
In our social state, on the score of civil and religious liberty, there has been a considerable advancement during the past period. In its earlier part but little progress was made. During the French war, those persons whose respect for the will of Christ as their spiritual King led them to dissent from the Established Church, were permitted to remain subject to laws which branded them, in effect, as disloyal and untrustworthy persons. They were shut out from all public offices and employments; and more than one attempt was made to abridge the liberty already possessed. lan- ready possessed. These, however, proved abortive. In process of time the true principles of freedom so far prevailed that the test and corporation acts' were repealed, and the British dissenter attained the full rights of citizenship.

the man, whose power threatened to establish itself on the overthrow of the European family of nations, might be overcome. This event was finally accomplished at the battle of Waterloo, and the disturber of Europe and of the world was sent to a distant island to end his days in ignominious seclusion. During this fearful struggle, England, often threatened by the common foe, was never made the seat of conflict. His armies desolated and demoralized almost every other European state, but England, his most resolute enemy, was preserved from his presence. This should be remembered with gratitude, for no language can describe the evils which were thus averted from our land. The fearful expenses of the long war, which have entailed a debt on this nation, unparalleled in the annals of the world, have also happily tended to teach our governers to avoid war as much as may be, and to promote peace and tranquility among the nations.

Great, however, as have been the sacrifices this nation has made, through the good providence of God, it has been preserved, and now at the end of the period before us, England occupies a most exalted place among the nations. Her population is increased. Her power is established in India, Africa, and Canada. She holds the keys and citadel of the Mediterranean. Her colonies are multiplying at the antipodes. China she has opened to commerce and religion. The commerce of our merchants extends to every land, the produce of all climes is in our markets, and our influence is felt by all people. The aspect of England in 1851, when all nations are invited to visit our metropolis to exhibit their various productions, and to vie with each other in the arts of peace, when compared with that presented fifty years ago, should awaken our gratitude to him who changes the times and the seasons,'

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Again, there was an extension of the political rights and liberties of the people at large, which was effected by a reform in the representation in parliament. This, though it must be admitted to be defective and partial, gave to the opinions and wishes of the inhabitants of this great country greater force and influence than they had formerly possessed. Then followed a reform in the constitution and election of the corporate bodies in our cities and boroughs, so that there is a closer, and a kindlier, and a more beneficial relation between the local authorities and the people than formerly existed.

We have further to mark an event most honourable to this nation, and one without parallel in any other, viz., the emancipation of the negroes of our colonies from slavery. Efforts against this curse and disgrace to man had been made previously, but the first part of the past half century witnessed the abolition of the slave trade among British subjects, and the latter, the emancipation of the slaves themselves. This noble deed was effected at a sacrifice of twenty mil

lions of our money, given to the legal | the benefits, which, during this pe

proprietors of the negroes; and thus eight hundred thousand persons were set free, and slavery became illegal in the British dominions.

The march of freedom has also abolished some of the most formidable monopolies which ever existed, and thus liberated our commerce, and afforded the opportunity for the full interchange of our products with those of all other nations.

These, and various other changes in our social state, which have tended to promote the general welfare, and to remove the voice of discontent, are among the marks of progress during the last fifty years. They are a kind of homage paid to the principles of truth and righteousness. They are in harmony with that prediction, I will make thy officers peace, and thy exactors righteousness. Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls salvation, and thy gates praise.'

The beneficial effects of these changes may be appreciated in some measure, if we compare the tranquillity and security of England with the confusion which prevailed among the kingdoms of Europe some two years ago. The establishment of civil and religious liberty, and the abolition of unjust monopolies, give security to the nation, and call for our gratitude to the King of kings.'

The period now under our notice has witnessed important progress in science, in literature, and art, all of which contribute to the elevation or comfort of man. Not to mention the discoveries in Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, and the various and interesting researches in natural history; to pass by the improvement and marvellous extension of our manufactures, and the wonderful increase of our commerce; not even to name the men who have shone in every department of literature; let us contemplate for a moment some of

riod, science and art, and the spirit of improvement have secured for the generality of our people. How beautiful is the gas light we now enjoy in this place. It also enlightens our streets and enables us to walk safely in the darkest night! This is a result of science. How swiftly we now travel by rail from place to place, so that distance seems to be destroyed! How interesting is the fact that by a steam propelling power a voyage across the Atlantic is not so formidable as formerly was a journey from London to Edinburgh! How convenient is the arrangement that for a small coin we may hold correspondence with the most distant parts of Britain, whither our letters are carried with more than racehorse speed! How wonderful the application of science and art which enables us to telegraph intelligence hundreds of miles in a single instant! We obtain light by a touch, we paint by a sunbeam, and give signals by lightning. These, and other appliances of science and of art, conduce to the general good.

