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office of Sheriff in 1511, and that of Lord Mayor in 1518. Stowe says he was sonne to George Merfine of Ely." His daughter Frances married Sir Richard Williams, alias Cromwell, greatgrandfather of the Protector. Heylin (Wright's edition) and Stowe give his arms, Or, on a chevron sa., a mullet with a crescent for difference. I do not know how Sir Thomas was related to the Cambells (not Campbell), but both being civic families, I think I have put your correspondent on the right scent. H. S. G.

FORD (3rd S. iv. 291.)-For some particulars of Simon Ford, see the Herald and Genealogist, p. 432, note.*

I take this opportunity of correcting an error in a communication of mine in "N. & Q." 2nd S. xi. 210, where I have stated that Jane Hickman, widow, married for her second husband Dr. Simon Ford, which is wrong; it should be Dr. Joseph Ford, a physician at Oldsminford. This person being described as "Dr. Ford of Oldsminford," and being then unaware of the existence of the physician, I too hastily came to the conclusion that it was the divine. H. S. G.

DR. LEONARD SNETLAGE (3rd S. iv. 353.) Leonard Wilhelm Snetlage was a "Privatdocent" in the University of Halle, subsequently in that of Göttingen, and finally in Berlin. He was born at Tecklenburg, in Prussian Westphalia, Aug. 5, 1743, and died at Berlin, Nov. 10, 1812. Besides the work mentioned by J. A. G. he published "Contes Politiques et Fabuleux du dix-huitième Siècle. Berlin, 1779. 8°." "De juris universi ratione. Hala, 1789. 80," "De methodo jus dicendi. Hala, 1789. 8°."


DE VERES, EARLS OF OXFORD (3rd S. iv. 351.) G. W. J. is mistaken in supposing that John de Vere, who died in 1526, and was buried at Colne Priory, was the last Earl of Oxford of that name. He was the fourteenth Earl of Oxford, and was succeeded by another John de Vere, who died in 1539, and was buried in the church of this place. The title became extinct at the death in 1702 of Aubrey de Vere, the twentieth Earl, who was buried in Westminster Abbey. L.A. M.

The arms of this family were, Quarterly gu. and or, in the first quarter a mullet arg. For origin see Leland, quoted by Burke, Patrician, iii. 314. Crest, on a chapeau, a boar (verres, in allusion to the name), passant arg. Supporters, dexter, a boar; sinister, a harpy. Motto, "Vero nihil verius." † H. S. G.

CONTRACTS: A PER CENTAGE DEDUCTED (3rd S. iv. 287.)-It was a custom in the early days of in

For" died April 7, 1619" in that note, read " 1699." + Comp. "Vero verius ergo quid sit audi."-Mart, viii. ep. 76.

surance for the offices to insert in the policy (I suppose merely for the purpose of profit) a provision for a small per-centage deduction from the claims. Thus the Fire Policies issued by the Corporation of the London Assurance set forth that "The loss or damage shall be paid in money immediately after the same shall be settled and adjusted, deducting only three pounds per cent"; while the Life and Marine policies of the same Corporation provided for an abatement in each case of 21. per cent. See the forms given at length in Magens On Insurances, 4to, Lond., 1755, vol. ii. pp. 379384. Another somewhat similar custom of the early underwriters in cases of Marine Insurance was, not to pay for any damage that did not thus, if 100 bales of goods were insured, and three amount to 31. per cent. of the whole sum insured; of them lost, the underwriters would not pay anything. JOB J. BARDWELL WORKARD, M.A.

LATIN TRANSLATION (3rd S. iv. 353.)-A translation of Pope's "Universal Prayer" into Latin sapphics forms part of the following work: "A. Popii Excerpta Quædam. Latinè reddidit Jac Kirkpatrick, M.D. Londini, 1749."

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JOB J. BARDWELL WORKARD, M.A. MELANCTHON (3rd S. iv. 352.)-The reference is to a letter, headed: "Judicium de Dæmoniacis puellis, quæ Romæ agitatæ sunt à Diabolo, scriptum ad Hubertum Languetum Burgundum ;" and printed, at p. 386, in Peucer's Epistolæ selectiores aliquot Philippi Melanthonis, Witebergæ, 1565. In the original it stands thus:

"Ante annos duodecim erat mulier in Saxonia, quæ nullas literas didicerat, tamen cum agitaretur à Diabolo, post conciatus, loquebatur Græcè et Latinè de futuro populo, ἔσται ἀνάγκη ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς καὶ ὀργὴ ἐν τῷ λαῷ bello Saxonico. Erit magna angustia in terra, et ira in ToUTY."

