[ocr errors]

448. I.H.S., ii. 191. King (Bishop Henry), his marriage, vi. 250. Lawyers' wills, viii. 16. Lochiel's Warning,' iv. 127. Milton and Christ's College, Cambridge, x. 30. Morland (George), at Kensal Green, xii. 429. St. George: George as a Christian name, vii. 375. Seward (Anna), ix. 171, 285. Walton and Cotton Club, ix. 310. Walton (Anne), her epitaph, x. 68. Vaughan (Dean), his pupils, vii. 128 Martin (Symon), apprentice to M. Johnson, 1692, x. 203

Martin (W.) on Iland, iii. 98. Treasure-trove, iii. 182

Martindale, Westmorland, curates of, vii. 230 Martindale (J. A.) on " Walkyn Silver," iii. 29. White turbary, ii. 13

'Martine Mar-sixtus' and Robert Greene, ii. 483 Martingale, its etymology, vi. 5 Martinique, its records, ix. 415

Martyr, first Russian Christian, viii. 6, 93 Martyrs' Memorial, Essex, unveiled, xi. 65 Maru, Japanese word, its meaning, vii. 268, 318; viii. 131, 376; x. 180

Marvel (William), public executioner, viii. 245, 335, 353

Marvell (Andrew), lines by, i. 469; his 'Poems and Satires,' iii. 47; his step-relations, vii. 130 bibliography of his 'Miscellaneous Poems," 1681, 423; and Oliver Cromwell, and Milton, viii. 375

Marvin (F. Rowland) on ' Bathilda,' iv. 28. Birthmarks, i. 493. Evans: Symonds: Hering: Garden, iv. 328. "Get a wiggle on," ii. 274. Home, Sweet Home,' v. 476. Italian author, ii. 307. Latin lines, i. 268. Louis XIV.'s heart, ii. 496. Marvin (J. G.), viii. 117. Napoleon's coronation robe, v. 115. Pop goes the weasel, iv. 54. Shakespeare's bones, ix. 9. Southcott (Joanna), her celestial passports, xi. 137

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Marvin (J. G.), his Legal Biography,' 1847, viii. 6, 117

Marwood (William), public executioner, d. 1883,

viii. 246

Mary (Blessed Virgin), her title, "Our Lady of the Snows," i. 246, 311, 392, 511; black images of, iv. 305; image at Doncaster, vii. 9, 56; and the birth of children, 325, 377, 417, 437; vii. 36; The Seven Joys of Mary,' viii. 481

Mary I. (Queen) at Wormley, Herts, vii. 508; viii. 114

Mary, Queen of Scots, bust in the Louvre, i. 28; use of the designation, 36, 90; her descendants, ii. 6; her harp, 71; letter of 1562, iii. 325; monument erected in St. Andrew's, Antwerp, by, v. 449; xii. 489; anachronism in lines on, vi. 27; medallion in St. Mary's, Antwerp, 52; Fouché on, viii. 49; birth of a child in Edinburgh Castle, viii. 249, 333, 492; ix. 74; bell which tolled for her execution, ix. 468; at Leith, x. 229; portrait of, 368; her crucifix, xii. 208, 274, 498; her spur and brooch, 368, 456

Mary Overy on St. Andrew's cross, viii. 507 Marylebone, place-name, xi. 201, 270, 291, 356, 415, 451

Marylebone on George IV.'s early household, x. 390. Morris (Rev. H.) of Burnley, xii. 388 Maryland and Kennedy family, vii. 29 Marylebone Literary and Philosophical Society, ii. 167

Masburensis, its identity, xi. 228, 413

Masefield (C.) on ladies' head-dresses in theatre, v. 433, 477. Splitting fields of ice, iv. 395, 513 Mash, mesh, or marsh, use of the word, iii. 313; iv. 35 Masham family, v. 387, 467, 512 Maskelyne (T. S.) on Bourne in place-names, xii. 372. Ivery, The," Wiltshire local name, xii. 152



Maskelyne Islands, and Nevil Maskelyne, xi. 326 Maskyll, the term "tonne maskyll" in 1432, iii.


