
tution, assuring you of my warm, sincere, and unalterable wishes for its prosperity."

"I perceive Mr. Whitbread gave us a toast at the Anniversary Dinner, "The cause of Education throughout the world." It will be a satisfaction therefore to him, to learn that a School for the children of British soldiers employed in the Peninsula (and to which 320 children, Roman Catholics as well as Protestants, were admitted on its first formation,) was established at Lisbon, more than two years ago, under the sanction and patronage of the illustrious Wellington, who, while he was conducting our brave soldiers to victory in a rightful cause, wisely and benevolently thought that their children ought to be led through the paths of religion and morality, by the blessings of Education, and trained to become useful menibers of society.'

Our limits will not permit us to say more of this interesting meeting, than that it was one of the most satisfactory which has ever yet been held: the whole company seemed animated with one feeling of general benevolence, and a firm conviction that a cause in which all descriptions of the community are deeply interested, ought to receive the support of all.

The following statement will show the present situation and views of the Society:

"The importance of the British System of Education to the best interests of mankind is so universally acknowledged, that no arguments are now requisite to recommend it to public notice.

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"The British and Foreign School Society is established for the promotion of schools in all parts of the world; and as it is apprehended that many benevolent persons, who would be gratified with its success, are not acquainted with the pecuniary burthens which retard its progress, the following particulars are respectfully stated: During the first ten years of the labours of the founder of the British System, by reason of having no established committee nor funds adequate for the building of school-rooms, training of masters, and making the requisite preparations for the diffusion of his plan, he became involved in debt, and experienced difficulties which threatened the absolute ruin of his affairs, and the entire suppression of his method of instruction.

"At this juncture, in 1808, he was extricated by the prompt exertions of a few persons, who at sundry times have advanced above 6000/., and have also devoted much of their time and personal exertion to support so useful an establishment, without which it is probable that the world would not now have been in possession of this valuable Institution.

"By these exertions a great number of schools have been established in England, Ireland, and Scotland, and the system has been

introduced into Asia, Africa, and America, by persons trained and qualified at the Parent Institution. In less than seven years, many thousand children of both sexes have been rescued from ignorance, and have been directed into the paths of virtue and piety.

"At this important period the most unexpected facilities present themselves for the spread of the British System throughout Europe. The anxiety of benevolent persons on the Continent ought to be regarded as an imperious call upon the sympathy and assistance of Britons, to furnish the pre-requisites of qualified school-masters and Jessons in the various European languages. It must be obvious that so great a burthen for the public good ought not to be suffered to press on a few disinterested individuals, and that some effectual means ought to be taken to place the funds of so important an Institution on a respectable footing, and enable the Committee to extend the blessing of universal education to every part of the world. "Hitherto no active steps have been taken to accomplish this desirable object. Those who advanced their property to save the plan from destruction have waited in patience, and have laboured to promote the general good, in the fullest confidence that, when the public should be convinced of the importance of the work, they would then liberally contribute to place it upon a firm foundation. That period is now arrived. Persons in general are convinced of the great utility of the British and Foreign School Society; and it is presumed that an appeal to their generosity will not be fruitless, when it is considered that far larger sums are easily raised for objects of inferior importance.

"The sum required to relieve this society from its difficulties, and place it upon a respectable and efficient foundation, is estimated at 10,000/; and it surely would be thought an unwarrantable reflection on British liberality to say that for such a purpose it would be difficult to raise such an amount. The plan now proposed is, that 100 individuals should each of them either subscribe or undertake to raise the sum of 100l. among their friends, to be applied to the firm establishment of the British and Foreign School Society. If this can be accomplished, the annual subscriptions of the public will be sufficient to carry on the Institution; and no impediment would remain to the most active exertions for diffusing the blessings of knowledge to the population of the whole world.

"The Finance Committee strongly recommend to the friends of universal education the adoption of this plan, and will be happy to receive the names of such gentlemen as may be willing to unite in this effort.