From this, it does not appear that Melancthon saw the young woman in question.

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ORIGIN OF THE CARRIAGE CALLED A FLY (3rd S. iv. 345.) When I was at Cheltenham, in or about 1817, I saw a small low carriage drawn by under which was the motto: "We fly by night." two men. On either side was depicted an owl, The same kind of carriage was soon afterwards introduced into Reading; but as far as my recollection serves, it had not the owl and motto. C. H. COOPER.


MRS. HEMANS'S FAMILY (3rd S. iv. 323, 360.)— I regret that I am unable fully to reply to LORD

who was Marshal of Ireland, with all the immunities and privileges which it enjoyed as an ecclesiastical esta

LYTTELTON'S inquiries respecting the allusions in "The Graves of a Household." One point, however, does not appear to admit of doubt; namely, blishment; and he was permitted to use in his Court the that the lines beginning

"One, 'midst the forest of the west,"— were actually intended by Mrs. Hemans as an allusion to the burial-place of her brother, Claude Scott Browne. This we learn on the best authority, that of Mrs. Owen; who, in her Memoir of her gifted sister, has appended the opening lines of the poem to a note recording the death of this brother in Canada, as quoted in my former communication.

It appears, from Mrs. Hemans's "Juvenile Poems" (Works, vol. vii. pp. 337, 339), that one of her brothers was at the battle of Corunna; and that another (the eldest) was with the army during the Peninsular War.

I am not aware, however, whether it is of either of these she writes:

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"One sleeps where southern vines are drest
Above the noble slain :

He wrapt his colours round his breast,
On a blood-red field of Spain."

Or of the other, that—

"The sea, the blue lone sea, hath one —

He lies where pearls lie deep."

Probably these allusions are imaginary, as LORD LYTTELTON supposes; but the key-note of the composition being struck in her mind by the circumstances of the death and burial of one brother in Canada, and the eventful circumstances in which other members of her family had been placed, "the poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling," saw not that which was, but that which might have been; and thus, to this inspiration, we owe this beautiful poem.

It would be interesting, however, if Mrs. He man's son, or some correspondent of "N. & Q." who may be better qualified than myself, would supply further information on the subject. WILLIAM KElly.


EXEMPT JURISdiction of NewRY AND MOURNE (3rd S. iv. 351.)-"Some curious and interesting particulars of the Lordship of Newry" will be found in the Statistical Survey of Ireland, co. Armagh, pp. 373-393. Newry Abbey was founded, anno 1153, by Maurice M'Loghlin, monarch of all Ireland, as a monastery for Cistercians:

"From thence, until the reign of Henry VIII., it flourished, and had amassed considerable treasures; but this monarch changed its constitution to a Collegiate Church for secular priests, anno 1533. A confirmation of all its possessions was granted, reserving only to the Crown the yearly rent of four marks; but a few years after, when Henry shook off his subjugation to the Papal See, it shared the fate of the other religious houses, and was dissolved; but in the reign of Edward VI., the Lordship was granted to Sir Nicholas Bagnall,

ancient seal of the charter, on which is represented a mitred abbot in his alb, sitting in a chair, supported by two yew trees-the motto, Sigillum exempta jurisdictionis de Viridi ligno alias Newry et Mourne. The proprietor is ex officio Rector of the parish, and has the power of granting marriage licenses and probates of wills: the tithes are his property, and it is even a matter of doubt whether the bishop could oppose his officiating in person, although not in orders. He holds courts baron and leet, and his

jurisdiction overrides the powers of the sheriff of the JOB J. BARDWell Workard, M.A.

county in his district."

Your correspondent ABHBA may find at least some of the information he requires, in the Newry Magazine for 1815, which was edited by Stuart, whose History of Armagh (Newry, 1819,) is well known. B. E. S.

THE GATE OF DERHAM PARK (3rd S. iv. 7.) — From my memoranda relative to the Trotter family, I find that John Trotter, Esq., purchased the estate of Derham Park, in the parish of South Mimms, near Barnet, in 1798; and built the present mansion. The magnificent gateway cost 2,000l. I find no mention of its having been a Cromwell memorial. EDWARD F. RIMBAULT.

