
Suffolk, as still to be seen in St. Edmund's church, Southwold, over the grave of Gardner, who had two wives, named respectively Honour and Virtue:

"Between Honour and Virtue here doth lie,

The remains of Old Antiquity."

J. DALTON. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTION FROM SCHILLER. In Dr. Wordsworth's Journal of a Tour in Italy, vol. i. p. 26 (Rivingtons, 1863), some Latin lines are quoted from a tombstone at Lucerne, and Dr. W. asks, "Are they from an ancient hymn? Familiar as I am from my earliest childhood with the poets of my country, I felt rather surprised at such a suggestion.

Those lines are a faithful translation of one of the best known passages in Schiller's Song of the Bell. I beg to subjoin the original and translation:


"Dem dunkeln Schooss der heil'gen Erde
Vertrauen wir der Hände That;
Vertraut der Säemann seine Saat,
Und hofft, dass sie entkeimen werde
Zum Segen, nach des Himmels Rath.
Noch köstlicheren Samen bergen
Wir traurend in der Erde Schooss,
Und hoffen, dass er aus den Särgen
Erblühen soll zu schönerm Loos."

"Deponit opus operator

In almis terræ gremiis;

Fovendum semen seminator

Telluris dat sacrariis,

Spe fisus germen oriturum, profuturum, Sub cælitum auspiciis.

Nos semen damus carius

Lugentes terræ fotibus,
Sperantes fore ut ex morte

Cum meliore surgat sorte."



The following report of a case in Judges' Chambers appeared in all the daily papers. I would suggest that it is worthy of preservation in "N. & Q.," and I beg to hand it to you for that purpose:


"(Extraordinary Application.-Happy Parish. Ex parte Cousens.)-Mr. H. Giffard appeared as counsel for a gentleman named Cousens, and applied for a writ of certiorari to remove an order of justices into the Court of Queen's Bench for the purpose of having the same quashed for informality. The learned counsel made the application under extraordinary circumstances. The Poor Law Act required that there should be two overseers, and in this case only one had been appointed. There was only one house in the parish, and only one inhabitant.

"Mr. Justice Byles asked where the parish was situate. "Mr. Giffard said it was the parish of Upper Eldon. "Mr. Justice Byles.-You say there must be two overseers, and there is only one inhabitant?

"Mr. Giffard said that was his point, and a similar case occurred in 1763, just 100 years ago, in the same parish.

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CURIOUS ERROR in De QuinceY. -I find the line occurring in Dryden's famous character of Zimri,

"Stiff in opinion, always in the wrong," twice quoted as Pope's by De Quincey. (Leaders in Literature, 1st ed. p. 291; and again, vol. xv. 2nd ed. of De Quincey's Works, p. 151.) What makes this slip more remarkable is the fact that in De Quincey's Essay, Lord Carlisle on Pope, there is a long note (pp. 44-46) in which this passage of Dryden's is contrasted with Pope's "Death of the second Villiers, Duke of Bucking ham." E. D.

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"Signor mio, Tu sei ritornato per me, ed Io, di buona voglia ne vengo, non disperando della Tua Miserecordia spargendo il Prezioso Tuo Sangue, ne avrai sparsa qualche per il mio grave peccare. Tu, per ricomprare l'Universo

goccia per me, e se Tu fosti innocentemente tanto vituperato, e con tanti tormenti morto; perche Io, peccatrice, non debbo abbraciare si dolce morte, più cruda da me meritata, che sono ora per patire, in ferma speranza di esser Teco, in Paradiso, o, almeno in luogo di salute!”

I have transcribed this prayer, literatim, from an authenticated copy of the Vatican MS. relating to the case of the Cenci. It has, I believe, never been printed, notwithstanding its touching beauty. The MS. states that it was entirely com posed by poor Beatrice herself, unaided by any of the attendant clergy, and uttered on the scaffold immediately before her death.





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"Letters from Snowdon: descriptive of a Tour through the Northern Counties of Wales. Containing the Antiquities, History, and State of the Country; with the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants. Toto divisos orbe Britannos.' London: Printed for J. Ridley, in St. James's Street; and W. Harris, No. 70, St. Paul's Church Yard. M.DCC.LXX."

