
during the night. The eggs are deposited in layers, no two being suffered to lie without a division between them. They are about the size of a fowl's egg, and are white, very slightly tinged with red. The natives are exceedingly fond of them, and rob the mounds two or three times in a season; they judge of the probable number of eggs in the heap, by the quantity of feathers lying around. If these are abundant, they know that the hillock is full, when they immediately open it, and take the whole; upon which the bird will again commence laying, to be robbed a second time, and she will frequently lay a third time. "Upon questioning one of the men attached to Mr. Moore's expedition, he gave me a similar account of its habits and mode of nidification; and added, that in all the mounds they opened, they found ants almost as numerous as in an ant hill. In many instances, that part of the mound in which the lower portion of the eggs was imbedded, had become so hard, that they were obliged to chip round them with a chisel to get them out. The insides of the mounds were always hot."

Captain Grey, who had been recently engaged in an expedition along the north-west coast, gave Mr. Gould a similar statement.

"The farthest point north," says captain Grey, "at which I have seen the breeding places of this bird, is Gantheaume Bay. The natives of King George's Sound say that the same, or a nearly allied species, exists in that neighbourhood. I have never fallen in with its nests; but in one description of country, namely, when the soil was dry and sandy, and so thickly wooded with a dwarf species of leptospernum, that if you stray from the native paths, it is almost impossible to force your way through. In these close scrubby woods, small glades occasionally occur, and here the Ngow-oo constructs its nest, composed of a large heap of sand, with dead boughs and grass, and at least nine feet in diameter and three in height. I have seen them even larger than this.

"Upon one occasion only, I saw eggs in those nests; they were placed at some distance from each other, and buried in the sand. I am not sure of the number; but the account given by the natives led me to believe that at times large numbers were found."

We do not learn, either from Mr. Gilbert's account, or that of captain Grey, whether, as in the case of the brush turkey, several combine to construct a common mound, or the contrary. But from the statement that when the nest is robbed, the bird lays again, we conclude, that though she trusts her eggs to be hatched by the warmth of the mound, (caused partly by the heat of the sun, and partly by the decomposition of the vegetable matters mingled with or lining it,) she does not forsake them, but watches over them, remaining near the spot in attendance till the young are excluded.

Judging from analogy, we infer that the brush turkey does the same. Whether in the case of the ngow-oo, the eggs are placed upright, or not, does not appear.

Here, then, we have well-attested instances of two birds belonging to the gallinaceous order, not incubating, as do birds in general, but constructing mounds for the reception of their eggs, which are hatched in them by artificial heat, not by the heat of the parent.

In reflecting on this singular fact, we are naturally led to inquire, whether any other birds adopt a similar mode, and also whether any other oviparous animals do the same.

The ostrich has been long believed to bury her eggs in the sand, in order that the heat of the sun may hatch them; but this has been denied. In South Africa, the ostriches lay their eggs in a shallow cavity scraped in the sand, with an elevated rim around it, and several females unite in forming a common nest; upon these eggs they sit, the females relieving each other during the day, the male taking his turn at night. But though the ostrich near the Cape incubates like other birds, it appears that within the torrid zone the females lay their eggs in the sand, where the heat of the sun is sufficient to hatch them, the female sometimes sitting upon them during the night. In this instance, however, the bird does not sit, because there is no necessity for it, the sun being powerful enough to bring the chick to maturity. But with regard to the two birds we have described, we find that they construct an artificial depository of vegetables, or of vegetables and sand, so as to constitute a hot bed, by the heat of which the eggs are duly hatched. The principle, if we

may so express ourselves, upon which these two gallinaceous birds act, is therefore different from that of the ostrich. Did they merely lay their eggs in the sand, and there leave them, they would, speaking figuratively, commit an error in judgment, which would result in the eggs losing their vitality.


"MAMMA," said my cousin Mortimer's eldest little girl, "what does don't care mean ?"


I think, Ellen, it never means any good; and generally a great deal of harm. If you were running along the towing path, by the side of the river, and I were to say to you, Take care, Ellen, what do you think I should mean ?” "That I should mind, and not go too near the edge."


But suppose you did not mind, and did go too near the edge ?"

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Perhaps I should fall in and be drowned."

"Yes, Ellen; and something else, whether or not you should fall into the


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"I should be disobedient, mamma.” "Yes, my child; that would be the worst of it; because disobedience is a sin."