SHAMROCK (3rd S. iv. 187, 233.)-I think the balance of probability is decidedly in favour of identifying this plant with the Dutch Clover (Trifolium repens). The sorrel, Oxalis acetosella (a), is almost exclusively a wood plant, and hence is much less likely to have attracted St. Patrick's attention than the Dutch or White Clover, which abounds everywhere. What can be the plant intended by your correspondent, S. REDMOND, it is impossible to divine, since there is no species of Trifolium "peculiarly indigenous to some parts of Ireland only," nor is the Trifolium repens at all "silky in leaf and stem." Mackay, in his Flora Hibernica, 1836, observes that it was the plant which he had observed worn as the Shamrock for the last thirty years. I may be allowed to say, that the Wood-sorrel is not properly, as stated by one of your correspondents, the Herb Trinity, since that name belongs to the Wild Pansy, Viola tricolor(a), so called from the three colours combined in its flower.

King's College.


WAND OF GRAND MASTERS OF THE TEMPLARS (3rd S. iv. 307).-A. DE T., who inquires about this, will find it thus described in Ivanhoe :

"In his hand (i. e. Lucas Beaumanoir, the Grand Master) he bore that singular abacus, or staff of office, with which Templars are usually represented, having at the upper end a round plate, on which was engraved the Cross of the Order, inscribed within a circle or orle, as heralds term it."-Ivanhoe, vol. ii. p. 213, edition of 1851.

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CRAPAUD RING (3rd S. iv. 351) would seem to be a ring with a crapaudine,—

"Sorte de pierre qu'on croyait autrefois se trouver dans la tête du crapaud, et qui est une dent pétrifiée du poisson appellé loup marin.”—Landais.

Rabelais (3. 17) speaks of a crapaudine·

"Avec profonde réverence lui mist au doigt medical une verge d'or bien belle, en laquelle estoit une crapaudine de Beusse magnifiquement enchassée."

Hugue de Méry, in his Tournoyement de l'Antechrist, says:

"Mais celle qui entre les yeux,

Au boterel croist, est plus fine, Qu'on seult appeler Crapaudine." Menage, referring to the above:

"Il est très-fausse qu'elle se trouve en la teste du crapaud. Et elle a été appelée crapaudine de sa couleur, semblable à celle d'un crapaud: d'où elle a été aussi appelée boterel."


GRINLING GIBBONS (3rd S. iv. 352.)-Your correspondent is evidently unaware of the contributions by Mr. P. Cunningham and others to the Builder Journal last year, of several interesting statements respecting this sculptor. They occur on pages 797, 846, 861. One of the paragraphs states that Gibbons died Aug. 10, 1720, and his wife Nov. 30, 1719; and continues,-" Of their children - nine or ten in number-I can learn nothing but their names and the dates of baptism and burial of each in their father's and their own parish church of St. Paul's, Covent Garden." This will perhaps satisfy him on the point he mentions.


"GOD SAVE THE KING" IN CHURCH (3rd S. iv. 335.)-This used to be played as a voluntary in some of the Lancashire churches, and, probably in other counties also, on the Sunday which followed the announcement of a fresh victory during the Peninsular war. I confess to considerable disappointment on the Sundays after Alma and Inkermann to find the old custom was forgotten.

But what an unsympathising brute must Danby have been to amuse himself in the very house of God by repressing the little devotional ardour the old fellows had! It was he, not they, who poor was the "heathen" upon those occasions. P. P.

GREEK FIRE (3rd S. iv. 353.)—It may be of little use to MR. DE MORGAN to refer him to a

work, I believe, somewhat rare, for the Latin lines he quotes; but if he can lay his hand on Grose's History of the British Army (a book in two large quarto vols., published in or about 1801), he will find them in a note to the last chapter of the first volume, which treats of ancient artillery in general. There are further references given there, which I do not remember. The lines are part of an extract of some eighteen or twenty verses. F. P.

CANDLES (3rd S. iv. 325.)-There can be no doubt that the French originally imported their wax from Bougiah, in Algeria, and thence named their bougie. R. S. CHARNOCK.



Tales of a Wayside Inn. By Henry Wordsworth Longfellow. (Routledge.)

A new volume of poems from the pen of Longfellow will be a welcome announcement to hundreds of our readers: and as we cannot doubt that before Christmas these Tales of a Wayside Inn will have been read throughout the length and breadth of the land, we may almost content ourselves with saying that the metal of the volume is of the true ring, and the admirers of the American bard will see no falling off in his fancy or melody. As in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales the introductions are the happiest efforts of the glorious old poet, so we are inclined to think that in the work before us the Prelude and Interludes will be esteemed the happiest portions of the poem.

