

6th. This chemical agent takes the place of expensive and complicated apparatus.

7th. The manufacture of sugar from the cane and the beet root will be so simplified that the alterations which are requisite need not be feared. 8th. Every manufacturer can, without making great changes in his establishment, apply the process immediately.

9th. The cost of production will be considerably diminished.


In relation to Ireland, The Nation was the first journal, owned and edited by a Catholic, which charged the horrors endured by human nature in that island equally on its clerical politicians and its foreign rulers.

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To the emigrants in this country we devoted a fixed department, explained by its motto--" Educate, that you may be free." We told them their faults in the plainest language. We showed that they were "tools" in society, "units" in political influence, and "the dung" instead of "the seed" The Belgian government takes the matter all at of the American Catholic Church. We preached to them "a wise selfishness,' once to heart, and the minister of the interior, Rogier, has made it the subject of a special report liness, and frugality;" we exhorted each man to to the king. The report is too long to be trans-own his own house, and his own opinions. lated for our columns, but in it the minister speaks in high terms of the discovery, and mentions that the approaching harvest of the beet root will permit experiments to be made in a proper manner. He suggests that a special commission be organized to state the results of the experiments, and requests that the decoration of the order of Leopold be given to M. Melsens.

The Moniteur Belge subsequently announces that the special commission has been ordered, and the nomination made of the chemist to the grade of Chevalier of the Order of Leopold.

In relation to Rome, we advocated the republic, vindicated the Triumvirs, opposed the collection of Peter's Pence, and urged the total separation of the temporal from the spiritual power.

These were new ideas in our Irish community but many were prepared for their reception. We have the satisfaction to know, that in each town, state and territory, throughout North America, some Irishmen have received, advanced, and manfully upheld them.

But it cannot, ought not, to be concealed, that a ized to stifle these opinions in their infancy, and to wide-spread and powerful influence has been organcrush The Nation, their organ. For half a year we have been informed of the workings of this influence in several states and cities, and have

These proceedings look as if there were more in the discovery than we were inclined to suppose. The sugar planters of Louisiana will be very anx-endeavored, by remonstrance, and every honest ious for the publication of M. Melsens' secret; which cannot but prove of interest even to our maple sugar boilers in the north.-N. American.

From the N. Y Nation, 1 Sept.

Nation Office, 121 Fulton-street,
New York, August 28, 1849.

IN Paris, the press is persecuted in the name of
"law and order;" in Petersburg, it is excluded as
an open enemy; in Rome, it is silenced in the name
of religion; in Dublin, it is suspended for "the
Where can freedom of
security of the crown."
speech and writing find a refuge, if not in these
United States?

mitigation of language, to conciliate or remove it. It is implacable, and continues so.

In the dioceses of Boston, Hartford, New York, Albany, Buffalo, Pittsburg, and Toronto, special measures have been taken by many Catholic clergymen to arrest the circulation of the New York Nation. Our subscribers or ourselves have been denounced, by name or description, from the altars, and in other ways by the clergymen of South Bos ton, Mass., Pawtucket, R. I., Springfield, Mass., Cohoes, N. Y., Lockport, N. Y., in some of the churches of this city, in St. Patrick's Cathedral, and in Richmond, and other parts of the diocese of Philadelphia. In one instance (that of Mr. O'Grady, of Cohoes) the right of confession was refused by the clergyman, Mr. Van Reeh, to a subscriber for The Nation. In other towns our travelling agents have been denounced by clergymen as soon as they arrived, and literally "hunted out." This has been going on since the beginning of the year.

But even here it is sometimes subject to one species of interference-the interference of a selfish combination, a corporate conspiracy, which, if less By none of our reverend opponents is it mainsummary, is not less successful in its attempts to stifle opinion and punish independence. An in-tained that the journal, to which they have shown stance of this method of violating the liberty of the press is now submitted to the American public; in whose power it is to make it the last, as it is probably the worst, experiment of the kind, hitherto attempted here.

