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The Serean fleeces, Erythrean gemmes,
Vaste Platas silver, gold of Peru streames,
Antarticke parrots, Æthiopian plumes,
Sabean odours, myrrhe, and sweet perfumes:
And I myselfe, wrapt in a watchet gowne,
Of reedes and lillies on mine head a crowne,
Shall incense to thee burne, greene altars
And yearly sing due pæans to thy praise."
The same poem may be found in
folio edition of the Collected Works of


Drummond, published at Edinburgh in 1711, p. 35. On the King's entering Edinburgh by the West Port, on 16th May, the city deputed " Mr Johne Hay, lay, their clerk deputie," to make an oration in their name, and on their behalf. Master Johne proved himself no mere man of straw, and one whose diffidence would

not overcome him on the day of trial, as may be guessed at from the following passage in his speech

"This is that happie day of our newbirth, ever to be retained in fresh memorie, with consideration of the goodnesse of th' Almightie God, considered with acknowledgement of the same, acknowledged with admi. ration, admired with love, and loved with oy; wherein our eyes beheld the greatest humaine felicitie our harts could wish, which Is to feide vpon the royall countenance of Our true Phenix, the bright starre of our northerne firmament, the ornament of our age, wherein wee are refreshed, yea revived with the heat and bright beames of our Sun, (the powerful adamant of our wealth) by whose removing from our hemispheere, we were darkned, deepe sorrow and feare Dossessing our hearts, (without envying of Tour M. happiness and felicitie,) our places of solace ever giving a newe heat to the fever of the languishing remembrance of our happinesse: The verie hilles and groves, accustomed of before to be refreshed with the dewe of your M. presence, not putting on heir wounted apparell; but with pale Cookes representing their miserie for the departure of their Royal King."

He must have presumed on the King possessing a voracious swallow, when he afterwards declared his conviction that he was "in heart as upright as David, wise as Solomon, and godlie as Josias." The Sovereign was here also deluged with Latin and Greek poems, by Thomas Hopæus, Henricus Charteris, Patricius Nisbetus, Jacobus Sandilandius, Patricius Sandæus, Thomas Synserfius, David Primrosius, Thomas Nicolsonus, Alexander Peirsonus, Nicolaus Udward, Andreas Fuorius, Jacobus Reid, Johannes Rayus, Jacobus Fairlie, and fifty others, all learned men in their day; but (alas! how are the mighty fallen,) all now forgotten and unknown! The university presented a pithy Latin oration-at the palace of Falkland, a long Latin poem was recited-and compositions, in Latin and English, were produced at Kinnaird, particularly by Joannes Leochæus, and Alexander Craig of Rose-craig. The town-clerk of Dondie also made a notable speech, and two Latin poems were, at same time, there presented.

At "the Palace of Dalkeith," the "Philomela Dalkeithensis" welcomed him in eight Latin poems; and when "his Majestie's happie nativitie was celebrate on the xix of Junii, in the Castle of Edinburgh," a speech was delivered to him in Hebrew by Andrew Kerr, a boy of nine years of age. We had always imagined Mr Odoherty as having been the most wonderful instance of precocity that ever lived, but we doubt that he has here found a

tough rival. As the Ensign is Scottish by the mother's side, we doubt not that, with proper care, he may trace back Andrew to have been a lineal ancestor of his own, more especially as talents are often hereditary in families. At Stirling, the King was welcomed in an elaborate speech by "Master Robert Murray, commissar there," who, towards the conclusion of his address, has the following words

"This towne, though shee may iustlie waunt of her naturall beautie and impregnable situation, the one occasioned by the laberynths of the delightsome Forth, with the deliciousnes of her valayes, and the heards of deare in her park; the other by the statlie rock on which shee is raised; though shee may esteme herself famous by worthy founders, reedifiers, and the enlargers of her manie priviledges; Agricola, who in the dayes of Galdus fortified her, Kenneth the Secund, who heere encamped and raised the Picts, Malcolme the Secund, Alexander the First, William the Lyon; yet doeth shee esteme this her onlie glorie and worthiest praise, that shee was the place of your M. education, that these sacred brows, which now beare the weightie diademes of three invincible nations, were empalled with their first heere: And that this day the only man of kings, and the worthiest king of men, on whom the eye of heaven glaunceth, deignes (a just reward of all these cares and toyles which followed your cradle) to visit her. Now her burgesses, as they have ever bein to your M. ancestors obedient and loyall, they here protest and depose to offer wp their fortunes, and sacrifice their lives in maintenance and defence of your sacred person and royall dignitie, and that they shall ever continue thus to your worthie progenie; but long long may you live. And let ws still importune the Almightie

"That your happy dayes may not be done,
Till the great comming of his Sonne,
And that your wealth, your joyes, and peace,
May as your raigne and yeares increase.


