

were intimate friends or entire strangers. It is but a silly vanity that could lead you to fancy yourself aggrandized, by boasting of such a circumstance, in the presence of persons to whom the whole affair was a matter of indifference. But you must feel conscious, Arthur, that whatever was the motive, you tried to convey to their minds an impression as truth which was not truth. You did not in so many words say, 'I am on terms of intimacy with Lord -;' but if any one took the trouble to listen to what you said, that was the natural impression that would be made on his mind. Now, you know that is untrue. I am deeply grieved that you should have fallen, even into the appearance of evil, in a matter which enters into the very essence of character. Do, my dear lad, think of the sin of deception in every shape and form, how odious and offensive in the eyes of the Lord God of truth.' Implore pardon through the blood of the Lamb, and fervently adopt the psalmist's petition, 'Remove from me the way of lying: and grant me thy law graciously, Psa. cxix. 29.

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Arthur seemed to feel my uncle's expostulation, and was certainly more circumspect in his conversation. It was more than two years afterwards that he fell into disgrace with my uncle about another species of violation of truth, of the criminality of which he seemed not at all aware, and regarded it only as a good joke. A worthy friend, (yes, a friend of my uncle, and a " Friend" by religious persuasion,) who frequently visited at my uncle's, was remarkable for his abstemious and simple habits of life. Whether from preference or principle, he could never be induced to taste any kind of fermented liquor. The habit of abstinence was not, in those days, as common as it is now, and our friend's singularity excited notice. He was a remarkably liberal and benevolent man, but he had probably seen much of the evil resulting from the use of fermented liquors around the festive board, and also as medicinally administered by ignorant people and hence he conscientiously abstained from giving any thing of the kind, either by way of charity to the afflicted, or of gratuity to workpeople, as also from offering to children and young people, to whom he was well convinced it was both unnecessary and injurious. I cannot say precisely to what extent he

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carried his peculiarity in the treatment of guests at his table, but I rather suppose, if wine was produced at all, it was with a sort of tacit understanding that it had better not be made use of. Certain it is, that Arthur and his favourite companion, Ned Tankerville, took a mortal dislike to the good man, whom they represented as a precise, niggardly old fellow, and declared that it would be capital fun to quiz him as he deserved. Not long after the utterance of these expressions, he was visited with one of those contemptible practical jokes called, in modern phraseology, "a hoax "—his house being completely besieged by porters with hampers of wine, kegs of spirits, and casks of double stout, from the several brewers and wine merchants, of three or four neighbouring towns, each of whom had received an extensive order, to be delivered at a certain time, with directions for the bearer to wait for payment. The circumstance could not fail to be in some degree annoying, but the quiet self-possession and firmness of the subject of the hoax in a great measure baulked the expectation of the perpetra tors. The mystery was soon penetrated, and quietly dismissed. Next day our worthy friend ate his fruit and drank his water, just as if nothing had happened. It was not quite with equal composure that my uncle found out that Arthur, who at the time was an inmate in his house, was the concocter and principal actor in the mischievous scheme. I do not think Arthur was ever again admitted at my uncle's on the same footing as before. But what especially leads me to mention it now is, the detestation manifested by my uncle at the deception necessarily practised in such a joke. Arthur spurned the charge of having been guilty of falsehood; and to justify himself produced a copy of the circular addressed to the wine merchants, which bore no signature; therefore, as he triumphantly asserted, it could not be pronounced a forgery; and which did not say who desired the articles to be sent, and therefore was no falsehood. It simply said, that John or Thomas sucha-one was desired to send certain articles to Edward -, in the forenoon of the fifth day, and that the bearer was to wait for payment.

"And is this no falsehood?" asked my uncle, with indignation; "in my opinion, the intention to deceive, in whatever way it is expressed, by word or deed, is all

that is essential to constitute a falsehood." | Now, the peculiarity of phraseology was evidently adopted for the very purpose of deception. You know, Arthur, you would not have expressed an order of your own in that way. And then, to say that a tradesman is desired to send goods to such a person, is in effect saying, that that person desires it, if no other person is specified. It is needless to press the matter further; your own conscience testifies to you that you did intend to deceive; and your conduct is plainly condemned by such passages of Scripture as these:- "Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour." "Foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient. "As a madman who casteth firebrands, arrows, and death, so is the man that deceiveth his neighbour, and saith, Am not I in sport?" Ephes. iv. 25; v. 4; Prov. xxvi. 18, 19.

