5. The wind is piping on our beam-it freshens to a gale; Cheer up! the Lily loves the storm, spare not an inch of sail; I'm prouder here her course to steer, and feel her 'neath me spring, Than that I were a belted earl, or an anointed king! 6. But Bembridge ledge we've weather'd close, and bright before us spread 7. Your flag has waved in every clime; -where, wafted many a mile, 8. Pour'd ye the thunder of your power where bold St Vincent led? 9. Athwart the brine, in snowy line, on, on my Lily flies, Oh! not more stately bounds the deer where Athole's forests rise- TRIP THE SECOND. Wherein the Lily proceedeth in quest of what seemed from the Shore to be a 1. Shipwrecked Mariner. A narrow streak of ghastly grey Athwart the weltering deep: Heed not the breakers rude. 15. Oh God! there's something takes its The Lily through the breakers flies, By four stout oarsmen plied; And, watch'd by many glistening eyes, She gambols o'er the tide: TRIP THE FOURTH. Wherein the Lily visiteth a stranded Ship. 1. THE cheeriest spot in all the earth, Loud let the tempests howl, we give no heed- 2. The sea sings gloriously for aye Its own wild triumph song of pow'r; Tempest or calm it knows no stay, In the great voice we live-it girds us round 3. It seems as if it fill'd my heart; For if, perchance, I inland roam, Never one moment will depart That glorious voice of home My spirit is subdued by it; I crave Needful as food or rest that murmuring of the wave. 4. Ye dwellers by the silent lakes, Where the dull waters lifeless lie, And when the wind its fury wakes Speak they their rage in thunder? and their glee 5. With life, with soul the sea is fraught- Some Alva, when the shape of murder first 6. In its fierce joy it seems to scoff; When its quick ear hath caught the roar Of battling hurricanes far off On mid-Atlantic's floor, It feels the stormy tremor of their wrath, And rears its crested waves ere yet they've cross'd its path. 7. Sleep on, the sated serpent falls, And sleep falls on the wearied main; And though the wind its challenge calls, It answers not again: 'Neath the high shadowing ledge it loves to lie, And on the rock-strewn shore waves sing its lullaby. 8. One night, on its uneasy bed, Our ocean grimly slept and heaved; And o'er its clammy face was spread A mist, so thickly weaved Ye could not pierce its woof-it cover'd all, As Ocean had been dead, and this had been its pall, 9. I sat within my chimney nook, With a bright fire of books a store; A man rush'd in, with startled look- Close to the cliff she lies we heard the sound, 10. "Rouse Bonchurch up!-no moment waste Bring lights," I cried, " and man the boat!" And down I rush'd in breathless haste The Lily rock'd afloat! Six gallant lads jump'd in, and round she flew, 11. Impetuous o'er the shingly beach I struggled onward to Dunnose, And strain'd my eyes the ship to reach, But not an object rose And yet so close she lay, we heard the sound Of seamen's trampling feet winding the capstan round. 12. Voices we heard, but nought we saw, It fill'd our beating hearts with awe, The tide was ebbing fast; and there she lay, By rocks encompass'd round, to wait the coming day. 13. If but a ripple lightly rise If but the gentlest south wind blow; In that same hour a wreck she lies Down the brave ship must go! But hark! the boat has near'd her, shouts we hear, Our men have reach'd the deck, and see, it 'gins to clear ! 14. Slowly, like mighty curtain raised To give some dreaded thing to view, Uprose the mist; and, as we gazed, Clearer and clearer grew The outline of a vessel, looming vast, With all her canvass set, with sails on every mast. 15. Like phantom of a ship it seems, Draped in its solemn mist and cloud; How glimmer 'neath the lanthorn's gleams But lo! like spectre pale, that mocks our fears, 16. All night the Lily round her plied, Six gallants staid on board, and vied In zeal and perilous deed Toiling to warp her off, to clear the sails, Aiding the o'erwearied crew-but nought their strength avails. |