The increased attention paid by all classes to education; our numerous and efficient Sabbath schools, our multiplied day schools, our reading rooms and mechanics' institutes; the regard exercised toward the working classes; the sanitary regulations of the government; the careful periodical registration of the people, their ages and occupations; and the prevalence of the sentiment that it is the great end of governments, and essential to their stability, to promote the public good: all these are marks of advancement. In short, there is scarcely any view that can be taken of our external condition that does not indicate improvement. Our towns and cities are increasing in size, in wealth, and splendor, and the dwellings of the humblest classes, in convenience and comfort. Our highways, and our by-ways are improved. A man need not be fifty years old to

have marked these things'; and could some of our great-grandfathers again appear in our land, they would scarcely recognize their native region. It has been recently published that the term of human life, as estimated by insurance officers, has averaged an increase of fifteen years during the past half century. If so, it must be owing to some general causes. What are these other than the improvements in agriculture and drainage, increased attention to sanitary measures, and the improved condition and habits of the people?

I am aware that it may be said, 'these things are true, but they are not religion, but the reply is simple: the prevalence of true religion is favourable to the advancement of science and civilization, and tends to give a permanency to all which befriends and blesses the family of man. It is God' who giveth wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding.'

If we contemplate the people of this country in relation to the tone of their moral sentiments and feelings, we apprehend there has also been some considerable advancement during the past half century. There is, it is true, amongst our population much to deplore. The selfishness, the cupidity, the sensuality, the untruthfulness, and the depravity of man, still awaken in the mind of the reflective many sorrowful emotions. But if we compare the general state of society now, with what it was some fifty years ago, we shall conclude that there is great improvement. What has become of the brutal sports which formerly were openly pursued, and often on the Lord's-day, in every part of this country; the bullbaitings, cockpits, the wrestlings, the fightings, and the ferocious conflicts between neighbouring townships and parishes? They are nearly all abandoned, or are compelled to hide themselves from public view. Where is the war-feeling which formerly per

vaded all classes, and which was incorporated into the sports of the very children? It has given way to more peaceful sentiments. How little in comparison with former times does gross intemperance prevail! It is disreputable in the higher classes, and forsaken by nearly all but the most abandoned of the lowest. How greatly has the once almost universal habit of profane swearing abated! What was once not dishonourable in the gentleman, is now a disgrace to a gipsy. Though we are sometimes shocked with the tale of a highway robbery, how greatly is that crime diminished! How evident is it that an improved moral tone characterizes the conduct of the public press. The newspapers now profess to be all on the side of virtue, equity, truth, and order, and most of them on that of religion too. This indicates a higher standard of moral feeling and sentiment amongst their readers. It must, however, be admitted that there are many low publications, which are mere panderers to vice.

How much more general is the respect paid to the decencies of life, and to the extended duties of religion! An apology was offered by Lord Eldon's biographer for his Lordship's habitual inattention to external worship; viz., that a regular attendance at Church was not at all common when he was a young man! Even infidelity itself in its last form has come to us clothed in the garb of respect for religion, that it may not at first sight be at once discarded by our people.

Whether we contemplate these things, or whether we consider the extended support that the various societies obtain, which are established for the relief of the friendless and afflicted, or for the promotion of the interests of humanity, we shall conclude that the general state of the public morals has advanced.

Lastly, the past half century has witnessed remarkable activity and

progress in reference to the religious | religion at home. The educational and

interests of mankind. Let us glance at the increase of religion at home. There has been, we apprehend, very great addition to every christian denomination amongst us. If we take the increase of our own small body as in any way a fair representation of the progress of others, and I should think it is, our number has been multiplied nearly sixfold during that period.

The Wesleyans of all kinds have some half a million communicants fourteen hundred travelling, and twenty-four thousand local preachers. The Congregationalists have been rather shy with their statistics; but they have more than sixty associations of churches, and some two thousand ministers. The Baptists of every order have more than one thousand churches, and upwards of one hundred thousand members. Other bodies we shall not stay to mention, but they, both in England and Scotland, have had a proportional increase. If we add to these at least as many Sabbath scholars as members: and then take about the double of them for hearers, regular and occasional, we shall make out a list for England of more than four millions.

Consider again the numerous active agencies connected with all the churches and congregations, scattered through the land, which are employed for good; the tract societies, the benevolent societies, the dorcas societies, and the Bible and missionary associations, and you will perceive a vast amount of benevolent and useful effort.