This book is a small 8vo, and contains twenty letters, besides the preface; which consists of a letter from a "Friend to the Author," and of an answer to the same by the author in the form of a letter. In Letter II., Giraldus Cambrensis is

characterised as "the false and infamous." Who was the author? The work is not mentioned by Lowndes.* LLALLAWG. ARCHIDIACONAL VISITATIONS IN IRELAND.-Is there any later instance on record of an archidi

aconal visitation in Ireland than that which was held by Archdeacon Pococke (the learned and accomplished traveller, and subsequently Bishop of Meath) in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, in the year 1746? Авива.

BISHOPS' ROBES.-What is known of the robes worn by our bishops? I wish to know whether the rochet-the sleeveless linen garment worn under the chimere is an ancient ecclesiastical dress, and whether the lawn sleeves attached to the chimere, or black satin robe, is part of the chimere, or originally was part of the rochet? My own impression is, that our present bishops' dress consists of an outer sleeveless coat, worn over an alb.

Was the square cap, now carried in the hand by bishops, worn by them during divine service? It is my impression that square caps were worn as parts of the ecclesiastical dress by ministers generally during their performance of divine worship. J. B.

CHARITY.-There is a beautiful paraphrase on 1 Cor. xiii. commencing, I believe,

"Did sweeter sounds adorn my flowing tongue
Than ever man pronounced or angel sung.'

Who wrote it, and where may it be found?

COAL. I have a faint recollection of having heard the late Dr. Buckland state that he once had ventured to say, that if certain persons ever found coal at Oxford, he would eat the first lump, or words to that purpose. What, then, is the meaning of this line, taken from a Geological

[This work is attributed to Joseph Cradock, Esq. by Watt, as well as by the editor of the Bodleian Catalogue. This is clearly an error, as in the Preface to the second edition, 1777, an allusion is made to the death of the author. Mr. Cradock died on Dec. 15, 1826.-ED.]

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DRAMA.-1. A MS. play called "The Custom of the Isle, or Matrimonial Escapes," was sold among the MSS. in the library of James Boswell (son of Johnson's biographer). Is this a modern play, and is it known who was the author?

2. E. McCarthy, author of The Battle of Waterloo, a dramatic sketch, Buckingham, 1815. Can you give me any account of this author?

3. Who is the author of three dramas, viz. The Ball Ticket, The Mysterious Packet, and The Heiress of False Indulgence, London, Rodwell, 1814? R. INGLIS. On a

EPITAPH AT EWERBY, CO. LINCOLN. white marble tablet in the chancel:


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I copy this from the Stamford Mercury of the 10th of July last, where it is added, "It is understood at Ewerby that the verses were written by Lady Emily herself when on her death-bed. Is this assertion likely to be correct? or are the lines recognizable as a quotation? The lady was the second wife of the late Earl of Winchelsea and Nottingham, who died in 1858; and second daughter of the Right Hon. Sir Charles Bagot. She was married in 1837, and died without issue N. H. S.

in 1848.

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I have looked carefully through Mason's Memoirs of Gray's Life and Writings, 4 vols. 1778, for this epigram, but cannot find it. Perhaps some of your correspondents would be able to furnish the remaining lines, for one only is given by the reviewer. This was same Dr. Smith who bequeathed two annual prizes of 251. to be awarded to bachelors of arts, who had shown the greatest advancement in mathematics and natural philosophy. These bachelors are called, as Cambridge men well know," Smith's prizemen."


