

[The figures following the dates are the numbers of the pages on which quotations may be found.]

Abira, Rabbi, 116

Abu Bekr, A.D. 573-634, 117

Abul Kasim Mansur, A.D. 940-1020, 158

Æsop, died about B.C. 561, 359

Alger, William R., A.D. 1022-1905, 41

Andrews, William, A.D. 1890, 254

Aristotle, B.C. 384-322, 354

Austin, St., A.D. ?-604, 355

Bacon, Francis, A.D. 1561-1626, 41, 42

Bigelow, John, A.D. 1817-1911, 230

Bland, Robert, A.D. 1814, 229

Brand, John, A.D. 1744-1806, 324

Brewer, E. Cobham, A.D. 1810-1897, 84, 131

Browne, Sir Thomas, A.D. 1605-1682, 101

Buckhardt, J. L., A.D. 1784-1817, 53, 76, 133, 160, 164,

173, 179, 247, 278, 335, 339, 342, 352

Bürger, Gottfried A., A.D. 1747-1794, 223
Burns, Robert, A.D. 1759-1796, 95, 358

Burton, Richard F., A.D. 1821-1890, 64, 283, 322, 361

Cæsar, Caius Julius, B.C. 100-44, 356

Catullus, Caius Valerius, B.C. 87-54, 354

Chambers, Robert, A.D. 1802-1871, 86

Chaucer, Geoffrey, A.D. 1340-1400, 104

Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, A.D. 1694-1773, 2

Cheviot, Andrew, A.D. 1896, 50, 62, 199, 240, 369

Child, Francis J., A.D. 1825-1896, 257

Christian, John, A.D. 1890, 28, 42, 67, 71, 203, 226, 307,

309, 346

Cohen, A., A.D. 1911, 63, 70

Collins, John, A.D. 1823, 239

Congreve, William, A.D. 1670-1729, 275, 305

Cornwall, Barry (Bryan Waller Procter), A.D. 1787-1874, 44 Cowan, Frank, A.D. 1844-1906, 298

Cowper, William, A.D. 1731-1800, 102, 105, 304

Davis, E. J., A.D. 1897, 237, 382

Davis, John Francis, A.D. 1795-1890, 45

Dickens, Charles, A.D. 1812-1870, 367

Disraeli, Isaac, A.D. 1766-1848, iii., 24, 36, 44, 258

Dumas, Alexander, A.D. 1803-1870, 373

Dykes, Oswald, A.D. 1707, 191, 193, 235, 301, 325

Eliot, George (Mary Ann Evans-Lewes, Cross), A.D. 18191880, 107

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, A.D. 1803-1882, 15, 31, 42, 228
Fabyan, Robert, A.D. ?-1513, 317

Fleming, A., 209

Franklin, Benjamin, A.D. 1706-1790, 111, 130, 221, 305 Fuller, Thomas, A.D. 1608-1661, 46, 57

Gay, John, A.D. 1685-1732, 127, 325

Geikie, Cunningham, A.D. 1824-1906, 118, 119, 127

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, A.D. 1749–1832, 189

Goldsmith, Oliver, A.D. 1728-1774, III

Gower, John, A.D. 1325-1408, 255, 372
Gracian, Baltasar, A.D. 1601-1658, 266
Greene, Robert, A.D. 1560-1592, 350
Grierson, George A., A.D. 1851, 71, 307

Grose, Francis, A.D. 1731-1791, 57, 152, 162, 245, 323, 330,


Gurdon, P. R. T., A.D. 1903, 337

Hackwood, Frederick W., A.D. 1911, 295, 315
Hazlitt, W. Carew, A.D. 1834, 205, 240, 241, 372
Hearn, Lafcadio, A.D. 1850-1904, 49, 59, 224
Henderson, George, A.D. 1856, 256, 380
Henry, Matthew, A.D. 1662-1714, 101, 115
Herrick, Robert, A.D. 1591-1674, 146, 171, 178

