
several inscriptions, urns, various coins in silver and bronze, and other things, which leave no room to doubt the fact that Yverdun was built near the site of the above mentioned Roman station. The Castle, erected in the 12th century, by Conrad, Duke of Zueringen, is a massive structure, destitute of exterior ornament, but curiously arranged in the inside. The armour of the warlike founder is still exhibited. The Church dates no further back than 1755: it is of a simple yet elegant architectural design: the front of this edifice is formed of two orders, Doric surmounted by Ionic; the lower in columns, the upper in pilasters.The clock tower is old and ruinous: it formerly belonged to a Romish Chapel, which it separated from a Protestant Church; but both the one and the other were demolished to give place to the present temple. The interior very neat and commodious: it contains a handsome and excellent-toned organ, some monuments, and a gallery, which goes completely round it.


Noble avenues of poplar and chesnut trees adorn the public walk by the side of the lake, which, at this extremity, has a sandy shore, with rushes growing on the shallows: there are extensive and well-drained marshes along the banks of the river. The hills on each side are covered with beautiful woods and rich harvests. As we look through this fine vista, along the vast surface of

4. The inhabitants of Yverdun, to their friend and patron, Caius Flavius Camillus, Triumvir of the Helvetic Colony, Priest of Augustus, to whom the government has given the rank of Patron of the Citizens, and has decreed a Portico and Statues on account of the services which he has rendered to the State.

5. With the consent of the Curator Senticus, Diadmienus the Physician, has consecrated this altar to the August Mars, in voluntary fulfilment of his


waters, whose convexity alone prevents our seeing the lower end of the lake, the mountains to the north form an imposing back ground; clothed in the azure hues and attenuated shades of distance, they appear majestical though dimly seen. Taken in this direction the view differs little in effect from that of an arm of the sea.

We walked to the Chateau-des-Bains, a large house, built by the magistracy, in the vicinity, where lodging and every other convenience are afforded for numerous patients, who come hither to drink of, as well as to bathe in, the waters. They are mineral, sulphurated, and tepid; and rise in great abundance from the spring. The taste is extremely nauseous, resembling that of Harrowgate Spa: but their use both external and internal is stated to be very salutary in purifying the blood.

Yverdun contains an Hospital, a College, and a Public Library. It can also boast of two benevolent and charitable Societies; one of which gives pecuniary assistance to the poor, whilst the object of the other is to suppress mendicity, by furnishing the indigent with food and clothing, and by finding work for those who are in want of employ


Within the last few years, an establishment has been arranged for the education of young ladies, and which is in high repute. The Reverend M. Niederer and his wife are at the head of a well conducted boarding school, where that elementary method of instruction is pursued which the celebrated M. Henry Pestalozzi instituted and practised in this place for a long time with great success. There are, I am told, the best masters in every department. The board and lodging (la pension) of a person who wishes for respectable accommodation and good living,

would at Yverdun be 50 Louis (417. 13s. 4d.) But if he contented himself with a furnished bed-chamber, and took his meals at a restaurateur's, he would be enabled to live considerably cheaper.

Our evening was passed in the society of a Lady, with whom, twenty-three years ago, we had both of us commenced an acquaintance in the capital of France. Our meeting again in Yverdun, after so long an interval, was "like the memory of joys that are past, pleasing yet mournful;" pleasing, to reciprocate in person the sentiments of genuine and unabated attachment; mournful, to find a victim of misfortune in the object of our just esteem.Madame H. cheerful and resigned, under the deprivation of much that is essentially needful to comfort the feelings and support the spirit of a virtuous and well-informed female, gave us that best welcome-the warm reception of the heart; and in our eyes appeared with no less claims to consideration as the tenant of a humble cottage, than if she had been enabled to shelter us beneath a roof corresponding in gentility with that of her birth, and in circumstances the most fitted for the solace of her declining years. Verifying an observation made by honest La Fontaine, in one of his ingenious fables, on the sincerity of friendship, that

"Rien n'est plus commun que le nom;
"Rien n'est plus râre que la chose,”

the greater part of her life had presented a series of afflictions and calamities, such as it is impossible for any human being to struggle with, unless supported by the principles of Christianity. It is her trust in Divine Providence that sustains her mind, and inspires her with



religious thankfulness to enjoy the blessings of health and serenity.

From this friend, who, conversant with most particulars relating to her native town and canton, was equally willing to answer my inquiries, I obtained, among other information, the following on the subject of their ecclesiastical discipline :-Besides the duties of the Sunday and of stated Festivals, the Protestant Ministers in this and other parts of the Pays-de-Vaud officiate in several religious services, in the course of the week; such as public catechisms for the instruction of young people; and prayers, to which they add an analysis of a chapter of the Gospel. Of the Sunday service, the notice already taken under the head of Vevay may be regarded as a correct description, applying generally to the Reformed Church of Switzerland. But the most interesting ceremony of their worship is the celebration of the Lord's Supper, which takes place eight times a year, including the solemn celebrations of the Nativity and Death of our Blessed Saviour. On these Communion days, after a sermon appropriate to the occasion, the sacred table, covered with a fine white linen cloth, is ornamented with a large dish of silver, (or other metal) containing small slices of bread; two large cups of antique form, filled with wine, are also placed upon the table. A Deacon presents himself before the benches on which are seated those who intend to communicate, and he remains there in order to prevent confusion. The men go first, one by one, following each other in file. The Minister, standing before the table, gives to each a morsel of bread, pronouncing at the same time a passage from the New Testament. The principal Magistrates, placing themselves on each side of the

Reverend Pastor, offer the cups. The women then follow, and in like manner receive the bread and wine; after which each, in deep meditation, retires to his or her place, there to offer up a silent prayer to Almighty God.

Every year, in the month of September, there is an appointed day of fasting and penitence, on which the Clergy officiate in the Church from eight o'clock in the morning till four in the afternoon. The Ministers that day redouble their zeal, and spare no one. They proclaim the denunciations of Holy Writ against the violators of God's commandments; they hold out threatenings to the more hardened sinners, in the hope of bringing them back to repentance; and instances are not wanting in which such appeals have been attended with the desired effect. At the termination of each century, a similar fast is observed, under the name of a Jubilee. In the course of each winter, the Ministers give private instruction to such young people of both sexes, from the age of 15 to 16 years, as may be desirous of receiving the Holy Communion. In this case they undergo repeated examinations, until they are found in a state of religious knowledge and a frame of mind proper for the purpose of admitting them to be partakers of it: during the whole year that these instructions last, all worldly amusements are forbidden them. The introduction of young persons into the Church is a matter of great public solemnity, especially in large towns. On Holy Thursday, divine service is performed; and the senior Pastor addresses himself to the youthful part of his auditory, in a pathetic exhortation, respecting their duties towards God and towards society, as well as on the subject of their future conduct. He reads the lists of persons admitted,

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