This was surely enough for one day, but the good people of Stirling thought otherwise; and some thousands of hexameter verses were thrust into the King's hand.

Perth, otherways called SainctJohnes-towne, was determined not to

be beat, and they deputed "Johne Stewart, marchant burgesse" of the said burgh, to give his Majesty a specimen of their loyalty, and their oratory. After enumerating all the benefits bestowed by royal favour on Perth, he concludes in the following delect

able strain

"Wee, your maiesties ever-loyall subjects, the citizens of Perth, as heretofore wee have bein alwayes readie to serve your highnes to the last gasp, being earnest with God for your owne long, and your seed's everlasting reigne over ws in peace; so now praying Almightie God, that your majestie may shyne in the firmament of these kingdomes like Josua's sunne in Gibeon, there to dowble the naturall dyett of man's abode vpon earth, with the citizens of Jerusalem, who a shoute to the heaven for joy of King David his returne home unto the citie after his long absence, wee bid your Majestie most hartlie welcome home againe to your ancient kingdome and cradle, Scotland, and to this the hart thereof, your Maiesties Pe.

niel Perth."

Then follows the Perth poetry. Amaryllis expostulates and exults with his Majesty, in two eclogues of the longest. The very bridge gets a tongue for the occasion, in the person of Henri

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Vt merear titulis justa trophæa meis.
Subsidii expectantissimus
Pons Perthanus."

The indefatigable Johannes Stewartus, not content with the dazzling display of his oratory, pours out a long poetical dialogue between Scotia and Genius; and, after Alexander and Henricus Adamides, and Adamus Andersonus have sung till they are tired, the Musæ Perthnenses are winded up by Εγκωμιαςικόν, auctore Georgio Stirkeo, who, to give him his due, fairly puts to shame all ideas of relationship, either with stirks or stots, which his name might suggest.

As might have been expected, "The City of Sainct Androes" was not deficient in the demonstrations of their loyalty and learning. Maister Harie Danskin, schoolmaister thereof "held forth in a Latin oration, whose prolixity must have wholly excused his Majesty, if he took a nap towards the middle of it, and whose pedantic and fulsome panegyric would have made any countenance, short of one framed of solid brass, to blush scarlet. We can almost conceive with what ineffable delight, and self-gratulation, the pedagogue signed himself "Henricus Danskenius, Civitatis Andreannæ orator, et Juventutis ibidem, moderator. This exhibition of oratory was surely enough for one day, but the wisdon of the University thought otherwise and, as his Majesty was hastening from his seat of suffering to the grea church, (whether seeking sanctuar or not, we are uninformed,) he wa met at the very porch, with anothe torrent of Latin eloquence, by D Bruce, rector of the University, who


concluding, presented as many Latin and Greek verses, good, bad, and indifferent, as would suffice to fill a decent twelve shillings octavo. Even this was not enough; they could not think of the King's departure, while a single vestige of doubt could possibly remain in his mind, as to their wonderful acquirements. They accordingly held "Theses Theologicæ de Potestate Principis," with great parade of logic and learning; and, (not to let the King escape without a compliment,) we are informed, that when any difficulty, worthy of regal solution occurred, that is to say, when the Principal and Professors were fairly baffled, his Majesty interfered, and so successfully, "ut omnes (qui et plurimi et dictissimi interfuerant) auditores in summam rapuerit admirationem."

Philosophical problems, on a subsequent day, were also propounded, no doubt, to the great illumination of his Majesty, who departed for Stirling, where he was met by the whole posse of Professors from Edinburgh, Adamson, Fairlie, Sands, Young, Reid, King, &c. who spouted their philosophical theses by the hour. The King, when at supper the same night, is said to have produced the following jeu d'esprit in compliment to them, which is fully as good as any dusty metaphysics he got from them, and certainly far more ingenious :

"As Adam was the first of men, whence all beginning tak,

So Adamson was president, and first man in this Act.

The Theses Fairlie did defend, which thogh they lies contein,

Yet were fair lies, and he the same right fairlie did maintein.

The feild first entred Master Sands, and there he made me see,

That not all Sands are barren Sands, but that some fertile bee.

Then Master Young most subtilie the

Theses did impugne, And kythed old in Aristotle, althogh his

name bee Young.

To him succeeded Master Reid, who, thogh

reid be his name,

Neids neither for his disput blush, nor of his speach think shame. Last entred Master King the lists, and dispute like a King, How Reason, reigning as a Queene, shuld anger vnder-bring.