A lady was once visiting at my uncle's with three humoured children. To whatever extent children are indulged, their capricious ingenuity will sometimes devise claims which cannot be complied with. On these occasions stratagem was resorted to without scruple, either to induce them to comply with some necessary requirement, which they would otherwise have resisted, or to pacify them, in the absence of some desired but unattainable gratification. Indeed, the lady and her nurse would, in presence of the elder children, boast of the clever trick they had practised on the younger, in order to accomplish the formidable business of getting her to bed, or prevailing on her to take medicine, or to remain at home, when her brother and sister went out. "Pardon me, madam," said my uncle, "for presuming to interfere in a matter between a parent and her child, but I cannot refrain from expressing my grief, that you should deem it necessary to support parental authority on the basis of deception can you think it either lawful or politic to do thus ?"



The lady maintained that it was necessary to practise deception on children for their good, and that it was impossible to manage them without. 'If," said she, I had not carried my point by stratagem, I should have been obliged | to take the child out with me, or to keep her up till I went to bed myself, which would not have been for her good. Surely I am the best judge of what is good for her; and if I had attempted

openly to enforce compliance, she would have thrown herself into a violent passion, distressed the company, and made herself ill. Was it not much better to win her over to my purpose by a little innocent deceit ?"

"As you appeal to me, madam, I must say, that the very phrase is a solecism. I think it is impossible for deceit, in any case, to be innocent. Without wishing to make any offensive reflection on your parental management, I cannot help observing, that there are parents, within the circle of my acquaintance, who, by the constant exercise of gentle firmness, maintain their authority, without finding it at all necessary to have recourse to deceit. But, at all events, children have a right to truth. They are very early capable of distinguishing between truth and falsehood; they are capable of resenting deception, by refusing in future to believe the person who has deceived them; and they are capable, too, of imitating the example of deceit, and will even fancy themselves justified in attempting to deceive those who have deceived them. Depend upon it, madam, your conduct, in this respect, will exercise a fearful and permanent moral influence on children. We are not fully capable of accurately tracing results to their causes, and far too little accustomed honestly to make the attempt; but in that solemn day, when the secret history of the formation and development of character shall be fully disclosed, many a parent will be startled, at perceiving the influence which her thoughtless tricks, with what she deemed an unconscious child, have had in forming that child to a character of gross and hardened deception."

There is reason to hope that my uncle's expostulation was not thrown away. For, more than a year afterwards, during a visit to London, we were invited to spend a day at the house of this lady, who, soon after our arrival, said to my uncle, "Now I hope no person will call to-day, but that Mr. T. and myself may be permitted to enjoy your company without interruption. I should formerly have directed the servants to deny me to all visitors, and say, 'Not at home;' but since our conversation last year, I have been led to think more seriously than I used to do of these violations of truth; and I am convinced that they are not harmless, either in their nature or effects."

It happened that soon afterwards some visitors arrived, at which our hostess was a little disconcerted. She, however, received them with politeness, though with some degree of embarrassment, especially when she invited them to stay to dinner, which they declined, but staid there an hour or more. The conversation was interesting and animated, and all, I believe, parted with regret, that some other engagement prevented the day being spent together. After the departure of the visitors, Mrs. T- herself expressed that regret, but added, "After the wish I had just expressed that no one would come, I could not either profess to be glad to see these friends, or urge them to stay, lest I should be guilty of duplicity." I could perceive that my uncle was pleased to observe her increased sensibility to the claims of truth. How contemptible is the meanness, as well as how criminal the duplicity, of assuming to one's self merit that belongs to another! I have not forgotten how angry my uncle was at an imposition practised on the public by the son of an old friend of his, who bore his father's name, and who, having compiled a volume, which happened to be just ready for publication at the time of his father's death, announced it, both in the title page and in all advertisements, in such a manner as to convey the impression that it was the production of the father. As such, several hundred copies were sold among those who knew and respected the father, but perhaps knew nothing about the son. My uncle, who was exceedingly indignant at the imposition, yet who could scarcely admit the idea of its having been intentionally practised by the son of his friend, communicated with the young man on the subject, but no effort was made to undeceive the public. It need hardly be said, that when the trick was detected, the parties concerned in it justly lost all respect and confidence.