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As a

When Warton, in his admirable History of English Poetry, extracted some specimens of The Pricke of Conscience, and prophesied that he was its last transcriber, he little thought that, from the advance of philological study that poem which he correctly described as having "no tincture of sentiment, imagination, or elegance," would be not only transcribed, but even very carefully edited and illustrated, and then given to the press. monument of the Northumbrian Dialect- and in the literary remains of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries there is little difference between Scottish and this NorthEnglish dialect-the Pricke of Conscience is of great philological value. It was probably written shortly before the author's death, which took place in 1349; and although but little regarded of late years, it furnished abundant materials for writers who were Richard Rolle's immediate successors. Mr. Morris has done his editing well and carefully, and both he and the Philological Society deserve the thanks of all students of our noble language.

The Afternoon Lectures on English Literature, delivered in the Theatre of the Museum of Industry, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin, in May and June, 1863. (Bell & Daldy.)

We think the best note which can be made upon this interesting volume, so creditable to the projectors of the scheme, and to the lecturers by whom that scheme was

carried out, is to enumerate the subjects of the Lectures and name the lecturers:-The first, "On the Influence of the National Character on English Literature," was delivered by Rev. James Byrne; the second, "On the Classical and Romantic Schools of English Literature," by William Rushton, M.A.; the third, "On Shakspeare," by Dr. Ingram; the fourth, "On the English Drama," by Professor Houlston; the fifth, "On the Life and Writings of Foster the Essayist," by the Rev. E. Whately; and the last, and one of the most interesting, was "On the Ballad and Lyrical Poetry of Ireland," by Randal W. M'Donnell, Esq.

Geschiedenis van het heylighe Cruys; or, History of the Holy Cross. Reproduced in Fac-simile from the Original Edition printed by J. Veldener in 1483. Text and Engravings by J. Ph. Berjeau, (C. J. Stewart.)

This is another and most interesting evidence of Mr. Berjeau's wonderful power of reproducing in fac-simile, and at comparatively small cost, copies of the typographical rarities which, as monuments illustrative of the origin of the art of printing, have been only accessible at prices which put them out of the reach of ordinary readers. Nor is this the only recommendation of the present volume, for the History of the Cross, originally told by Rufinus of Aquila, in Book x. cap. vii. of his Ecclesiastical History, is one of the most curious legends of the Middle Ages. Both the legend and the woodblocks are well described by Mr. Berjeau; and the book is one to add even to his now well-established reputation. Dogs and their Ways. Illustrated by numerous Anecdotes compiled from Authentic Sources. By the Rev. Charles Williams. With Woodcuts. (Routledge.)

This capital collection of anecdotes of dogs will find favour with two classes of youthful readers—those who have dogs, and those who have not.

AUTHORIZED COMMENTARY ON THE BIBLE. We are happy to learn from The Guardian that, at the suggestion of the Speaker of the House of Commons, and with the sanction of the Primate, a committee, consisting of the Archbishop of York, the Bishops of London, Lichfield, Llandaff, Gloucester, and Bristol, Lord Lyttelton, the Speaker, Mr. Walpole, and Drs. Jacobson and Jeremie, has been organised for the purpose of producing a commentary which should "put the reader in full possession of whatever information may be requisite to enable him to understand the Word of God, and supply him with satisfactory answers to objections resting upon misrepresentations of its contents." The Rev. F. C. Cook, preacher at Lincoln's-inn, will be the general editor, and will advise with the Archbishop of York and the Regius Professors of Divinity at Oxford and Cambridge upon any questions which may arise. The work will be divided into eight sections, the first of which will consist of the Pentateuch, and be edited by Professor Harold Browne, the Revs. R. C. Pascoe, T. F. Thrupp, T. E. Espin, and W. Dewhurst contributing. The historical books will be consigned to the Rev. G. Rawlinson, editor, and the Revs. T. E. Espin and Lord Arthur Hervey, contributors. The Rev. F. C. Cook will edit, and the Revs. E. H. Plumptre, W. T. Bullock, and T. Kingsbury will annotate the poetical books. The four great Prophets was to have been undertaken by Dr. M'Caul as editor, and by the Revs. R. Payne Smith and H. Rose as contributors. The Bishop of St. David's and the Rev. R. Gandell will edit the 12 minor Prophets, and the Revs. E. Huxtable, W. Drake, and F. Meyrick will contribute. The Gospels and Acts will form the sixth section; the first three Gospels will be edited by Professor Mansel, the Gospel of St. John by the Dean of Canterbury, and the Acts by Dr. Jacobson. The editorship of St. Paul's Epistles is appropriately assigned to

Bishop Ellicott and Dr. Jeremie, with Dr. Gifford, Professor T. Evans, Rev. J. Waite, and Professor J. Lightfoot as contributors. To the Archbishop elect of Dublin and the Master of Balliol is assigned the rest of the sacred canon. The names of the editors and contributors, while they insure orthodoxy, give promise that the comment thus put forth almost with the sanction of the Church of England as a body will not be the utterance of any narrow school or section of it.


