were her feelings, and how properly she expressed herself on the occasion. There was no anger or ill-nature; but there was heartfelt surprise, that a lady professing godliness could possibly act in such a man


What a stumbling block, what a scandal was thus presented! What a discouragement to a young female, sincerely and practically endeavouring to fulfil her baptismal vow, and to renounce the pomps and vanities of this wicked world! What a shameful and intolerable act of Christian inconsistency, that the flaunty-dressing, giddy, young servant should be preferred, because of her vanity, and go to her place triumphing over her whose coveted and valued adorning was that of a meek and quiet spirit. Oh! that Christian ladies would lay these things to heart. You have a solemn responsibility in the servants entrusted to your care.

There may be many a case where we cannot check a growing evil as effectually as we could wish; but, at all events, it should be your care and study not to encourage it.

It can only minister to a carnal mind to have all as dressy and vain below stairs as it is above. And "to be carnally minded is death." Yes, let the profession of religion be ever so high, and the knowledge of religion ever so extensive, and the

desire to be identified only with religious characters ever so ardent, "to be carnally minded is death." And as the tree is known by its fruits, so the carnal mind is known by its tendencies and doings. How sad it is, that even amongst professors there may be the plague spots of death! What need to pray that we may see if there be any wicked way in us, and that we may indeed be led in the way everlasting.

Another somewhat similar case lately came before me. A friend of mine happened to meet the old coachman of the late Lady

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"Well, John," she said, "you have lost a kind, good mistress ?" "Yes, ma'am, my lady was very good to us all, and we had need feel her loss." Yes, John, but in higher things I mean; you had great religious advantages in her service." "As for that, ma'am, my lady took vast good care of her own soul, but very little of mine. I lived nine years with her, and in that time I never once got to a place of worship on a Sunday. I had to drive my lady three times every Sunday to her church; and with my horses to see after, it was not possible that I could get myself."

I knew Ladywell. I had watched the integrity and general consistency of her walk for a long period. I had often referred to her as a striking instance of the power of divine grace, which enabled her, amidst high family connexions and peculiar difficulties, to continue steadfast in the fellowship of the Gospel; and all that I had known of Lady would have led me to conclude that such a fact was utterly impossible. But how sadly mistaken was this venerable saint in such a practice! If it had ever been faithfully put before her, I am sure that she would have at once

seen the impropriety of this spiritual monopoly, and have been thankfully content to restrict herself to two meals on the Sabbath, that her servant might have one. But the thing never occurred to her, and in her ardent longings after the courts of God's house, and her own enjoyment of Christian privileges there, she lost sight of the manifest duty owing to her domestic.

How many similar cases exist in London, as well as elsewhere. Oh! that heads of families would duly consider the duty owing to their household. The Sabbath is the servant's privilege as well as the master's. What a striving then should there be to equalize the privilege as far as possible; to diminish work, so as to give servants the opportunity of improving the Sabbath hours for their souls' growth in grace.

If there be any serious, scriptural reflection, one would think it impossible that a Christian could have any peace or happiness within the walls of the sanctuary, while his servants are without. There is something diseased and un

healthy in that appetite which can be running after distant churches for self advantage, to the robbing even of one servant of his Sabbath due. The master or the mistress incurs a fearful responsibility, in getting their own gain at their servants' loss.

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The Christian's resolution should be not only to serve God himself, but to have his whole household serving him also. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord." Oh! that the reproach could never apply to real Christians, "What do ye more than others?" We want more of practical religion. Sins and infirmities will always have to be lamented; but still we long to see Christian families aiming at practical, daily, consistent, habitual godliness. Let us ever

remember, that the ordinances of religion are only the means to the attainment of an end, and not the end itself; and that they prove valueless, and a dead letter to us, however they may advance us in knowledge, if they are not carrying us forward into the details of social and relative duty. W.


THY terrors, Lord, at last I know-
The bed of sickness, grief, and

And thou alone, who laid'st me low,
Can'st raise me up to health again.

The dews of death my forehead

The worm prepares his work within; Yet not for pangs like these I weepTo me "the sting of death is sin."

O Lord, and shall a soul be lost ?— O God, and must that soul be mine?

Remember what the sum it cost, To make one child of darkness thine!

Oh! bring the blood by Jesus shed,

With hyssop purge my guilty soul; Here, wash my hands, my feet, my head

Nay, cleanse my heart, and make me whole!

Reproach and murmur bid me cease, To heav'n the thorny path approve, Confess thy rod the pledge of peace,

Thy chastisement the bond of love!


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