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Mason (C.) on bankrupts in 1708-9, ii. 487. Birth at sea in 1805, iii. 13. Calvert (Sir W.), iii. 38. Catalogues of MSS., iv. 531. Constables of the Tower, ix. 391. Cromwell (Major Richard), 1648, v. 69. Crown Hotel, St. Martin's Court, ix. 77. De Morgan: Turville, iii. 312. Duke's Bagnio in Long Acre, iv. 277. Earife, co. Kent, xi. 290. Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, iii. 452. English Crown jewel, iii. 494. Erskine (Charles, Cardinal), x. 518. Hair-powdering closets, iv. 453. Highlanders barbadosed, viii. 235. Looping the loop, iv. 474. Macdonald (Flora), vii. 247. Marriott (Rev. Randolph), iii. 88. Panignano (Count A. de): Holloway, iii. 8. Parish documents: their preservation, iii. 36. Schools during the Civil War, viii. 395. Talman (William), architect, vii. 288. Travelling in England, 1600-1700, v. 348. Turnbull (Mrs.), 1839, xi. 371. Villiers (George), Duke of Buckingham, iii. 109. Wilde (Oscar), bibliography, vii. 13

Mason (Charles), Royalist divine, and Viscount Belloment, iii. 388

Mason (Sir John), d. 1566, his marriage, x. 487 Mason (Stuart) on gaol literature, xi. 511. Wilde (Oscar), his birthplace, vi. 448. Wilde (Oscar) bibliography, iv. 233, 266; v. 238, 313, 355; vi. 296 ; xi. 254

Mason (William), poet, his portraits, iv. 49
Mason family of Stapleton, Gloucestershire, x. 28
Masonic portrait of Earl of Chatham, i. 427
Masonicus on Lord Kelvin on the tides, ii. 269
Masonry and religion, vii. 467, 513
Masons' marks, ii. 500; iii. 228, 296, 332, 354;
iv. 15

Masquerier (John James), his portrait of Napoleon,

vi. 84

Mass, Mozarabic, in Spain, v. 250, 339
Mass, solitary, and the Roman Church, iii. 8, 95
Massacre of Glencoe, order for, 1692, vii. 287
Massacre of St. Bartholomew in Paris, vii. 389
Massé (H. J. L. J.) on pewter plate, xi. 507
Massinger (P.), lines in Fatal Dowry,' i. 348;

burial-place in St. Saviour's, Southwark, vi. 248
Mass-meeting, earliest use of the term, ii. 250
Masson (A.) on dolls in magic, x. 272. Hornsey
Wood House, vii. 274. Pink saucer, x. 158.
School and college tokens, ix. 237
Massucci (Agostino), painter, his baptism, vi. 344
Maste or pulle in Caxton's Fables of Æsop,' viii.


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Master, courtesy title in Scotland, i. 14

Master of the Horse, Lord Granard as, viii. 268 Master Pipe Maker of Woolwich, 1692, xi. 10, 316 Masters (E.) on the fate of the Tracys, iv. 335. Pillion flails, iv. 72