Bromyard. EXECUTIONS FOR MURDER. Can any of your correspondents refer me to a source whence I may learn the number of executions that have taken place for murder since the year 1839, with the calling or profession of the person murdered, and the county in which the murder was perpetrated? Or where can I find the names of police constables who have been murdered (and the counties or divisions to which they severally belonged) since the establishment of the rural force in 1839? A list of executions in Suffolk which has lately come into my hands, records the executions of two men, one Jan. 25, 1845, the other April 14, 1863, for the murders of two policemen, both belonging to one division, the East Suffolk Constabulary, which musters, including the chief constable, 117 officers and men. I cannot help thinking this is a high average, whether we consider the number of constables, or the acreage, or the population of the district in which they are allocated, and I wish to compare it with other parts of the kingdom. If collective information is not to be had, perhaps some of your correspondents may kindly favour me with accounts, each for his county or division. I may add that not one policeman of the West Suffolk constabulary has been murdered since the establishment of that force. J. P. D. FAMILY HISTORY.-Wanted any information as to ancestry or arms about any of the undermentioned families: :

1. Cook (e), Allworth. Henry Cook(e) married Ann Allworth at Stoke-by-Nayland, co. Suffolk, Nov. 8, 1705.

2. Keningale (of Milden, near Lavenham). Mary Keningale married John Cook of Holton Hall, near Stratford St. Mary, grandson of the

above Henry Cook(e). She was brought up by an uncle Benjamin Keningale of Wisten Hall, near Stoke.

3. Campbell: Marven or Marvin. How Sir Thomas Campbell, Lord Mayor of London in 1609, was connected with the family of Marven. 4. Syer (of Hadleigh, co. Suffolk). K. R. C.


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BENJAMIN GALE, a native of Aislaby, near Whitby is referred to in 1829 as an eminent artist then living at a very advanced age. I shall be glad of information as to him and his works. S. Y. R. GARNIER: "THÉORIE ÉLÉMENtaire des TRANSIn the second, third, and fourth tomes of Quetelet's Correspondance Mathématique et Physique, I find a series of papers "par M. Garnier, Professeur à l'Université de Gand," relating to a work of his on Transversals, which he announced as ready for publication. Has this work ever appeared; and if so, where may a copy be inspected? T. T. W.

A GOOSE TEnure. I extracted the following from one of the newspapers a few weeks ago; and as this curious tenure is referred to in some MS. notes sent me by a friend who is now on his travels, I should be glad to be referred to any source of information on the subject. The date and other particulars of its origin would be acceptable:

"The Jews of Presburg, in Hungary," says the Austrian Gazette, "were allowed to present two geese to the Emperor of Austria, at Vienna. The geese were decked with ribbons of black and yellow, the Austrian colours; and of red, green, and white, the Hungarian. The obligation of making this present about St. Martin's day was imposed on the Jews of Presburg at the time of the conquest of Hungary by the Magyars."

T. B.

HALF-WAY TREE AND THE FRENCH TAILOR'S MOTION. - Ben Jonson's amusing epigram, entitled "On English Monsieur," contains two allusions, which perhaps your readers can elucidate for me. In the first, the poet is commenting upon the of France, the scarf, the hat and feather, the shoe strangeness that so many productions of the taste and tie, and the garter, should be found upon one whose face durst never be toward the sea

"farther than half-way tree." Where stood the half-way tree? There used to be, perhaps still is, a half-way house on the road between London and Greenwich; has Jonson's allusion any connection with that place, or with any other spot now known, on the road between London and Dover?

The other allusion is more definite. The poet affects to doubt whether the foppish gentleman who was his subject, were not, after all, a statue. "No!" he exclaims,

""T doth move, and stoop, and cringe."

These fantastic movements lead to the conclusion "N. & Q." obligingly state how, if published, or with which the poem ends,

"It needs must prove

The new French tailor's motion, monthly made,
Daily to turn in Paul's, and help the trade."

Can those of your readers who are well read in Jacobean literature point out any other allusions to this strange ornament of Paul's Walk, this substitute for the moveable figures which now show forth the productions of bodice-makers, and the excellence of the works of hair dyers, and perhaps of some other tradespeople? JEBNORUCH.

N. HAWKSMORE. -Being interested in a new memoir of this celebrated architect, who died 1736, in London, I venture to inquire, through your valuable pages, whether any descendants exist who can furnish further information than is already printed. He had not a son. His only daughter, Elizabeth, married a Philpot, and then a Blackerby, both before his death. The "family" supplied the account for Chalmers's Biographical Dictionary, but that was early in the present century; and it conveys but few of the particulars I am anxious to arrive at. Have any of his drawings got into the possession of private individuals? Some few are, I believe, at Oxford.