Still, in the instance of the ostrich, as far as we know, we have the nearest approach as respects the point in question to the brush turkey and the ngow-oo. Of all oviparous animals, birds alone sit on their eggs, or incubate. All the reptiles and fishes trust their eggs, as a general rule, to the heat of the sun, whether in the water or on land, for becoming hatched. Many, however, bury them; and some, as the common snake, in places where other heat besides that of the sun may influence them; as, for example, in hot beds and heaps of decomposing manure. If, however, any cases approaching that of the brush turkey are to be found amongst the cold blooded, oviparous animals, we may naturally expect to find it in the highest of the reptilia. Tortoises and turtles bury their eggs in the sand, and there leave them to the action of the sun. Crocodiles do the same; but they watch over the places in which the eggs are deposited, and the females "I am very sorry, my dear, that Loutake the young under their own charge. isa should have acted so improperly; One species, however, the pike-nosed and very sorry that you should have witalligator, (Alligator lucius,) which in-nessed her conduct. But as you have habits the Mississippi, North America, seen and heard it, I hope you will reand the lakes of New Orleans, is said member that it is very foolish not to take to deposit its eggs in layers, separated care at all times: those who do not, are from one another by partitions of mud. likely to fall into mischief and danAzara also states that the Yacaré alli-ger. It is more than foolish, it is gator, (A. sclerops,) of South America, deposits its eggs in the sand, and covers them with dry grass or vegetable matters; but, in both these cases, they are hatched by the solar heat alone.

In the construction, then, of hot beds as depositories for their eggs, the brush turkey and the ngow-oo stand isolated among the feathered race; nor do we find a true parallel among the oviparous

animals of other classes.

It may be asked, What end is answered by this singular departure from the general rule among birds? Our reply is, We cannot tell. In every department of nature, we are presented with facts which baffle our endeavours to account for; with laws, and exceptions to laws, the why and wherefore of which are beyond our comprehension.


"Mamma, when I was at play, last night, with Louisa Parry, she climbed up a ladder, and gathered some grapes; and her maid begged her to come down, lest she should break her neck: besides, she told her she must not gather grapes without leave, her mamma would be very angry with her; but Louisa said, 'I don't care,' and went on doing it."

very sinful indeed, for a child not to take care to obey her parents, and not to care whether they are pleased or displeased. I hope my dear little Ellen will never utter such an expression, or cherish such a feeling.'

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The conversation between my cousin and her little daughter recalled to mind an old spelling book, used by Frank and myself, which contained a notable story of a disobedient careless boy, who used to treat both command and admonition with the insolent defiance, "I don't care." I forget the various stages of vice and misery through which he passed; but he was at length torn to pieces by a lion, into whose power he was thrown by some act of headstrong disobedience. This tragical scene was rudely depicted at the commencement of the story, which

ended with the moral, "Don't care al-
ways comes to an ill end at last." The
spelling book has long since become ob-
solete, and I am not sure that the warn-
ing was based upon sound principles; for,
in the moral tales of that day, obedience,
diligence, and good conduct, were made
invariably to conduct to wealth and
while idleness and vice as in-
variably led to disgrace and ruin. This,
though in accordance with the general
tendency of things, is not, in point of
fact, always immediately and visibly veri-
fied; and if it were, policy is but a poor
ground on which to build morality. He
who does right, merely because he thinks
he shall fare the better by so doing, will,
at best, do it but partially and super-
ficially; and will, in all probability, be-
come the easy prey of temptation, which
comes baited with a plausible representa-
tion of greater advantage to be derived
by pursuing an opposite course. How-
ever, without at present too nicely scan-
ning that point, I know that the closing
sentiment of the tale was deeply lodged
in my mind; and that I always con-
sidered it a very alarming thing to say,
"I don't care."


phrase, in defiance of authority. So
daring is he, that he commonly goes
among us by the name of Dreadnought.
He is the most ingenious inventor, and
the most daring perpetrator of mischief;
and when engaged in his rebellious fro-
lics, if some more timid transgressor,
though perhaps an admiring spectator of
his boldness, interposes the caution,
'Oh, take care! Hark! there's master
coming! You'll surely be caught!'
his reply always is, What do I care!
let him come :' and it is really astonish-
ing," continued Frank, "how frequently
he does come off harmless."

