

A NEW Era has opened upon an astonished world and that which a philosophic statesman of a former age contemplated as an object rather to be wished than expected, is now developed in all the reality of life-" A King of Great Britain, the most popular man in his day; and truly a PATRIOT KING at the head of a UNITED PEOPLE."

What the masterly hand of BOLINBROKE sketched as an ideal character, and a vision of virtuous excellence, this nation happily enjoys in the reign of WILLIAM THE FOURTH; of whom a more faithful portrait cannot be drawn than in the language of the same great



"A PATRIOT KING is the most powerful "of all Reformers, for he is himself a sort of standing miracle, so rarely seen, and so little "understood, that the sure effects of his appear"ance will be admiration and love in every " honest heart-confusion and terror to every

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guilty conscience-but submission and resig"nation in ALL.

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"A new PEOPLE will seem to arise with a "new KING: innumerable metamorphoses, like those which poets feign, will happen in very

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deed; and while men are conscious that they

are the same individuals, the difference of "their sentiments will almost persuade them "that they are changed into different beings."

To trace the minute history of the august Personage in whom these lines of public excellence are all concentred with surprising and almost prophetic accuracy, is a necessary and pleasing, but certainly not a very easy, undertaking. A great portion of the Life of the present Monarch of these realms has been spent in privacy amounting almost to seclusion. Yet, in that comparative obscurity, was the preparation making for the future benefit of mankind as the streamlet glides silently along, till the current, increasing by the reception of subsidiary stores, swells into a broad and mighty river, opening a communication for the extension of trade and commerce, freedom and science, over the globe.

Within the period of sixty-six years, which the history of the Life of WILLIAM IV. comprises, Great Britain has borne a more distinguished part on the great theatre of the world, than any other nation, not even France excepted. The alienation of the American colonies from her


dominion, instead of ruining the Parent State, produced the contrary effect; and she was not only compensated, for her loss in the West, by the acquisition of an empire in the East, but she laid the foundation of a new one in the Southern hemisphere, on a continent where civilization, and even social life, had hitherto been unknown. At home also Britain has seen her capital enlarged threefold, and her population increased in proportion-her resources multiplied-her villages raised into townsher towns into cities-and new improvements continually made, for the application of private industry, and the public benefit.

Though, amidst all this, Britain was forced to struggle for her political existence with the gigantic power of revolutionary France; yet, even out of that contest she arose with additional glory; and though her wounds were severe, she was still considered and respected as the arbitress of the fate of nations.

Having attained this unparalleled distinction, one thing remained to complete her high preeminence that of a PATRIOTIC KING, to direct and improve the internal polity of the country. This, it is her fortune now to possess: and it is gratifying to observe, that the people duly appreciate what they enjoy, by co-operating, in every part of the empire, with their Sovereign,

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in his designs for the general good. At this auspicious period, it is proposed to draw into one connected view, a record of the events, public and private, that have marked the times of WILLIAM THE FOURTH, from his birth to the present day, and to mark the progress of his fame while advancing to its immortal consummation.

The intended Memoir of our KING and his Age, will include a history of the British Navy for the last half century; an account of the great transactions, foreign and domestic, that have occurred within the same space of time; the most important subjects that have engaged parliamentary discussion, and in which his present Majesty, when a Peer, took an active part:

Nor will the name and virtues of her Majesty QUEEN ADELAIDE be either disregarded, or passed over in too transient a manner.

In addition to these prominent points, will be given many hitherto unpublished Anecdotes, Biographical Illustrations, and Epistolary Correspondence, throwing new and important light upon the general history of Europe, as well as upon the character of many personages who have shared in the public councils of England, or been distinguished in various departments of the national service.

May 30th, 1831,

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