Masters (Mary), poetess and friend of Dr. Johnson, iii. 404, 474

Mastick and holm trees, their modern names, v. 489

Matches, lucifer, their invention, xi. 427; xii. 56

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Matthews (Albert) on American Loyalists, i. 390. Anthology,' by Thomas Bee, xi. 218. Avalon, ii. 411. Bacon (Nathaniel), ix. 47. Beachey Head: to hull," xi. 294. Bier-right: ordeal by touch, xii. 87. Bullock (William) on Virginia, xi. 277. Castor oil, xii. 157. Divingbell, iii. 349. Duels between women, xii. 77. "Entente cordiale," ix. 338. Epitaphs, their bibliography, i. 334. Every man has his price," vii. 492. Father of his country," ix. 151. Female abolitionist (first), vi. 470. Fire fire out, viii. 455. Gomara's Conquest of the Weast India,' xii. 374. Grimke (John Faucherreaud), vi. 136. Harley (Sir Edward) and Parliament, vi. 126. Holworthy family, ix. 377. "Jack Robinson," xi. 232. Kitty Fisher's Jig,' ix. 197. Land Office: "Land Office business," xii. 415. Lincoln (Abraham), and European politicians, vii. 275; on the sufferings of slaves, viii. 14. Liverpool Library, ix. 414. "Local option," viii. 50. Lynch law, xi. 515; xii. 133, 495. Martin (Christopher), vi. 53. Month's mind: "To have a month's mind," iii. 54. Monuments to American Indians, xii. 230. Moose, i. 153. Northumberland (7th Earl of), his descendants, xi. 336. November 5 in America: Pope Night, xii. 458. Oregon, xii. 358. Paine (T.) and the Declaration of Independence, xii. 441. Papers, i. 172. Paul (John) or Paul Jones, xii. 12. Piccaninny, iv. 128. Pimlico : Eyebright, xi. 310. Place, v. 412; vi. 93. Providence, Island of, i. 13. Punch, the beverage, vi. 72. "Raisins of the Cure," ix. 393. Rattlesnake Colonel, xi. 17. Robin Hood in French, vi. 135. Routledge family of Charlestown, viii. 74. Savoy, its Mastership, 1658-9, ix. 421. Set up my (his) rest," vii. 175. 66 Silly Billy," i. 183. Slavery in the United States, vii. 153. "Sub rosa, ix. 433. Swerve, vi. 55. Talented, ii. 418. Tandem, iii. 146, 454. Tea as a meal, i. 456. Tote, ii. 161. Wheatley (Phillis) and her poems, xi. 30, 214. Whitman (Walt) on Alamo, xii. 91. Woman with masculine name, ix. 517. Words and phrases in American newspapers, xii. 50, 271, 370. Yale (Elihu): Pilgrim Fathers, xi. 111

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English cardinals' hats, ii. 96. Font consecration, ii. 336. Fonts, desecrated, ii. 171. Glass manufacture, i. 52. Grammar: nine parts of speech, i. 94. Phillipps MSS.: Beatrice Barlow, ii. 72. St. Dials, i. 72. Steer to the Nor'-Nor'-West,' iii. 13. Walbeoff family, i. 413 Matthews (T.) on Gosling family, viii. 209 Matthias, the American religious impostor, vii. 184 Mattison (M.) on Abraham Lincoln on slaves, vii. 248

Maude (John), Rector of SS. Anne and Agnes, vi. 30, 114

Maupassant and Swinburne's rescue from drowning, xi. 505


Mauraden, 1558, its meaning, xii. 149, 378
Maurice (F. D.) on Greek architecture, i. 334
Maurice (Widow), printer, 1828, x. 67, 158, 257
Mauritius, arms of, viii. 446
Mawbey (Sir Joseph), inscription at Chertsey, vii.
Mawbey (William), of Botleys, Surrey, his sons,
V. 8
Mawdesley (F. L.) on London statues, ix. 364
Mawe, sixteenth-century card game, x. 468
Mawer (Rev. John), his linguistic attainments, vii.
Maxwell (General), his letters from Sebastopol, iii.
21, 104


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Maxwell (Sir Herbert) on Bourne in place-names, xii. 130, 272, 434. Brock: badger, v. 432. Campbell, x. 432. Clouds, their formation, ix. 213. Cockburnspath, xi. 436. Cockburnspath: Maxwell, xii. 256. Creevey Papers,' i. 355. Desecrated fonts, ii. 253. Elizabeth's portrait at Holyrood, iv. 508. "Famous Chelsea, iv. 470. French words in Scotch, ix. 450. Gamelshiel Castle, vii. 56. Hydrophobic patients smothered, i. 210. Immurement alive of religious, i. 50. James I. of Scotland, his daughters. ii. 56. "Over fork: fork over," vii. 33. Quice, i. 194. St. Andrew's cross, ix. 32. St. Columba's Well, vi. 510. St. Ninian's Church, ii. 137. Stewart (General Charles), i. 174. Stymie at golf, ix. 414. Sword of Bruce, viii. 371. Tideswell and Tideslow, i. 278, 371. "Vin gris : milliners' colours, ix. 391. Virgil, Eneid,' I. 462, vi. 5. Vowel-shortening, x. 132. Yew tree, xii. 477 Maxwell (General Patrick) on Begum Sumroo, i. 14, 69 Maxwell (Sir W. S.) on gardens, i. 288, 357 Maxwell family of Ardwell, iii. 389 Maxwell surname, its etymology, xii. 213, 256 May on Northumberland and Durham pedigrees, ii. 331. Smith (John), 1679-80, xii. 309. Tenths and Fifteenths, x. 88

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May (Dame Mary), her monument in Midlavant
Church, i. 449, 497
May (Mr.), C. Lamb, and S. T. Coleridge, i. 61,