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"No, Frank," said my uncle, "not harmless. Such daring spirits may, and often do escape the immediate infliction of disgrace and punishment, which they are apt to consider the only harm that can result from their offences. But they do not escape moral harm; nor do they escape the guilt of inflicting it on others. I have known more than one lamentable instance, of a spirited young rebel, such as you describe, who, by the success and impunity, which generally attended his feats of youthful mischief, and especially by the admiration and applause poured The question of little Ellen led to a upon him, (perhaps by misguided conversation on the subject; and long parents,) for the cleverness which outafter the child had returned to her play-witted, or the courage which defied a things, we were enumerating instances in master, has lost all moral susceptibility, which this unguarded phrase is often used. and become hardened, in defiance of all Arthur Longley was referred to as adopt-authority, human and Divine. The ining it, in a tone of listless indifference. fluence too, of such an example, is most Frank, who was his schoolfellow, com- injurious on others. The hero and his plained that more than one holiday had feats became objects of emulation to those been wasted by his frittering, undecided who have not equal abilities; and, like way. When asked if he would join in a some of the weaker animals, they learn to walk, or a game at cricket, or whatever make up in cunning what they want in else the projected recreation might be, strength and courage: and thus a lad, his reply was, "I don't care if I do ;" who, perhaps, prides himself on his or, if two things were proposed for frankness, generosity, and honour, forms choice, he would say, "I don't care a host of servile imitators to characters which;" and still loiter away the time of meanness and artifice." in indecision, until he was too late to enjoy either.


We never, now," said Frank, "include him in our consultations; but form a plan the day before, and make all ready, so that we have the whole time to spend on active recreation. If Arthur joins us, he is welcome; but then he must act upon our motto, Work while you work, and play when you play.' We shall not again suffer him to cheat us out of our pleasure by his dilatory 'I don't


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"Another of our boys," continued Frank, "is continually adopting the


Yes, uncle," replied Frank; "I have seen something of this in the influénce of my schoolfellow. Though he is reckoned a hero himself, his satellites are generally mean spirited, cringing, and cowardly; and though he generally comes off himself with flying colours, he often leads others into terrible scrapes. I don't mean ungenerously on his part; but merely as he stimulates them by his example. I wish he could be induced to consider the real consequence of his exploits, both on himself and others, and then, I think, he would not be so ready to say, 'I don't care.'"

"Do not imagine," said Mrs. Morti- | mer, "that all the mischief, or all the hardihood of youth, is confined to the nobler sex. I can assure you, schoolgirls have quite as much of it in their way. The challenge may often be heard among them, as applied to some transgression of the established laws of the school, Dare you do so and so? I dare.' I sometimes smile to recollect the serious tone and manner with which a steady, little, old-fashioned girl used to reply,

'I dare do all that may become a man,
Who dares do more, is none.'

Perhaps there was a degree of pomposity in the appropriation of the phraseology; but it would be well for school girls and school boys too, if their daring were kept within the range of the sentiment. Then, there was a ditty in vogue among school girls in my day, which seems to intimate that Don't care' is a phrase adopted by those who practise eye service. I am afraid it is so, whether among pupils or servants. It is this,

Follow my dame on tip-ti-toe,

I don't care whether I work or no;
I can work, or I can play,

Or I can throw my work away.'" "I think," said my uncle, "Don't care' is often used as an expression of contempt of delegated authority. I have known servants, who, though they would receive with all obsequiousness the direct command of a master, would spurn at the same command if communicated through the medium of a fellow servant, and say, 'I don't care for him.'

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I recollected having frequently heard one of my schoolfellows say, "I don't care for him; he's only an usher:" who looked upon it quite another thing, if it could be said to him, "But Mr. himself says, You must do it; or, Leave off doing it."

66 Ah," said my uncle, "that is a very common error. People forget that by their contempt of any legitimate authority, however subordinate, they contemn the source of power, however exalted. A loyal subject of any state dare not indulge a perverse or contemptuous spirit against the meanest officer, who is the representative of the sovereign. And in families and schools, as well as states, the Christian law is, 'Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordin

ance of God: and they that resist, shall receive to themselves condemnation,' Rom. xiii. 1, 2. Don't you think, Samuel, that this makes it a serious offence, to despise any who, in the providence of God, are set over us?"

"Yes, indeed, it does, uncle. I think my schoolfellow cannot know this, or cannot have thought of it, or he would not dare to say that he does not care for anybody but the master.”

"I have known some young people indulge, and even express as rebellious and contemptuous a spirit against their parents, whose authority certainly comes next to that of God. I can think, at this moment, of at least two young persons, who, when the choice of their society, or the change of a situation, or the selection of a partner for life, was under discussion, on being admonished, 'But your parents will not approve of it;' have replied in the spirit, if not in


very words, 'I don't care for that; I am old enough now to be my own master. I shall choose for myself, and do as I please.'



And, uncle, what became of them ?" "( You may well ask, Samuel, as if you were afraid to hear. I could tell you melancholy tales of the consequences resulting from filial irreverence and disobedience; but I cannot tell you of one young person, who did not care for the wishes, the feelings, and the counsels of his parents, on whom the blessing of God was seen to rest; or who became, in any respect, eminent and honourable."