To their deserved praise have I thus

playd upon their names, And wiss their colledge hence be called, the Colledge of KING JAMES."

His Majesty having arrived at the city, which was then called Glasgow, and now the West Country, Mr William Hay of Barro, delivered a most luminous oration, which, however, the sight of such a splendid cavalcade very nearly made him fall through, as he fairly confesses.

"Seing euerie thing heere about mee magnificent, high, and glorious, I am become like one tutched with a Torpedo, or seen of a Woulfe; and my words, as affray


ar loath to come out of my mouth; but it shall be no dishonour to mee to succombe in that for the which few or none can be sufficientlie able."

But he afterwards cheers up, and proceeds in the following strain, which we boldly stake against the finest things ever uttered by Counsellor Phillips :

"O, day! worthie to bee marked with the most orient and brightest pearls of Inde, or with them which that enamoured Queen of Nile did macerat to her valorous as vnfortunat lover! O, day, more glorious (becaus without blood) then that in which, at the command of that imperious captain, the sune stayed his course, and forgot the other hemisphere! Thou hast brought vs againe our prince, by three diadems more glorious than hee was in that last day, when with bleeding harts and weeping eyes wee left him. Those who never looked on our horizon but as fatall comets, nor ever did visit vs but heavie with armes, and thirstie of

blood-Thou, O day! as benigne planets, friends, and compatriots, bringest vnto vs.'

When he concludes, forward steps Master Robertus Bodius, in the name of the University, and delivers a glorious Latin speech, copiously interspersed with Greek quotations, and concluding with the words, "Amen. Amen. Vivat Rex Jacobus in æter


The Glasgow scholars were not deficient in their turn, but thundered

forth Latin poems, signed Robertus Blarus, and Greek congratulations, ending with David Dicksonus.

Paisley would appear to have been a city, noted for its extensive litera

ture even at this remote era of our his

tory; and, what is still more remarkable, their knowledge appears to have come to them by intuition; a great proof of which is exhibited in the volume before us, wherein is a clever oration, delivered in the Earl of Abercorn's great hall, "by a prettie boy, Williame Semple," which commences with the following noble similie :

" A graver orator, Sir, would better become so great an action, as to welcome our great and most gratious soveraine; and a bashfull silence were a boye's best eloquence. But seeing wee read, that in the salutations of that Romane Cæsar, a sillie pye, amongst the rest, cried, Ave Cæsar, to: Pardon mee, Sir, your M. owne old parret, to put furth a few words, as witnesses of the fervent affections of your most faithfull subjects in these parts, who all by my tongue, as birds of one cage, crye with mee, Ave Cæsar, Welcome most gratious Kinge."

When Master Williame had made an end of speaking, another good thousand hexameters were produced in the shape of a Carmen Panegyricum.

At Hamilton, Sir William Mure, younger of Rowallan, presented a copy of English verses, which, in despite of their quaintness and classical affectation, (which, it would appear, were characteristic of the times,) possess no mean degree of poetical merit. We stanzas as a speci

the following the foll

quote men:

"Great JAMES, whose hand a thre-fold

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Hart-rooted rancor, envy borne in hell,
Did long in long antipathie detaine,
To either's ruine, as they both can tell,
Uniting them, thou hast enlarged thy

And maid devyded Albion all bee one."

At Sanquhar, and Drumlanrig, his Majesty was also greeted in Latin poems; and, returning by Dumfries to his English dominions, Mr James Halyday, in the name of the town, scattered the flowers of rhetoric on the King's head, with a most lavish hand.

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To the "Muses Welcome to King James, on his return to Scotland," are appended the "Planctus, et Vota Musarum in Augustissimi Monarchæ Jacobi, Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, et Hiberniæ Regis, &c. Recessu è Scotia in Angliam, Augusti 4, Anno 1617, Ὡς ευκόλως πιπλέσιν αι λαμπραὶ τυχαι! Edinburgi, Excudebat Andreas Hart, Anno 1618." It is a collection of Latin poems, equally honourable to the loyal feelings, and to the erudition of our ancestors, but of which our limits preclude us from exhibiting any specimen.

But we must make an end. What we have said and quoted is sufficient to convince our cotemporaries, both here and in Dublin, that it may be as difficult to imitate the expressions of the loyalty of King James's time, as it was at the Coronation of George IV., to find patterns for the dresses of that age.