PAUL JONES.-In noticing this worthy, and his buccaneering and piratical exploits, I must not omit that this day (Sept. 23) is the eighty-fourth anniversary of his capture of the "Serapis," which raised him to the highest pinnacle of his transitory glory. My object, however, is to recur to one of his earlier predatory achievements with the Ranger" privateer; viz., his landing on Thursday morning, April 23, 1778, at St. Mary's Isle, Kirkcudbright, the seat of Dunbar Douglas, fourth Earl of Selkirk, and the plundering the house of all the family plate. It is said his principal object was to seize upon the person of the Earl, and to take him off as his prisoner, but if that were his design, the Earl being in London, it was frustrated. The Countess (who was Helen Hamilton of the Haddington family) was alone there with her children and servants; far from being alarmed, she received Jones's party most heroically, and upon their demanding the keys of the plate closet, she caused them to be delivered up to the marauders, who, having taken all the household and family plate they could find, packed it up, and reembarking with their commander in the "Ranger," set sail. It is well known that when the freebooters had departed, the Countess sat down and made a record of all the circumstances of this incursion exactly as they transpired, and of this she sent copies to one or two of her most particular friends by letter; and I have understood one of these communications has been recopied several times, and perhaps also published. Will any reader of

otherwise, I can obtain a sight of this interesting historical document, which it is desirable should be generally known, were it only as conducing to the character of a noble-minded and magnanimous lady. LOYAL.

DUKE OF KINGSTON'S REGIMENT, 1745. — In the '45 rebellion, the Duke of Kingston raised a troop of horse for the government. Is any list of those who composed it extant, or any account of its services? XP.

WILLIAM MIDDLETON, ESQ., a native of Boroughbridge, who in, and for several years subsequently to 1814, resided at Esk Hall, near Whitby, died in 1842, and was buried at New Malton. He furnished the greater part of the Botanical Catalogue given in Young's History of Whitby; and I am assured that he also published a botanical work in French. Particulars as to this work will greatly oblige.

S. Y. R.

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE INCUMBENTS. Where can find a list of the incumbents of Palethorpe or Peverelthorpe, in the county of Notts, or of any other parishes in the deanery of Retford?


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Hagley, Stourbridge. PEACOCK FAMILY.-William Peacocke of Scotter, co. Lincoln, was buried at that place on Jan. 12, 1611-12. His widow Margaret survived but a few weeks, as she was buried on Feb. 28, of the same year. I am anxious to know Margaret's maiden name, and the place and date of her marriage.

William Peacock, grandson of the above, was baptised at Scotter, March 22, 1611-12, and buried in Scotter church, Sept. 28, 1644. His widow, Florence, survived her husband until May 18, 1661. What was her maiden name, and when and where was she married?

Bottesford Manor, Brigg.


PHELPS FAMILY. Will Mr. Edward Peacock, the editor of The Army Lists of the Roundheads and Cavaliers, kindly inform me whether he has met with the name of Thomas Phelps, who, my family tradition says, was a captain in Cromwell's army in Ireland? In "N. & Q.," 1st S. x. 530, there is an answer to a query I made relative to this said Thomas Phelps, which was kindly answered by the much lamented antiquary, JAMES F. FERGUSON, of Dublin.

verse or verses.


I should be also thankful to your correspondent And if so, can you furnish us with the missing "on Robert Anderson" (3rd S. iv. 34), if he can tell me who the Mr. Phelps was who sang the ballad of "Lucy Grey," at Vauxhall, in the year 1794. Jos. LLOYD PHELPS.


PISCINE NEAR ROODLOFTS.-The church of the Blessed Virgin at Maxey, Northamptonshire, is being restored. The masons have just bared a trefoil-headed (decorated) piscina in a spandril of the Norman nave, fourteen feet from the ground floor. Two openings to the rood loft remain, one on either side of the chancel arch, and it is near the opening on the south side, where this piscina was found. There must have been an altar here. Has any reader of "N. & Q." seen a piscina in a similar position? As far as my experience extends, this at Maxey is unique. STAMFORDIENSIS.