In the course of the conversation, Mrs. Mortimer remarked, that the phrase, "I don't care," was often used as the expression of foolhardiness. She mentioned a fine young man, with whom Mr. Mortimer was acquainted, who was in the habit of exposing his health in the most reckless and uncalled-for manner, in defiance of all admonition and remonstrance. On one occasion, rather from a spirit of bravado, than from any real occasion to go at that particular time, he would set off to walk, several miles, over a bleak unsheltered common, in the midst of pouring rain. His friends in vain endeavoured to dissuade him. He said, he did not care for being wet through; nothing ever hurt him. Some one present reminded him of the homely adage, "The pitcher may go often to the well and be broken at last," but though he derided the warning, he verified it: for in that rash expedition he caught a vio

lent cold, which settled on his lungs, and soon wasted his strength, and brought him down to the grave. During his illness, he felt and acknowledged his foolhardiness to have been a great sin; and trembled at having to answer for the guilt of throwing away his life for a vain bravado.

My uncle mentioned another lamentable instance of the fatal results of foolhardiness. A youth, on being placed apprentice to a druggist, received from his master repeated cautions, (rendered especially necessary by the inflammable nature of many substances continually employed in their business,) to be very careful of fire; never to go into certain parts of the warehouse with a lighted candle; never to neglect snuffing a candle, lest a spark should fall from the overgrown snuff; and whatever other cautions he considered requisite. The youth was for a time observant of his master's orders; but, by degrees, he became remiss and careless: and not unfrequently, when reminded by a fellow servant that he was transgressing the master's injunction, and admonished of the danger, he would reply, "Nonsense! What do I care for that? there's no danger at all: I've done it scores of times, and no harm ever came of it." Poor fellow! he did it once too often; for, in consequence of his carelessness and presumption, in the very matters in which he had been so often warned, his master's house was burned down, and several lives lost, including his own.


The like presumption is often seen in trifling with moral danger. 'Oh," says the thoughtless youth, "There's no danger, no harm in it; I've done it many times, and I am none the worse for it:" and so, "because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil," Eccles. viii. 11, and they flatter themselves that there is no evil in sin.


cost? Is it not too expensive? Can we afford to have it?' she only got some rude reply, to mind her own affairs, and perhaps, I don't care what its costs; I am determined to have it, let it cost what it will. What it costs is of no consequence to you.' But," continued my uncle, the present embarrassed state of his affairs, and the darkened prospects of his family, too painfully prove that his habits of wanton, reckless expenditure have been of serious consequence to his wife, and to all connected with him. Nor is it in pecuniary expenses alone that this person and others, who, like him, are bent on their own gratification, say, they don't care what it costs; they don't care what restraints they break through; they don't care what wounds they inflict on those whom they ought to revere, love, and cherish; they don't care what consequences they entail on themselves by their headstrong folly. "Get it for me, it pleases me well," is the language of their turbulent passions; and, like him of old who uttered it, they generally find, as the result, that in pleasing their eager fancy they have plagued their hearts. I think you were quite right in telling little Ellen that Don't care' is always a bad word."


My conscience reproached me, uncle made this remark, for my own experience confirmed the truth of his observation; happily it was in a comparatively small matter. About four miles from my uncle's residence, is a high hill, a part of which being excavated to a great depth, many marine productions, in a fossil state, are found bedded in the earth. I had long had a desire to collect some of these monuments of antiquity, and one hot summer's day I obtained a basket from Mrs. Rogers, who did not question me as to the object of my expedition, but supposed I was going to gather strawberries, or collect plants. She, however, charged me to keep in the shade, and not overheat myself. After "I don't care what it costs." 66 "That," a toilsome walk, I reached the spot; observed Mrs. Mortimer, "is no un- spent an hour or two in exploring the common phrase. I think, uncle, you have clift and collecting specimens, with which often been vexed to hear it." I filled my basket, and placing it on my "Yes; indeed I have. Horses, car-head, returned with my cumbrous load. riages, paintings, whatever* he saw and fancied, was ordered home without consideration. If his poor, meek, pensive wife presumed to ask, 'But what will it

* Though my uncle did not name the party of whom he spoke, there is no doubt he alluded to the Captain.

With difficulty I reached home, and on setting down my basket, I sunk down, completely overcome with heat and fatigue. "Oh, master Samuel! master Samuel! What have you been doing? Little did I think, when you came to me for the basket, what you were after. To

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