Reflect on the improvement and the enlargement of our places of worship. What a change in the recollection of every man who is fifty years of age! What house of prayer of the thousands in this land has not been built, rebuilt, or enlarged during this period! You can visit no church scarcely without some proof of this.

Consider the societies which exist for the establishment and diffusion of

collegiate institutions for the training of the ministry; the home missions, the town and city missions; and societies for the Sailor, the Soldier, and the Hebrew.

Nor has the Church of England been inactive. During the greater part of this period she has had her Sabbathschools, her charity-schools, her tract, and Bible and Prayer Book associations; she has erected and endowed hundreds of new buildings, partly by the grants of the state and partly by voluntary contributions; and though many of her ministers have of late been tending toward Rome, (for which they have, we trust, received an effectual rebuke from the Pope himself,) a goodly number are pious and devoted men. Indeed it may be doubted whether there was ever more piety and respect for religion in the Church of England than at the present time.

These glances should suffice to teach us, that, whatever infidelity may think or say, the belief and love of the christian religion has taken a deep and general hold on the English mind; and that spite of French, or English, or German infidelity, it has spread, and will extend among all ranks of our people. As far as domestic piety is concerned, the end of this half century is far in advance of the beginning.

Let us now turn for a moment to the efforts made here for the diffusion of the religion of Christ in the world. It would be impossible even to name every society that contemplates this object. From a glance at one or two, we must infer the rest.

The first perhaps in order is the Baptist Missionary Society, formed in 1792. The successes of this society chiefly belong to the period under review. Its labours in India have been signaliy honoured. Its translations have been very numerous; and only last year it reported the publication of seventy thousand copies of the Scriptures. It has nu

merous stations and schools in the East. It also has achieved wonders in the West India Islands, where numerous churches are now self-sustaining and independent.

The London Missionary Society was formed in 1795, but its chief successes, in South India, South Africa, the Polinesian Islands, and elsewhere, belong to this period. It has four hundred and sixty stations, one hundred and seventy missionaries, and seven hundred native assistants.

The Wesleyan Missionary Society was organized in 1816, but properly it begun in the colonies with Dr. Coke and Mr. Wesley, some seventy years ago. It has stations in India and Ceylon, and Australia, South and Western Africa, the West Indies and North America. Its chief strength is in the latter places. It reports some four hundred missionaries and one hundred thousand members.

Though our own Missionary Society is small it should here be mentioned. The society was formed in 1816, but the operations actually commenced in 1821. We have, if we reckon the wives of our missionaries, some nineteen missionaries and about twenty native preachers. In India we have five or six prosperous churches, several schools, and a printing press. Very great good has been done. Our hearts have often been refreshed with reports of the labours and successes of our missionary brethren. We have also two

missionaries in China.

I should not omit to notice the Church of England Missionary Society, formed in 1797, which has in India and Ceylon, West Africa, and Australasia, and the West Indies, some sixty missionaries, and as many catechists, and some four hundred teachers for its schools.

Time would fail to tell of all the missionary operations of England and America, employed for the conversion of the world. They are almost as

numerous as are the multiplied bodies of christian professors.

We hasten to glance at the Religious Tract Society, formed in 1799, whose operations extend to the whole world, affording help to all missionaries, and using them as its almoners. Its total issues last year were nearly twenty millions of publications. Its total circulation of tracts and books, in one hundred and ten languages, has been about five hundred and twenty-four millions.

The British and Foreign Bible Society, formed in 1804, reported last May that its circulation for the previous year had been above a million, and that the total issues were more than twenty-three millions!

I do not stay to mention other Bible and religious book societies,` nor even a multitude of other associations of a missionary and religious character, but I merely add that this very cursory glance at the activities of the church of God, which have been awakened and brought into action during the past half century, render it the most remarkable period since the apostolic age, for efforts to diffuse the gospel.

And when we contemplate the good that has already been effected, in the conversion of innumerable Hindoos, and the abolition of infanticide and suttee: the civilization of several savage tribes; the emancipation and christianization of the negro; and the glorious conquests of the truth of God over error, idolatry, and sin, we have reason to thank God, and take courage.

The word of God is compared to a leaven which works silently, till it leavens the whole mass; to a seed which germinates in the earth before it brings forth visible fruit; to the light which gradually chases away the darkness, and at length ushers in the day: and surely, when we consider the labours of the missionaries in every heathen land, the schools they establish, the scriptures they publish and

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