A short statement of the facts in this case will enable all men to judge whether it does not call for a prompt verdict of public condemnation.

On the 28th of October, 1848, I commenced the publication of a weekly newspaper in New York, called The Nation, "to be devoted to Ireland and her emigrants, and the European democracies." From the first number, it had to deal with the causes of the degeneracy and destruction of the Irish in Ireland, with the intellectual and social condition of the emigrant Irish in America, and with European questions, such as have arisen in France and Germany, and of late, especially with the Roman business.

such hostility, is either anti-religious or immoral. They only see "a tendency" injurious to their influence in its constant comments on the sins of the Irish clergy against their country, and those of the supreme pontiff against Rome. And this tendency, as The Nation circulates almost exclusively among Catholics, is considered formidable enough to justify their course against it.


It is easy to show that the entire American public are interested in it. It concerns liberty, and liberty concerns us all. The safety of a republic is the intelligence of its citizens, and in this the Irish form a numerous class. It is not unimportant to the commonwealth that independent opinion should be promulgated through their special organs. They have acquired the ballot-but the best of the ballot is the safety it affords to independent men. Those who can be led or driven in groups from side to

If American opinion declares that The Nation newspaper shall not be controlled by clerical dictation-if, wherever such dictation is attempted, native as well as adopted citizens shall publicly condemn it-if the American press should adopt a similar course, then the Catholic clergy of this republic would confine themselves to their legitimate clerical duties, and a sound and enduring basis of opinion be laid among the Catholic laity to their own advantage, and the credit and honor of the entire commonwealth. (Signed)

side, may vote in any way; they are not citizens, | visited Hanover, he heard this nante mentioned, as but slaves. Such electors are valuable only to the widow of Professor Peabody, of Dartmouth speculators in the vote-market, or aspirants after College. It occurred to him that she might be the lucrative offices, to which their merits do not en- patroness of Clarissa Peabody. But his story was title them. not about this lady. He visited her, and made the inquiry; but she said she was not the person who gave the money to educate the heathen girl that bore her name, but it was Lucy Osborn, a colored girl that once lived with her; she had given it out of her wages at one dollar per week. She now lived in Lowell. When he was in that city he made a request from the pulpit, that if any one knew such a person he would make it known; and after meeting, a gentleman introduced her to him, and he had the pleasure of informing her of the fruits of her beneficence. He had since seen Mrs. Peabody, and heard more about Lucy Osborn. He learned that she had never received more than $1 a week, but she made it her uniform practice to give $1 at monthly concert. Her friends remonstrated, but she said the Lord would never permit her to suffer. If she was disabled, the Lord had provided an almshouse; and there were many who were willing to give money to support an almshouse, who would not give it to convert the heathen. since I came here, but a gentleman said, if I would And now, said he, I told this story once before tell it again at this meeting, he would make Lucy Osborn an honorary member of the board.



THE American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions held its fortieth anniversary in the Congregational meeting-house in Pittsfield, on Tuesday, the 11th of September, 1849.

We have read the report of the proceedings with great pleasure. There seems to have been a hearty devotion to the great matter in hand-undisturbed by the controversial heat which too often interrupts the best business, and drives away or weakens the spirit of love.

We were much affected by the simplicity and self-denial shown in the following story, told by a venerable missionary to Ceylon.

Correspondence of the Tribune.


