[blocks in formation]

Columbus Secun-

dus, Chap. VII. 33-Chap. VIII. 36
Chap. IX. The Grassmarket, 38-Chap.
X. Angling and shooting, 40-Chap.
XI. The Fishmarket, 206-Chap. XII.
Being the chapter of blunders, 210
Chap. XIII. The King's birth-day, 304
Chap. XIV. He is mistaken for a high-
wayman, 308-Chap. XV. Leith races,
389-Chap. XVI. The same subject.
993-Chap. XVII. He is disturbed by

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Wauchope, 238
Weir, 358

White, 608

Wilson, 358, 489

Wilton, 609

Wingate, 358


Addenbroke, 359

Aikman, 489
Aitken, 359
Allan, 490
Allison, 489
Anderson, 240
Annett, 610
Armstrong, 609
Astley, 490
Bailey, 490
Barrett, 610
Bartolozzi, 240
Belfrage, 490

Besborough, 610

Bethune, 239, 359
Birrell, 610

Blair, 359, 360

Blane, 609

Boswell, 358

Boyd, 609

Brodie, 240

Brougham, 239

Brown, 489, 609

Bruce, 610

Brymer, 359

Bucknor, 359
Burnet, 240
Burney, 610
Burt, 490
Cairns, 609

Cameron, 240

Cumming, 240
Cuninghame, 359
Currie, 610
Dallas, 240
Dalrymple, 489
Darling, 359
Davidson, 609
Dickie, 359
Douglas, 609
Donaldson, 359
Drummond, 359
Dumbreck, 240

Duncan, 609, 610
Dunlop, 490, 610,
Dupre, 490
Edmonstone, 609
Egmont, 359
Elphinstone, 239
Ewan, 490
Ferguson, 359

Ferrier, 609

Fleming, 358
Fletcher, 240

Forman, 359

[blocks in formation]

Fraser, 240, 359, Manners, 609


[blocks in formation]

Mansfield, 610

Marshall, 359, 489,
Martin, 239, 490
Matcham, 489
Maxwell, 489
Mexborough, 240
Mill, 489, 610

Millar, 240, 359,


Milnes, 359

Moffat, 359

Moinet, 359

Moncrieff, 490

Hawthorn, 239

Hay, 489, 610

Montague, 240

Campbell, 358,359,

Hervey, 359

Moreau, 359

360, 490, 609,

Hill, 489

Morrison, 359

Hog, 239

Hogg, 489

ib. 610

Carey, 609

Carmichael, 609, Homburgh, 359

610, ib.

Carr, 240

Chalmer, 609
Chalmers, 358
Chisholm, 359
Christie, 239
Cleghorn, 490

Cleland, 359
Clephane, 490
Cochrane, 239

Colquhoun, 490,


[blocks in formation]

Honstedt, 609
Hope, 489

Mowbray, 240, 610

Munro, 359
Murison, 359, 489
Murray, 609
Neilson, 239, 490

Hunter, 239, 489, Nish, 359

609, 610

Hyslop, 489

Inchbald, 239

Irving, 360, 490

Isbister, 490

Ivers, 489

Jersey, 239

Johnstone, 359

Kay, 359
Kelly, 240

Ker, 359, 610, ib.

Keyden, 609

Kinnaird, 359

Knox, 359
Lacom, 490

Landale, 489

Crawford, 359, 609 Lawmont, 610
Crooks, 610

Nooth, 489

Norrie, 609

Ogle, 239

Ogilvy, 240, 489
O'Meara, 240

Parr, 358

Paterson, 359, ib.

Pattison, 489

Perigord, 490
Prentice, 240

Primrose, 239

Queen, the, 239
Rainey, 239
Ramsay, 490
Reay, 349

Reid, 239, 359
Rennie, 360

Lawrence, 239

Rollo, 490

Printed by James Ballantyne & Co. Edinburgh.

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