
I cannot say, I will not say,

That he is dead, he is just away.

With a cheery smile, and a wave of the hand,
He has wandered into an unknown land,
And left us wondering how very fair,
It needs must be since he lingers there.

And you, oh you, who wildly yearn,
For the old time step and glad return,
Think of him faring on as dear,

In the land of there as the land of here.

I cannot say, I will not say,

That he is dead. He is just away.

In a body the Board proceeded to the residence of the late Mr. Beidler, Willoughby, Ohio, and participated in the funeral ceremonies, meeting the members of the family and expressing sympathy and regrets.

There being no further business, the Board adjourned to meet at the call of the President.


September 20, 1912.

Committee on Buildings and Grounds met, with Messrs. Dean and Cromley present.

The bids were received and opened for the construction of disinfecting tanks at State Serum Farm, in accordance with plans and estimates made by Sanitary Engineer A. E. Kimberly, and approved by the State Board of Health, and the following bids were submitted:

Seymour Renick, Findlay, Ohio.

H. E. Miller, 1197 Franklin Ave., Columbus-
Moor Bros., 412 Stoddart Ave., Columbus_-

All bids being under the engineer's estimate of $1,000.

$977 00

800 00

995 00

Upon recommendation of Engineer Kimberly the contract was awarded to H. E. Miller, for $800, said bid being the lowest and best.

The Secretary was authorized to contract with the Potts-Rine Company for installing pumping plant and machinery, at its bid of $1,449.60, it being the lowest and the best bid.

In the matter of purchasing of transformers and meters necessary for electric current and light at the State Serum Farm the following bids. were submitted:

The General Electric Co..
The Westinghouse Electric_.

$470 70

525 55

Upon recommendation of Dawson & Holbrook, architects, the contract was awarded to the General Electric Company at $470.70, it being the lowest and best bid.

Dawson & Holbrook, architects, were instructed to prepare plans and specifications as soon as possible for fence around grounds and race track.

No further business, the committee adjourned.


COLUMBUS, OHIO, October 16, 1912.

Pursuant to call of President Dean, State Board of Agriculture met Wednesday, 9:30 a. m., October 16. Following members responded to roll call: Messrs. Dean, Lybarger, Ganson, Ewart, Cross, Farnsworth, Cromley, McFarland and Kilgore.

Secretary read minutes of meetings of August 25th, 27th and 31st, State Fair Grounds, and meeting of Hollenden Hotel, Cleveland, September 16th. Upon motion same were approved and ordered recorded.

Upon motion of Mr. Lybarger the contractors for installation of pumping system at the Serum Farm were instructed to purchase a 25-cycle slip-ring construction meter, at an additional cost of $87 to the contract price of $1,449.60. Motion seconded by Mr. Cromley. Upon roll call motion unanimously carried.

Secretary read report on State Fair finances as follows: $20,000 transferred from State Savings Bank and Trust Company to the State Treasury; still remaining on deposit at the bank, $8,425.18, with some outstanding bills yet to be paid.

Secretary read following statement reference premium money appropriated by Board from 1908 to 1912: (See attached.)

Reference appropriation for educational exhibit, it was moved by Mr. Lybarger, seconded by Mr. Farnsworth, that the sum of $3,000 be offered in educational premiums, and that the offer of $1,000 from the Middle West Soil Fertility League be accepted. Motion carried.

Secretary presented bill of Windhorst & Co. for $650 additional for one day's extra lighting of State Fair Grounds and Buildings. motion of Mr. Lybarger, Board voted $600 for payment of said bill.


Upon motion of Mr. McFarland, seconded by Mr. Farnsworth, it was unanimously carried that Secretary be instructed to investigate the advisability of securing electric current for light and power for the Ohio State Fair Grounds, and to ascertain if it is possible to get same from electric plant at Ohio Penitentiary. Motion carried unanimously.

In the matter of boys' corn-growing contest for 1913, it was moved by Mr. Ewart, seconded by Mr. Cromley, that same be conducted by

Ohio State Board of Agriculture, with prizes the same as for 1912. On roll call motion carried unanimously.

It was moved by Mr. Ganson, seconded by Mr. Cromley, that the Secretary be authorized to work out details of the corn boys' trip to Washington, and that he be instructed to extend to Governor Harmon invitation to honor the party with his presence. Motion carried unanimously.

In the matter of funds for Ohio's exhibit at American Land and Irrigation Congress, New York City, November 16 to December 2, it was moved by Mr. Kilgore, seconded by Mr. McFarland, that State Emergency Board be asked for sufficient funds that Ohio may be creditably represented at said congress. Motion carried unanimously.

Moved by Mr. McFarland, seconded by Mr. Ganson, that arrangements be made to dedicate Serum Farm during week of annual meeting in January. Motion carried.

Reference refund of money paid for exhibit space in Machinery Department at State Fair, it was moved by Mr. Ewart that Mr. Johnston be refunded $5, but that in the case of Mr. McIntire refund. be refused. Motion carried.

It was moved and seconded that State Fair of 1913 begin first week of September. Motion carried.

At this point Board recessed for lunch.

Board reconvened at 1 p. m., with all members present.

At this point Messrs. Ewart and Fleming presented reports of their visit to Minnesota State Fair; Messrs. McFarland, Farnsworth and Sandles reported the New York State Fair, and Messrs. Dean and Cross the Illinois State Fair. Many valuable suggestions were presented.

It was moved by Mr. Lybarger that all reports be accepted, placed on file and expenses allowed. Motion carried.

It was moved by Mr. Ganson that bond of Treasurer Kilgore, furInished at time of holding State Fair, be released. Motion carried.