May (Thomas), on casting lots, i. 476; his ' Julius Cæsar,' Latin tragedy, xi. 248

May blossom: knots of may, xi. 344, 437 May Day, in Newport, Rhode Island, i. 126, 173; in North Devon, 406; two poetical tracts, iii. 344; v. 155; its observance in old days, v. 325; music at Magdalen College, 368, 413 May Day celebrations, i. 160; ii. 75; ix. 345, 398; xi. 343, 437

May dewing, observance of the custom, iii. 429, 477; iv. 17

May family, Anglo-Dutch, ix. 70

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Maycock (Willoughby) on authors of quotations wanted, vii. 309; viii. 230, 237, 273; ix. 192. Gladstone's horsemanship, ix. 234. High treason, x. 354. Meets of hounds announced in church, x. 468. 'Melton Breakfast,' viii. 333. Pigott's Jockey Club,' xii. 135. Reindeer: its spelling, viii. 258, 416. St. Mary the Egyptian, xi. 391. Seecatchie: holluschickie, their meaning, xii. 94. Shakespeare and MillerMundy, ix. 457. Surrey Gardens, x. 32. Weare (William), his murder, viii. 349

Mayers' song, musical rendering, i. 7; ii. 7, 512; iii. 75

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Mayfair marriages, and Parson Keith, xii. 127 Mayfield, St. Dunstan at, i. 149, 216, 293 Mayflower pilgrims, their English ancestry, vi. 21 Mayhew (A. L.) on Abbacyrus: Aboukir, viii. 448. Abbey: abbaye, a Swiss club, viii. 257. Adespota, vii. 105. Adoxography, xii. 387. "Amel of Uida," vii. 325. Balzo, in 'Purgatorio,' viii. 226. Banzai, ix. 405. Bird's claw in demonology, vi. 366. Breese in Hudibras,' vii. 515; viii. 113. Buskin, its etymology, vii. 25. Camoens, Sonnet cciii. : "Frescas belvederes," vii. 190. Chautauqua, x. 68. Christmas Day and Lady Day, x. 508. Compostéla, origin of the name, xii. 27. Corisande, iv. 352. Dear "O dear no!"x. 434. Dreary, iii. 405. Duma, v. 472. Eastry, Kent, xi. 237. Edinburgh : its derivation, x. 473. Etymological notes, four, iv. 164. Every mickle makes a muckle,' X. 286. Firgunanum, Irish word, vii. 51. Fiteres rags, viii. 32. "Franche leal et oie,' vi. 251. Gowdike, viii. 214. Grisbet, Somerset word, x. 427. Growing down like a cow's tail, iv. 264. Haakon VII., iv. 466. Hackney, ix. 11. Harka, its meaning, xii. 127. High Wycombe its etymology, vi. 464. : Huel, its meaning, xii. 488. Huff: "In a huff," v. 448. Hypocrite, vi. 28. Italy a geographical expression," iv. 330. Ivery, Wiltshire local name, xi. 385. Jirgah, ix. 427. Kees (Jan), iv. 509. Maghzen, vi. 467. Mahalla, its meaning, vii. 45. Martingale: its etymology, vi. 5. Mediterranean: the name, x. 351. Melisande Ettarre, iv. 393. Millet, religious community, xii. 384. Miramoline, xi. 45. Mulatto, its etymology, vii. 68. N, liquid, in English, xi. 251. 66 Noli altum sapere," xii. 216. 'Notes and Queries commemoration, xii. 251. Pagan, iv. 304. "Peccavi": "I have Sindh," viii. 345. Petrach's two greyhounds, vii. 445. Piddle as a land measure, x. 373. Plaxtol, x. 33. Ply, iv. 44. Pot-waller: potwalloper, viii. 298. Pour, v. 329, 435. Rebound, verb, v. 395. Retable, viii. 65. Roan: its etymology, v. 425. St. Devereux : St. Dubricius, vii. 327. Sardana, viii. 56. Scaramouch, x. 153. Scott's Search after Happiness,' xii. 409. Shakespearian vowel-sounds, vi. 281. Steelyard, vi. 369, 412. Teenick, Kentish word, x. 467. Thurcet, its meaning, X. 29. "Tikes and churls," xii. 430. 'Times

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as The Thunderer," ix. 396. Tittle, its etymology, iv. 325

Mayhew (Horace), Letters left at the PastryCook's,' x. 427, 475.