Particulars of Price, &c., of the following Books to be sent direct to the gentlemen by whom they are required, and whose names and addresses are given for that purpose:



Wanted by Rev. J. Maskell, Tower Hill, London, E.C.


MARINOGION, by Lady Guest.

Wanted by Mr. Richard Simpson, 10, King William Street, Charing Cross, W.C.

Notices to Correspondents.

Books received, and waiting for notice, Lewin's Siege of Jerusalem by Titus; Smiles's Industrial Biography: Dr. Prior's Popular Names of British Plants; Life and Labours of Vincent Novello; Hart's Chartulary of St. Peter's, Gloucester; Stevenson's Narrative of the Expulsion of the English from Normandy, &c.

We have received so many communications lately from Correspondents, requesting us to furnish Replies to their inquiries by private letters, that We are obliged to explain that it is quite impossible for Us to comply with any such requests.

CLUTHA. The Act 19 Geo. II. cap. 21, for more effectually preventing profane cursing and swearing is still in force, with the exception of so much of it as directs that the Act shall be read in Church four times in each year, which was repealed by 4 Geo. IV. c. 31. II. W. will find the line

"None but thyself can be thy parallel,"

in The Dunciad, book iii. 1. 272, as it was first written. Pope quotes it from The Double Falsehood, which Theobald, who edited it in 178, attri buted to Shakspeare; Malone, to Massinger; Farmer, to Shirley; and Isaac Reed to Theobald himself.

MORO BENANI should specify the MS., and say how he wants the tran script authenticated.

F. H. will find an ingenious derivation of "Snob" in our 1st 8. i. 250; and, on referring to our General Indices, many curious illustrations of Calling a Spade a Spade.'

X. Y. Z. will find the best authorities on the subject of John Knox quoted by M'Crie, in his Life of Knox.

PATER FAMILIAS will procure a bandalore at any old established toyshop. It is still a very common toy.

J. PIKE. The seal, of which our Correspondent has sent us a facsimile, exhibits three fleurs-de-lys, and the merchant mark of the testator. O the subject of Merchant Marks, see ante p. 413.

W. P. Stenconduit Fields is clearly another form of Stoneconduit Fields, the name by which White Conduit Fields, Pentonville, was known to our grandsires.

GRADUATE OF CAMBRIDGE. A biographical sketch of Abp. Blackburne appeared in our last volume, p. 430.

J. D. CAMPBELL. The article (ante p. 413) was already in type. MR. W. H. WHITMORE (present residence in the United States known) is apprised that a letter, containing particulars concerning his genealogy, was posted by Mr. van Lennep, from Zcyst, to his former ad dress in the Mauritius, on the 1st of April last.

ERRATUM. 3rd S. iv. p. 400, col. ii. line 45, dele “not."

"NOTES AND QUERIES" is published at noon on Friday, and is also issued in MONTHLY PARTS. The Subscription for STAMPED COPIES for Six Months forwarded direct from the Publishers (including the Halfyearly INDEX) is 118. 4d., which may be paid by Post Office Orderin favour of MESSRS. BELL AND DALDY, 186, FLEET STREET, E.C., to whom all COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE EDITOR Should be addressed.

Full benefit of reduced duty obtained by purchasing Horniman's Pure Tea; very choice at 3s. 4d. and 48. "High Standard" at 4s. 4d. (for merly 4s. 8d.), is the strongest and most delicious imported. Agents in every town supply it in Packets.


CONTENTS. —No. 100.

NOTES:-Post-mortem Examination of an English Prince, 425 Original unpublished Letter of the Father of the Author of "The Grave," 426 Early Surnames, 427 -Hentzner's Visit to England, 1598, 428-The Regale of France &c., 429- Hone's "House that Jack Built," Ib. MINOR NOTES:- Interesting Relics of Luther and Bunyan Remarkable Inscription in the Cemetery of Père la Chaise Tedded Grass-Hedingham Registers-Poem by the Ettrick Shepherd-F. A. Tewis - The Lord Mayor of London: Swearing in under Special CircumstancesThe late Alderman Cubitt, 430.

