
through the obedience and fufferings of his Sonhis inviolable faithfulness and truth in executing the threatening of death on him who confented to bear our iniquities. Here we fee the mercy, juf tice, holiness and truth of God, all united and op. erating in concert; fo that, as the Pfalmift fays, mercy and truth are met together, righteoufnefs and peace have kiffed each other. Truth fprings from the earth-and righteousness looks down fromheaven: The Lord gives grace and glory; his falvation is nigh to them that fear him, and glory dwells on the earth. He fpeaks peace to his people in fuch a manner, that they may not turn again to folly."

In this difpenfation there is a door of hope opened to the most unworthy.

A finner, under deep conviction of his guilt, is apt to fear, that there can be no forgivenefs for him. When Peter reprefented to the Jews their horrible wickedness in crucifying the Lord of glory, the Redeemer of finners, they were pricked in the heart and faid, "What fhall WE do? You teach us, that whofoever fhall call on the name of the Lord, shall be faved. But do we come within this general encouragement? We have with wicked hands crucified and flain this Savior. Is there any pardon for us?" Yes; fays the Apostle," the promise is to you; it is to all: Repent therefore for the remiffion of fins." In fuch a cafe as this, finners need fome other ground of hope, than a general declaration, that God is good. For though they are perfuaded of God's goodness, they cannot from thence certainly conclude that fin may be forgiven-much lefs that all fins, fuch fins as they have committed, will be forgiven, and the offenders received to favor. To penitent fouls fuch grace might appear incredible. To remove from them all fears and fufpicions, God has difplayed the riches of his grace in giving his Son to be a propitiation for fin,

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God's mercy to pardon is matter of faith; but the death of Chrift is matter of fact, of which there is fenfible evidence. On this our faith refts;-convinced of this, we can easily believe, that God's mercy will forgive the penitent.

In this difpenfation believers have the greatest poffible fecurity. Their falvation is in the hands of a divine Savior-not in their own hands. If it depended on themselves wholly, it must at best be very precarious. Innocent Adam, and many of the angels, loft their firft state. And furely the fallen fons of Adam cannot recover themselves. And if they were once recovered and pardoned, yet without a better security than their own ftrength and obedience, they ftill muft perifh; for one tranfgreffion would again involve them in guilt and ruin.

But their salvation is lodged in better hands than their own-in the hands of one who is mighty to fave and who will keep what is committed to him. They are juftified by a righteousness which is perfect by the righteoufnels of the Son of God-To him they are united by faith-From him they derive grace to help in time of need--By his grace they are ftrong; they are able to do all thingsThey are kept by the power of God through faith unte falvation.

This difpenfation holds forth the most awful terrors against fin, and the most powerful motives to obedience.

When we fee the holiness and juftice of God difplayed in the fufferings of Chrift for the fins of men, it is a just and natural reflection." If these things were done in a green tree, what will be done in the dry?"If the Savior, fubftituted in our place, endured fuch anguish, What are they to expect, who, rejecting his atonement, are doomed to fuffer the demerit of their own fins?--If God spared

not his own Son, when our iniquities were laid upon him, furely on the unbelieving and impenitent he will caft the fury of his wrath, and will not fpare.

But, on the other hand, What glorious hopes are fet before thofe, who by repentance flee from the wrath to come! God, who has done so much for the falvation of a guilty race, will affuredly accept those who submit to him; will affift their endeavors to ferve him, and will reward their humble obedience. And how glorious must be that reward, which is purchased for believers, not by works of righteousness which they have done, but by the all perfect obedience and moft precious blood of a divine Redeemer. "The gift by grace, which is through Jefus Chrift, will abound to the faithful

They will receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteoufnefs; and grace will reign through righteousness unto eternal life." Juftly then might the Apoftle fay," God has abounded to us in all wifdom and prudence."

Our fubject ought to awaken the guilty and impenitent, and urge their speedy escape from the evil which threatens them. Great is the demerit of fin, or fo coftly a facrifice for its expiation would not have been required. But let finners' remember, that their guilt great as it is, will be greatly aggravated by their contempt of the blood of Chrift, and their abuse of the riches of divine grace. If he who despises the law of God deserves death without mercy; how fore will be the punishment of thofe, who tread under foot the Son of God, resist the grace of the holy Spirit, and profane the blood of the covenant!

What a happy fecurity believers enjoy! They are made accepted in the Beloved. And if they are accepted in him, they are doubtlefs fafe.There is no condemnation to them who are in

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Chrift Jefus. Nothing fhall be able to separate them from the love of God, which is in him.Their life is hidden with Chrift in God; and when Chrift fhall appear, they will appear with him in glory.

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EPHESIANS i. 9, 10, 11, 12.

Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to the good pleasure, which he hath purpofed in himfelf, that, in the difpenfation of the fulnefs of times, he might gather together in one, all things in Chrift, both which are in heaven, and which are in earth; even in him, in whom alfo we have obtained an inheritance, being predeftinated according to the purpofe of him, who worketh all things after the counfel of his own will, that we should be to the praife of his glory, who firft trufted in Chrift.

REDEMPTION from the prefent guilt and the future punishment of fin, is a bleffing which comes to finners from the grace of God through our Lord Jefus Chrift. This bleffing is granted, not indifcriminately to all, bu: peculiarly to those who believe and truft in Jefus Chrift, and who repent and become holy before God. These qualifications are the gifts of God, but gifts ufually beftowed in a way of means. That divine operation, which difpofes the hearts of finners to repentance and faith, is afforded to them in their attendance on the inftructions of the gospel. The grace of God, however, in bringing finners to repentance of fin, and faith in the Savior, is no lefs

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