ROMAN CONSISTORY ON HENRY VIII.-Can you tell me where to see, or if in the British Museum what under, the pleadings before the Roman Consistory, in Queen Katherine v. Henry VIII.? A few copies were, I believe, printed at Rome, and given to the members of the consistory, one may have found its way here.

N. W.

SIR THOMAS DE VEIL.-In one of the MS. volumes of Miscellanea given to the British Museum by Professor Ward, is the following trifle: "Sir Thomas de Veil thinks it proper to tell,

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That summonses signed by Sir Thomas de Veil,
Which Sir Thomas de Veil never thought should be sent,
Were left where Sir Thomas de Veil never meant;
These Sir Thomas de Veil thought it fit to repeal,
As witness his writing - Sir Thomas de Veil."
Is it known whose these lines are, and to what
they refer?

JOB J. BARDWell Workard, M.A.
UM ELIA-AMELIA.—I find in Domestic Life in
Palestine the following passage, p. 46:

"It is the universal custom in the East, for a mother to take the name of her first-born son, with the prefix of um, mother; such as um Elias, mother of Elias; or um Elia, mother of Eli (whence perhaps came such names as Emma, Emily, and Amelia," &c.) Is this supposition correct?


Queries with Answers.

"WOO'D AND MARRIED AND A'."-In case you should overlook the appeal made to you by the "London Recluse," whose pleasant "Recreations" are printed in this month's Fraser, permit me to call your attention to it: for I share with him a desire to know how the quaint old ballad-"Woo'd and married and a'"-there quoted by the "Recluse," was brought to an end. Is it in print ?

[The ballad inquired for by our correspondent, some-
times entitled "The bride cam' out o' the byre," is printed
in Herd's Collection; and with the music in Robert
Chambers's Songs of Scotland prior to Burns, p. 206, et
seq. The following verses conclude the ballad:
"Out and spake the bride's brither,

As he came in wi' the kye;
'Poor Willie wad ne'er hae ta'en ye,
Had he kent ye as weel as I;
For ye're both proud and saucy,
And no for a poor man's wife:
Gin I canna get a better,

I'se ne'er take ane i' my life.'
"Out and spake the bride's sister,
As she came in frae the byre;
"O gin I were but married,
It's a' that I desire:

But we poor folk maun live single,
And do the best that we can;
I dinna care what we shou'd want,
If I cou'd but get a man.'"]

BOOK OF SPORTS.-Will you, or some of your readers, kindly inform me when this book was issued? Was an edition issued in the time of Charles II. ? ANTIQUUS.

[The original edition of the Book of Sports was pubpresented to him on his return from Scotland in 1617 by lished by King James I. in 1618, on account of a petition the people, chiefly the lower classes, who were desirous of Sunday amusements. The first edition is of the greatest rarity. The second edition, published by King Charles I., with his ratification added, is also of great rarity. The copy in the British Museum came from Mr. Maskell's collection. This edition has been reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany, and in The Phoenix, vol. i. In 1860, Mr. Bernard Quaritch of Piccadilly printed, upon tinted paper, 100 copies of an exact reprint of the original edition, a literary and historical curiosity. No edition was the bibliographical account of this book, may be added, published during the reign of Charles II. To complete "A Brief Defence of the several declarations of James I. commonly call'd The Book of Sports, against the cavils of and Charles I. concerning lawful recreations on Sundays, puritans and phanaticks; with a true and original copy of the said Declaration, 4to, 1708." See also, The Book of Sports, set forth by James I. and Charles I., with Remarks upon the same [in vindication of King Charles I. ], 4to, Lond. 1709.]

THEODORE PALEOLOGUS.-The following paragraph was taken from an advertisement in an old London paper of about sixty years ago. "To be sold in Devonshire, a capital Barton. Theodore Paleologus, the lineal descendant of the Greek Emglad to know if any correspondent residing in perors, lived and died in the house." I should be Devonshire or elsewhere can say where the house was situated in which this person lived and died? P. HUTCHINSON.

parish of Landulph, Cornwall (not Devonshire). Clifton [Theodore Paleologus lived and died at Clifton, in the was the mansion of the Arundels till about the year 1620.

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