A gentleman in the neighbourhood of my uncle told him, with great satisfaction, that he had secured for both his sons the best classical education that could be obtained, having purchased presentations to the school. My uncle expressed surprise, observing, that he had always understood that that establishment was intended for the benefit of destitute children. Perhaps it was originally so intended," replied the gentleman, "but few poor destitute



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children are admitted now. I assure you, it is sought by families of wealth and distinction, who will obtain admission for their sons on almost any terms." "But,' asked my uncle, "is there not some declaration required, that the applicant really is necessitous, and a fit object for the charity." Charity!" replied the gentleman, "I do not consider it any charity; I have purchased the presentations; and as to any declaration, it is only required to say that I know no other way in which the children can receive the blessings of education :—and I do know no other way, I have never inquired for any other, simply because I always intended to avail myself of this." "My dear sir," said my uncle, your sons aware of this transaction? If they are, I fear they will learn from it lessons of duplicity, which will more than countervail all the classical advantages that can be secured to them. And to yourself, will not the achievement of your wishes be embittered by a consciousness of the deception, (pardon me, I cannot give it a gentler name,) by which it has been attained, and the injury inflicted by the alienation of the charity from its legitimate objects ?"



The gentleman affected to laugh it off, and to consider my uncle too stiff and precise in his notions. But he lived to look back on that transaction with keen regret and self-reproach. His sons disappointed his hopes, and brought down his grey hairs with sorrow to the grave.

The neighbourhood was agitated by a sharp political contest for a seat in parliament. My uncle was no eager partizan. He had his views and his preferences, and he acted conscientiously on them, but he was too noble minded to tolerate any attempt to serve the cause he espoused, by traducing or misrepresenting others. I recollect his expressing great displeasure with one of his tenants, not for honestly opposing his views, but for affecting to serve them by unfair dealing with the character of one in the opposite interest; and that, not absolutely by making a false statement, but by the suppressing a part of the truth, leading to unjust imputations.

"Never imagine," he said, "that any party excitement, or intention to serve a party purpose, even supposing that party to be in the right, can justify the slightest dereliction from the paths of truth, honour, and integrity. It is due, even to a political opponent, to act as you

would be acted by. A good cause cannot | need any violation of that universal and immutable rule; and a bad one is only rendered worse by it. Endeavour to know your duty to your country, and faithfully to discharge it, and then leave the event with God; but indulge no ill feelings, and practise no unfairness, towards those who may think and act on the other side. Honest men may think differently, even on an important question; but let neither party act so as to forfeit self-respect, or the respect of each other. He was a truly excellent man, who recorded, as an occasion of comfort to himself, that he felt truly able to say, he was far from lessening any man's excellences, either for intellects or morals, for the sake of his differing from him. Delight,' he nobly advised, 'in the holy generosity of speaking well of those who differ from you.' 111 *

Several other examples press on my mind, of occasions on which my good uncle expressed his fixed sense of the inflexible claims of truth, even in the minutest particulars, and his abhorrence of any deviation from them: but I must cut them short. In transactions between man and man, he often observed, that selfishness was the parent of deceit, and grieved to think how perpetually truth was sacrificed to paltry gain, from the petty trader, who was daily verifying the vivid description of Solomon, "It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer: at when he is gone his way, then he Lasteth," Prov. xx. 14, to the accomplished tricker, who raised a false report, in order to affect the public securities, in a way conducive to his own interest. "Oh! my boys," he would say, when any thing of this kind came under his notice, "you know not what spheres of life you may in future be called to fill, nor to what particular temptations you may be exposed; but may you have two principles thoroughly inwrought into your hearts, and carried out in all your words and actions; one is, that you may 'love your neighbour as yourself'-the other, that you may constantly entertain a sense of the cognizance which God takes of our words. This fact is universally acknowledged in the appeal to him by an oath, or solemn declaration. But how would many people, who do not reckon themselves liars, be startled, if every expression they utter should be answered by some sensible in

* M. Henry.

timation, that it had reached the ear of God! Indeed, which of us should not be startled? Lord, help us to live, and speak, and feel, as those who realize thy constant presence and close inspection!"

On one occasion, a person had been addressing another in terms of flattery and adulation, with professions of warm attachment, but no sooner had that person withdrawn, than the flatterer began to say many things to his disadvantage, and appealed to my uncle, whether he had not heard these reports, and whether he did not believe them to be true. "I do not know," replied my uncle, "but this I know, that both what you said to the man, and what you have said of him, have entered the ears of the Lord of sabaoth,' and the account will be balanced another day."

