
make their complaint.' In less than another year, the Sunday-school Society was formed by William Fox, Jonas Hanway, and other gentlemen; and, in another, or by the close of 1786, there were 250,000 Sunday scholars in England.

Another step was now taken the introduction of gratuitous teaching. The Sunday-school Society were disbursing many hundreds a year in teachers' salaries: it was found that this was a serious difficulty in the working out of the plan, and when or by whom we cannot tell, but about the year 1800the idea of voluntary labour was struck out and eagerly carried into practice. To this, under the divine blessing, we owe those great successes which have made the Sunday-school Institution so precious to the church.

In 1803, the Sunday school Union was founded, not like the elder society, to pay the teachers for their work, but to help them in it, by promoting fellowship of mind and action, by assisting the development of methods of teaching, and by publishing works useful for Sunday-schools at a reduced rate. It should always be remembered that the UNION is a London society, including, strictly speaking, only London schools, and that every locality is recommended to have a Union of its own, subscribing, indeed, to the central Institution, in return for the benefits received, but in its internal management perfectly independent.

not immediately supply them with an adequate number of spectacles.'

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SCOTLAND, meanwhile, was progressing with its Sabbath-evening schools;' then, its Gratis Sabbath-schools,' informing the world that 'Sunday-schools' and Sabbath-schools' were two very different things: the former not excluding secular instruction, the latter being altogether spiritual. Happily, with evangelical christians, the Sunday-school is now invariably a Sabbath-school!

Every year has witnessed some new developement and triumph of the system. We can but enumerate a few of the signs of further progress.

1. One, just alluded to, is the restriction of Sunday-school work to the impartation of religious instruction.

2. Another is, undoubtedly, the increasing tendency to the mingling of different ranks of society in the school. The clergymen who first aided Robert Raikes would have been astounded by the proposal to send their own children to associate with the 'little ragamuffins.' The children of ministers, and of the wealthier classes, are now often found side by side with the poor around the Sabbath-school teacher.

3. A third that may be mentioned is the growing attention now paid to the extremes of the school-the infant and the senior classes. A few more words on these topics by-and-by.

4. The admission by the church that the wants of children must be provided for by itself, and by the ministry, as a part of their own specific work, is very important. The establishment of separate services,' the preaching of children's sermons, even the erection of spacious school-rooms, and the substitution of comfortable seats with the congregation for the old fashioned, incommodious' children's galleries,' may be mentioned as indications of this sort.

5. The up-springing of a Sundayschool literature has already been, and will yet more widely become, an inestimable benefit.

WALES speedily became honoured as the scene of Sunday school labours. The Rev. T. Charles, of Bala, entered into the project with noble ardour. One of his little scholars, on a winter's day, mourned to him that the weather would not let her go to read the Bible, the only Bible to which the poor of that neighbourhood had access! This sank down deep into his heart: on his next visit to London he appealed to the committee of the newly-formed Religious Tract Society for an edition of cheap Welsh Bibles. The Rev. J. Hughes rejoined, Bibles for Wales! why not for the world?' And in that reply originated the BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. To Mr. Charles, also, the establishment of adult Sabbath. THE RELATION OF THE SCHOOL schools is traced; and in one county, he writes, so eager was the desire of the aged to learn, that the shopkeepers could

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6. A few things will be said about Sunday-school statistics in a subsequent section.


This is a large and difficult subject. Of one thing we are sure, that, while

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churches may have too generally neglected their duty, many unjust things have in return been said respecting them. The real difficulty often is, how to express the interest which is actually felt. In a school of our acquaintance, the teachers were wont to complain greatly of the church. At last the church resolved, That we will take an interest in the Sunday-school.' But how? They could think but of one way, and that was by going to see it. Accordingly some half-dozen excellent christain men and women were found for the next few Sabbaths straying among the classes, and interrupting the teachers terribly. One or two tried to give addresses, but the effect was pitiable. This is no caricature. Let teachers only clearly ask themselves what they intend by the church taking an interest in their labours, and some at least of their complaints would cease.


