
conduct him down to her submarine palace. And he hastily arose to walk towards her, but no kind hand now held him above the water; he sank-and the cool waves closed over him. For a moment the mirror of the lake trembled and shook, and then it again became quiet and calm as before.

Seppi never again rose from the waters; and to this day a soft sighing and murmuring is heard through the reeds that grow in solitary lakes and ponds; and that is the endless sorrow of the poor transformed fairy, for her lost favorite.

From Morris and Willis' Home Journal.

of the battle-field-remembering all that has been thought and felt in the saddle which that horse was wont to wear-it was impossible to look upon him without a throb in the throat-one of those unbidden and unreasoning tear-throbs, that seem to delight in paying tribute, out of time and unexacted, to trifles that have been belongings of glory. We saw General Taylor himself, for the first time, the next day-with more thought and reverence, of course, than had been awakened by looking upon his horse-but with not half the emotion.

The "hero-president" has been more truthfully described than any man we ever read much of before seeing. One who had not learned how extremes touch, in manners-the most courtly polish and the most absolute simplicity-might be surWe were standing at the corner of President prised, only, with that complete putting of every Square, in Washington, the other day-literally in England as the result of high breeding; and one in his presence at ease, which is looked upon brought to a stand-still by the heavenly beauty of which General Taylor's manners effect, without the weather-when a loose horse trotted leisurely the slightest thought given to the matter, apby us in the open street, and we found ourself expanding towards him, in sympathetic recognition of parently, and with the fullest preservation of dignity. "Rough and Ready"-in this way-an the similarity of our respective happiness. "There English duke would be, as well; and, by the way, are two of us out of harness, to-day," we mentally his readiness is of a simplicity and genuineness said "God bless you, old brother worky, and may which it is wonderful indeed to find so high on the you enjoy, as I do, this delicious sunshine and its ladder of preferment! There were but six or heavenly nothings to do!" On he trotted towards eight persons in the room, when the party we acthe president's gate, and, halting a little before companied were presented to the president; and the entrance, he seemed hesitating between per- the conversation, for the ten minutes we were fect liberty to go in or stay out-when it suddenly there, was entirely unstudied, and between himself occurred to us that our fellow-idler might not be, and the ladies only. But we should have been after all, the "private individual" for whom we had fancied our sympathy to be rather a condescen- anywhere struck with the instant directness, obsion than otherwise! What if it should be "Oldness, with which he invariably replied to what was viousness, and prompt and close-hitting immediateWhitey," reposing on his laurels !

A moment's look, up and down the pavé in front of the president's mansion, corroborated the conjecture. There were, perhaps, twenty persons in sight, and, among them, we recognized one of the cabinet secretaries, a venerable auditor, the Austrian Chargé, and two of those unanxious and yet responsible-looking persons whom you know to be "members," and not office-seekers-and-(curious to see)-all eyes were fixed, not upon the distinguished foreigner, not on the honorable officials, not on the honorable members, not on an unharnessed and loose editor of the Home Journal-but on the unbarnessed and loose white horse!

said. Let it be ever so mere a trifle, the return thought was from the next link of association. Most great men, diplomatists and politicians partieularly, go" about the bush" a little, for a reply to a remark, omitting the more obvious and simpler an appearance of seeing more scope in the bearing answer it might suggest, for the sake, perhaps, of of the matter. But Taylor-(we thought we could make certain, even from these few brief moments of observation)—has no dread of your seeing his mind exactly as it works; and has no care whatever, except to think and speak truthfully what comes first, regardless of any policy, or manageof his voice, at the same time, is that of thorough ment of its impression on the listener. The key frankness, good-humor and unconsciousness of ob

We felt the smoke of Buena Vista and Resaca de la Palma, of Palo Alto and Monterey, pushing us toward the old cannon-proof charger. He went smelling about the edges of the sidewalk-wonder-servation, while his smile is easy and habitual. ing, probably, at such warm weather and no grass and we crossed over to have a nearer look at him, with a feeling that the glory was not all taken from

his back with the saddle and holsters.