When his Majesty visits Scotland we shall be quite content if the memorials which will probably be compiled of the event, convey to posterity spe cimens, as honourable, of the genius the taste, and learning, not only of the universities, but of the merchants, and other civil citizens, as the curious and amusing volume to which we have re



We are really the only samples of wit extant, since poor Sheridan departed, -and Canning's Hyppocrene's grown somewhat drowthy; but mighty as our powers may be, we cannot profess to keep the world laughing for ever without some assistance. Our teeth have lost their original whiteness. from being too much exposed from over-grinning; though some will have this to be the due consequences of sex

agenary decay. 'Tis a foul aspersion We have grown old

" In jokes, not years,
Piercing the depths of fun."

If we be wrinkled, 'tis not from ag but risibility. There are two der trenches (almost) cut in our visa "from mouth to either ear," all throu one simple gentleman-the King of t Cockneys; and the other inhabitan of that smoky land have all left their marks in our features. We can stand it no longer, for they grow more ridiculous, and we more witty every day. Therefore, we intend, for the future, laughing by proxy; and if the gentle reader know of a wide-mouthed, shrewd, idle fellow of an acquaintance, let him be shipped instantaneously in the City of Edinburgh Steam-Boat, under cover, to Christopher North, Esq. He shall be grinner-general of Auld Reekie, and fugleman to the whole world. For when Christopher or his deputy laughs, who shall be grave?

But seriously, the world is growing very dull. There is not a joke stirring. Even the two giant wits of the sister isle, Norbury and O'Doherty, have become chap-foundered. The Ensign has lost all his powers, since he forswore whisky, and grew good. And his brother-wit has been taken with what the sages of Stephen's Green denominate the teasy weasy. The Irish bar has so much changed for the worse, that Charles Philipps himself has betaken his youth and eloquence to Westminster, and English jurors have been lately so bepreached out of bullisın by him, as to give upwards of sixpence damages for a broken head. To be sure, the Templars plead very justly in defence of their dullness, that they laugh too much over Blackwood, and have not leisure for original wit. They may mean this as a compliment, but we don't take it as such. We reckon upon such ascendancy as a matter of course, and entreat our worthy young friends, in return, not to be cast down by the excellence of what they can never come in competition with; and warn them, what a reproach it is to be grave with such ridiculous personages cocked up before 'em, as Lawyer Scarlett, and Attorney Brougham.

Physic is no better than law, and has grown as stupid as an inauguration essay. From the top to the bottom of the profession-from Sir Henry Halford, down to Gale Jones and Dr Drumgoole, it is stale, flat, unprofNo; not always unprofitable. But for the church to acquiesce in the general torpor-the profession of Sterne and is a bad sign; "there's something rotten in the state of Denmark." You know us, my worthy public, for a fellow of open arms. We love you all, as in duty bound, by the laws of reciprocal affection; and therefore beg of VOL. X.



you, when we do give you, or any set of you, a box on the ear, to think nothing of it. Suppose us over our third bottle at Oman's, acting the editor over his mahogany, argufying for the bare life, (the more the nonsense, the greater the spunk, as the Adjutant says,) and putting forth our gouty foot foremost to shew our magnanimity. We are at this moment deeply engaged gaged in dispute, (we have in full perfection that female faculty of writing and speaking at the same time) about the superior intellectuality of the profession. Our opponent waxes angry, (a general trick of our opponents) and has flung at our head Burke's picture of Grenville, and his eulogium on bar-education. "Bar that!" exclaim we. This was too much;-the superexcellent pun upset him, like a Congreve rocket; and so pleased are we with the victory, and the instrument of it, that we intend shipping a cargo of our worst and most spareable puns on board the next whaler, that we may vie with Sir William, and "leap mast high" at contributing to the slaughter of the monsters of the deep.

But independent of this ruse, we had the best of the argument. We maintained, that with respect to the subject matter of study, the professions could not be compared. As to heresies, what so contemptible as Whiggism? With many more sage proofs and vinous reasoning, till we came to issue upon wit and humour, and the tendency of the different modes of life to produce it. The advocate for the pre-eminence of medical wit overpowered us at first with a large catalogue of names we had never heard of-wicked wags of decayed magazines and provincial towns, " Now breaking a jest, and now setting a bone."

He was marvellously obstreperous-we heard him out-and turned him out; then fell to ourselves, tooth and nailsurplice against long robe. We came at last to something like a compromise, allowing supereminence to the law in stray jests and Joe Millerisms, while, in supporting a continuous and original vein of humour, we maintained the superiour vis comica of divinity, and clinched our proof by an overwhelmoverwhe ing lot of names, for any of which we were not much indebted to the present age. Our divines, however learned, sage, and exemplary they may be, are


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