Maylam (P.) on teenick, Kentish word, xi. 57. th as a symbol, x. 436. Vocabulary of peasant, viii. 506. Woodnesborough, near Sandwich, xi. 270. Wooset, horse's head, xi. 27 Maylor Grange, its whereabouts, x. 89, 277 Maynard (Lady), Nancy Parsons, d. c. 1808, x. 447 Maynard family of Curriglas, v. 185; vi. 11, 471 Mayne (Ant.), Esq., temp. James I., iv. 48 Mayne (John), his Logan Braes,' xii. 33 Mayo (C. H.) on Samuel Haynes, i. 269 Mayo (Rev. É. H.) and the Great House, Cheshunt, vi. 385, 473 Mayo (Lord), his epitaph in St. Paul's crypt, vi. 226 Mayo (Rev. William), Vicar of Romsey, ix. 110 Mayor (Prof. J. E. B.) on Byron and misanthropy, viii. 126. Calvin's Institutes,' 1536, ii. 285. Cowper (W.), letters, ii. 1, 42, 82, 122, 162, 203, 242. Delagard, preacher, i. 503. Vicar executed for witchcraft, ii. 265

Mayor (Lord). See Lord Mayor. Mayor's seal for confirmation, i. 447; ii. 19 Mayors, churchwardens appointed by, ix. 129, 318; elected in churches in Middle Ages, xii. 148, 337 Maypole erected at Huby, Yorkshire, viii. 127 Maypoles, Scotch, Irish, and Welsh, iv. 469; notes on, v. 325; c. 1578, ix. 345, 398 Maze at Seville, ii. 508; iii. 54, 76 Mazes, bibliography of, vi. 209, 313, 397; village, ix. 388, 475; x. 96

Mazzard Fair at Redruth, ii. 228, 312 Mazzini (G.), his letters and Sir James Graham, i. 505; Garibaldi's visit to his grave, viii. 80 Mead (S.) on Nasmyth's Scene in Hampshire,' vii. 448. 'Poor Caitiff,' viii. 49. Wy in Hampshire, vii. 508

Mead (Dr. William), of Ware, his longevity, v. 228, 337 Mead and Penn jury, 1673, v. 8 Mears (James), Westminster scholar, xi. 269 Measles and donkey, x. 326, 398 Measures, weights, and coins, Turkish, x. 488 Meats, flesh, and shamble, i. 68, 293, 394; ii. 54; means of maturing, ix. 389; x. 53, 96, 453; xi. 456; xii. 138

Meauty (Sir Thos.), monument to Bacon erected by, iii. 316

Meaux Abbey, its remains, vi. 248, 290, 397; vii. 134, 216

Med. on English toys in sixteenth century, viii. 290

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Medal, St. Helena, ii. 9, 95; issued by James II.,
iii. 329, 376; Messianic, 489; Washington, vi.
167, 232, 295
Medal, silver memorial, 1555, its history, ix. 89
Medal presented to Grace Darling, its sale, ix. 285
Medals: au pied de sanglier, i. 88; Peace
Treaty, 1814, x. 37; Charles I., 68, 134;
Accession and Coronation, 130, 190, 230
Medals, war, best books on, iii. 247, 315
Medals and coins, spurious, xii. 46
Medieval on Travers family, i. 208
Medieval churchyards, gravestones in, viii. 390,
452; ix. 56, 173
Medieval clothing, iii. 346
Medical barristers, i. 32
Medical books, Irish printed, before 1700, xi. 428
Medical coroner, first, v. 489; vi. 13
Medici arms and pawnbroker's sign, iii. 207,
Medicine, folk-lore in, v. 129, 195


Medicinal waters, their bibliography, viii. 130, Melville (Lewis), on authors wanted, xi. 387. Beck214, 272