Hesiod, about B.C. 776, 351

Heywood, John, A.D. 1497-1580, 61, 100, 119, 165, 176,

200, 252, 297, 305, 325, 350, 372

Hillel, Rabbi, B.C. 60-A.D. 10, 116

Hislop, Alexander, A.D. 1862, 295, 334, 345, 347, 351

Holcroft, Thomas, A.D. 1744-1809, 275

Holland, J. G., A.D. 1819-1881, 42

Homer, between B.C. 700-800, 354

Horace, Quintus Horatius Flaccus, B.C. 65-8, 130, 351

Howell, James, A.D. 1594–1666, 252

Hulme, F. Edward, A.D. 1841-1909, 12, 18

Humphreys, W. J., 31

Irving, Washington, A.D. 1783-1859, 299

Jacox, Francis, A.D. 1874, 103, 127

Jermin, Michael, A.D. ?-1659, 102, 262, 263

Joubert, Joseph, A.D. 1754-1824, 44

Keil, C. F., and Delitzsch, F., 1878, 123

Kelly, James, A.D. 1721, 149, 224, 244, 245, 314, 344

Knowles, J. Hinton, A.D. 1885, 89, 154

Langland, William, A.D. 1330-1400, 298, 367

Lawrence, Robert Means, A.D. 1847, 192

Lockier, Francis, A.D. 1668–1740, 330

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, A.D. 1807-1882, 105

Lyle, John, A.D. 1553-1601, 61

Mannyng, Robert (Robert de Brunne), about A.D. 12641338, 262

Meyer, H. A. W., A.D. 1800-1873, 124

Mickle, W. J., A.D. 1734-1788, 202

Miller, Hugh, A.D. 1802-1856, 375

Milton, John, a.d. 1608-1674, 54, 314

Montaigne, Michael de, A.D. 1533-1592, 65, 188

Montgomery, James, A.D. 1771-1854, 106

Morley, John, A.D. 1838, 42

Morton, W., A.D. 1832, 80, 228

Muffet, Peter, A.D. 1596, 101, 109
Müller, Max, A.D. 1823-1900, 39
Nares, Robert, A.D. 1753-1829, 380
Negris, Alexander, A.D. 1831, 76, 327

Nicolson, Alexander, A.D. 1880, 75, 77, 78, 323, 373

Ovid, Publius Ovidius Naso, B.C. 43-A.D. 18, 198, 199, 202 Palmer, Samuel, A.D. 1710, 301

Parker, Joseph, A.D. 1830-1902, 5, 65, 112, 224

Percival, P., A.D. 1842, 59

Peter Pindar (John Wolcot), A.D. 1738-1819, 235, 371

Phædrus, first part of the First Century A.D., 61

Pope, Alexander, A.D. 1688-1744, 251

Prior, Matthew, A.D. 1664–1721, 107

Procter, Bryan Waller, A.D. 1787-1874, 44

Publius Syrus, about B.C. 45, 353

Ramsay, Allan, A.D. 1686–1758, 43, 56, 345

Ray, John, A.D. 1628–1705, 48, 52, 81, 204, 323, 329, 366, 369

Roebuck, Thomas, A.D. 1784-1819, 80

Rosecommon, W. D., A.D. 1633-1685, III

Saadi (Shaikh Muslihu-'d-Din), A.D. 1184-1291, 235
Sallust, Caius Sallustius Crispus, B.C. 85-35, 353

Schaff, Philip, A.D. 1819-1893, 8

Scott, Walter, A.D. 1771-1832, 64, 146, 220, 241, 246, 257, 259, 314, 330, 334, 369, 372, 373, 376

Seneca, Lucius Annæus, B.C. 4-A.D. 65, 140
Shaikh Muslihu-'d-Din, A.D. 1184-1291, 123

Shakespeare, William, A.D. 1564-1616, 60, 84, 119, 134, 151,

176, 201, 241, 251, 367, 369, 377

Skeat, Walter W., 1835, 22
Slaveikoff, Pencho, A.D. 1904, 27
Smith, David, A.D. 1866, 114, 121
Smith, Sydney, A.D. 1771-1845, 190
Still, John, A.D. 1543-1608, 251
Stow, John, A.D. 1525-1605, 57, 242
Strutt, Joseph, A.D. 1749-1802, 349
Taylor, John, A.D. 1580-1653, 151, 251
Temple, William, A.D. 1628-1699, 44
Theognis, about B.C. 540, 357

Thomson, William M., A.D. 1806-1894, 11, 21, 98, 122, 272
Toy, Crawford H., A.D. 1836–, 104, 112

Trapp, John, A.D. 1601-1669, 106, 112, 114, 118, 134, 137

Trench, Richard Chenevix, A.D. 1807-1886, 26, 36, 41, 76, 82 Tusser, Thomas, A.D. 1524–1580, 61, 147, 200, 214, 253, 299 Walker, Margaret Coulson, A.D. 1908, 125, 180

Watts, Isaac, A.D. 1674-1748, 301

Webster, Noah, A.D. 1758–1843, 1, 89

White, J. D., A.D. 1889, 69, 72

Wither, George, A.D. 1588-1667, 147
Wolcot, John, A.D. 1738-1819, 235, 371
Wyatt, Thomas, A.D. 1503-1542
Xenophon, B.C. 430(?)-357(?), 354
Young, Edward, A.D. 1683-1765, 182, 305

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