Mr. Farnsworth moved that plans and specifications, as submitted by Dawson and Holbrook, architects, for fence around race track and on the north and east sides of Fair Grounds, be accepted, subject to the approval of the Building Commission, and that Secretary be instructed to advertise for bids, fence to be completed by first of June. Motion seconded by Mr. Cromley. Upon roll call all members voted aye.

Moved by Mr. Ganson that the Secretary be instructed to make formal request to the Big Four Railway officials for train service between Columbus Union Station and Ohio State Fair Grounds during future State Fairs, at intervals of not less than fifteen minutes. Seconded by Mr. Farnsworth. Motion carried.

It was moved by Mr. Ewart that Secretary and architect be in

structed to prepare preliminary sketches and plans for a live-stock colosseum to be erected on State Fair Grounds. Motion seconded by Mr. Kilgore and unanimously carried.

Farmers' Institute Committee, composed of Messrs. Lybarger, Cross, Farnsworth and Ewart, recommended selection of following institute lecturers for season of 1912 and 1913: Frank Blackford, John Begg, J. S. Bribham, F. L. Allen, S. J. Baldwin, C. E. Beekley, E. A. Brenneman, J. L. Buchanan, H. Burkholder, S. W. Burlingame, W. F. Copeland, C. W. Elliott, J. F. Gordon, D. D. Harsh, R. A. Hayne, Austin Herrick, G. C. Houskeeper, J. F. Hudson, J. A. Hummon, George S. Lentz, Horatio Markley, J. C. Martindale, J. W. Nicodemus, George E. Scott, J. L. Shawver, Bert Smith, L. G. Spencer, M. C. Thomas, M. L. Tressler, II. S. Vandervort, C. R. Wagner, Wells W. Cook, H. L. Cosgrove, W. P. Elliott, H. E. Evans, C. F. Green, R. C. Knisley, W. A. Matheny, George D. Hayes and W. D. Zinn.

The committee also recommended that not more than $42 per week and expenses be paid instructors; that the institute season begin December 9th; that at each institute the state speakers deliver one address explaining the work of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture; that the Secretary be instructed to invite lecturers to Columbus to attend an instruction meeting before the opening of institutes, and that Secretary be instructed to provide lady speakers for institutes requesting such speaker, if practicable to do so.

Moved by Mr. Cromley, seconded by Mr. Kilgore, that report of Institute Committee be accepted. Motion carried unanimously.

It was moved by Mr. Ganson that Secretary Sandles be authorized to represent the Board at meeting of American Association of Institute Workers, at Atlanta, Ga., November 11. Motion carried.

No further business, Board adjourned at 4:00 p. m.

COLUMBUS, OHIO, November 26, 1912.

Pursuant to call of President Dean, Ohio State Board of Agriculture met Tuesday, November 26, 1912, 10 a. m., with the following members responding to roll call: Messrs. Dean, Ganson, Cross, Cromley, Ewart, Kilgore, Farnsworth, Lybarger and McFarland.

Secretary read minutes of Board meeting of October 16th. Same were approved by Board.

Secretary read communication from Ohio State Board of Administration, reference electric current at Ohio State Fair Grounds.

In the matter of annual meeting of the Board, it was moved by Mr. Lybarger, seconded by Mr. Kilgore, that the President and Secretary prepare program for same. Motion carried.

Architect Holbrook presented preliminary plans for colosseum, 220 feet wide, 375 feet long, for Ohio State Fair Grounds.

It was moved by Mr. Cromley, seconded by Mr. Lybarger, that Legislature be asked to make appropriation of $150,000 for erection of said live-stock colosseum. On roll call motion was carried.

At this point Board recessed until 1 o'clock for lunch.

Board reconvened for afternoon session.

Mr. S. A. Kinnear, of Columbus Public Service Commission, Mr. Thomas M. Sherman, Sixteenth Ward Councilman, Charles E. Warren, Thirteenth Ward Councilman, and F. D. Conley, Fifteenth Ward Councilman, committee representing City Council of Columbus, appeared before Board relative to use by the city of the State Fair Grounds as a public park.

Committee was informed that the question would be given due consideration by Board members.

Secretary Sandles explained arrangements for corn boys' trip to Washington, December 16 to 21.

Reference meeting of American Association of Fairs and Expositions at Chicago, beginning December 2, it was moved by Mr. Ewart, seconded by Mr. Farnsworth, that Mr. McFarland and Mr. Fleming be delegated to attend same. Motion carried.

At this point Secretary Sandles advised that Board take up and prepare budget of needed appropriations for Department for years 1913 and 1914.

On motion of Mr. Kilgore, Board went into executive session for consideration of budget, after which adjournment of Board until call of President.


COLUMBUS, OHIO, January 15, 1913.

At 12 o'clock m., as per advertised notice, State Board of Agriculture met to open and consider bids for the construction of iron fence at State Fair Grounds. Following members were present: Messrs. Cromley, Ganson, Ewart, Farnsworth, Kilgore, McFarland, Lybarger, Dean and Perkins.

Following bids were submitted:

Enterprise Foundry & Fence Co., Indianapolis, Ind.-Race track fence, lump sum, $1,813.78; ground enclosure fence, lump sum, $9,024.75. Total, $10,838.53. Martin Krumm, Columbus, Ohio-Race track fence, lump sum, $1,933.43; ground enclosure fence, $8,098.39. Total, $10,000.00.

Champion Iron Co., Kenton, Ohio-Race track fence, $1,669.44; ground enclosure fence, $8,364.26. Total, $10,033.70.

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