"There is much untruth practised," said my uncle, "in some cases, almost unconsciously, in consequence of an improper desire to please men, which leads to a conformity with others in practices and professions, which the conscience condemns, or in which the heart is not sincere. I have known young people, when cast into the society of the pious, adopt their phraseology, and make a sort of profession, which, without going so far as to incur the charge of downright designed hypocrisy, there was reason to apprehend was not strictly accordant with sincerity. I have known others, of whom there was really ground to hope well, who, on being cast into the society of the gay and worldly, were ashamed to avow their principles, and were even at pains to conceal their habitual practices, and to comply with those of the society around them, although they were questionable, if not criminal. My young friends, if you wish to adhere to truth in this particular, you must get above the fear of the world, and live and act, and speak and feel, not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts,' 1 Thess. ii. 4. Even a holy apostle, when he lost sight of this great principle, and thought more about pleasing men than doing what was right, acted in a manner most unworthy of himself, and justly exposed himself to severe reprehension, Gal. ii. 11, 12.

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"How was it, uncle, that the apostle Paul, who so severely blamed Peter for this concession, said, on another occasion, that he became all things to all men? 1 Cor. ix. 20-23. Was his con

duct at all inconsistent with sincerity and | it will preserve us from doing any thing godly simplicity ?"

"Not at all, Samuel: his concessions were made on principle, not in violation of it; and they consisted not in a sacrifice of truth, but in a judicious choice of seasons, circumstances, methods, and opportunities. The true spirit of accommodation,' it has been well observed, 'does not consist in falsifying or abridging, or softening, or disguising any truth, but in applying truth in every form, communicating it in every direction, and diverting it into every channel.'"


"The requirements of truth!" said Frank, "what a very extensive subject! it seems to press on every action of our lives, as well as every word of our lips; for every thing we do is calculated to give some impression, either true or false; and we mean either right or wrong in doing it; is it not so, uncle?" "Yes, Frank, truth requires that our words should be conformable with our hearts, and our actions with our words; and that our professions and conduct should be uniform and consistent with themselves in all times, places, and circumstances. In order to maintain outward consistency, truth is required in the inward part. We must be true to ourselves, true to the secret purposes and resolutions of our own hearts; and this will be a preventive against duplicity in our professions to others. And while truth is promoted, by the prevalent exercise of great principles, it is promoted, also, by habitual cultivation of what are sometimes called minor virtues. Punctuality is a friend to truth; the unpunctual, in their violation of promises and engagements, often sin against truth, and are often driven to mean subterfuges, to excuse those breaches.

"Meekness is a friend to truth. Persons who give way to a hasty, passionate, or resentful temper, often say things as inconsistent with truth as they are with kindness.

of which we are ashamed, or which requires concealment; and, by preserving us from desiring any thing that cannot be obtained by lawful means, it will preserve us from one great temptation to duplicity and misrepresentation.

"The importance of truth should stimulate us to use every possible means for its cultivation in ourselves. Every effort is well bestowed that is requisite for the attainment and exercise of that which is in itself the bond of society, and which is absolutely essential to our being conformed to the image of Him who is the Lord God of truth.'

"Think of the misery of being de-' ceived, and never attempt to inflict it on your fellow creatures. Think of the impossibility of deceiving God, and aim at a state of heart to which his inspection will be as welcome as it is inevitable. Think of the deceitfulness of your own heart, and the weakness of your best resolutions, and you will find enough to prompt you to earnest prayer, for an interest in that blood which cleanses from all sin, 1 John i. 7, for the influences of the Spirit of truth,' to 'create in you a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within you,' and to uphold and preserve you in the midst of danger, weakness, and temptations. 'Remove from me the way of lying and grant me thy law graciously,' Psa. cxix. 29. 'Hold up my goings in thy paths, that my footsteps slip not,'" Psa. xvii. 5. C.


THEN I was led to another window, and I looked, and behold a large plain; and the plain was covered with multitudes of people, and they were all going one way. And at the end of the plain ran a river black and deep. Moreover, I saw that over the plain was spread a thick mist, so that nothing could be clearly seen by those thereon; but "Modesty is a friend to truth, as it through that mist, as through other would check the disposition to vain boast-mists, objects did appear larger than ing and display, which often leads to false or exaggerated statements and pretensions. It would also prevent positiveness of assertion about things in which we may be mistaken, or but partially informed.


Simplicity, oneness of aim, will greatly facilitate the maintenance of truth in our words and actions, because

they really were, and also diversely coloured. Moreover, when I considered awhile, I perceived that, as in other mists so in this, each one seemed to himself to have a space clear therefrom round himself; and, while he pitied those who walked at a distance as altogether blinded by the fog, yet imagined that he himself, and those who were with

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