A subject on which two prize essays have been written, and which fills the columns of our Sunday-school periodicals, cannot be exhausted in a page. We earnestly recommend the productions of Mr. Cooper and Mr. Hall, and no less the earlier and smaller manual of Mr. W. H. Watson. The need for senior classes is urgent. There has hitherto too often been between the school and the church a desert waste, separating the pleasant paths of the former from the green pastures of the latter, into which our charge have been dismissed, to find their way across as they could, or to wander and be lost. We have seen such dismissions, accompanied with singing of hymns, presenting of books, and earnest pastoral congratulations, and our heart has been sad in anticipating the too likely sequel. The Pastor, we take for granted, is For the truth is, that when we are lookinterested in the school. And this, being for our old scholars to approach the it recollected, he may be, and that effec- table of the Lord, or to occupy the tually, though he is seldom in the school teacher's chair, they are, with distressroom. A minister's strength is taxed in ing frequency, found walking in the many cases quite to its utmost, by the counsel of the ungodly, and sitting in ordinary Sabbath services. In one way the seat of the scornful.' How imporor other we will, however, suppose he tant, then, never to leave them! Yet, feels and manifests an interest in this as they grow up, they will not consort field of labour. How is the church to with little children, nor be subject to show its sympathy? We reply, briefly: their discipline. Youth are very sensi1. Let them know who the conductive on this score, and to wound their tors of the school are. Once a year let the names of all the teachers, &c., be read over in church meeting, and their labours made the subject of especial conversation and prayer.

2. Let them elect three or four of their members to serve, with the teachers, on the Committee of Management.

3. Let one monthly prayer-meeting be chiefly for the Sunday-school and the young. The following hints are

from Mrs. Davids:

4. The church that loves the Sunday school will contribute liberally to its support.

5. It will also arrange the hours of public worship, and the attendance of the school at those services, so as to secure time for its legitimate ends to be carried out.

6. It will provide suitable accommodation for the children in the house of God. 7. In such a church, the school will not lack teachers of piety and efficacy. Its VERY BEST will be consecrated to the work.

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natural pride, is to lose them altogether. Separate classes must then be formed, that shall meet the school in the exercise of worship, but for the rest of the time be distinct, assembling in some detached apartment, and ruled by their own laws (which should of course previously be approved by the governing body of the school). If the church is in earnest in the matter, the additional expense of such arrangement will be little regarded.

The teachers of the class must be the holiest, wisest, and best-instructed men or women, if possible, in the church.

The aim of their endeavours must be the decision of every one of their scholars for God.

Their method must be Bible teaching on the Sabbath, visitation and general instruction during the week, with other plans that a wise and devoted heart will be sure to suggest.

The members of the class must be scholars who have passed the age of

fifteen years, selected by the superintendent with due regard to their character and attainments, and solemnly dismissed into it before the whole school.

Rightly conducted, such classes will prove the goal of the school, the nursery of teachers, and the portal of the church. [Let Sunday-school teachers patronise this pocket book, got up expressly and admirably for their use.]

By the Rev. J. R. Macduff, St Maloes.
It was said by a living hero, not long
ago, in adverting to a temporary reverse
sustained by the British arms, that if
we are to have great victories, we must
expect great battles.'

If trial and disaster be the price of earthly conquests, and these in proportion to the magnitude of the conflict, what must we expect when the contest is an immortal one, waged between light and darkness, God and Satan, sin and


Sabbath-school teacher!

your work

bishop of souls'-laid upon his church when just about to leave this world and ascend to glory?-Feed my lambs.' That memorable day, and that memorable scene on Gennessaret's lake, gives you the warrant for engaging in Sabbath school teaching. It was Jesus instituting Sabbath schools! And to show not only how He loves the lambs of the flock, but how desirous he is that they should be taught his will, their interests take the precedence of all others, and before He says one word about the sheep, He says, Feed my lambs'

Oh dear friend, even though your work may appear vain-nay, even though it were vain-though you could tell of saved-still you have done your duty— no seed grown, no heart melted, no soul you have obeyed your Lord's command; and be assured in this, as in greater things, in keeping his commandments honour me I will honour!' there is a great reward.'