Whitey" is a compact, hardy, well proportioned animal, less of a battle-steed, in appearance, than of the style usually defined by the phrase "familyhorse," slightly knock-kneed, and with a tail (I afterwards learned) very much thinned by the numerous applications for a "hair of him for memory." He had evidently been long untouched with a curry-comb, and (like other celebrities, for want of an occasional rubbing down) there was a little too much of himself in his exterior-the name of "Old Whitey," indeed, hardly describing with fidelity a coat so matted and yellow. But, remembering the beatings of the great heart he had borne upon his back-the anxieties, the energies, the defiances of danger, the iron impulses to duty, the thrills of chivalric triumphs, and the sad turnings of the rein to see brothers in arms laid in the graves

The grace with which these out-of-door characteristics accompany a mouth of such indomitable resolution and an eye of such searching and inevitable keenness, explains, perhaps, the secret of the affection that is so well known to have been mingled

with the confiding devotion felt for him throughout the army. It is impossible to look upon the old hero, we should say, without loving and believing

in him.

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was prepared. Wood cuts are given, together law to construct dwelling houses under the direcwith a chart, showing the topography of the infected districts and representations of the filthy alleys where the disease established its head quar


Thus we have capital daguerreotype views of "Half-moon place" in the rear of Broad street, of tenements in Burgess alley and Stillman street, and of a house in the rear of 136 Hanover street. A glimpse is afforded us, too, of a "subterranean bedroom in Bread street." There is a reality in these sketches, which conveys an idea of squalid misery unequalled by anything in the fancy etchings of Cruikshanks and Brown. The description of the cellars in Bread street is unparalleled by the minute accounts which we find, in Jack Sheppard" and "Oliver Twist," of the dwellings of the poor, the vicious, and the outcast. Many of the inhabited cellars in this vicinity are inundated by the back water of the drains during high tides; and being entirely below the level of the sidewalks, they are necessarily, therefore, almost entirely without light or ventilation.

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tion of the board of health; that every landlord should be required to fit his building properly to the purposes for which it is to be used, in respect to light, air, and necessary conveniences; that some provision of law should be made, by which the number of tenants should be apportioned to its size and general arrangements; and that the occupation of under-ground cellars as dwelling-houses should be prevented.

All these measures are proper and necessary to the sanitary welfare of the city. It is well known that the landlords who let or under-let these immense hives swarming with occupants, derive from them a revenue wholly disproportionate to the value of the buildings, and if the public health is to suffer in consequence, we do not see why appropriate restrictions should not be adopted.

We are much indebted to Dr. Henry G. Clark, City Physician, for an early copy of his interesting report, accompanying that of the Committee of Internal Health. His associates, Doctors Buckingham, Dalton, and Williams, have contributed much to its completeness; for which he makes the proper acknowledgments. The drawings by Billings are truly said to be "most faithful representations of the scenes they are intended to exhibit "

One cellar was reported by the police, during the last summer, to be occupied nightly, as a sleeping apartment, by thirty-nine persons! In another, the tide had risen so high that it was necessary to approach the bedside of the patient by means of a-Transcript. plank, which was laid from one stool to another; while the dead body of an infant was actually floating about the room in its coffin.

The houses in which the epidemic prevailed most were in Broad, Wharf, Wells, Bread, Oliver, Hamilton, Atkinson, Curve, Brighton, Cove, and Ann streets, and were occupied by the Irish. In these houses, several families were sometimes found occupying the same room. Of course, in such a state of things, there can be no cleanliness, privacy, or proper ventilation, and little comfort; and, with the ignorance, carelessness, and generally loose and dirty habits which prevail among the occupants, the necessary evils are greatly increased both in amount and intensity. The Committee on Internal Health report that

In Broad street and all the surrounding neighborhood, including Fort Hill and the adjacent streets, the situation of the Irish, in these respects, is particularly wretched. During their visits the last summer, your committee were witnesses of scenes too painful to be forgotten, and yet too disgusting to be related here. It is sufficient to say, that this whole district is a perfect hive of human beings, without comforts and mostly without common necessaries; in many cases, huddled together like brutes, without regard to sex, or age, or sense of decency; grown men and women sleeping together in the same apartment, and sometimes wife and husband, brothers and sisters, in the same bed. Under such circumstances, self-respect, forethought, all high and noble virtues soon die out, and sullen indifference and despair, or disorder, intemperance and utter degradation, reign supreme.