Great Salt Lake City, July 8, 1849. PERHAPS a few lines from a stranger in this strange land, and among a still more strange people, will be judged sufficiently interesting to find a place in your columns.

row and difficult ravines, we found ourselves suddenly and almost unexpectedly in a comparative

Mr. Poor said that his first duty on meeting with the board should be to report himself to the official members from whom, thirty-three years ago, he received his commission as their mission- The company of gold-diggers which I have the ary to India. But where are they? Where are honor to command, arrived here on the 3d inst., Governor Treadwell, and Dr. Lyman, and Dr. and judge our feelings when, after some twelve Spring of Newburyport, and Worcester, and hundred miles of travel through an uncultivated Evarts? They do not need that I should report desert, and the last one hundred miles of the disto them, for they are among the cloud of wit-tance through and among lofty mountains and narnesses with whom this meeting is surrounded, and now hold us in full view. He spoke of the good hand of God upon himself and his brother missionaries; of six that were sent out at that time, he said there were three able-bodied men yet remaining, and he straightened himself to his full height and shook his arms as he spoke it. He dwelt fondly, as he is accustomed to do, upon the schools of the Ceylon mission. A single anecdote of the many he related with his peculiar force and naiveté, we copy from the report of the Boston Traveller:

He would conclude by relating a story. Moses Weltch, he said, was his assistant pastor. He had been a long time in the employ of the mission, and was a very useful man; but his story was not about him. His wife was Clarissa Peabody, and she was educated at the female boarding-school, and was a very efficient helper to her husband. When it was proposed to build the first church among the natives, she generously gave a portion of a lot of land that was given her as a dowry, for a site for the church. She had done many other noble deeds. But it was not the wife that his story was about. It was about Mrs. Clarissa Peabody, whose name she bore. When he returned to this country, and


We descended the last mountain by a passage excessively steep and abrupt, and continued our gradual descent through a narrow canon for five or six miles, when, suddenly emerging from the pass, an extensive and cultivated valley opened before us, at the same instant that we caught a glimpse of the Great Salt Lake, which lay expanded before us, to the westward, at the distance of some twenty miles.

Descending the table-land which bordered the valley, extensive herds of cattle, horses, and sheep were grazing in every direction, reminding us of that home and civilization from which we had so widely departed-for as yet the fields and houses were in the distance. Passing over some miles of pasture-land, we at length found ourselves in a broad and fenced street, extending westward in a straight line for several miles. Houses of wood or sun-dried brick were thickly clustered in the vale before us, some thousands in number, and occupying a spot about as large as the city of New

York. They were mostly small, one story high, with its age, the most gigantic of all republics in and, perhaps, not more than one occupying an existence-being only in its second year since the acre of land. The whole space for miles, except- first seed of cultivation was planted, or the first ing the streets and houses, was in a high state of civilized habitation commenced. If these people cultivation. Fields of yellow wheat stood waiting were such thieves and robbers as their enemies for the harvest, and Indian corn, potatoes, oats, represented them in the States, I must think they flax, and all kinds of garden vegetables, were have greatly reformed in point of industry since growing in profusion, and seemed about in the coming to the mountains. same state of forwardness as in the same latitude in the States.

I this day attended worship with them-in the open air. Some thousands of well-dressed, intelAt first sight of all these signs of cultivation in ligent-looking people assembled; some on foot, the wilderness we were transported with wonder some in carriages, and on horseback. Many were and pleasure. Some wept, some gave three neatly and even fashionably clad. The beauty and cheers, some laughed, and some ran and fairly neatness of the ladies reminded me of some of our danced for joy, while all felt inexpressibly happy best congregations in New York. They had a to find themselves once more amid scenes which choir of both sexes, who performed extremely well, mark the progress of advancing civilization. We accompanied by a band who played well on almost passed on amid scenes like these, expecting every every instrument of modern invention. Peals of moment to come to some commercial centre, some the most sweet, sacred, and solemn music filled business point in this Great Metropolis of the the air, after which a solemn prayer was offered Mountains; but we were disappointed. No hotel, by Rev. Mr. Grant, of Philadelphia. Then folsign-post, cake and beer shop, barber-pole, market-lowed various business advertisements, read by the house, grocery, provision, dry goods or hardware clerk. Among these I remember a Call of the store distinguished one part of the town from another, not even a bakery or mechanic's sign was anywhere discernible.

Seventeenth Ward, by its presiding bishop, to some business meeting-a Call for a Meeting of the 32d Quorum of the Seventy, and a Meeting of the Officers of the 2d Cohort of the Military Legion, &c. &c.