'Them that

"Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart." Be encouraged

though its results are unseen, your labour For, II. Your work is sure: and

will not be in vain in the Lord.

keep his servants humble.
It has ever been the design of God to
in the flesh' is needed 'lest they should
'The thorn
be exalted above measure,' and lose
their sense of entire dependence on him.
And is the Sabbath-school teacher to
form an exception to this needed disci-
pline? Nay, humility with him too is
the secret of success. Is it not by heavy
discouragement that often he is most
effectually taught that the work from
first to last is God's, and not his? The
treasure is committed to an earthen ves-

and warfare are great and surpassingly glorious. The conquest of a soul-the restoration even of one lost jewel to the crown of Jesus-how signal the honour! But just because it is so, you must expect your reverses and discouragements. Well do we know how often this is the case, even when humbly and prayerfully fighting God's battles, how often have you to tell of nights of successive failure, when the sword of the Spirit has in vain been wielded, and the bow of conviction has in vain been drawn; no arrow has sel, that the excellency of the power sped, no heart has been wounded-all apparently is languid, and lifeless, and may be of God and not of man. dead, and you are left in the bitterness Hearts are breaking you do not seenot measure your success by visible fruits. of your spirit to utter in secret the soli-bread is cast upon the waters,' which loquy of the desponding prophet, Who the future will disclose-holy lessons are hath believed our report, and to whom (unknown to you) taking root, and will

is the arm of the Lord revealed?'

Be encouraged

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For, 1. You are obeying the command of Christ. If ye love me,' says Christ, 'keep my commandments;' and what was the command which your adorable the chief shepherd and


From the Educational Pocket Book for 1851,' a book worthy of a large circulation.


be treasured and blessed when the Sab-
the visions of the past.
bath school is remembered only among

Be assured there is sin and unbelief


predominating where there is much desof God's grace, and the faithfulness of his pondency; you thereby distrust the promises. It is your losing hold of that grand secret of the success of all Sabbath-schools, not by might nor by

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"Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart!' Be encouraged

Be encouraged

For, IV. God will accept your feeblest efforts in this means of promoting his glory.

You may, perhaps, from peculiar circumstances, feel yourself very inadequate for the work. Your age or inexperience, or station in life, or, above all, your solemn sense of the importance and responsibility of the office may give you a feeling of shrinking reluctance to engage in what is too great for you.

Fear not! God accepteth, according to what a man hath, and not according to what he hath not.' 'She hath done what she could,' was the meed of approbation pronounced on the conduct of a lowly but devoted disciple; and rest assured, if we give God a willing mind, he will be better to us than his wordThey that wait upon the Lord shall

III. With the many, who by means of Sabbath-schools, have been brought to the Saviour. This is established as a blessed fact. The clergyman meets ever and anon instances to gladden his heart, that these humble institutions, so long regarded as the hazardous and questionable experiment of an age of novelty, have proved above all other means of grace, the birth-places of souls and nurseries for eternity. Many of those little ones who have heen early gathered to the tombs, and given evidences on their death-beds that they were the children of God, has not the Sabbath-school been often the garden in which these 'lilies' were gathered? -the Sabbath-renew school lessons cheering their dying moments, and the Sabbath-school hymns the last accents on their lips? Many who have been spared for lives of usefulness bear a similar testimony. The faithful servant whose integrity of character and christian principle years of fidelity have tested-she was a Sabbath scholar.

The intelligent artizan who fears God, and carries that fear to his workshop, and diffuses the felt power of a sanctified spirit among all with whom he mingles he was a Sabbath scholar!

The devoted parent, who on his return from his daily toil, or on the Sabbath morn, gathers his children by turns on his knee to impress on their minds holy lessons, which may be treasured and valued when his voice can be heard no morehe was a Sabbath scholar.

Teacher! go on in your honoured work. You know not the influence for good, one of these young immortals you are training may exercise. Think what they might have been, if left to drift along the stream of life without an effort to save them. Think what they may be if God see meet to bless your efforts and answer your prayers?