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Medicines, patent, defined, iii. 86, 175
Mediculus on Acqua Tofana, ii. 353. Authors of
quotations wanted, ii. 49, 289, 388; xii. 128.
Birth at sea in 1805, ii. 512. Blood-funkers,
iii. 29. Britten, East End burying-ground,
xi. 29. Broken heart, iii. 9. Bunyan's 'Holy
War,' iv. 88. Burial-grounds: their conse-
cration, vi. 9. By hook or by crook," iii. 409.
Churchyard cough, vii. 156. Eyelashes of
the road," vi. 69.
"First gentleman in
Europe, ii. 309. Free trade smuggling, ii.
250. Gospel of fatness," iii. 49.
Unpaid," xi. 50. H in Cockney, ii. 351. Mass
meeting, ii. 250. Medical coroner, v. 489.
Motherhood late in life, viii. 449. "Ocular
demonstration," ii. 189. Pepys's 'Diary,'
ii. 314. Phrases and reference, ii. 128.
Pilgrim of eternity," iv. 68. Pop goes the
weasel," iii. 430. Portraits which led to
marriages, iv. 92. Potts family, ii. 313. Psalm-
singing weavers, ii. 194. Quotations wanted,
iv. 10. Raynolds (Thomas), ii. 377. Rockall,
ii. 47. Searchers, vi. 150. Selling oneself to the
Devil, v. 29. Sexes, their disproportion, ii. 315.
Sit on the body," ii. 409. Solidarity of the
human race," vi. 29. Translated surnames, iv.
275. Valadi (Marquis of), v. 69. "Vine"
Tavern, Mile End, ii. 253. Wedding-ring finger,
iii. 236

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Mee (A.) on Coslett, vii. 30. Earthquakes in
Wales, vi. 74. Glamorgan, xi. 306. Lunar
halo and rain, vii. 355. Ramsgate Christmas
procession, v. 374

Meets of hounds announced in church, x. 468, 515
Meighen (Thomas), his biography, iv. 509; v. 35
Meignell (Sir Hugo), his wife, ii. 49

Meikle and muckle, variants of same word, vii. 112
Melampus and the Saint, identification, x. 68; xi.


Melancholy: "Nullum magnum ingenium sine melancholia," i. 148, 212, 334

Melbourne (Lord), memorial brass at Hatfield, ii. 526; his ancestry, vi. 410; and Thackeray, x. 387; and Baldock, xi. 9

Meldenius and the dictum "In essentials, unity," viii. 347

Mélisande, Christian name, iv. 107, 156, 393 Mellish (Sir George), d. 1877, his burial-place, ix. 169

Mellish (J. T.) on Carlyle and Lady Bannerman, 331

Mellon (Harriet), portrait by Sir William Beechey,
vii. 385; and the Wigan stage, xii. 405
Mellon (Sarah Jane) (Miss Woolgar), death, xii.
266, 337

Mellycaton, modern equivalent for, vi. 288, 338
Melmoth (William), his correspondents, vi. 449
Melons, musk, c. 1632, xi. 324

'Melton Breakfast,' by Sir F. Grant, viii. 269, 315,

Melton cloth, origin of the term, iv. 467, 490;
v. 36

Melton jacket, meaning of the term, iv. 467, 490;
V. 36

Mélusine on bridal stone, x. 394

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ford queries, xi. 386. Southy's Authentic
Memoirs of George III.,' viii. 27. Waiter,
murdered, charged in the bill, xi. 410
Melville (Lord) on "Painted and popped," i. 407
Melville (Whyte), lines by, iii. 408
Member of Somerset Archæological Society on a
brass, xii. 338

'Mémoires de St. Pétersbourg,' inquiry con-
- cerning, v. 188, 271
Memorial tablets on houses, ii. 369
Memorials: in London, x. 122, 211, 258, 290, 370,
491; in the British Isles, x. 387; xi. 441; xii.
51, 114, 181, 234, 277, 401

Men, self-made, list in Wroughton House, Wilts,
iii. 426

Men, young, their light in pre-Reformation churches, vi. 34, 274

Men of family as parish clerks, viii. 448, 516; ix. 35, 271, 334


Ménage (Giles) and W. S. Landor, viii. 407, 451
Menager (Dr. Michel) and the Douglas cause, viii.
Mendez (Moses), Maginn on, ix. 211, 416
Menken (E.) on Oscar Wilde's' De Profundis,' iv.
on mural tablet in Sussex church, iv.
"Mensuration School," Robert Burns's, viii. 70,

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Mentor on Blancs Chaperons " at Ghent, iii. 390.
"Wharncliffe Meeting," iii. 367
Mercer (W.) on