Here, then, was something new; an entire people reduced to a level, and all living by their labor -all cultivating the earth, or following some After this came a lengthy discourse from Mr. branch of physical industry. At first I thought Brigham Young, president of the society-partakit was an experiment-an order of things estab-ing somewhat of politics, much of religion and lished purposely to carry out the principles of philosophy, and a little on the subject of gold— "Socialism," or "Mormonism." In short, I showing the wealth, strength, and glory of Engthought it very much like Owenism personified. land, growing out of her coal mines, iron, and inHowever, on inquiry, I found that a combination of dustry-and the weakness, corruption, and degraseemingly unavoidable circumstances had produced dation of Spanish America, Spain, etc., growing this singular state of affairs. There were no ho- out of her gold, silver, etc., and her idle habits. tels, because there had been no travel; no barbers' shops, because every one chose to shave himself, and no one had time to shave his neighbor; no stores, because they had no goods to sell nor time to traffic; no centre of business, because all were too busy to make a centre.

There was an abundance of mechanic shops, of dress-makers, milliners, and tailors, etc.-but they needed no sign, nor had they time to paint or erect one, for they were crowded with business. Beside their several trades, all must cultivate the land or die; for the country was new, and no cultivation but their own within a thousand miles. Every one had his lot, and built on it; every one cultivated it, and perhaps a small farm in the dis

Every one seemed interested and pleased with his remarks, and all appeared to be contented to stay at home and pursue a persevering industry, although mountains of gold were near them. The able speaker painted in lively colors the ruin which would be brought upon the United States by gold, and boldly predicted that they would be overthrown because they had killed the prophets, stoned and rejected those who were sent to call them to repentance, and, finally, plundered and driven the Church of the Saints from their midst, and burned and desolated the city and temple. He said God had a reckoning with that people, and gold would be the instrument of their overthrow. The constitutions and laws were good, in fact the best in the world, but the administrators were corrupt, and And the strangest of all was that this great the laws and constitutions were not carried out. city, extending over several square miles, had been Therefore, they must fall. He further observed, erected, and every house and fence made, within that the people here would petition to be organnine or ten months of the time of our arrival-ized into a territory under that same government while at the same time good bridges were erected notwithstanding its abuses-and that if granted over the principal streams, and the country settlements extended nearly 100 miles up and down the Valley.


they would stand by the constitution and laws of the United States; while at the same time he denounced their corruption and abuses.

But, said the speaker, we ask no odds of them, whether they grant us our petition or not! We

This territory, state, or, as some term it, “Mormon Empire," may justly be considered one of the greatest prodigies of the age, and, in comparison] never will ask any odds of a nation who has driven

us from our homes. If they grant us our rights, well—if not, well; they can do no more than they have done. They, and ourselves, and all men, are in the hands of the great God, who will govern all things for good, and all will be right and work together for good to them that serve God.

Such, in part, was the discourse to which we listened in the strongholds of the mountains. The Mormons are not dead, nor is their spirit broken. And, if I mistake not, there is a noble, daring, stern, and democratic spirit swelling in their bosoms, which will people these mountains with a race of independent men, and influence the destiny of our country and the world for a hundred generations. In their religion they seem charitable, devoted, and sincere-in their politics, bold, daring, and determined-in their domestic circle, quiet, affectionate, and happy-while in industry, skill, and intelligence, they have few equals, and no superiors, on the earth.

I had many strange feelings while contemplating this new civilization, growing up so suddenly in the wilderness. I almost wished I could awake from my golden dream, and find it but a dream; while I pursued my domestic duties as quiet, as happy, and contented as this strange people.

Sunday, P. M.

Since writing the foregoing, I have obtained a copy of one of the Mormon songs, which impressed me deeply this morning, being sung to a lively tune, accompanied by the band.

Lo, the Gentile chain is broken!