All past Sabbath-school experience tends not to discouragement and despondency, but rather to labour on in faith and hope. 'Prayers and pains,' said the good missionary, Elliott, 'will do anything!'

'Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart.'

their strength.' Even the one talent traded on will not be unrecompensed; then

'Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart? Be encouraged

For, V. God will bless your own souls by engaging in the work of Sabbathschool teaching.

We could summon every teacher, who has heartily and from sincere motives engaged in this holy service, and confidently inquire if it be not so?that in teaching, often he has been himself taught the Sabbath night's labours acting with a hallowed reflex influence on his soul? What new discoveries of truth! what fresh incentives to prayer! what new encouragements to serve God! what new delight in pondering a Sa viour's love! and in proclaiming it, what new and more glorious disclosures of that love itself!

Oh, how often does the Spirit of the living God thus descend upon him, and cause the teacher to feel that never has he sat with such docility at the feet of Jesus, nor imbibed more holy lessons, than when striving in simple faith, to be the medium for the conveyance of these lofty lessons to the souls of his children.

'Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart.' Be encouraged

VI. With the prospect of the hour when the results of all your Sabbaths of labour and anxiety will be made manifest, for the day shall declare it.'

How do all the little troubles and dis- | lamb of all the flock, as done to himcouragements of Sabbath-school labour self, will greet you with the voice of welvanish into insignificance, when we come-Inasmuch as ye did it to the think of that day and its possible glo- least of these, ye did it unto me!' rious disclosures!

How would nights of protracted weariness be a thousandfold rewarded, where even one white-robed saint, before the throne of God, able to say, with a bounding heart, of your Sabbath-school-'I was born there!' But even if there were no such testimony borne-if in vain you looked among the myriad crowd for one voice to bear its joyful testimony-one sheaf of the ingathered harvest as the result of your earthly prayers and toils-you will not lose your reward. He who acknowledges what is done to the feeblest

Go on, then fellow labourers! be assured' 'ye shall reap if ye faint not.' Remember who those are who shall shine as bright constellations in the firmament of glory - even as the stars, for ever and ever!' Faint not! but still 'go on in the strength of the Lord God.' With that glorious day, and that glorious recompence in view, be this your mottoAlways abounding in the work of the Lord.'

'Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart."



SOME years since a fine young man, the only son of a widowed mother, on becoming of age, and receiving his patrimony, entered into company, and indulged in the dissipation of genteel society. Her watchful eye saw his dan ger, pointed out its tendency to ruin body and soul, and used every argument, persuasion, and entreaty in vain. One day she learned he was to dine with a large and joyful party, and she spent the forenoon in persuading him to relinquish it, but all in vain. Mother, I will go! Then, John, I will retire to my closet and pray for you, till I see your face again. He went to the party, but could find no enjoyment; the thought of his mother being on her

knees, wrestling with God in prayer for him, formed such a contrast to the scene before him, that he slipped away found his mother in the act of prayerknelt down by her-fell on her neck and from that day, became the delight of his pious mother's heart, a brand plucked from the burning.' A religious parent's prayers are never offered in vain.


THE late Dr. Adam Clarke, when but a little boy, one day disobeyed his mother, and the disobedience was accom


panied with some look or gesture that indicated an undervaluing of her authority. This was a high affront; she immediately flew to the Bible, and opened on these words, Prov. xxx. 17, which she read and commented on in a most awful manner:-The eye that mocketh at his father, and despiseth to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it.' The poor culprit was cut to the heart, believing the words had been sent immediately from heaven: he went out into the field with a troubled spirit, and was musing on this terrible denunciation of divine displeasure, when the

hoarse croak of a raven sounded to his conscience an alarm more dreadful than the cry of fire at midnight! He looked up and soon perceived this most ominous bird, and actually supposing it to be the raven of which the text spoke coming to pick out his eyes, he clapped his hands on them, and with the utmost speed and trepidation, ran towards the house as fast as the state of alarm and perturbation would admit, that he might escape the impending vengeance!


CHILDREN, says the Rev. W. Jay, have conveyed religion to those from whom they ought to have derived it. 'Well,' said

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