
Of his wisdom

[The devising of the plan of redemption was the greatest effort of divine wisdom

But this declares that the devising of it was superfluous, and that an attention to it is unnecessary—]

Of his mercy

[God in infinite mercy offers us salvation through his Sonf

But this is a determinate refusal of his gracious offers-] Such is the construction which God himself puts upon its

II. Wherefore they do so

This contempt of God is in the highest degree unreasonable

The question therefore must be considered in a way of expostulation

1. What assurance has any man that God will not require sin?

[Supposing it possible or even probable, who can be certain of it?

What folly then must it be to continue in sin through hopes of impunity, when the mistake, if it be one, will be irrevocable, and the consequences of it irremediable?—

We are bound, in common prudence, to chuse the safe side-]

2. Has not God said that he will require sin?

[The testimonies to this effect are most indubitable Can we suppose that God will falsify his word?i-]

3. Has not God already in many instances required


[Have not individuals, companies, cities, the whole world, yea, man in Paradise, and angels in Heaven, been made monuments of divine vengeance:

Why may he not manifest his indignation against US also?

4. Will not the account be dreadful if he should require sin?

[No heart can conceive the terrors of the final judgmentWho, in his right mind, would risk the loss of Heaven, and the suffering of Hell?—]

Isai. lv. 1, 2.

h1 Cor. vi. 9. John iii. 3. * Jude vi. 7.

1 Sam. ii. 30. Rom. ii. 4.

i Numb. xxiii. 19. 2 Tim. ii, 13.

5. Can any power or policy of men prevent his requiring sin?

[Let us first avert death from our bodies, or provide an answer to Job's question1—

Not earth and hell combined can prevent the punishment of one sinner-]


[Let us see how deeply we have been involved in this guilt

Let us consider to what an extent we may commit sin even by our thoughts

Let us flee for refuge to the hope set before us

If we believe in Christ, God will never require sin at our hands"

A believer may not only think this in his heart, but express it with his lips

Such expressions so far from pouring contempt on God will greatly honour him

God is not more honoured by any thing than by the humble confidence of a believer°—

Let us all therefore lay our sins on the head of the true scape-goat

So shall they never be required of us in the day of judg

[blocks in formation]

Eccl. viii. 11. Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.

SIN is in itself an evil of a crimson dye—

Nevertheless its malignity may be greatly increased by the aggravations with which it is attended

One can scarcely conceive any thing that can enhance its guilt so much, as the committing of it in hopes that God's mercy will pardon it

Yet this is the very ground on which the world indulge themselves in the commission of it-" Because," &c. L The extent of man's wickedness

That sin exists in the world is visible to all

But the degree in which it prevails is very little knownMen sin

1. Habitually

[All are not equally vicious in their lives

But all forget God and neglect their own souls-
Successive years serve only to confirm this habit-
We may all adopt the confession of the church of old-]
2. Deliberately

[It were well if we never sinned, but through ignorance

or inadvertence

But what schemes have we formed for the accomplishment of sinful purposes!—

How often have we seen the sinfulness of our desires, and yet gratified them!

The very bent and inclination of our souls has been towards wickedness-]

3. Without restraint.

[A regard to our reputation or interest may impose some restraint


A fear of hell may also prevent the gratification of some desires

But few are kept from evil like Joseph, by the fear of Godd

That is the only restraint which proves uniformly effectuale-]

4. Without remorse

[We must at times have felt some convictions of conscience

But we, for the most part, stifle them by company, amusements, &c.

Many attain to dreadful hardness of heart and impenitencef

The prophets description may well be applied to each of us8-]

Thus are "men's hearts fully set in them to do evil"

[They walk after the imagination of their own heartsNeither mercies nor judgments can prevail with them to do otherwise-]

If their sins were followed by a visible and immediate punishment, men would not dare to live in this mannerBut God defers the execution of his judgments

a Jer. iii. 25.
d Gen. xxxix. 9.
8 Jer. viii. 5, 6.

b Rom. i. 32.
* Jam. ii. 11..

e Job xv. 16.
f 1 Tim. iv. 2.

II. The occasion of it

God is not an unconcerned spectator of sin

He has appointed a day for the revelation of his righteous judgment

At present he forbears to inflict vengeance-

This very forbearance emboldens men to sin-" because," "therefore"

From the delay of punishment men think

1. That there is but little "evil" in sin

[God indeed calls sin "an evil work"

But his forbearance towards sinners is thought to indicate indifference

This however is a fatal delusion

He has marked the evil of sin in many awful instances1He will soon undeceive this blind infatuated world'—] 2. That there is no "sentence" gone forth against it [Men would gladly persuade themselves that they have no cause to fear

The temptation whereby the serpent beguiled Eve, is cherished by them3

But the wrath of God is indeed denounced against sin1Every species and degree of sin renders us obnoxious to his displeasureTM-]

3. That the sentence (if there be any) will never be "executed"

[Since God defers punishing, it seems possible that he may decline it altogether

The apparent disproportion between the offence and the punishment seems to countenance this idea

To confirm our hope we are apt to compare God with ourselves"—

But, however long God delay, he will surely strike at last°-] Thus they take occasion from God's forbearance to persist in their evil ways

[David mentions this effect as arising from it in his day?—— St. Peter foretells the prevalence of this iniquity in the last days

Experience proves how universally it obtains at present-] INFER

1. How great the folly, as well as wickedness, of unregenerate men!

2 Pet. ii. 4-6.

I Rom. ii. 8, 9.

• Eccl. viii. 12, 13. VOL. I.

¡ Eph. v. 6.
m Rom. i. 18.

P Ps. lv. 19.


k Gen. iii. 4.

n Ps. 1. 21.

q 2 Pet. iii. 3, 4.

[If there were a bare possibility of eternal punishment, how mad were it to continue in sin!

But God has pledged himself that he will inflict it on the impenitent"—

Every moment's continuance in sin increases the condem


What extreme folly then is it so to abuse the forbearance of God!

May we be ashamed of ourselves, and repent in dust and ashes-]

2. What need have we to be cleansed by the blood and spirit of Christ!

[What but the blood of Christ can ever expiate the guilt we have contracted?

What but the spirit of Christ can ever deliver us from such habits?

That we can never renew our own souls is certain

Let us therefore wash in the fountain opened for us"-
And let us apply to God for his almighty aid3—]

3. How dreadful must be the state of those who continue impenitent!

[There is a certain measure of iniquity which sinners are left to fill upY

When this is full, nothing can avert the divine vengeance

Already are the arrows of divine Justice pointed at them— Eternity itself will be the duration of the punishment— The time is coming when Jerusalem's state will be ours— Let us then tremble lest we exhaust the divine patienced Let us diligently improve this day of salvation]

r Matt. xxv. 46.
u Zech. xiii. 1.
z 1 Thess. ii. 16.
e Luke xix. 42.

• Rom. ii. 4, 5.
Lam. v. 21.
a Ps. vii. 11-13.
Zeph. ii. 2, 3.

t Jer. xiii. 23.

y Gen. xv. 16.

b Mark ix. 43-48. e 2 Cor. vi. 2.


2 Cor. v. 10, 11. We must all appear before the judgment-seat of Christ, that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men. TIME is generally thought to be of little use, except as it may be employed in amusements or in the prosecution of worldly business

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