Freedom's banner waves on high;
List! ye nations: by this token,
Know that your redemption 's nigh!
See, on yonder distant mountain,

Zion's standard wide unfurled;
Far above Missouri's fountain-

Lo, it waves for all the world!
Freedom, peace, and full salvation,
Are the blessings guaranteed;
Liberty to every nation,

Every sect, and every creed.

Come! ye Christian sects, and Pagan,
Pope, and Protestant, and priest:
Worshippers of God and Dagan-

Come ye to fair Freedom's feast.
Come! ye sons of doubt and wonder,
Indian, Moslem, Greek, or Jew-
All your shackles burst asunder;
Freedom's banner waves for you.

Cease to butcher one another,

Join the Covenant of Peace;
Be to all a friend and brother-
This will bring the world's release.

Lo! our King, the great Messiah,

Prince of Peace, shall come to reign; Sound again, ye Heavenly Choir : "Peace on earth, good will to men."

Please excuse these hasty and imperfect lines, written while seated on a trunk of goods, with the paper spread in the sun on a parcel of clothing, and the wind blowing sufficiently to carry away the sheets before they are signed.



"WE allow again that there is another obscurity upon the face of this dispensation; we know not the philosophy of sanctifying grace; not unto modes to conceive its operations; and this is a what class of beings to reduce it, nor unto what speculation that our Saviour himself argues us ignorant of, as much as we are of the issues and retreats of the wind; and yet he thought fit to leave us so. Whether the knowledge of it were too excellent for us; or whether it were too useless, as no way conducing to the ends of practical wisdom; for we may observe of our Saviour, that, in all his discourses, he never entertained his auditory with any doctrine that was purely speculative; because such kind of knowledge is apt to make us more vain than wise; had he led our understandings through the whole theory of grace, we could not have accommodated it better to our uses, than an honest heart now can without any further insight; no more than, if he had stoopt to teach us the philosophy of the wind, any mariner could have gathered it more commodiously into his sheet. It is not then our emulation to determine how the work of sanctification is done; our only care is that it be done; we pretend not to declare, but thankfully to admire, by what ray the divine grace opens and shines in upon our understanding, clearing it from worldly prejudices and the impostures of flesh, and rendering it teachable, considerative, and firm; by what motion it inspires good thoughts, excites good purposes, and suggests wholesome counsels and expedients; by what welcome violence it draws our wills, steers our appetites, and checks our passions; by what heat it kindles love and resolution and cheerfulness of endeavors; by what discipline it extinguishes sinful imaginations and loose desires; by what power it awes the devil, and foils temptations, and removes impediments, and strengthens and exhilarates amidst all difficulties; and finally, by what patient art it turns, moulds, and transforms our stubborn nature into new notions, new savors, new powers, new acts, new aims, new joys; as if we were entirely new creatures, and descended from another race; all these effects do as well by their wonder as their benefit render grace, as our apostle calls it, the unspeakable gift; a gift surmounting our apprehensions as well as it does our merit. That these are all the effects of God's grace we know, because he has declared them to be so; that they are so, we know, because many of them are wrought beside our thinking, many without our seeking, and all beyond the reach of our too well known and experienced infirmity; that they are so, we know, because their being so comports best with the great end of all things, (that is,) the glory of their Maker; for it tends much more to the glory of the mercy of God, to watch over and lead and assist infirm creatures than to have made them strong."-Dean Young's Sermons, vol. 1, p. 158.

Translated from a late French journal for the New York Journal of Commerce.



In fact, however, during forty-eight hours, a fire that would roast an ox was kept up in this saloon.

The emperor retired for a moment to change

In the first days of December, 1807, the officiallinen, and then came into the saloon and sat down part of the Moniteur contained the following para- to breakfast with the Grand Marshal, Berthier, graph: and General Lauriston. The Mameluke Roustant was the only attendant.

"This night His Majesty the Emperor and King set out from the Tuileries on a six weeks' journey, accompanied only by his Grand Marshal of the Palace, Prince Berthier, and the aide-de-camp on duty, and a few servants."

