
have come down, with the little lad in it, and he must have been dashed to pieces.-No child ought to be subject to these dangers.

There was a trial not long since, where the father of a little boy brought an action against a master chimney sweeper, with whom the father had placed the boy. It was said that the boy's back was covered with marks from severe beating; and that his health was injured by lying on damp soot. The master was acquitted; for when the boy's back was examined, it appeared that there were no marks upon it, and, moreover, that the soot on which he slept was perfectly dry, and that though he had occasionally received correction, it was not severe. The master was, therefore, very properly acquitted, not having been found guilty of that which he was accused of; yet what a scene of misery does this open to us; and particularly so when we learn the truth, that the boy's father had himself sold his boy to the chimney sweeper; and that, now the boy had learned how to sweep, and was therefore worth more, the father wanted to get him into his power, that he might sell him again for more money. What a wretched business it must be, that opens a door to so much cruelty and misery!

I am, Sir, &c.

D. G.

We have received the following Letter on the same subject.

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HAVING read with much interest, your account of the poor chimney sweepers, for whose situation I have always felt the greatest compassion, I address this to you as an evil not mentioned in any of your papers, which I therefore hope may not now exist;

Selections from different Authors.


but which I know did exist some years ago; I al lude to girls, as well as boys, being engaged in this sad employment. A friend of mine, a very benevolent lady, having been informed of this, and finding, in one instance at least, that it was true, obtained, I believe with some difficulty, her release, clothed her and put her to school, where she was taught to read and work, and appeared likely to make a good servant. My friend died not very long afterwards, and I have never heard more of this girl; but if such an evil still exists, I trust that the society established for the consideration of this subject, and which I hope has already done a great deal, may be able to put a stop to it.

Feb. 5. 1825.

0. L.

We hope it is not very common to employ girls, but we know that there are some women chimney sweepers, and these probably learned the trade when they were children. We are glad to be able to record the praise-worthy conduct of one chimney sweeper, who has his boys well washed every Sunday morning, and put into creditable clothes. This man attends a respectable dissenting chapel in the neighbourhood of London, and takes his boys with him. The money collected on the first of May, goes towards furnishing the boys with their Sunday clothes. ED.


FAITH, revived and strengthened by prayer, and fixed on God alone, is a stranger to fear in the worst of times.-Bishop Horne.

If God will save, none can destroy; if He will destroy, none can save. Let Balak, then, curse Is

blessing," O Lord, upon thy people, and it is sufficient. Bishop Horne.

Irreligion and ungodliness bring neither comfort nor prosperity, neither content nor hope.-Miller.

If the tendency of industry, in itself, be exceeding great towards temporal success, even without its true root in the heart; how much greater must it needs be, when we may safely trust that the Almighty's blessing follows it.-The same.

Lord, "thy commandment is exceeding broad." Give me understanding of that, and my soul shall live! O give me grace, that when mine end shall arrive, I may be found watching.-The same.

Neglect not assemblies for thanksgiving and prayer; for, when you diligently attend on these things, the powers of Satan are demolished, and his pernicious kingdom is dissolved by the agreement of your faith.-Ignatius.

Surely there cannot be a more rational, or promising beginning of our daily occupations, as members of a Christian family, than a common offering of prayer and praise to God. How improving, when the business of the day is over, again to assemble in the presence of the Lord, to render Him an account of our proceeding; to acknowledge our own defects, and his exceeding mercies; to be assisted by the word of divine truth, in banishing from our minds the cares and vanities which had too powerful a hold upon them during the day; and so to be prepared and purified for the more secret and particular devotions of the chamber.-Bishop Blomfield on Family Prayer.

Every Christian ought to be the head and guide of the Church in his own house; to instruct, admonish, and encourage all its inmates to the zealous performance of the common work which they have to do for Him, who is the Lord and Master of them all-The same...

He, who by prayer engages the assistance of Je

Extracts from the Public Newspapers, &c. 143 hovah, will rise superior to all bis temptations. Bishop Horne. ..

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Sleep is a short death, and death is a longer sleep; but the same God watches over the Christian, in his bed, and in his grave. The same.

A Christian is to remember, that he does not stand alone in the world, but is bound to assist others in their spiritual course, that by sanctifying, through the means of daily prayer, one family alone, a valua ble contribution is made to the stock of national im provement; and above all, that it will be a source of unspeakable joy at the day of general account, that of those committed to his charge, none has, through his carelessness, been lost.Quarterly Theological Review.

Family religion is necessary to keep alive a spirit of true piety, to excite a love of religious knowledge, and to confirm religious principles in the several members of a household.—The same, så

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EXTRACTS FROM THE PUBLIC NEWSPAPERS, &c. Nothing can be more worthy the attention of those who have the care of children than to endeavour to prevent the least inclination to Gambling. What appears perhaps very trifling at first, may grow into consequences the most serious.Gambling is ruin to the poor and to the rich; it is ruinous to the mind as well as to the fortune, and leads to every kind of misery and distress.-The following extract is taken from a London Newspaper.

Court of King's Bench.-The King versus Josiah Taylor.— The defendant appeared before the Court to receive his judgment for keeping a common gaming-house. He had formerly been a partner in a respectable banking-house; but, in consequence of his fondness for gaming, he was urged by the partners to leave the concern. He soon became insolvent, and took the benefit of the Insolvent Debtor's Act. Then he opened a magnificent establishment in London, furnished in a splendid style as a gaming-house. This house was kept open at all hours of the day, and the defendant presided as master. In this manner, he had, in the space of eight years, realized the enormous sum of 100,0007,; and had ruined the

happiness and fortunes of many individuals and families. One unfortunate gentleman had lost 300/. in the house; and this preyed so on his mind, that within three months, he is said to have died of a broken heart. Others, it was sworn, had been driven almost to madness by the losses they had sustained in the defendant's house. Mr. Justice Bailey said, that, by the affidavits, it appeared that no expense had been spared to tempt persons into the house, and that, while the visitors were in a state of phrenzy, a system of gambling was pursued that would destroy the greatest fortunes in the kingdom, and involve all classes of persons in ruin. The Court was of opinion, that this was a very aggravated case, and sentenced the defendant to pay a fine of 50007., and be imprisoned in the house of correction, at Clerkenwell, for one year; at the end of which time, he is to enter into recogni. zances, himself in 10,000l., and find sureties for 20007. each, for his good behaviour for five years from the time of his liberation.

For a Cough. Some people say, “take treacle and butter boiled together." What can be more absurd and foolish? People think that, when they are hoarse and cough, they can besmear the parts affected just as they would the wheels of a waggon. What goes into the stomach, does not touch that part which causes the cough. Promote perspiration, keep from further cold, and put a plaster or blister upon the breast, and this will do more good than all the old women's remedies for this complaint.-Medical Adviser.

A plaster is a good thing, and a blister is often better, though, for a slight cough, the last seems rather a severe remedy. Certainly, swallowing large messes is more likely to do harm than good, as it loads the stomach, prevents diges tion, and encourages fever. But as a cold generally arises from perspiration being checked, the true way to cure it is to encourage perspiration; a small quantity of any thing that is mild and hot, taken in bed at night, is the best way of doing this. Where a plaster is disagreeable, a piece of wash leather, or flannel, on the breast, will be of use; indeed, the warmth of a plaster is often one of its greatest recommenda



WE have received the communications of D. D.; E. W. B.; O. L.; N. N.; H; T. B. P.; S.; C. S.; E. M. ; S. T. H. ; and T. H.

We are much pleased with the letter of" A Herefordshire Servant," introductory to his Verses; but the punning style in Epitaphs is quite contrary to our taste.

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