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Esare," xii. 264. Inscriptions at Naples, viii. 425; ix. 17; xii. 363. Louis XIV. tablecloth, xii. 408. Missing word, x. 398 Mercer (W. J.) on Gower, a Kentish hamlet, xi. 95. Kentish newspapers, viii. 68. Nonconformist burial-grounds, x. 151. Poll-books, viii. 177 Mercurius on Kingdom's Intelligencer,' vii. 270, 395. Latta surname, viii. 190. Poll-books, viii. 178


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Mercury, the planet, and Copernicus, i. 509; ii. 56
Mercury in Tom Quad, Oxford, ii. 467, 531; iii. 32,
Merdon Manor, Hursley, and John White, xii. 148
Mereday, Christian name, its origin, iv. 248, 334
Meredith (George), your rips and your reps,"
ix. 249; and T. L. Peacock, xii. 88, 132, 175
Meredith (Richard), Dean of Wells, his school,
xi. 410, 474; his marriage, xii. 34
Meredith (William) and Taylor the Platonist, i.

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Merivale (R.) on woolmen in the fifteenth century,
ii. 448

Merltette (Mlle. G. M.) her death, v. 267
Merlin (Louis or Ludovic), Roman Catholic
priest, xi. 369

Mermaid baptized, ix. 371

Merrian (Maria Sibylla), her drawings, vi. 466 Merrick (W. P.) on authors of quotations wanted, xi. 56. Benbow (Admiral), his death, vii. 55. French dictionary for the blind, v. 247. Harvest Supper songs, xii. 276. Norfolk folk-songs, iii. 452. Nursery rime, ix. 478. Old King Cole,' xi. 56. Rinordine,' Irish song, viii.

[blocks in formation]

Merritt (E. P.) on envelopes, i. 58. Stansted
Press, ix. 67. Strawberry Hill Catalogue, vii.
461; xii. 430. Thrale (Mrs.) and Johnson's' In
Theatro,' iii. 161

[ocr errors]

Merry : God rest you merry," iii. 49, 116
Merry (Anthony), statesman, d. 1835, x. 228
Merry (William), 1735, his biography, xi. 89
Merry England, earliest use of the phrase, x. 88
Merryweather (G.) on King Charles the Martyr, xi.

Merton, Statutes of, iii. 8, 195

Mervarid on Allen, iii. 208

Meschianza, meaning of the word, x. 30, 97, 258
Mesham (A.) on Abbots of Crokesden, vii. 449
Mesmerism in the Dark Ages, ii. 168, 314
Mesne, Manor, definitions of, vi. 68, 153, 238, 257,

Mess, canon of wine at, use of the word, viii. 390
Mess, Scotch title prefixed to clergyman, i. 322
Mess dress, its introduction, i. 168, 238, 277
Messenger family of Fountains and Cayton, v. 47,

Messiah name of the Lord, iv. 529
Messianic medal, iii. 489

Mesteque, its etymology, vii. 105
Meston (William), poet, c. 1698, his biography,

ix. 410

Meswinde the Fair, in Saxon song, ix. 8, 54, 77; xii. 196

Meteyard (Eliza), her Love Steps of Dorothy Vernon,' 208; her burial-place, v. 450, 496; her portrait, vi. 77

Methodism, early, in London, viii. 502

Methodism, Wesleyan, its organization, ix. 230
Methodists, Glory of the, i. 406, 476
Metropolitan Municipal Councils, early reference
to, iv. 306

Metropolitan Railway, 1864, described, v. 6
Metropolitan toe," the term in 1642, v. 46
Metternich on Italy, iv. 249

Metwand, derivation of the word, viii. 60
Mevagissey duck, the expression, i. 467
Mew (J.) on bell rung backwards, ix. 229. Keble's
'Christian Year,' vii. 469

Mews Gate, Tom Payne at the, vii. 409; viii. 55
Mewtes (Sir Peter) in Acts of the Privy Council,

ix. 435

Mexico, Sir Francis Drake in, 1904, i. 325

Meyer (Prof. Dr. F.) on authors of quotations, x. 408

Meyer family, ix. 409; xii. 129

Michell (John), Mayor of London, xii. 361, 475
Michell (J. C.) on Beyle: Stendhal, i. 34. Montijo
(Madame de), vii. 310