"It is proposed that, as the money shall be received, it shall be immediately invested in the public funds in the names of SAMUEL WHITBREAD, M. P., JOHN JACKSON, M. P., SAMUEL HOARE, jun., and WILLIAM ALLEN, as trustees; and if in the course of two years, reckoning from 1st Jan. 1815, it does not, with accumulated interest,

amount to the sum of 10,000l., the contributors shall receive their principal and interest, if they desire it, or it shall be applied in such way as each shall direct.






We understand that the Committee consider the plan of tuition adopted by them, though confessedly far superior to any other of the kind, yet capable of further improvement, and that they are anxious to receive hints from any quarter which may enable them to render it as perfect as possible. We should think that the excellent methods of Pestallozzi, though rather calculated for the higher classes of society, would be well worthy of their attention. With equal pleasure we learn that the public begin to be sensible of the value of their labours, and that auxiliary societies are about to be formed in different parts of the country, which will remit half their funds to the Parent Institution, and reserve the other half for the establishment of schools in the districts where such societies are formed. We have always been of opinion, that to carry so great a work successfully through the kingdom, a well concerted plan of general co-operation was indispensably necessary. We trust the Committee will keep this important object in view, and that every liberal and enlightened mind will feel it a duty to come forward to their assistance. We expect much, we confess, from the Society of Friends, who have never shown themselves backward in promoting the best interests of mankind, by active exertions and pecuniary contributions, whenever they could do it without violating their religious principles. And one of the great features in this work of mercy is, that it contains nothing which should prevent Churchmen or Dissenters of every description from uniting cordially in it.

The progress of the subscription of 10,000l., solely destined to relieve the concern from all its embarrassments, and to enable the Committee to apply themselves with fresh vigour to the rapid extension of the plan, will be noticed in every succeeding number of our work, until we have the pleasure to announce its final accomplishment. At present the sums paid in, and invested in the Bank of England, are as follow:

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Contributions for the above purpose are received by Hoares, Barnetts, and Co., Bankers, Lombard-Street; by the Treasurer Wm. Allen, Plough-Court, Lombard-Street; and the Secretary, Joseph Fox, Argyll-Street, Oxford-Street.

Hints towards the Adoption of a Mode tending greatly to facilitate the Progress of the Civilization and Improvement of


Ir is acknowledged by every person of observation, that there

never was a period wherein the benevolent feelings of humanity were more conspicuously exercised, than they are at the present time; and the prospect in the result of that exertion is cheering to every philanthropic mind. In whatever way we direct our attention, we have the satisfaction of beholding some attempt to ameliorate the condition of suffering humanity, some endeavour to promote the happiness of our fellow-creatures, as well by the powerful effect of combined effort, as by the vigilant exertion of individual activity. But in order to facilitate the progress of this laudable disposition, and to give the utmost effect to its various undertakings, it is proper to examine, not only what mode is best calculated to promote its views, but what existing causes there are, of a nature to impede its progress.

Among the most formidable of this class may be considered the existence throughout this nation, and especially in our towns and cities, of so many of those nurseries of vice of every description, Ale-houses.

It is not the intention of the writer of these observations to enter minutely into the multiform evils which these places of resort for the lower classes of society produce; such will be sufficiently obvious to every person of reflection; and while they are permitted so numerously to abound, it must greatly retard, and in many cases wholly destroy, the benefit of the important labours of those who are anxiously endeavouring to instruct and enlighten their poorer brethren.

Hence it becomes an object of the first consideration to diminish the number of these nuisances to society. To those who admit the desirableness of such a measure, and are willing to contribute their assistance for the accomplishment of it, it will prove an encouragement to know, that where it has been effected it has produced those happy consequences which were to be expected. In a manufacturing district in this kingdom, the workmen were remarkably idle and disorderly, and their families were wretchedly poor, and covered with rags. The conduct of the men at length became such, that their masters were compelled to apply to the magistrates for their interference: they had made so much observation on the state of their neighbourhood, as imme

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