After having eaten the leg of a fowl with great celerity, as was his habit, he cast his eyes over some letters placed all open before him, by his aide-de-camp, looking only at the signatures.



No one knew the object of this journey, although "Ah! ah!" exclaimed he, in contemplating some persons, generally well informed, supposed one of those letters, "it is from the son of Madame that Italy was the only country that the emperor de Stael! He desires to see me ;" and addressing would visit. In truth, it was to Milan and Venice his guests, in order to have their opinion, he added, that he repaired; but the principal motive of this" what can there be between me and this wild lad journey, generally unknown, was to bring about a from Geneva? what motive has he to speak with reconciliation between himself and his brother Lucien, whom he had not seen since his second marriage. Napoleon knew that Lucien was the only one of his brothers who could aid him to move onwards upon the wide extensive road, which he had so laboriously opened, for the accomplishment of his vast projects; and for this purpose he named a certain day and hour to meet him at Mantua.

Accompanied by Duroc, Berthier, and General Lauriston, the emperor crossed the Alps over the Simplon the road formed by his orders-and arrived at Milan, where he was enthusiastically received. Thence he passed through Venice, amidst pomp and splendors such as were formerly lavished on the doges, and reached Mantua, where Lucien, punctual to the rendezvous, awaited him. But, after a short interview, Lucien not wishing to accede to the brilliant proposals of his brother, the latter immediately left Mantua to return to Paris, passing by Alexandria, Turin, and Chambery.

'Sire," said Lauriston, "the person who handed me this letter is a very young man, and seemed rather an interesting one, as well as I could judge by the light of the bougies."

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"A very young man, do you say? Ah! that alters the case,' and, turning round, he told Roustant to say to M. de Stael that he would be received.

In a few minutes after this consent for admission was given, the eldest son of the authoress of Corinna entered the saloon. He presented himself to the emperor without timidity, and gracefully and respectfully bowed. Napoleon returned his salute by a slight bend of the head, and immediately entered into conversation with him, whilst his guests all the time remained silent, continuing their repast. "Come nearer, M. de Stael," said he with kindness.

The young man approached nearer. The emperor looked earnestly at him. "You resemble your mother very much," said he; "whence do you come?"

"From Geneva, sire," replied M. de Stael, looking downwards.

"Ah, it is true; and your mother, where is she at present?"

"At Vienna, sire."

"She will have fine occupation in learning German."

The emperor was impatiently expected during two days in the old capital of Savoy, though it was well known that his sojourn there would be no longer than the time necessary for taking breakfast. The couriers who generally preceded his carriage were on this occasion delayed. The great quantity of snow which had fallen rendered the roads almost impassable. At length, on the 29th of December, at 5 o'clock in the morning, after "Sire, can you believe my mother could be an excessively dark and cold night, the foremost of happy, away from her country and from her friends? the couriers entered the yard of the Hotel de la Were I permitted to show your majesty the letters Porte at Chambery, followed shortly by the unes- written to me since her departure, you would percorted carriage of the emperor. His custom ofceive, sire, how much her exile renders her worthy travelling day and night rendered the precaution of your compassion." of an escort impossible.

M. de Stael, son of the celebrated Madame, was waiting here two days for the emperor, in order to present a letter supplicating an audience.

General Lauriston took this letter, as was customary, in order to lay it before Napoleon when they were installed in the hotel.

"What do you require me to do in this affair? It is all her own fault. I do not pretend to say, on that account, that she is badly inclined. She is witty and intelligent; she has too much talent, perhaps, and that is what makes her so ungovernable. She was reared in the chaos of a declining monarchy and of an advancing revolution; she

In crossing the saloon where breakfast was pre-made of all that a dangerous amalgamation, with pared, Napoleon said, in a tone of ill-humor, "It the fertility of her mind, and her mania for writing is not warm here!" upon everything and upon nothing; for your mother

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