The committee close their report with recommendations that owners should be compelled by]

THE following lines, by Miss Catherine Ponsonby, a blind lady, are from a volume of poems just issued from the Edinburgh press.

Hail! holy Light! in memory dwells
A vision of thine image bright;

Of past and perished bliss it tells,
When heaven poured radiance on my sight:
The beauty of that vanished scene

My darkened eyes can never see;
A dream of brightness that has been
Is all that now remains to me!

Though darkness shrouds me, gentle beams
Of mercy cheer my clouded view;
The love of Jesus sweetly seems

To pierce the shadow's deepest hue.
Can orbs imprisoned e'er control

Heaven's holy effluence of light,
Poured in its richness on the soul,
To beam-and bless my spirit's sight?
Nor loved familiar face, or form,

Nor glowing tints in beauty's guise,
Nor ocean in its calm or storm,

Nor splendors of the starry skies;
Not one illuminating spark

Of living brightness can I see;
But Jesus shines where all is dark-
His glory is a sun to me!

And when I leave this troubled scene,
His blessed and benignant love,
Bright 'mid the gloom my soul has seen,
Shall beam in cloudless bliss above.
Mine eyes shall then behold his face,
No night-no darkness then shall be;
The glories of his love and grace,
In light shall be revealed to me.

TO THE BINDER. - Title and Index of Vol. XXIV., are in the middle of this Number.

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POETRY Disunion; Miner's Dream, 590; Return of Prosperity, 592; The Flag of our Union, 597; Father to his Son, on leaving for California; Emigrant Mother to her Children, 598; The Life Book; Valley of Dry Bones; They were Lovely and Pleasant, 602; Daily Life of the Christian Child; Out of the Depths, 614; Hail Holy Light, 619.

SHORT ARTICLES: A Faithful Slave Liberated; Garrick's First Appearance in London, 589; Black Statue to Carlyle, 592; Testimony concerning William Penn, 601; Bible in 1782; Coleridge; Beautiful Ignorance 606; England and the United States; MS. of The Farewell Address, 613; Old Whitey and Gen. Taylor; Report of Cholera in Boston, 618.

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Complete sets, in twenty-four volumes, to the end of March, 1850, handsomely bound, packed in neat boxes, and delivered in all the principal cities, free of expense of freight, are for sale at forty-eight dollars.

Any volume may he had separately at two dollars, bound, or a dollar and a half in numbers.

Any number may be had for 12 cents; and it may be worth while for subscribers or purchasers to complete any broken volumes they may have, and thus greatly enhance their value.

Binding. We bind the work in a uniform, strong, and good style; and where customers bring their numbers in good order, can generally give them bound volumes in exchange without any delay. The price of the binding is 50 cents a volume. As they are always bound to one pattern, there will be no difficulty in matching the future volumes.

Agencies. We are desirous of making arrangements in all parts of North America, for increasing the circulation of this work-and for doing this a liberal commission will be allowed to gentlemen who will interest themselves in the business. And we will gladly correspond on this subject with any agent who will send us undoubted refer


Postage.-When sent with the cover on, the Living Age consists of three sheets, and is rated as a pamphlet. at 4 cents. But when sent without the cover, it comes within the definition of a newspaper given in the law, and cannot legally be charged with more than newspaper postage, (14 cts.). We add the definition alluded to:A newspaper is "any printed publication, issued in numbers, consisting of not more than two sheets, and published at short, stated intervals of not more than one month, conveying intelligence of passing events."

Monthly parts.-For such as prefer it in that form, the Living Age is put up in monthly parts, containing four or five weekly numbers. In this shape it shows to great advantage in comparison with other works, containing in each part double the matter of any of the quarterlies.. But we recommend the weekly numbers as fresher and fuller of life. Postage on the monthly parts is about 14 cents. The volumes are published quarterly, each volume containing as much matter as a quarterly review gives in eighteen months.


WASHINGTON, 27 Dee. 1845.

Or all the Periodical Journals devoted to literature and science which abound in Europe and in this country, this has appeared to me the most useful. It contains indeed the exposition only of the current literature of the English language, but this, by its immense extent and comprehension, includes a portraiture of the human mind in the utmost expansion of the present age.


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