Michell (O.) on Xavier de Maistre's allusions, v. 409
Michell (R.) on Bishop Island, South Pacific, vi.
29; vii. 69. Duma, vi. 12. Gordon: the name
in Russia, vi. 34. Peroun, ix. 155
Michell family, v. 445, 495

Mickle: Every mickle makes a muckle, mis-
quotation, x. 286

Mickle (W. J.), his 'There's nae Luck about the
House,' iv. 161

Mickleburgh (J. P.) on 'The Lovers,' 1683, iv. 47
Micklethwaite (John Thomas), his death, vi. 358
Midday at Bale, story of, x. 310, 392
Middle Ages, astronomy in, xii. 9
Middle English, glosses of, ix. 126

Middle Templar on Robert Goodwin of Derry,
iv. 366

Middlebrook Museum, its sale, ix. 484
Middlesex, Page family estates in, vii. 322, 410;
houses of the nobility, c. 1880, xii. 143
Middleton (Bishop Fanshawe), his name, vi. 151
Middleton (J.) and Cripplegate water supply, 1483,
iii. 109
Middleton ("Memory "), of Calcutta, iv. 530;
and Warren Hastings, v. 73

Middleton (T.), emendations in his dramas, ix. 301
Middleton family, vi. 329, 453
Middleton Races, 1781, described by Thomas
Blore, ix. 5

Midhurst, Sussex, longevity at, v. 445
Midlavant Church, Dame Mary May's monument
in, i. 449, 497

Midsummer Day, divination by eggs, iv. 27
Midsummer festivities, ix. 481; x. 52
Midwife toad, ix. 129, 236

Milan, Leonardo da Vinci in, i. 26; inscription on
Byron's bust at, 205; inscriptions to English-
speaking persons at, vi. 4; Alexandrian Library
at, ix. 188; and Mediolanum, x. 374
Mildew in books, remedy for, xii. 387, 436
Mildmay (Sir Humphrey), his Diary,' i. 220
Mile End, Mr. Gordon's garden at, i. 349; "Vine"
Tavern at, ii. 167, 218, 252

Mileage computations, old-time, vii. 449, 496
Miles, English equivalent of the Latin word, vii.


Miles (J.) on 'Memoirs of a Young Lady of
Quality,' viii. 450

Miles (W.) on L. H., artist, xii. 29

Meyerbeer (G.), his La Jeunesse de Goethe,' viii. Milestones in England, i. 7, 132, 195

Meyerbeer Scholarship for Music, viii. 190
Meynell (G. T.) on ships' periodicals, xi. 376
Meynell (Mrs.) on authors wanted, xi. 429. German
life, xi. 428

Meynell Langley, Derbyshire, and the Francis
family, iii. 270, 331

Meynes, meaning of the term, i. 49, 92, 217, 251
Meyrick (Rev. T.) and " Pretty Maid's Money,"
viii. 137

Meyrick collection, monumental brasses in, v. 8
Mezzofanti (Cardinal), pamphlet on, 1857, iv. 168;
his linguistic attainments, vii. 6, 57, 112
Mezzotinters, British, ii. 481, 521; iii. 113
Mezzotints in colour by Le Blon, x. 450
Michaelmas custom in Ireland, ii. 347, 431
Michaelmas Day, its date, x. 150, 194, 336
Michel (Francisque), his Les Ecossais en France,'
X. 132


Michell (G. B.) on Cabot and Mychell, v. 357.
Heraldic, iii. 409. Mitchell = Pell, v. 369

Military and martial law, their difference, vi. 386
Military buttons, i. 349, 472

Military execution in 1861 at Malta, iii. 304, 375
Military musters, Tinners in, c. 1572, vii. 428;
viii. 55; in the sixteenth century, xii. 422
Military officer, oldest British, i. 389; ii. 17;

X. 97

Military punishments, the bastinado, x. 248, 355,


Military records, West Indian, prior to nineteenth
century, vi. 428, 476

Militia, City of London, 1716, its records, v. 488;
North Bungay Fencibles, x. 429
Militia lists, early, x. 489; xi. 55, 153
Milk, used in building, ii. 455; snakes drinking,
x. 285, 316, 335, 377, 418; xi. 157, 338
Mill at Gosport, Hants, x. 68, 118; xi. 172
Mill (James) and Jeremy Bentham, their resi-
dence, vii. 350

Mill (John Stuart), on franchise for women, i. 327;
his house at Pentonville, vii. 413

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