QUERIES:- Early Aquarium-Bowden of Frome-Copies of the Complutensian Polyglott on Vellum - Abraham Crocker-Churches in the Highlands-Cowthorpe Oak — Dale, in the County of Cumberland Ehret, Flower Painter Handasyde - Rev. Joseph Hunter - King's County, Ireland Irish Union-John Milton-O'Reilly St. Mary, the Egyptian: Curious Painting on Glass The

at Algiers

Portrait Painters Printed Visitations

Tradition of the Wooden Bell-Archbishop Whately and Whateleiana, 431.

QUERIES WITH ANSWERS:-Parish Boundary-Sir William

Moreton- Geoffrey Vann-John Barefoot - Phil or Pill Garlick "Hang upon his Lips," 433. REPLIES:- Bibliography of the Collier-Congreve Controversy, &c.. 435 Angelic Vision of the Dying, Ib.- Manorial Rights-Sir John Wenlock: Lord Wenlock - Boating Proverb- Paul Jones - Bowles - Robert Trollop-Dancing in Slippers - Modern Corruptions - Coronets used by

the French Noblesse-The Company of Merchants' Adventurers The Use of Several Crests-MitrnatitionExecutions for Murder, &c., 436. Notes on Books, &c.


in several large public libraries for Sir Charles Cornwallis's Account of the Baptism, &c.

I should be glad if any of your readers would favour me with the loan for a week, through the post, of this octavo pamphlet, for the purpose of collation with a MS. volume now in my possession, on the same subject, but bearing a different author's name. It is a small quarto volume (pp. 120) in vellum cover, in a neat handwriting of the period, and commences with a dedication: "To the worshipful favourer of learning and arts, my worthy approved good friend, Mr. Thomas Chapman;" with an aspiration, that "the title o' honoured Mecænas may be engraven in brass or marble over your tomb;" and this dedication is signed, "Your true honourer, JoHN HAWKINS." My reason for drawing attention to this MS. is, that I find, from collating it with Dr. Birch's book, that the latter prints very long passages agreeing with this MS. almost verbatim, yet cites all these as from Cornwallis. These commence in Birch's Life, &c. (p. 182), and extend (with interpolated matter, especially as to foreign affairs and correspondence,) to p. 409; the citations extending from Cornwallis, p. 12 to p. 82. The chief differences between Birch and the MS. are in curtailment and modernising some phrases; but here and there are what seem to me to be errors of Birch or his transcriber; as p. 183, where the Prince, under his title of "Mœliades," is said to be able "lineally to derive his pedigree from the famous Knights of this isle," the MS.

POST-MORTEM EXAMINATION OF AN ENGLISH has "Kings;" and, doubtless, more correctly. In



"The Life of Henry, Prince of Wales, Eldest Son of King James I., compiled chiefly from his own Papers, and other MSS. never before published. By Thos. Birch, D.D., Secretary of the Royal Society," (London, 1760) — the compiler, in his Preface, has the following


“That piece, which professes to be an account of The Life and Death of Prince Henry, though written by Sir Charles Cornwallis, whose situation in his Court as Treasurer of his Household might have enabled him fully to inform himself and posterity, is a mere pamphlet, extremely superficial and unsatisfactory on almost every head; what relates to the Prince's life amounting to but a few pages, and the remainder containing only the circumstances of his last sickness and character; which last, indeed, in that and another discourse by the same hand, is drawn with force and precision."

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the same page the actors in a tourney are called "assailants and combatants;" in the MS. "assailants and defendants." Birch (p. 333) speaks of a fever then raging as "from its unusual symptoms called The Disease." The MS. has "The New Disease." The words, "which Sir Charles Cornwallis inclined to think " (Birch, p. 341), are substituted for those in the Hawkins MS., "which I rather imagine." Without further occupying your space with these minutiae, I shall be much obliged for any aid in solving the questions, whether Hawkins merely copied Cornwallis, or Cornwallis appropriated Hawkins? for the numerous long passages in precisely the same words, in Birch and the MS., utterly preclude the supposition that Cornwallis and Hawkins wrote separate and independent accounts of the same facts and circumstances. Then, who were John Hawkins and his "Mecænas" Thos. Chapman?

The greatest variance I find throughout is in the report of the post-mortem examination of the Prince by the physicians and surgeons. Dr. Birch prints it (from Cott. MS., Vespas. F. IX. fol. 151) as follows:

served these things: "After opening of the most illustrious Prince, we ob

"1. That his liver was more pale than it should be

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